Hair olive oil. Mask recipes

Hair olive oil. Mask recipes

Olive oil is used not only for cooking, it has long been used to improve hair structure. Using masks with this product, you can restore damaged hair, give it a healthy, unique shine and accelerate their growth. In addition, the beneficial effect of oil on the skin of the head allows you to save you dandruff.

The benefits of olive hair oil

Oil from the fruits of evergreen wood - European olives contain a number of scarce components that are used for the production of various cosmetics, in particular: shampoos, masks, balms, air conditioners.

First of all, unique oil from olive fruits is made polyphenolssaturated, unsaturated fatty acid. It is in the content of the latter that this product ranks first among its "relatives." Unsaturated acids ( linolenova, linoleva, oleinova) in olive oil - 70%. The remaining 30% includes vitamins (A, c, d, e, k), phytosterols, mineralsand other ingredients.

Now we will study in more detail the beneficial properties of the natural treasure on the hair and scalp.

  1. The oil provides hydration, optimal nutrition with dry, lifeless, brittle strands and skin.
  2. Due to the effects of vitamins, acids, hair becomes more resistant to external adverse factors. The product provides protection against the action of hairdries, ironing, etc.
  3. Using masks with butter, you will forget about dandruff, split tips, hair loss.
  4. The presence of phytosterols provides hair follicles with the necessary elements, which gives acceleration for hair growth.
  5. In addition to the above - after using the panacea, even painted, burnt strands will acquire their original appearance over time.

Important: olive oil - a natural storehouse of vitamins, antioxidants, mono -saturated fatty acids. It is thanks to its composition that it affects dry, oily, normal hair equally well.

How to use olive hair for hair?

In order not to harm your hair, correctly prepare compounds with oil from olives. Applying the following rules, you can guaranteed to achieve the necessary result.

  • Firstly-buy a quality product, do not take a surrogate fork.
  • Before adding the product to the mixture (mask), be sure to slightly heat the oil, so you activate its beneficial properties.
  • Correct the dosage in the compositions for your own type of hair. If you have thick, long curls, then increase the number of ingredients.
  • Use only high -quality, not overdue products for the mask.
  • Start applying the mixture on the skin, and then on the strands (from above-down).
  • After applying the drug, put on your head at first a plastic bag, and then a scarf or towel. The components are more efficient in a warm environment.
  • The course of the mask is determined individually. If there are no irritating substances in the composition, then hold it for about 55 minutes.
  • Rinse the mixture in a certain order. First, thoroughly soap the curls with shampoo, foam it well, only then rinse with warm water. Oil is a fat product, so you may have to wash off a second time.
  • It is recommended to carry out the procedure no more than once every seven days.

Important: olive oils are not suitable for hair, which have an inscription on the label: Olive Oil, Oliv Pomac Oil. These products are not intended for cosmetic hair procedures.

Recipes for masks with olive oil for dry hair

So, you decided to make a recharge with your dry, thin strands, using mixtures with oil from olives. First, study the previous point, and then proceed to the preparation of your favorite consistency.

  • RECIPE: For this composition, take two components (jojoba oil, olive oil) in an amount of one to one. Heat them to 39-40 ° C, then mix, immediately apply to the entire length of the curls. Start action with the roots. Such a solution will not only moisturize your curls, but also save them from brittleness.
  • RECIPE: Prepare a cocktail of three components: castor, burdock, olive. Take the components in the same proportions. Do not forget to heat them before mixing. Link the solution on the hair. Wrap with a terry, soft towel, hold for about an hour.
  • RECIPE: A great remedy for giving dry curls of shine is a composition with avocado. Grind the fruit, you will need three tablespoons of the pulp, add warm oil from olives (two large spoons) there. Gently smear the skin at the roots of the hair and the strands themselves. Keep the mixture for an hour.

Recipes for masks with olive oil for damaged hair

Such mixtures are desirable to apply to unwashed strands. And note that you need to keep them on the head for no more than thirty minutes, since there are aromatic aromas in the composition of masks.

  • RECIPE: In a small plate, mix the warm oil of olive (three large spoons) with aromatic oils: ylang-ylang (one drop), chamomile (also a droplet). Dimmer your curls, rinse after 27-30 minutes.
  • RECIPE: Again, take a clean vessel, pour three tablespoons into it with a pleasantly warm oil oil. Then drop one drop of essential oils (petitgrane, Santalovo). Distribute the consistency on curls evenly using a wooden comb.

The following mixtures also help to cope with the problem of damaged hair.

  • RECIPE: Heat the May honey (2 large spoons) and oil from olives (3 tablespoons) to a temperature of 40ºС. Mix. Apply to the skin and hair. Keep the mixture for 56 minutes.
  • RECIPE: Well replenishes the resource of damaged strands and prevents the loss of weakened, brittle hair composition with cognac. Heat alcohol and oil in the same proportions, mix. The mask is ready.

Recipes for masks with olive oil for hair tips

You can treat the ends of damaged curls with one oil. It is enough to heat it to 38-40ºС and just lower the ends of the curls for twenty minutes. Of course, it is not very convenient to sit for so much time in this position. For impatients, it is better to make a mask over the entire length of your hair. The result will also be positive.

There are other combined mixtures that save the ends well from damage.

  • RECIPE: Beat the yolk. Pour the cold oil oil into the cup, add a large spoonful of vinegar (apple) there, at the end, interfere in the solution of the yolk. Heat the consistency in a water bath. Process the ends of your strands. Wash off in thirty minutes.
  • RECIPE: Buy a colorless henna. Pour half a pack into the salad bowl. Pour boiling water or hot milk there, mix to get a density of consistency, like a bazaar sour cream. Pour two tablespoons of oil into the mixture. Mix thoroughly, use.

Recipes for masks with olive oil for hair growth

To speed up the growth of curls, you will need to choose any of the olive oils described below.

  • RECIPE: Clean medium sizes on the bulb, squeeze the juice out of it. Yes, the lesson is not pleasant, but believe me - your tears are worth it. Mix the resulting juice with two tablespoons of oil (warm). Apply to the hair and pay special attention to the scalp. After 36-40 minutes, rinse off the composition.
  • RECIPE: This consistency cannot be done if you have damage to the skin of the head or you are hypersensitive. For the mask, mix tincture of red burning pepper with olive oil. It is recommended to take them in equal shares. Keep the mixture for no more than 25-28 minutes. Then rinse well both strands and scalp.

Important: before the use of any mask, which includes the ingredients you previously previously, make a trial test on the wrist.

Masks at night with hair olive oil

If you prefer to do the procedure at night, then study a few useful recommendations. First, do not apply the mixture a few minutes before bedtime. Start the process early (in an hour or half). Before applying the composition, comb the curls. Cover the pillow with a towel. After all, the remnants of the consistency will remain on its surface, especially since the plastic cap should not be worn on the head for the whole night. The skin should breathe.

The recipe for masks at night is somewhat different from the usual, judge for yourself.

  • RECIPE: Take a large spoonful of mustard, mix with kefir (225 grams), add two tablespoons of one oil oil. Apply to the hair. Wrap your head with a towel or a dense scarf. Wash off the remnants of the mixture in the morning.
  • RECIPE: Boil a decoction of a pharmacy burdock. To do this, add one large spoonful of tea to a cup of water. When it is infused, add the yolk, two tablespoons of one oil oil. Apply.
  • RECIPE: Mix two tablespoons of carrot juice, apples in a bowl, add a spoonful of aloe juice, a spoonful of olive oil. Squeeze the skin well, and then the hair. Wash off in the morning.

Video - Olive hair oil: tips and reviews

The use of oil from olives for growth, improving the structure, giving a healthy appearance to hair is a common process. Therefore, there are so many reviews and information about its application on the Internet. In general, there are more positive opinions than negative. The main part of negative reviews is associated with improper use of this component.

Often girls complain that washing oil from strands is quite not easy. To cope with the problem, see the tips described below.

  • Tip: Dissolve two large spoons of mustard powder in a bowl. Rinse your head in the resulting water. After that, rinse under running water.
  • Tip: prepare a shampoo from rye flour. Add 125 grams of flour, then pour warm water there to make it not very thick. Pour homemade shampoo in the head and hair. Hold for three minutes, rinse thoroughly.

As you can see, using quite affordable means that you can buy in any nearby supermarket, you yourself can organize a home beauty salon. As a result, your luxurious strands will not be inferior to the curls of a girl who has just visited the cosmetic hall.

Video: olive oil. The benefits in cosmetology

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