Mioclonia of sleep: causes, symptoms, treatment. Mioclonia of sleep in adults and children: pathology or norm?

Mioclonia of sleep: causes, symptoms, treatment. Mioclonia of sleep in adults and children: pathology or norm?

Causes, symptoms and methods of treating myoclonia of sleep.

Mioclonia sleep- this is A phenomenon in which muscle spasm is observed and fading in one position. Causesmioclonia Both physiological and pathological. In this article we will talk more aboutmioclonia sleep. 

Mioclonia: what is it, symptoms

With physiological myoclonia, muscle cramps are absolutely normal. This is a kind of answer to stimuli. Most often this is observed during fright, with hiccups, and in unexpected situations. The human body can shudder during the reaction to a specific stimulus. However, many of us have encountered sleep myoclonia. The situation worries the parents of young children.

During falling asleep, the child may shudder, thereby waking up. Throughout the night, there can be several such shudder, which causes insomnia and violations, both in children and adults. Many parents with this problem come to a neuropathologist, since the phenomenon does not allow the child to sleep normally, violating the dream of parents.

Myoclonia, what is it, symptoms:

  • There is nothing wrong in the situation, since myoclonia is a kind of sign that indicates that the body goes from a state of wakefulness to sleep.
  • Shuddering is observed only in the period of naps, when high activity of consciousness is fixed. Eye apples can move during this phase, the eyelids can be partially ajar.
  • At the same time, the body can shut up, move his fingers, and a person in a dream will turn over. The phenomenon is not a pathology, due to physiological processes. There are active processes that provoke trembling in the mind. 
The child is sleeping
The child is sleeping

Mioclonia, what is this disease?

The phenomenon is considered a pathology only if it is observed during wakefulness, that is, it does not occur in a dream. A person has something similar to one of the symptoms of an epileptic seizure. Hands can freeze, fixed in a certain position, and the muscles are strained. 

Pathological myoclonia, what kind of disease are the causes:

  • Epilepsy 
  • Violation of the brain parts in the work 
  • Cranial injury, concussion 
  • Malignant and benign tumors in brain tissues
  • Violations in the area of \u200b\u200bnerve fibers and systems 
  • Joints of the joints and the bone system 
  • Ailments of the cardiovascular system 
  • Diabetes 
  • Endocrine disorders associated with the work of the thyroid gland 
  • Serious spinal injuries or traumatic brain injuries 
  • Circulatory disorders 
  • Parkinson's disease 
  • Renal failure 
  • Anemia 

It can be found both in adulthood and in childhood. Often, kids up to 1 year old, which are observed in a neuropathologist, suffer. Mioclonia is the result of improper birth, injury. 

In the kingdom of Morpheus
In the kingdom of Morpheus

Mioclonia when falling asleep in adults: Reasons

During the departure to sleep, the position of the body changes, and all the functions of the body are slowed down. Lights work much more calmly, the number of heart beats per minute is reduced. Accordingly, the pulse becomes slow. This period of consciousness gives through neural bonds signals into the muscles, due to which they are reduced. That is why small twitching arises.

Mioclonia when falling asleep in adults, reasons:

  • Scientists did not fully determine what causedmioclonia sleep, considering the phenomenon the result of an increase in brain activity. According to some experts, the body evaluates a decrease in the frequency of breaths and exhalations, as well as heart contractions, as a threat to the body, so he tries to activate muscle function and prepare them for sharp movements.
  • Other scientists believe that when the naps change to a deep sleep, consciousness provokes bursts of waves, resulting in an involuntary muscle contraction. The most interesting thing is that neurologists connect the phenomenon With rebooting the nervous system. It is believed that all the negative energy that is acquired in a day leaves the body.
  • That is, the body is trying to cope with stress, removing it in this way. That is why, while going to bed, small convulsions, shaking, as well as spasms in the hands and legs may appear. It is these convulsions that cause muscle relaxation and rebooting the nervous system.
Deep sleep
Deep sleep

Night myoclonia: pathology or norm? 

It is believed that this is a physiological phenomenon, has not been studied to the end at the moment. During the research, doctors found out that there are two varieties of shaking or seizures of the limbs, while going to bed.

Positivemioclonus - this is Active contraction of muscles. That is, during the transition from a state of wakefulness to sleep, a person has sharply reduced arms and legs. The eyelids may also tremble. Sometimes observedgraising The whole body, which can cause awakening.

Negativemioclonus - Relaxation of the nerve endings and a decrease in muscle tone. Convulsions are observed, that is, twitching, or a little shaking, similar to tremor.During Phenomena There is no need to have any specific movements. They can be both synchronous or asynchronous. A rhythm or its absence can be observed. Often spasms are spontaneous or reflex. As a result of overvoltage, a shudder of the face can be observed, a person can smile or twitch. 

If the convulsions are obsessive, repeated every night, contribute to awakening, this indicates pathologies.If constant spasms are observed during naps, as a result of which a person awakens, it is first necessary to diagnose the disease. Perhaps shudder is a symptom of a serious disease. 

In the kingdom of Morpheus
In the kingdom of Morpheus

Types of myoclonia in adults

Types of myoclonia in adults can be recognized by symptoms. If the spasm of muscle tissue is observed only during a nap, it is repeated infrequently, throughout the sleep, then it is not a pathology. However, if the naps are observed throughout the entire period, regardless of phases, often leads to awakening, interferes with normal rest, then this is considered a pathology. If a person often shudders in a dream, from this wakes up, insomnia and a violation of the wakefulness regime arise, it is necessary to contact the doctor. 

Doctors share some featuresmioclonia at falling asleep: 

  • Most often they are not tied to some part of the body, so they appear in different areas. 
  • Sometimes people have pronounced convulsions, or in the form of small tremor. 
  • When a person falls in a dream, it is also calledmyoclonic spasm. 
  • Most often spasm It may occur in the process of naps. 
In the kingdom of Morpheus
In the kingdom of Morpheus

Mioclonia of sleep in children

Often shudder is found in a child, it is physiological and pathological. Indeed, in infants are more often than in preschool and school age, cramps are observed during naps.

Mioclonia of sleep in children:

  • This is due to the development of brain and nervous system tissue. The work of the nervous system in the baby differs from an adult, he has a deep sleep phases much shorter than a quick one. Thus, a quick dream prevails.
  • Accordingly, night shudder in children is much larger than in adults. Kids can shudder throughout the night, because there are much more fast phases than a phases of deep sleep. In the process of shudder, the activity of cell division and processes in consciousness changes.
  • Usually parents are told not to worry if the child shudders in a dream. This is absolutely normal for children. But if, along with this phenomenon, there are daytime convulsions, or shaking of the limbs, then the child should be taken to a neurologist. 

How to deal with myoclonia when falling asleep?

Is it necessary to treat myoclonia? If there is an infrequent shudder during a nap, while twitching of the limbs and the body is observed, then you should not consult a doctor. You need to try to normalize your dream. In some cases, this is enough so that trembling in a dream does not wake a person. 

How to deal with myoclonia when falling asleep:

  • It is necessary to establish a mode, and go to bed at the same time. An ideal option will be to fit until 23:00. Before going to bed, do not drink alcohol and coffee. If a person has problems with sleep, then it is best to take sleeping pills or relaxing drugs on herbs.
  • Among them, glycine, Novopassit can be distinguished. It is also necessary to take a warm bath before going to bed, but try to swim for long, for 10 minutes. Water should not be hot. Be sure to introduce a lot of greenery, parsley, dill into your diet.
  • They contain substances that soothe the nervous system. If the spasm is repeated often, cancel tea and coffee during the day. Replace them with fruit drinks, decoctions or ordinary mineral water.
  • Be sure to resort to physical exertion during the day. It is believed that if a person to practice well during the day, spent his strength and energy, then the likelihood of convulsions is reduced.
  • Sedding drugs are sometimes recommended, but only if shudder is triggered by depression, or malfunctions in the work of the nervous system. Do not resort to treatment yourself, and purchase any drugs in the pharmacy that the pharmacist advised. The fact is that often repeated shudies, convulsions in a dream that contribute to awakening may indicate serious diseases. Therefore, in this case, it is better to consult a doctor. 
In the kingdom of Morpheus
In the kingdom of Morpheus

Mioclonia of sleep: What is missing in the body?

Very often, myoclonia, which was not previously observed, arose out of the blue, is explained by a change in power. The man sat on a diet, or his daily diet has changed.

Myoclonia of sleep, which is missing in the body:

  • With a lack of some minerals and trace elements, convulsions in the muscles may occur. Most often, this occurs with a lack of iron, that is, with anemia, as well as in the case of magnesium and potassium deficiency.
  • The muscles cannot function normally and shudder. Special treatment is not required, but it is necessary to revise the diet, also include additional use of minerals and trace elements in the menu.
  • It can be vitamin, combined drugs that can be found in any pharmacy. Most often, shudder appears during the off -season, when the amount of fresh fruits and vegetables decreases in the diet. 

Why does myoclon of sleep occur with a lack of magnesium, potassium?

A healthy person contains approximately 50-70 g of magnesium. A large number of trace elements are contained in bones, from 60 to 70%. With a lack of calcium and magnesium, the work of the whole organism is disturbed.

Why does myoclonia of sleep occur with a lack of magnesium, potassium:

  • As a result of a deficiency of these trace elements, there is a myoclon of sleep. With a deficiency of magnesium and calcium, convulsive syndrome can be observed, and it will be repeated not only in a dream, but also in the daytime.
  • In addition, a person has a number of other symptoms: goose skin, pimples on the surface of the epidermis, which are not provoked by temperature changes and cold.
  • Switching syndrome, increased nervous excitability is also characteristic. If a person has poor sleep, myoclonia, trembling during naps and wakefulness, then it is necessary to pay attention to the concentration of calcium and magnesium in the blood. 

Mykimia and myoclonia: Differences

Miokimia and myoclonia are different phenomena, although both are accompanied by twitching.

Mykimia and myoclonia, differences:

  • With mymiyimi, a muscle spasm is observed in the eye area, the eyelid twitches.
  • Often this is observed with increased excitability, during stressful situations, or during physical exertion, as well as with emotional overstrain. 
  • Mykimia is in no way connected with the drift process, and can be found in the process of wakefulness.
  • But myoclonia can manifest itself in a dream with light twitching of the eyes or other facial muscles.
  • The phenomenon is accompanied by twitching in the upper or lower extremities. 
Deep sleep
Deep sleep

Mercury and myoclonia

Poisoning with mercury leads to a mass of negative symptoms, first of all this metal affects the nervous system.

Mercury and myoclonia:

  • Neural bonds are violated, the signal is poorly transmitted from the brain to other parts of the body.
  • With poisoning inorganic mercury, which is contained in the paintwork, or in an ordinary mercury thermometer, convulsions, muscle weakness, as well as myoclonia in a dream can be observed.
  • Therefore, if not so long ago you broke a thermometer, and one of the family members in a dream appeared myoclonia, trembling, as well as cramps, a doctor’s consultation and appropriate treatment are needed. 
In the kingdom of Morpheus
In the kingdom of Morpheus

Treatment of myoclonia in children and adults

No serious drugs, as well as psychotropic substances, relaxing drugs should not be taken without the recommendation of the doctor.

The principles of treatment with myoclonia:

  • A psychotherapist or psychiatrist is engaged in treatment if spasms arose as a result of organic changes in brain tissues. Typically, for such purposes, convules, clonazepam are used. These are serious tranquilizers or relaxing drugs that affect the nervous system.
  • Medicines are not prescribed to absolutely healthy people. At the initial stage, if there are no violations, but trembling interferes with sleep, it is best to contact the doctor. Usually he prescribes sedatives, as well as substances that contribute to relaxation. Often prescribed tincture of valerian, motherwort, or person. 
  • Can be installed in the roomaroma lampin which lavender oil is dripped. In addition, it is advisable to establish a wakefulness and sleep mode in a child, put it on a daytime sleep at the same time. This also applies to night sleep.
  • 1 hour before falling asleep, any games, gadgets, as well as cartoons are excluded. It is best to lie down, tell your child a fairy tale or make a relaxing massage. Do not allow children to walk late, watch horror stories. Any horror films, terrible computer and telephone games can cause seizures, provoke difficulties in falling asleep. 
  • If now the period of stress, take antidepressants. Useful classes of yoga and self -hypnosis, auto -training. Try to change your attitude to what is happening, it will make you calmer.
Pleasant dreams
Pleasant dreams

To fight with myoclonia Sleep in a child who often leads to awakening, you can not use serious tranquilizers and sedatives. The perfect option will be the use of herbal infusions, as well as valerianbath Or a bath with lavender.

Video: Myoklonia of sleep


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