Microc which eyebrows: what is it, contraindications, advantages and disadvantages, what girls are suitable?

Microc which eyebrows: what is it, contraindications, advantages and disadvantages, what girls are suitable?

Eyebrow micro -shearing is a modern procedure that helps to achieve naturalness and attractiveness of form. Read more about it in the article.

A beautiful emphasized eyebrow line always indicates a woman's grooming. The days were passed when the girls painted them simply with a pencil. The arcs turned out to be different in shape, not always beautiful and correct.

Read in another article on our website about to whom the eyebrow transplant is shown and contraindicated. You will learn about the reasons, and how this procedure is performed.

Now in beauty salons, masters offer modern techniques that will help make eyebrows natural, neat with an attractive shape. Microc which is popular technique. Read more about it in the article.

What is eyebrow microcuscling?

Microc which eyebrows
Microc which eyebrows

Microc which is the technique of permanent eyebrow makeup, which is created using microscopic points (pixels) by spraying, and gives a powdery effect. Now the procedure is gaining popularity. The girls who have passed it note the naturalness and attractiveness of the shape of the eyebrows, as well as their rich shade. However, it will not work for lovers of clear boundaries.

Fundamentals of microcoster technique: what is the benefit?

The essence of the technique is to apply a tattoo in small points that create the appearance of shadows or eyebrow pencils. The machine needle enters the skin shallow, introducing the paint only into its upper layers, so the procedure is perfect for those who have a low pain threshold, since the sensations are not so painful than with other similar operations. The basics of microcoster technique:

  • During the implementation of the procedure, several types of needles are used: flat, round and zigzag.
  • Needles are inserted into a special machine, similar to the handle, their number can reach 18 pieces.
  • Thin needles are used to create the lower border and tail, getting rid of propharyans.
  • Larger needles are used to fill the main part of the eyebrow, and with the help of round ones, the effect of smoothness is achieved.

After undergoing a microcoster procedure, it seems that good makeup is applied on the eyebrows, not tattooing. The procedure solves a large number of problems of modern girls. This is its benefit:

  • Corrects eyebrows made earlier by other techniques.
  • Studies too clear and rough microblading lines.
  • Gives a visual volume.
  • Gives the most natural look to the eyebrows.
  • If the hairs grow unevenly, it helps to achieve a clearer contour.

Many girls think that microcoster and microblading are one and the same. But this is not so. Read further.

The difference between microcostering and microblading

The result of a combination of microblading and microcoster
The result of a combination of microblading and microcoster

Both techniques are similar in name, as well as in execution. When passing both procedures, the machine introduces the pigment into the upper layers of the skin using needles. The main difference is the technique of drawing and the final result. Microblading means drawing individuals of eyebrows and a clear circuit. Microcoding is carried out by applying a large number of small points that create the effect of spraying.

Two procedures are often used together, since in this case the creation of the most beautiful and even eyebrows is achieved. Microc which carefully fills all the gaps and saturates with color, and microblading gives the clarity of outlines.

What girls are suitable for eyebrow microcusting?

Microc which eyebrows
Microc which eyebrows

Any girl using daily makeup knows the problem of its constant adjustment. It is influenced by all external factors: cold, heat, rain, snow, bathing and any incorrect movement of the hand. That is why women are increasingly choosing to go to the tattoo procedure. But every woman, choosing this type of cosmetic service, is worried about whether the result is suitable for her. What girls are suitable for microcostering?

This procedure is recommended to owners of such eyebrows:

  • Unnecessarily dull and bright
  • Thick but thin
  • With a noticeable difference between hair and eyebrows
  • Unevenly thick
  • With asymmetry of the form
  • Highlighted by the sun
  • With an uneven tone

Most of all, the procedure is relevant for girls with hair with all the shades of the blond. However, the owners of darker eyebrows, using microcoster, can make an additional emphasis on them. When working, the master individually selects the number of points and the density of their location, which excludes the possibility of obtaining an ugly result. Thus, microcoster is suitable for all those who want to get rid of daily torment with constant makeup of various means.

Microster contraindications: List

Like any procedure, microcoster has contraindications. Here is their list:

  • Hemophilia, epilepsy, hepatitis, diabetes mellitus
  • Malignant neoplasms
  • Pregnancy, lactation
  • High pressure
  • Various skin diseases in the stage of exacerbation
  • Intolerance and allergies to pigment components
  • Heart disease
  • A large number of moles and other formations in the eyebrow area

Also study the pros and cons of the procedure. Read further.

Advantages and disadvantages of eyebrow microcostering: List

Microc which eyebrows
Microc which eyebrows

To understand whether it is worth going to some kind of cosmetic procedure, you need to find out all its advantages and flaws.

The advantages of microcostering are a list:

  • The application technique does not leave behind micro-shifts and scars, as in microblading.
  • The needle enters the skin shallow, so the healing process is accelerated, and the sensations are not so painful.
  • It turns out in the end a natural look. Due to the fuzzy drawing of borders, the eyebrows look natural.
  • After the procedure, the eyebrows acquire a visual volume and density.
  • It practically does not cause skin irritation and is better tolerated than microblading.

This is a great solution for girls with sensitive skin, prone to fat content and irritations.


  • We need correction. The paint is quickly washed off after the first application (after 1 month). However, in the future, the result will last a sufficient amount of time - 1.5-2 years.
  • For girls who love clear expressive contours, neatly shading and soft transitions will seem more a disadvantage than an advantage.

As you can see, this procedure has more advantages. Therefore, you can safely use it to create a beautiful eyebrow line.

How is the shape of the eyebrows selected?

Eyebrow shape for microstering
Eyebrow shape for microstering

After the girl decided, and made a choice in favor of a microcoster, you need to decide what eyebrows to make the master. How is the shape of the eyebrows selected? The choice depends on the oval of the face.

  • For an oval face Horizontal eyebrows with a small crease are suitable. However, he should not be strong. A steep bend visually eliminates the shape of the face. Also, do not draw thick wide eyebrows, otherwise the gaze will turn out to be too harsh.
  • Round face On the contrary, it is necessary to lengthen. Therefore, the broken eyebrow should make it cooler. Round eyebrows in this case only copy facial features. But a wide beginning with a base that turns into a thin end will be an excellent addition to the appearance.
  • Owners of a square face The arched shape of the eyebrows is suitable. If you well draw a rounded line with a smooth fracture, you can make them more bright and wide. This type of person is contraindicated to draw clear thin eyebrows with a strong fracture.
  • The main task for the master who will work with a heart -shaped face, is to soften its lines and remove imbalances. This will help a slightly raised break and a soft bend. Do not give the eyebrows the shape of a flat line.
  • Classic with a slightly larger borders is suitable for persons like rhombus. Strong breaks will burden the face.
  • Elongated faces They look good with even eyebrows that are now gaining popularity.

So, the choice of the shape and line of the eyebrows is made, you can proceed to the procedure itself. Do not worry, if you cannot decide on the form, then the master will definitely help you. Do not forget to prepare for the procedure also. Read further.

Carrying out the microcoster procedure: Stages and preparation

Carrying out the microcoster procedure
Carrying out the microcoster procedure

As for any cosmetic procedure, it is necessary to prepare for microcostering:

  • Refuse alcohol consumption A few days before going to a specialist. This is done because alcohol reduces the effect of painkillers. So there are drinks such as coffee, energy. Nicotine, which is contained in cigarettes, also reduce the effect of anesthesia.
  • Do not light up 2 weeks before the procedure.
  • Refuse drugscontributing to the liquefaction of blood.
  • Refrain from plucking eyebrows for a week.
  • Do not apply makeup before the procedure And do not use hygiene products with a scrubbing effect.
  • Refuse to go to the salon for the microcoster procedure during menstruation. You can set a date for the middle of the cycle, since at this time the body is least susceptible to pain.

The process of microcostering itself occupies about 2 hours. Most of the time is drawing an eyebrow stencil. The procedure itself consists of several stages:

Carrying out the microcoster procedure
Carrying out the microcoster procedure
  • Skin processing with a degreasing agent.
  • Draw a sketch of eyebrows with a special pencil.
  • Skin processing with an antiseptic.
  • Plucking excess hairs and applying an anesthetic drug.
  • Filling out the layout of the eyebrows by giving it.
  • Applying a healing medicine.

The client should make sure that the needles open before her eyes in order to be confident in their sterility.

After the eyebrow microcoster procedure: care

After the microcoster procedure
After the microcoster procedure

After the process of the microcoster procedure, the color of the eyebrows will be brighter than the chosen in advance, this should not be scared. After a while, the pigment is washed out, and remains 40-60 percent. What is leaving? Read more:

  • The healing process does not pass instantly - the lord is released for several more days, redness of the skin near the eyebrows is observed.
  • In order for such a process to go faster, you need to refrain from swimming in pools, visiting baths, saunas and a solarium, receiving hot baths - for 10 days.
  • The first 3 days It is better to avoid any water on the eyebrow. Better not wash yourself at all. Make sure that dirt does not get on the eyebrows.
  • It is forbidden to apply cosmetics to the healing areas of the skin.
  • Refuse tanning in the sun.

The most important: Do not tear off or comb the crusts on the eyebrows. It’s better not to touch them at all. Violation of the natural healing process can lead to a loss of effect and color.

During the healing, it is necessary to carefully treat the places where the procedure was carried out, an antiseptic and healing drugs that the master will prescribe. It is worth knowing:

  • As mentioned above, eyebrows require adjustments a month after the procedure, after which, the effect of powder application will last about 1.5 years.
  • Such a short time is explained by the fact that the needles drive the pigment shallow into the skin, but only into its upper layers.
  • However, the impact of various external factors is also not excluded. With the most favorable outcome, eyebrows remain well -groomed up to 3-4 years.

Care is necessary not only during healing, but also in everyday life. Do not forget that the brown area always needs to take care of it. After all, it is with the help of this line that over the eyes that we express emotions, and their well -groomed appearance sets the tone of the entire appearance of the face. Therefore, there are a number of standard home procedures recommended by cosmetologists in order to maintain the beauty of this part of the face:

  • To cleanse makeup, it is necessary to use soft products - foam and gels.
  • Each girl had such cases when there was no strength to remove makeup at night, and I want to go to bed faster. Experts note that do not do this often. The fact is that decorative cosmetics clogs pores, which is why hair growth slows down, and they become weak and dull.
  • After moisturizing the face with cream, can be applied to the hairs of eyebrows of burdock or coconut oil.
  • The hairs need to be combed daily with a special brush. This contributes to the flow of blood to the bulbs.
  • It is important to do massage, as it has a positive effect on hairs. The actions are simple: gently knead the arcs, pat and tie them with your fingertips.

It is worth noting that eyebrow hairs grow well if you make compresses from herbal teas. One of the recommended recipes:

  • A teaspoon of black tea and the same amount of dried chamomile pour 150 ml boiling water.
  • Insist during 2 hours.
  • After the past tense, soak the cotton pad in the solution and attach to the eyebrows on 20 minutes.

There is nothing complicated in care after the procedure. Listen to the advice of the master and fulfill them unquestioningly, then your eyebrows will delight with their beauty, and the appearance - irresistibility.

Microc which: the price of the procedure

It is impossible to name the exact price of the microcoster procedure, since it depends on the region, the skill of the cosmetologist and the availability of work experience.

  • The average cost is in the range from 5 to 7 thousand rubles.
  • The cost of correction, as a rule, is approximately half the cost of the procedure itself, and in small cities it may start with 1000 rubles.
  • When choosing a salon, it is better not to save every penny, since the mistake of the master or low -quality materials can very spoil the appearance.
  • Not always and the most expensive cosmetologist will be able to guarantee that the result will be good.
  • It is best to start not from the price, but from the work of the master. Well, if there is an opportunity to look at them live, for example, at a girlfriend or a familiar woman.

Remember that all procedures related to cosmetology, which means directly related to manipulations on the face, do not tolerate negligence in choosing a salon, master and excessive money saving.

Every girl wants to look fresh and beautiful. Eyebrows create a beautiful appearance of the face. Therefore, the procedures for their coloring should be treated very seriously: to choose the right shape, find a professional master, with good materials. Microc which is a procedure that can give a soft and natural look to the eyebrows. Therefore, this technique is now gaining more and more popularity. Make your face more beautiful to catch the admiring eyes of others. Good luck!

Video: powder spraying. Puff eyebrows-a master class from the top of the master of the Faculty of Beauty Natalia Savochkina

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