Is it possible to delete eyebrow tattooing with a laser: recommendations, the cost of the procedure, reviews

Is it possible to delete eyebrow tattooing with a laser: recommendations, the cost of the procedure, reviews

The history of tattooing is inextricable with the history of getting rid of it. You will learn about how to get rid of the tattoo of eyebrows from the article.

What just did not get rid of the unsuccessful or annoying tattoos: dermabrasion, acids, resorted to cryosurgery or infrared coagulation. But all such methods lead to scars and scarves, which are no less ugly than a boring tattoo.

Laser removal of eyebrow tattoo

  • Today, the most acceptable and popular method of removing eyebrow tattooing has become laser. Compared to his “predecessors”, it seems practically perfect, combining the most advanced technological operations with a cosmetic effect, achieved by the absence of noticeable scars and scars.

How many sessions are needed to completely remove the tattoo depends on the following factors:

  • How deeply the skin has penetrated the skin.
  • How your body reacts to a laser.
  • The quality of the paint, which was performed by a tattoo.
  • What color paint was used (the most easily removed is black).

Where can you remove the eyebrow tattoo with a neodymium laser?

  • Neodymal laser  to remove eyebrow tattoo - A relatively recent technology developed at the beginning of the century in America, and now it is one of the fastest and most universal, surpassing other methods.
  • A similar service in full and with guaranteed quality can only be obtained in expensive salons, where apparatuses are used by a cost comparable to premium machines.
  • Choosing a cheaper salon, you risk your skin, because the analogues of the apparatus made in China can not only not reduce the eyebrow tattoo completely, but also form scars on the skin.
  • The choice of a specialist is also important when removing eyebrow tattoo. If he has not only experience, but all the necessary certificates and diplomas for working with laser installations, then you can safely contact a similar Salon Studio.

Correction of permanent makeup, eyebrow tattoo: Description

  • How is the correction of permanent makeup, eyebrow tattooing? The session begins with the disinfection of the skin, applying a cooling gel acting as local anesthesia.
  • The eyes are protected by special glasses in which there are metal inserts.
  • During the laser exposure procedure occurs crushing the pigment and the excretion of the resulting nano-part through the lymphatic system.
  • The action of the impulse is very short -term, so the skin is not injured, and the effect occurs exclusively on the paint, without forming crusts.
  • Procedure laser removal of eyebrow tattooing It does not bring discomfort to the client, and the first partial clarification occurs instantly. The full result can be evaluated almost in a month.
Excellent result
Excellent result
  • The neodymium laser affects cold tint (purple, blue, black). With other shades, the effect begins with the loss of color intensity.
  • Sessions are held no more than once a month.

Red tattooing of eyebrows with a laser

  • Redness of eyebrows after tattooing It occurs for various reasons: from the incorrectly selected composition of the brown coloring pigment, burnout under the rays of the sun to incorrectly selected technology used in the application of the permanent, individual reaction of the body and improper eyebrow care.
  • The most effective removal of red eyebrow tattooing with a laser, destroying particles of paint, especially if it is a dark tone. But with the bright situation is more problematic.
  • The chemical composition of the paint also matters, depending on it, the eyebrows can become a gray shade after laser processing, reduce before turning down.
  • Perhaps also the use of acid peeling, dermabrasion, correction And lightening with the help of special drugs, but these methods do not always eliminate the problem completely.

Advantages and disadvantages of laser removal of eyebrow tattoo

The advantages of laser removal of eyebrow tattoo include:

  1. The departure from old methods when the colors of flowers were used, fraught with step “tails”, as well as painting over other shades that “camouflaged” the tattoo, then did not bring it.
  2. The minimally invasive of the procedure, the exclusion of injury and a relatively short recovery period, simple rules of skin care.
  3. The complete removal of the tattoo, since the neodymium laser leaves clean skin, without any traces of a tattoo.
  4. A small number of contraindications, mainly general surgical nature.
  5. The painlessness of the procedure, the lack of scars. Hair follicles also remain intact.
Has disadvantages and advantages
Has disadvantages and advantages

Among the minuses of the laser method of removing eyebrow tattooing:

  1. The duration of removal, including several courses - depending on how deeply the pigment penetrates, its color and skin condition, etc.
  2. Increasing the complexity of removal depending on the frequency of tattoo.
  3. Problematic removal of other colors, except black.
  4. The possibility of edema.
  5. In the presence of iron dioxide, a grayish or light shade of eyebrows may occur.

Contraindications to laser removal of eyebrow tattooing

  • Not recommended removing eyebrow tattooing laser Those who suffer from diabetes, diseases of the thyroid gland, vessels or blood, in the presence of oncology or AIDS, as well as if there are colloidal scars in the eyebrow.
  • In addition, such a procedure is not carried out for those who are not yet 18, pregnant, with a viral infection, wounds or burns in the area that should be exposed to the laser.
  • Do not resort to the laser and those who recently took sunbathing and covered with tan.

Care after removing eyebrow tattooing

  • First of all, any touch to the place should be excluded removal of eyebrow tattoo. You also need to take care of avoiding increased sweating, for which to exclude baths and saunas, gyms and pools during the healing of the skin.
  • It is also necessary to prevent contact with household chemicals.
Care is important
Care is important
  • In the cabin where you were carried out, you will be recommended an ointment or other tool that should be treated with the skin.

Does it hurt to remove the eyebrow tattoo with a laser?

  • Does it hurt to remove the eyebrow tattoo with a laser? If you heard about the pain that patients experienced during the procedure, most likely an inexperienced master worked with them, or removal was carried out using the equipment inappropriate to standards.
  • The master could simply not be able to use the laser, which is why he injured the skin, perhaps even causing bleeding, overstated the power or incorrectly focused the bundle.
  • If the equipment is used correctly, and the equipment is of high quality, then there are sensations of moderate pain, which is quite easy to tolerate.
The pain is moderate
The pain is moderate
  • Besides, with increased sensitivity Application anesthesia in the form of a cooling cream is used, which facilitates perception.

The cost of the eyebrow tattoo removal procedure

  • On average, the procedure removal of eyebrow tattoo laser costs an amount equivalent to $ 3 thousand.
  • One session costs from 1000 to 1500 rubles. At the same time, some salons work according to the discount system and provide them for subsequent sessions.

Reviews of laser removal of eyebrow tattooing

  • Anna, 32 years old. I made a tattoo on the eyebrows about four years ago, but now it seemed to me that my eyebrows were too causing, and I wanted to make them easier. The procedure took about 5 minutes, I was assigned only three sessions. What to say about the sensations? It was as if the current was slightly hit, in addition, there was a sensation of a slight burning sensation. But almost immediately I saw how my eyebrows were brightened. They were allowed to tint them with a pencil for a day later, and a few days later - and paint. There were small swelling and redness, but on the same day they disappeared.
  • Alena, 28 years old. I was absolutely not satisfied with the tattoo of eyebrows made by me, but I could only fight it with half measures: I used a hard scrub and foundation, covered it with a bang. But with the advent of the neodymium laser methodology, I had hope and I decided to remove tattooing. I was very afraid of pain, but I felt only a slight tingling. The hair of the eyebrows was discolored, then the places of eyebrows turned red, but after 3-4 hours the redness disappeared. After the second session, there was almost no paint left, and the third removed it completely. I never felt pain. Now my eyebrows are natural and I don’t think about the tattooing anymore.
  • Anna, 38 years old. For more than three years, I went with tattooing on the eyebrows and, frankly, all this time regretted that it was running to him, he did not look natural and beautiful. In addition, the color has become bluish-gray. Only then I decided to remove tattooing, while all the time fearing whether it would become even worse. It didn’t! The color approached the brown after the first procedure, the only problem is that with the tattoo, the pigment was applied unevenly, so it went the same. I was lucky to find a good experienced master who accurately determined the depth and uneven pigmentation, and the required number of procedures for this. After three sessions, I myself really like it, natural and no vulgar region! In addition, each new session is more painful and the consequences are much faster.

Removing eyebrow tattoo: tips and recommendations

  • To determine what the impact will have a laser on eyebrow tattoo, it is worth testing a small area.
  • Before the procedure, the master is obliged to put on special glasses on you. If he does not offer this, then you need to look for another salon and another master.
  • Do not sunbathe on the open sun and be sure to cover the eyebrows sunlight cream Before going out, otherwise pigment spots may appear.
  • Do not use cosmetic products containing alcohol until complete healing occurs.

Video: Experience in removing eyebrow tattooing

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