How to lighten your eyebrows after unsuccessful painting, unsuccessful tattooing: a stylist recommendations, instructions

How to lighten your eyebrows after unsuccessful painting, unsuccessful tattooing: a stylist recommendations, instructions

We eliminate the consequences of unsuccessful coloring of the eyebrows: how to lighten previously colored eyebrows.

The correct shape and color of the eyebrows make the face more fresh, interesting and young. In the event that the painting or biblioclastal was unsuccessful and the shade came out much darker than you initially planned, there are many professional and folk ways to lighten the eyebrows and thereby adjusting the shade to the desired. In this article, we have collected many options on how to lighten the eyebrows after unsuccessful staining or tattooing.

What is the color of the eyebrows perfect and how to choose the color of the eyebrows to your image?

So the girls are arranged that it is enough for us to look at a beautiful photo, and we light up the new idea of \u200b\u200b“improving” ourselves. And the eyebrows are no exception. But what is beautiful on one person is not permissible on the other. There is no ideal beauty formula, and it is not surprising that the ideal color of the eyebrows cannot also be.

A good example of how the face changes, changing only the saturation and shape of the eyebrows
A good example of how the face changes, changing only the saturation and shape of the eyebrows

How to choose the color of the eyebrows to your image? There is a golden rule:

  • In blondes, and all fair -haired eyebrows are recommended to be painted 2 tones darker than hair color;
  • In brunettes, a brown -haired man, saturatedly red and dark -haired eyebrows are recommended to be painted 2 tones lighter than hair color;
  • The underfill of eyebrows and hair should coincide (to warm shades of hair - warm embeds of eyebrows and vice versa). For ash blondes, you need an asphalt-gray toned, and for a straw sunny classic blonde with warm brownish halftones.
  • Barrow-black brunettes recommend dark, asphalt eyebrows, and a warm brown-haired woman-dark brown.

If you independently stain your eyebrows, you will definitely study the methods of how to lighten your eyebrows after unsuccessful painting. And if you visited the master, and he was too darkening your eyebrows, then immediately inform him about it, since he necessarily has specialized tools to remove shade saturation.

How to lighten your eyebrows after unsuccessful painting?

If you only plan to buy paint for independent painting eyebrows at home, immediately purchase a professional tool marked “to remove paint”, which may be called:

  • Remover;
  • Emulsion;
  • Liquid;
  • As well as a tonic for removing household and professional colors for eyebrows from the skin, if the color of the hairs suits you, but I want to remove the traces on the skin.

It is necessary to use these means in the first hour, after washing the paint, so you will achieve the best effect. In other cases, the effect will also be, but less pronounced.

Step -by -step instructions for lightening eyebrows using an emulsion
Step -by -step instructions for lightening eyebrows using an emulsion

Do not forget that the means to remove the color intensity as much as the coloring compositions, and each has its own instruction for use, which should be strictly followed in order to avoid negative consequences. But in general, all funds work similarly.

How to lighten your eyebrows after unsuccessful painting:

  • Wash your face, remove the remains of paint, cosmetics, fat and get wet with a dry cloth to remove excess moisture;
  • We open the tool with the instructions of which we previously familiarized ourselves, and squeeze a little composition on a cotton pad or cotton wand (if you need to remove a small area), and spread the hairs and skin with neat movements;
  • Wiping movements carefully work out the entire zone and wait for a certain time indicated on the package;
  • Wipe the product with a wet cotton pad, and only then wash with water so that the product does not get into the eyes.

How to lighten your eyebrows after an unsuccessful biotying with a professional tool?

The generation of our mothers enjoyed using new products in the field of chemical developments, and enthusiastically met the novelties in the cosmetic industry, not very thinking about the consequences. The current generation is increasingly inclined to naturalness. And if there is a choice between staining with a chemical formula for paint or biotye from henna, then the lion's share of the representatives of the generation Z chooses the henna as a natural component.

A cardinal change in hair color entails and a change in the shade of eyebrows
A cardinal change in hair color entails and a change in the shade of eyebrows

Prices in beauty salons are sky -high, and there is not always enough time in the crazy rhythm of life. Therefore, even if the girl visited the masters, sometimes she is still inclined to independently stain the eyebrows. And in the event that you have carried out the bioty of henna, and the reflection in the mirror does not like it, and the eyebrows seem to be a dark spot on the forehead, there is a problem how to lighten your eyebrows, but you do not completely remove the biota.

To do this, purchase along with eyebrow henna in the kit for removal of henna, which costs approximately the same as henna itself costs. The remover not only relieves saturation from the hairs, it also cleanses the skin well, which is especially important when you are just starting to paint your eyebrows yourself, and small errors occur.

Using it is very simple:

  • Wash your face thoroughly and dry with a napkin or a terry towel. Remember that all water -based products are removed with water. Therefore, if you apply a remover to wet skin - you only dilute it and the intensity of the action will decrease;
  • Squeeze a slightly product on the cosmetic disc and cover the necessary area with erased movements. You need to work carefully so that the remover does not drop in the eyes, for this, apply the product in small portions. If, nevertheless, the product enters the mucous membrane, quickly rinse with a large amount of running water. If the discomfort does not pass, consult a doctor;
  • We read the instructions and put the timer for the required time, but you can also remove the product from the hair and see the degree of lightening. As soon as the product has achieved the desired effect - to remove first with a napkin, then wash with any washing tool in order to wash off the remnants of the product;
  • Apply a moisturizer, as henna and remover dry the skin.

As you can see, it is easy to use it, and the result from such a tool is the best.

How to lighten black painted eyebrows brown?

Black eyebrows taboos not only for blondes, but also for brunettes. And if you painted your eyebrows in black for years, it will be very difficult to get it. But there are some tips that light up the hair in several tones, and then it is enough to dye it in brown shades 2-3 tones lighter than you plan to wear. Thanks to this trick, you will get a shade close to the desired.

So, if you are interested in how to lighten your eyebrows from black to chocolate tone, use one of the tips:

  • One of the professional formulas for lightening eyebrows. Sold in specialized stores of professional cosmetics. It is not cheap, but there are enough funds for many times. Use very simple: apply the product to the skin and hairs, wait from 1 to 5 minutes (as indicated on the packaging) and remove the cloth. Then rinse your face under running water;
  • Lemon juice. Squeeze the juice from the lemon, and immediately, while it is the latest, apply the skin around the eyebrows and the skin around the eyebrows, we wait until the juice dries and repeat the procedure several more times. If on the street is summer - go to sunbathe, under the influence of sunlight the effect will be stronger;
Professional formulas quickly and easily brighten eyebrows into several tones
Professional formulas quickly and easily brighten eyebrows into several tones
  • Hydrogen peroxide. As you know, it removes saturation and color well not only after staining, but also natural dark hairs. Apply on a cotton pad, paint over the skin and hairs, then put the discs on top and wait 7-10 minutes. With wiping movements, we remove the discs, and we wash the eyebrow zone with the same “rubbing” movements. Do not forget to apply a fat cream, since peroxide greatly overdles not only the skin, but also the hairs;
  • Oil compresses. Nothing washed the paint better than warm oil. Coconut, castor, olive oil is suitable. We heat to a warm, but not too hot condition, apply on cotton pads and apply on the eyebrows. Put the hot (but not to burn yourself) towel on top, and lie down “think about the beautiful” until the towel cools down (at least 20 minutes). Wash off with a wash or micellar water;
  • But the famous "gentle" chamomile He copes only with brown shades of hair, and only in a natural base. The paint of the chamomile decoctions do not lighten.

How to shut down dark painted eyebrows?

Girls are so changeable. Yesterday, a burning brunette, and today is a plane blonde? Do not forget about the eyebrows, because they set the main emphasis in a fashionable image!

Interested in how to lighten the eyebrows extremely from black tones to an ash blond? You can’t do without professional tools.

So, we proceed to action:

  • We apply deep cleaning shampoo on the brush for eyebrows or a toothbrush that you do not plan to use, and with rubbing movements pass through the eyebrow zone;
  • Wash and dry the eyebrows with a napkin;
  • Apply petroleum jelly or other fat agent around the eyebrows;
  • We prepare a clarifying mixture (powder and oxidizer). They did not find in your stores a brightening tool for eyebrows, try a professional clarifying hair powder, but you need to keep it 2-3 times less on your face. And the effect will be visible immediately;
  • We lighten the hair 3 tones lighter than required and apply the tinting formula for the paint of the desired shade (remember, about the formula of the perfect shade of eyebrows) and tint the eyebrows. Heat will not stay on the lightened hairs, so we recommend waiting after lightening 3-4 months and only then work with henna;
  • Rinse the paint and apply a petroleum jelly or a moisturizer of the skin exhausted from the procedures, we are waiting for it so far (if you do not need to go out, then you can walk for several hours, regularly updating the cream). Remember, with creams the color will last less time, but at the same time you eliminate dryness and inflammation from the skin.

As you can see, it is quite possible to lighten the eyebrows for one procedure, but you should remember the safety and with particular accuracy to apply any of the above means, since the eyes are very sensitive not only to chemical formulas, but also by aggressive natural coloring substances. And in conclusion, we suggest watching a video video about the clarification of eyebrows.

Video: Four the eyebrows. How and why?

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  1. I grew my eyebrows using an eyebrow growth activator and HorseForce eyelashes, it is without hormones, two compositions, applied in the morning and evening. The result is fast

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