International Transport Company SF Eparcel: Tracking mail and parcels from China from Aliexpress to Russia, Ukraine, Belarus by the track nomer in Russian-the official site. SFARCEL Delivery with Aliexpress: Delivery Dates, Reviews

International Transport Company SF Eparcel: Tracking mail and parcels from China from Aliexpress to Russia, Ukraine, Belarus by the track nomer in Russian-the official site. SFARCEL Delivery with Aliexpress: Delivery Dates, Reviews

Features of tracking and moving the SF Eparcel packages.

In China, there are a lot of logistics companies that are engaged in the delivery of goods. One of these is SF Eparcel. This logistics company was created in 1993, since then the number of its branches and workers has increased significantly. Many sellers and buyers, when choosing a delivery method, prefer this particular company.

Service Service SF Eparcel: What is the company?

This logistics company has several thousand cars and 18 cargo aircraft. These vehicles fly in many directions. Most often, delivery is carried out to the countries of the former USSR.

Now the delivery time of goods with this service has been significantly reduced. This is due to an increase in the staff of employees and the complete computerization of orders. This logistics company allows you to track the goods both in China and in other countries. That is, you can observe where your package is located from sending to receipt. This excludes the possibility of losing goods.

Mostly this transport company is sent a small product. That is, these are sex toys, gadgets, accessories for mobile phones, household little things. This is due to the low cost of delivery and its relative reliability.

Service Service SF Eparcel: What is the company?
Service Service SF Eparcel: What is the company?

SF EPARCEL: Delivery for the delivery of parcels from China from Aliexpress to Russia, Ukraine, Belarus

On average terms of delivery, which the seller prescribes on Aliexpress, amount to 30-45 days. These are average indicators. As practice shows, the goods sent by this company come much faster. Often this is directly due to logistics in the country of receipt. After all, parcels at the Russian Post are often lost or are in the distribution centers for several weeks.

The track number allows you to clearly find out where your departure is. At the same time, you can call the distribution centers so that the package is found or moved faster. It is worth noting that the delivery of SF Eparcel premises in Russia is engaged in Russian Post, and new mail in Ukraine.

SF EPARCEL: Delivery for the delivery of parcels from China from Aliexpress to Russia, Ukraine, Belarus
SF EPARCEL: Delivery for the delivery of parcels from China from Aliexpress to Russia, Ukraine, Belarus

SF Eparcel Tracking: Tracking mail and parcels from China from Aliexpress to Russia, Ukraine, Belarus by Track Nomer

The company gives its data to many sites on the tracking of parcels. This Trak 24 And Where is the parcel. The company also has its own site, which allows you to track the movement of cargo, both in China and in the country of the recipient. You can track the goods sent by SF Eparcel here. This is the site

On the site itself Aliexpress Tracking is also carried out from beginning to end. That is, from the moment of departure, to the delivery of departure to the recipient. In Russia, you can track the parcel on the Russian Post website here, and on the territory of Ukraine on the website of the New Mail here.

SF Eparcel Tracking: Tracking mail and parcels from China from Aliexpress to Russia, Ukraine, Belarus by Track Nomer
SF Eparcel Tracking: Tracking mail and parcels from China from Aliexpress to Russia, Ukraine, Belarus by Track Nomer

Where to get a parcel with Aliexpress in Russia, Ukraine, Belarus?

The fact that your product has arrived at the post office will be informed for you. If you are in Russia, then they will bring your home a notice indicating that the departure has arrived. You can get the goods directly in the nearest Russian Post Office.

As for the receipt of SF Eparcela departments in Ukraine, you can get the package by new mail. This transport company sends an SMS recipient to the phone number indicating that the departure has arrived. Not so long ago, it was difficult to track SF Eparcel departures in Ukraine, since everything was not entirely organized at the new mail. Now the situation has changed, if earlier the system independently chose the department in which you need to get the parcel, now the employees themselves call the recipient and clarify where to deliver the goods.

Now often SF Eparcel goods, which are delivered in Ukraine by New Mail, are delivered by courier directly to the recipient door. It is very convenient and saves time. At the same time, if you wish, you can call the hot mail line and specify the compartment number on which it will be more convenient for you to pick up the parcel. This is very useful, if you temporarily live not at the address that you indicated when registering on the site. The redirect departure from one department to another is free. This is due to the fact that at first there were many mistakes and the parcels entered the department at the other end of the city.

Where to get a parcel with Aliexpress in Russia, Ukraine, Belarus?
Where to get a parcel with Aliexpress in Russia, Ukraine, Belarus?

Delivery Service SF Eparcel: Reviews

Reviews about the company's work are very different and often depend directly on the logistics service in the country of purpose. On the territory of Ukraine, there are many satisfied with work by New Mail, since the parcels on average are delivered in 2 weeks. In Russia, too, parcels are delivered differently. It directly depends on the Russian Post.


Olga, Volgograd. The parcels that are delivered by SF Eparcel come as time as the rest of the departures. No longer and not faster. Cavy situations often happen. But the case is simplified, since using the track number can be tracked, where the departure is exactly located. On average, the SF Eparcel parcels with Aliexpress came to me for 4-5 weeks.

Oksana, Dnepropetrovsk. I am very pleased with the work of a logistics company, everything is very fast. Only 10 days have passed from the moment of order to receive the goods. At the same time, new mail workers called back and clarified the department number, where it is most convenient for me to get a parcel. At the moment, this is the fastest delivery with Aliexpress, which I had.

Eugene, Minsk. I received a parcel in 4 weeks. In principle, satisfied, everything is fast enough. In China, the parcel was only 4 days. The rest of the time my departure was at customs, and then at the post office. I think that they could move the parcel faster.

Delivery Service SF Eparcel: Reviews
Delivery Service SF Eparcel: Reviews

SF Eparcel is one of the most popular logistics companies in China, which differs in the low cost of services and fast delivery times.

Video: Tracking SF Eparcel

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