The menu and results of the diet beloved for 7, 10, 12 and 14 days and for every day. Tough version of the diet beloved and correct exit

The menu and results of the diet beloved for 7, 10, 12 and 14 days and for every day. Tough version of the diet beloved and correct exit

Favorite diet is a power system that is based on loved by many diets: drinking, vegetable, fruit, protein. In addition, in each of the grocery groups offered in a diet, you will easily find your favorite product, which will be easier to lose weight. The article: useful tips, recommendations, menu, basic recipes.

How does your favorite diet work?

Each of the days of the diet is dedicated to one group of products


The menu composed of products included in one group is quite diverse. At the same time, the body still experiences stress, receiving a disproportionate amount of basic chemical elements. In order to balance macronutrients and support vital activity, he is forced to change the process of metabolism, consuming internal energy supply.

The rules of the diet are favorite

  1. Entrance to the diet

A sharp change in the nutrition system is dangerous for the body. Without getting the usual number of calories and losing its accumulated reserves, the body hits the “nabats” and, as soon as dietary torture ends, quickly replenishes the lost

To prevent this from happening, enter the diet gradually:

  • reduce portions, while increasing the frequency of meals
  • facilitate the calorie content of cooked dishes
  • eat less fried, smoked, fatty, sweet, flour, etc.
  • drink more clean water. If it is difficult for you to drink a glass of water at a time, drink 30-50 ml, but be sure to withstand equal intervals between the techniques of life-giving moisture
  • try to determine for yourself what food products excite your appetite, especially, this applies to fresh vegetables and fruits. Do not insert them into the diet menu
  • be sure to pay attention to which products you want the most. If these products are conditionally useful, try to replace them, focusing on the tips below
What does the body lack if you want ...
What does the body lack if you want ...
  1. The dietary period should be calm. The best option: vacation or vacation. To sit on a diet during a quarterly report or session is a risky business
  2. In order not to break during the diet, tune in psychologically. Be sure to answer the question: "Why do I need this?" Write down the answer and re-read it from time to time, especially when you want something not part of the diet menu
  3. Before any diet, preliminary cleansing of the intestine is desirable
  4. Unfortunately, most of the existing diets can hardly be called balanced. Beloved is no exception. In order to avoid the occurrence of a deficiency of macronutrients during the diet, be sure to take tablet vitamin-mineral complexes
  5. The diet is beloved and sport, especially exhausting training, are not compatible. Long walks in the fresh air are welcome
  6. How much can you sit on a diet? The duration of the diet depends on your well -being. The most optimal period is considered to be 7 days. A longer diet can cause irreparable harm to the body
  7. You can repeat a seven-day diet after 3 months, the rest-after 9-12 months
  8. The exit from the diet should be gradual and occupy 2-3 weeks. As a rule, the exit menu consists of a set of products that were used during a diet. The menu is compiled based on the following portion volumes for one meal:
  • a cup (200 ml) of the first dish on vegetable or low -fat meat broth + a portion of meat/fish (thickness 1 cm, the magnitude corresponds to the magnitude of your palm). Fish/meat can be replaced with a protein omelet
  • a cup (200 ml) of a finished carbohydrate dish: pasta of hard -wraps, cereals, any potatoes, except fried + cup (200 ml) of vegetable salad or freshly squeezed vegetable smoothies/juice
  • 2 cups (200 ml) salad of vegetables or 0.5 kg of fruits (avoid sweet fruits and bananas)
  • a cup (200 ml) of skim cottage cheese or 2 cups (200 ml) of any sour -milk product of low fat content. Avoid the use of Ayran: it improves appetite

Important: the amount of protein consumed within 30 days after the diet should not exceed 100 g

  1. When leaving the diet and for the formation of new food habits, consider the rule of compatibility of products
Favorite diet: compatible/incompatible products
Favorite diet: compatible/incompatible products
  1. Contraindications for the diet beloved:
  • problems with the gastrointestinal tract, kidneys, liver
  • pregnancy, postpartum period, breastfeeding
  • heart disease, blood vessels
  • children's/adolescence
  • the presence of food disorders
  • the presence of mental disorders, etc.

Favorite diet, menu for every day

Below are general recommendations for the preparation of a daily diet menu

Important: to reduce weight allows a decrease in calorie power by 2 times. If your average energy consumption is about 1600 kcal, when drawing up a dietary plan, you need to focus on 800 kcal (permissible retreat of not more than 900-1000 kcal)

I, III, VI days-drinking

As the name is clear, these days the menu should include a variety of liquids.

Interesting: nutritionists consider everything to be food except water!

What liquids cannot be consumed:

  • packed juices
  • bolded teas
  • subrued sweet drinks
  • alcoholic drinks. Dry wine - one of the most useful alcohol - improves appetite. It becomes difficult to control the feeling of hunger in this case
  • ayran. This sour -milk product improves appetite
Favorite diet: the most useful drinks
Favorite diet: the most useful drinks

What liquids can and should be consumed:

  • pure non -carbonated water. If you prefer mineral water, then pay attention to the composition of the water. Water, in which 1 l of fluids accounts for 100 mg of magnesium, accelerates metabolism. In addition, ordinary clean water improves the quality of the blood
  • drink for weight loss, known as Sassy water. A detailed recipe and preparation technology are presented in the video “How to lose weight in a week: Sassy water (Cynthia Sassa)”
  • sour -milk products, without sugar and fillers. The favorite in this case is ordinary kefir. In an attempt to reduce calorie content, many choose low -fat dairy products. This is not a very right decision, because the same kefir is valued, first of all, as a source of calcium. Calcium is absorbed by the body only in combination with useful fats! When choosing sour -milk drinks with a fat content of 1.5%, you will provide the body with the maximum assimilation of such a necessary calcium with a relatively low calorie content of nutrition
  • freshly squeezed juices, but not more than 400 ml per day. Give preference to natural fat burners - citrus. Grapefruit is especially useful in this capacity. Tomato juice - should be in the diet of not only losing weight, but also supporting their form, women. Renting days on tomato juice - a pleasant way will be freed from extra pounds
  • tea. Green tea is a recognized fat burner. Kramade and MATE have also established themselves well as dietary drinks. Only sheet high -quality varieties of tea are suitable for a diet!
  • coffee. For a coffee machine, refusing death is similar. The same can be said about people with low pressure. Try to achieve a compromise: drink only natural, un -seasoned green coffee, without adding sugar. Coffee should be freshly, not soluble! A small amount of cinnamon (0.5 tsp) added to the drink will help to enhance the effect of fat burning.
  • herbal infusions. A good choice will be chamomile, linden, rosehip, etc. However, be extremely careful when choosing a pharmacy herbal collection: this is a medicine that has its own indications/contraindications for use
  • fors, compotes from fresh or frozen fruits without adding sugar or decoctions of dried fruits (knots)
  • jelly without adding sugar. Oatmeal jelly is especially useful, which is the supplier of lysine and tripophanes - amino acids that are not synthesized by the body. You will find tips on the preparation of a classic Russian drink in the video: "Kisel from Ovs"
  • meat, fish and vegetable broths. The broths are prepared without salt. It is possible to add a small amount of high -quality soy sauce and spices. Meat broths are prepared from white lean meat without bones. In no case do not cook broth broths or broth bags!

II day-vegetable

Favorite diet: Vegetables for menu II-Two Day
Favorite diet: Vegetables for menu II-Two Day

The vegetable menu may not be dietary at all, but can lead to exacerbation of problems with the gastrointestinal tract. Be extremely attentive, picking up vegetables for the second day of your favorite diet

Refuse the consumption of starch -containing vegetables. These include:

  • jerusalem artichoke
  • beet
  • radish
  • potato
  • sweet potato
  • corn
  • beans
  • soy
  • dry peas (green beans in pods do not belong to starchy)

Stucks, Patissons, Tsukkini also belong to starch -containing vegetables, however, due to their low calorie content, they are included in the menu of athletes and people leading a healthy lifestyle. Eat or not eat zucchini during your favorite diet is to solve only you

Mandatory vegetables on the menu include the following garden fathers:

  • celery
  • all types of kaputa, especially broccoli
  • onion and garlic
  • ginger
  • garden greens

Tip: Eat vegetables in small portions. Your task is not only to cleanse the body of toxins, but also to reduce the size of the stomach. Having absorbed a salad of cabbage and cucumbers with basin, you run the risk of eating in the same volumes and high -calorie dishes after leaving the diet

Remember: fresh vegetables stimulate appetite. It is possible to subject them to heat treatment without adding salt and fats. For example, steam or bake. A good option for a vegetable dish is a bonn soup that became the basis of the diet of the same name. You will find the recipe for the dish and the cooking technology in the video “How to lose weight by 3 kg in 3 days! Boonsky soup ".

In addition to the soup, you can pamper yourself with fresh salads without salt and oily dressing and vegetable stews of baked vegetables, also not burdened with salt and gas gas stations.

Important: Drink 1.5-2 liters of pure water

IV day-fruit

Favorite diet: fruits for menu IV day
Favorite diet: fruits for menu IV day

The same problem lurks here as in the fruit day: sour/unsweetened fruits cause appetite and aggravate the feeling of hunger. Exit: expose products with light heat treatment. For example, baked apples do not irritate the stomach so much and are quite capable of “freezing the worm”, and puree made of baked pear is quite suitable as a gas station for a sour fruit plate.


  • bananas
  • sweet fruits and berries
  • dried fruits

Preference is given:

  • pineapples
  • green apples
  • kiwi
  • gooseberry
  • currant
  • grapefruits
  • raspberries (considered the most effective berry fat burner)

From the allowed "sweets": green pears

Important remark: you can not drink fruits with water! Time between fruits and water techniques for at least 1 hour!

V-day day-protein

Favorite diet: where to get proteins for
Favorite diet: where to get proteins for "protein day"

The body needs to make certain efforts that split proteins coming from food. That is why protein diets are so effective. A feeling of constant satiety makes them popular.

So, the protein day of your favorite diet is a holiday for "surviving" in the fight against kilograms

You can eat:

  • cottage cheese with a fat content of 4-5% / hard cheese with low fat content
  • low -fat varieties of fish / white meat without skin. You can bake meat/fish, boil in water or steam
  • egg whites (for example, in the form of steam omelet)

Do not use salt and fat gas stations. You can enrich the taste of cooked dishes using high -quality soy sauce, lemon juice, garden greens, balsamic or apple cider vinegar

Do not forget to drink water!

VII day-exit from the diet

The output is described in detail in the rules of the diet beloved.

Video: "Kisel from oats"

Video: how to lose weight in a week: Sassy water (Cynthia Sassa)

Video: How to lose weight by 3 kg in 3 days! Boonsky soup

Beloved diet options

Each of the diets has several options that differ

  • by duration
  • by stiffness

Below are the main options for your favorite diet with a detailed menu, including a hard low -calorie option

For reference: your attention is offered an approximate table of average calories necessary to maintain the normal life of the body.

The calorie content with the indicator is less than average to the loss of weight. For a woman in the age interval “31-50” with a sedentary lifestyle daily consumption of kilocalories (kcal) should be limited to 1800


Detailed menu of diet beloved for 7 days, results

I-th "drinking" day

I-th meat: a cup of green tea

II-i meal: a cup of kefir

IIIth meal: a cup of chicken broth

IV eating meals: Kefira Cup

V-y: a cup of milk

Between meals, be sure to drink ordinary water!

Below is a calorie table of this menu. It amounted to 228 kcal, which is much less than the average calorie content. If the feeling of hunger does not let go, add a couple more kefir cups or any other sour -milk product without sugar and fillers to the diet.

Favorite diet: approximate calorie content of the first day
Favorite diet: approximate calorie content of the first day

II-th "vegetable" day

I-th meat: a cup of green/herbal tea; 2 cups of fresh vegetable salad

II-th meature: 2 cups of salad of baked or steamed vegetables

IIIth meal: vegetable soup

IV eating meals: 2 cups of fresh vegetable salad

V-y: eating stool from vegetables

The calorie content was about 777 kcal. Take into account: the calculation is very conditional! But even such, not quite dietary, the menu as in the table has a calorie content below the average

Favorite diet: approximate calorie content of the second day
Favorite diet: approximate calorie content of the second day

 III “drinking” day

I-th meat: a cup of green tea

II-th dose: a cup of low-fat kefir (can be replaced with freshly squeezed juice)

IIIth meal: a cup of chicken broth

IV eating: a cup of kefir or yogurt

V-y: a cup of milk

IV "fruit" day

Ith meal: a cup of green tea, orange

II-th meal: ½ grapefruit

IIIth meal: a fruit salad cup

IV eating food: a cup of freshly squeezed juice

V-y: 2 baked apples

The calorie content was about 500 kcal. Take into account: the calculation is very conditional! The calorie content of your menu should be made independently, focusing on your own sensations and health status. Do not forget to drink clean water!

Favorite diet: approximate calorie content of the fourth day
Favorite diet: approximate calorie content of the fourth day

V-th "protein" day

Ith meal: omelet of 4 chicken proteins

II -th meal: 200 g of boiled lean fish

III-WITH DRIVE ORDER: A cup of chicken broth and 150 g of boiled chicken meat (breast)

IV eating food: 100 g of cottage cheese (fat content 4-5%)

V-y: baked low-fat fish (200 g)

The calorie content was about 838 kcal. Take into account: the calculation is very conditional! The calorie content of your menu should be made independently, focusing on your own sensations and health status. Do not forget to drink clean water!

Favorite diet: approximate calorie content of the fifth day
Favorite diet: approximate calorie content of the fifth day

VI-th "drinking" day

I-th meat: a cup of green tea + a cup of any sour-milk product. Both drinks without sugar and other fillers

II-i meal: a cup of freshly squeezed grapefruit juice

IIIth meal: a cup of chicken broth. From allowed flavor enhancers: all spices except salt

IV eating meals: dairy-berry cocktail without sugar

V-y: a cup of milk

VII -and -“weekend” day

I-th meat: a cup of green tea + 2 boiled eggs. Take into account: the lowest calorie content has a Pashot egg! How to cook a wonderful dish will tell you the video "How to cook a PASHOT egg"

II-I food intake: fruits. In the first half, it is allowed to eat a small banana

IIIth meal: light vegetable soup

IV eating food: fruits

V-y: vegetable salad. You can add salt and vegetable oil or yogurt, but not mayonnaise

The calorie content was about 898 kcal. Take into account: the calculation is very conditional! The calorie content of your menu should be made independently, focusing on your own sensations and health status. Do not forget to drink clean water!

Favorite diet: approximate calorie content of the seventh day of the diet
Favorite diet: approximate calorie content of the seventh day of the diet

The results of the diet depend

  • from your original weight: the higher the weight, the more kilograms are lost
  • from the number of calories that you will consume during the diet

The most gentle and relatively balanced menu at the basic seven -day course all subsequent courses of your favorite diet are more tough and unbalanced.

An unbalanced low -calorie menu can cause huge irreparable harm to your body!

Detailed menu of diet beloved for 10 days, results

I,II, III “drinking” days

These days your menu consists of kefir and ordinary water. The amount of kefir drunk in one day is not limited. All other drinks and products are banned. Last reception of liquid: 2 hours before bedtime!

IV, V, VI "Apple" days

It is allowed to eat green apples in any form: raw, baked, etc. The amount of product consumed is not limited. Do not forget to drink ordinary water!

VII, VIII, IX "chicken" days

Chicken breast without skin and fat is the main and only product for three days! The breast can be boiled, stew, bake. The only condition: cook meat without salt, favorite spices and oils!

Be sure to drink water!

X-th "wine" day

The daily diet consists of wine and cheese. The dream of gourmets!

For each meal, you must drink 150 ml of dry wine and eat 30 g of low -fat cheese.

Proper stones of wine day:

  • Unfortunately, it is very difficult to maintain an appetite under control in this case. In addition, the body weakened by a diet can react to alcohol completely inadequately! Some losing weight recommend replacing wine with grapefruit or pineapple juice
  • The quality of the cheese is a very controversial moment! Perhaps it is worth cooking cheese yourself. In this case, you will definitely know what exactly you eat. The video “Low -fat hard cheese. Ducan diet "will tell you how to cook a delicious and healthy product yourself

The results of the diet depend

  • from your original weight: the higher the weight, the more kilograms are lost
  • from the number of calories that you will consume during the diet

Detailed menu of diet beloved for 12 days, results

The calendar will help not to break through the course of your favorite diet
The calendar will help not to break through the course of your favorite diet

I-th "kefir" day

2 l kefira and pure water - day diet of the first day

II-th "fruit" day

Day diet: 2 kg of fruit. If your imagination draws sweet grapes or apples of the Golden variety, you will be disappointed.

Allowed: avocado, pineapple, grapefruit, lemon, green apples

III “curd” day

Your menu on this day consists of 0.5 kg of cottage cheese with a fat content of 4-5%, i.e. For each meal, you must eat 100 g of product.

IV “Kabachkoye” day

Zucchini is an indispensable source of potassium! On the fourth day of the course, you need to eat 800-1000 g of the finished product! The vegetable can be stewed, cook, stove, but not fry! Dishes on this day should be cooked without salt and vegetable oil. As a small bonus: you can cook zucchini caviar with the addition of onions, fresh tomatoes. A prerequisite: the vegetables must be immediately stewed, and not fry, as is recommended in the classic recipe for zucchini caviar

V-th "chocolate" day

Surprised? And nevertheless, in the world there are many chocolate diets! The hardest chocolate unloading day entered his favorite diet.

On this day, only 200 g of high -quality bitter chocolate is allowed to eat.

IMPORTANT: be sure to drink every day 2-3 liters of water water to cleanse the body!

VI-th "apple" day

The daily menu consists of 1.5 kg of green apples.

VII "Curd" day

During the day, you can eat 0.5 kg of cottage cheese (recommended fatness of the product-4-5%)

VIII “Tomato-Voyshchny” day

  • On this day, you must eat the cabbage of all varieties, a lot of garden greenery, cucumbers, celery, onions
  • Do not abuse carrots, beets, sugar corn and other starch and sugar-containing vegetables
  • Under the ban: potatoes and legumes (beans and peas can only be consumed in pods)
  • On this day, you should drink 1 liter of tomato juice (without fail). It is better that it is home tomato juice

The IX "meat" day

During the day, you can eat 0.5 kg of boiled white poultry. During cooking, do not use spices, salt, vegetable oil or any other fat

X-th "vegetable" day

Salad day! The list of the permitted and prohibited corresponds to the "tomato-vegetable" day. The only difference: you will have to refuse tomato juice on this day. It is better to eat tomatoes fresh

XI “curd” day

During the day, you can eat 0.5 kg of cottage cheese (recommended fatness of the product-4-5%)

XII "fruit" day

Day diet: 2 kg of fruit. If your imagination draws sweet grapes or apples of the Golden variety, you will be disappointed.

Allowed: avocado, pineapple, grapefruit, lemon, green apples

The results of the diet depend

  • from your original weight: the higher the weight, the more kilograms are lost
  • from the number of calories that you will consume during the diet

Detailed menu of diet beloved for 14 days, results

You must have motivation to withstand a diet without breakdowns. Think about what is better: eat cookies or buy my dream jeans?
You must have motivation to withstand a diet without breakdowns. Think about what is better: eat cookies or buy "jeans_moy_mots"?

I,II, III “drinking” days

These days your menu consists of kefir and ordinary water. The amount of kefir drunk in one day is not limited. All other drinks and products are banned. Last reception of liquid: 2 hours before bedtime!

IV, V, VI "Apple" days

It is allowed to eat green apples in any form: raw, baked, etc. The amount of product consumed is not limited. Do not forget to drink ordinary water!

VII, VIII, IX "chicken" days

Chicken breast without skin and fat is the main and only product for three days! The breast can be boiled, stew, bake. The only condition: cook meat without salt, favorite spices and oils!

Be sure to drink water!

X,XI, XII "wine" days

The daily diet consists of wine and cheese

For each meal, you must drink 150 ml of dry wine and eat 30 g of low -fat cheese.

Proper stones of wine day:

  • Unfortunately, it is very difficult to maintain an appetite under control in this case. In addition, the body weakened by a diet can react to alcohol completely inadequately! Some losing weight recommend replacing wine with grapefruit or pineapple juice
  • The quality of the cheese is a very controversial moment! Perhaps it is worth cooking cheese yourself. In this case, you will definitely know what exactly you eat. The video “Low -fat hard cheese. Ducan diet "will tell you how to cook a delicious and healthy product yourself

XIII, XIV -“weekend” days

I-th meat: a cup of green tea + 2 boiled eggs. Take into account: the lowest calorie content has a Pashot egg! How to cook a wonderful dish will tell you the video "How to cook a PASHOT egg"

II-I food intake: fruits. In the first half, it is allowed to eat a small banana

IIIth meal: light vegetable soup

IV eating food: fruits

V-y: vegetable salad. You can add salt and vegetable oil or yogurt, but not mayonnaise

The results of the diet depend

  • from your original weight: the higher the weight, the more kilograms are lost
  • from the number of calories that you will consume during the diet

A hard version of the diet

I,II-th "kefir" day

2 l kefir and pure water - a day diet of each of the two days

III “Apple” day

The daily menu consists of 1.5 kg of green apples.

IV, V, VI "chicken" days

Chicken breast without skin and fat is the main and only product for three days! The breast can be boiled, stew, bake. The only condition: cook meat without salt, favorite spices and oils!

X-th "wine" day

The daily diet consists of wine and cheese. The dream of gourmets!

For each meal, you must drink 150 ml of dry wine and eat 30 g of low -fat cheese

Favorite diet: reviews

There are about 2000 diets. All of them promise instant weight loss in a very short time. At the same time, almost no one talks about the dangers that will be done to health. Perhaps you should choose a longer and sparing program of weight loss than express complexes for 7-14 days!

Video "Beloved diet before and after! 6 days "will share the real story of a girl who has passed the mini-course of the diet beloved

Video: Beloved diet before and after! 6 days

Video: How to cook a PASHOT egg?

Video: low -fat hard cheese. Ducan's diet

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Comments K. article

  1. There can be nothing better than proper nutrition with calories. +Sports, of course, and additives. I am helped by L-Karnitin (Sportseppert) and protein. I lost weight quite well, they make all compliments))

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