How to lose weight on a chocolate diet? Diet on black and bitter chocolate: rules, pros and cons, contraindications. Diet on chocolate and coffee, kefir: menu

How to lose weight on a chocolate diet? Diet on black and bitter chocolate: rules, pros and cons, contraindications. Diet on chocolate and coffee, kefir: menu

The diet with the prefix “The most”: “The most fashionable” is known as the diet of Hollywood stars, “the most effective” - weight loss is 7 kg per week, “the most delicious” - based on chocolate, “the most controversial” - doctors warn about danger. The article is the truth about the chocolate diet itself.

By and large, diets have become the most popular hobby of modern people. But only 30 years ago the word "diet" sounded solely due to the need to use therapeutic nutrition. Today in the world there are about 28,000 all kinds of diets. Among them there was a place of chocolate diet.

Important: at the beginning of the eighteenth century, cocoa and chocolate were drugs. In the middle of the eighteenth century, scientists from Florence identified the constituent elements of chocolate and proved its dietary properties

How to lose weight on chocolate?

They are not torn from chocolate. Full from the sugar that is in it.

For comparison:

  • In Gorky Chocolate, the ratio of sugar weight to the total weight of the product in grams is 10/100 or 1.3 teaspoon of sugar for tiles of chocolate weighing 100 g
  • In 70% chocolate - 50/100 - 7 teaspoons of sugar
  • In milk, white, porous chocolate, this ratio is 55/100 or almost 8 teaspoons of sugar per 100-gram tile of chocolate

What chocolate can you eat on a diet?

  1. In dietetics, bitter chocolate with the content of cocoa products over 70% refers to slow carbohydrates. Such chocolate has a low glycemic index (gi): its consumption does not cause a quick rise in blood glucose and, accordingly, does not require a large emission of insulin
  2. The use of a small piece of black chocolate (10 grams) 30 minutes before the main meal reduces appetite and significantly accelerates the processes of metabolism in the body. All this does a bitter and black chocolate dietary product
  3. Based on the foregoing, the answer to the question becomes obvious: "What chocolate can you eat on a diet?" Only bitter or black! And the higher it will be the content of cocoa products, the more benefit it will bring to your body

Important: replacing the usual sweets in a daily diet with 40 g of bitter or black chocolate already launches the process of losing weight.

Black chocolate diet and bitter chocolate: Rules

  • Regardless of what diet you have chosen, you need to prepare for it, gradually reducing the volume of the eaten in the day and switching to lighter food. A return to normal nutrition after a diet should also be slow.
  • The difference between black and bitter chocolate is the percentage of cocoa products in chocolate. The sugar content in bitter and black chocolate is quite low, which allows you to combine them in a conversation about a diet.
  • Who to thank for the appearance of a chocolate diet? Cheerful Italians.

It is not surprising that the Italian way to achieve perfection is known to the world as a “chocolate-mast diet”.

Chocolate diet: menu for 7 days

Let's start with prohibited products. During the diet you can not eat:

  • all types of dairy products
  • sugar (in any form) and sugar -substitutes
  • natural coffee, carbonated drinks, juices (exception: freshly squeezed juices)
  • nuts, seeds, legumes (exception: corn grains-popcorn; 1-2 walnuts)
  • fats, including vegetables (exception: olive oil in small quantities)
  • red meat, fatty fish
  • alcohol
  • potatoes, avocados, coconut, grapes, dates, dried fruits (in its pure form)
  • salt (not added to food)

Tip: all products except pasta (pasta) and popcorn are steamed or consumed fresh. Macarone products for a diet are selected only from hard varieties of wheat. Chocolate-bitter, with a content of cocoa products at least 80%.


First meal (breakfast)

  • fresh fruit salad with a dressing of lemon juice and a small amount of honey. In the salad, finely chopped kiwi or oranges must be present. You can add wheat bran to the salad
  • 10 g of bitter chocolate and a cup of green tea without sugar

Fruit salad recipe:

  • 0.5 bananas cut into circles (banana can only be eaten for breakfast)
  • 20 pcs. any seasonal berries (except for grapes)
  • 1 orange or kiwi
  • Shake 0.5 apples with a grater with the peel
  • 0.5 teaspoon of honey
  • 1.5 teaspoon of lemon juice
  • 25 g of wheat bran

Second meal (snack)

  • Fresh fruits without restrictions (except for bananas and grapes)

Third meal (lunch)

  • Fresh vegetable salad made of garden greens, 3-4 fresh tomatoes, cucumbers, sweet pepper, salad leaves. Refueling - 1 tablespoon of olive oil
  • 10 g of bitter chocolate and a cup of green tea without sugar

Fourth meal (snack)

  • Popcorn and fresh fruit fruit from any seasonal fruits and berries. Preference is given to apples, pears, drains, peaches, oranges

Important: freshly squeezed juice must be diluted with water in a ratio of 1: 1. So the acidity and calorie content of the drink is reduced.

The presence of popcorn in the diet is appropriate. Harmful air corn is made additives, flavor amplifiers, fats, etc. Airy corn in itself is ideal for all kinds of weight loss programs. After all, popcorn

  • rich in fiber and perfectly cleanses the intestines
  • normalizes metabolic processes in the body
  • prevents fat deposition
  • low -calorie
  • dulls a feeling of hunger, filling the stomach
  • disputes carcinogenic substances
  • calorie content of pure popcorn without fats and additives: 300 kcal per 100 g of product

Fifth meal (dinner)

  • A portion of paste made of solid wheat varieties with tomato sauce (not acute) - 150 g
  • Any steamed vegetables
  • Fruit salad

Video: Proper nutrition: Pasta with vegetables. We eat pasta and lose weight

If in the first days of the diet it is difficult to overcome the feeling of hunger, then you can add to the diet

  • 30 g of solid cheese with low fat content
  • 1 chicken egg or 3 quail eggs (boiled boiled)
  • 1-2 walnuts

Important: it is recommended to drink 2.5-3 liters of liquid daily: clean, not carbonated water, green cha i, infusion on kurag, honey water.

  • Can chocolate at night with a diet? Can! But not more than 10 g and only bitter or black chocolate
  • How much chocolate can you on a diet? In total, the daily chocolate norm on a pasta-chocolate diet is 30 g. When switching to normal balanced nutrition, the amount of chocolate is reduced to 10 g per day

Chocolate menu diet for 7 days: Results

As a result of a chocolate diet from Italian nutritionists, you can lose up to 5 kg of excess weight (depending on the rate of metabolism in the body).

Important: the diet is designed for 7 days, it is not recommended to renew it arbitrarily!

The diet can only be repeated after a week, and even better use the course once a month.

Chocolate diet: 3 days menu

First meal (breakfast)

  • 1 average bun made of coarse flour
  • 10 g of bitter chocolate and a cup of green tea without sugar
  • 1 orange (large)

Second meal (snack)

  • Fresh carrots
  • Kiwi 2 pcs.

Third meal (lunch)

  • A portion of paste made of solid wheat varieties with tomato sauce (not acute) - 150 g
  • Vegetable salad: fresh garden greens, 3-4 fresh tomatoes, cucumbers, sweet pepper, salad leaves. Refueling - 1 tablespoon of olive oil
  • 10 g of bitter chocolate
  • Freshly squeezed carrot juice - 1 cup (juice be diluted with water in a ratio of 1: 1)

Fourth meal (snack)

  • Grated beets after steam processing, seasoned with 1 tablespoon of olive oil
  • 10 g of bitter chocolate
  • Apelsin or grapefruit

Fifth meal (dinner)

  • Fresh vegetable salad or vegetables after steam processing

Video: Salad brush "Traffic light". Mamulins recipes

Chocolate-kefir diet

This complex is suitable for a delicious fasting day. Reducing weight is the result of caffeine.

Important: caffeine reduces the amount of fluid in the body, not fat deposits.

First meal (breakfast)

  • 1 cup of hot chocolate (coffee, cocoa). During this fasting day, you can pamper yourself with hot chocolate on a diet

Second meal (snack)

  • 1 cup of kefir

Third meal (lunch)

  • 30 g of bitter chocolate
  • 1 cup of green tea without sugar

Fourth meal (snack)

  • 1 cocoon cocoa

Fifth meal (dinner)

  • 20 g of bitter chocolate
  • 1 cup of green tea without sugar

Before bedtime

  • 1 cup of kefir

Chocolate diet and coffee

Incredibly effective and as dangerous. The diet was offered in the 90s Spanish nutritionists. In Russia, this system of getting rid of excess weight is known as the "diet of Alsu."

Important: the maximum period of use of any monodite is three days!

EcLAY allows health, it is better to make a chocolate day on a chocolate-painting diet.

First meal (breakfast)

  • 33 g of bitter chocolate
  • 1 cup of natural coffee without sugar. In coffee you can add low -fat milk

Second meal (lunch)

  • 33 g of bitter chocolate
  • 1 cup of natural coffee without sugar

Third meal (dinner)

  • 33 g of bitter chocolate
  • 1 cup of natural coffee without sugar. In coffee you can add low -fat milk

Important: water, herbal infusions can only be taken after 3 hours, after taking chocolate and coffee. The amount of fluid consumed at least 1.2 liters per day

Chocolate diet: pros and cons of

The chocolate mono dot has an undoubted plus - a very fast weight loss, which makes up, depending on the rate of metabolism, up to 1 kg per day.
Among the minuses:

  • excess of caffeine, which stimulates the nervous system
  • non -use
  • lack of fiber, which means the lack of body cleansing

All this disrupts the work of the gastrointestinal tract, liver, pancreas, nervous, cardiovascular, endocrine system.

Important: chocolate mono -diet diet has a huge number of contraindications!

Chocolate diet: contraindications

  • diabetes (congenital and acquired)
  • sugar sensitivity
  • tendency to insulin's races
  • allergies
  • liver diseases
  • cholelithiasis
  • stones, sand in the kidneys
  • arterial hypertension
  • candidiasis and the presence of other fungal diseases

"Chocolate-Macarone diet" I have earned many positive reviews. It is quite balanced, diverse and effective. Suitable for sweet lovers. It cleanses the body well.
However, the way out of the diet should be accompanied by the presence of protein products.

Reviews about the diet "Chocolate Coffee" ambiguous.
All, without exception, note the effectiveness of the diet. At the same time, many, however,, like Alsu herself, are not going to repeat such an experiment in the future.

  • Being beautiful is the natural desire of every woman. At the same time, do not forget that health is easily lost and very difficult to restore
  • To maintain a good figure, it is enough to make a balanced nutrition and physical activity with the norm
  • And then the question "How to replace chocolate on a diet?" It will become completely unsuitable. And you can’t replace high -quality chocolate. Just, you need to eat it no more than 10 g per day

Video: Cooking hot chocolate

Video: Dark and bitter chocolate. We are looking for the ideal

Video: Chocolate diet. How to lose weight with chocolate?

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Comments K. article

  1. A couple of months ago, it would be a diet of my dreams !! I was just that sweet tooth. And then she began to monitor food. Sawed model forms 18 plus. He helped me control the appetite. And I was able to refuse sweets. Class))) and lost 7 and a half kilograms)

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