Manicure with cats on nails: design, photo. How to draw a cat on the nails in stages?

Manicure with cats on nails: design, photo. How to draw a cat on the nails in stages?

Ideas for manicure with a cat.

The article is intended for fashionistas and lovers of cats. Let's connect these two calls and create a chic manicure with cats. More further.

Methods for creating manicure with cats

An interesting manicure with cats can be done both on long nails and on short ones. He will look great, making the owner the owner of stylish and fashionable. The most important thing in such a manicure is to determine the colors and the method of applying the ornament.

The cat itself can be applied on one nail, on each nail, or depict a cat through one nail, that is, there is a cat on the first, there is no on the second, and so on, and so on. Also, a cat motive can be supplemented with a variety of ornaments, for example, imprints of the legs of a cat, or coloring of wool.

A drawing looks very beautiful, which depicts an animal with urban and flora-organics, with various bows and hearts. If you decide to make a manicure with cats, then you can perform it with three methods:

  • With help stickers. This option is considered the simplest. To make it, you need to buy the main varnish and stickers. Apply varnish, stick stickers on top of it, and then fix the pattern with a transparent varnish.
Stickers with cats for manicure
Stickers with cats for manicure
  • With help stamping. Take only a disk with ornament, a stamp and a special scraper. Draw varnish to the disk, wipe the excess varnish with a scraper. Transfer the ornament to the stamp, and then to the nail. When the varnish is completely dry, cover it with a fixer.
Stamping with cats
Stamping with cats
  • Using ordinary brushes. Unlike other drawings, it is very easy to depict a cat on the nails with a brush. Just show a little imagination, and admire the result.
Manicure with cats brush
Manicure with cats brush
Cat manicure

Nail design with cats, faces and paws: photo

The theme of cats on the nails can be performed by various shades of varnish, in funny animated design:

  • Older girls who are interested in an exquisite ornament often make a cat's form black color.
Strict manicure with a black cat
Strict manicure with a black cat
  • The image looks very interesting cat and cats in embraceapplied to the background in the form of a red heart or simply in combination with a jacket. Such a romantic scene is suitable, for example, for the day of all lovers.
Manicure for lovers
Manicure for lovers
  • Manicure with paws. Many ladies love such a manicure. It looks quite original and is easily done. To do this, you can use bright and saturated varnishes. For example, paint your nails with beige varnish, and apply pink legs on top of it. If you need everyday manicure, then paint your nails with a transparent varnish, and draw your legs brown.
Manicure with cat paws
Merry manicure
  • Manicure With a muzzle of a cat. The manicure will look interesting if you draw muzzles of different colors on each nail. You can also apply a cat's muzzle as follows: on the tip of the nail, draw a black circle. A couple of ears from him. Then draw your eyes over this circle. On top of the picture, apply transparent varnish.
Muzzle manicure
Manicure with cats
  • Manicure with a silhouette of a cat. But in such a manicure you must show maximum imagination. Draw a sedentary cat on one nail, on the second jumping cat, on the third cat, twisted with glomeruli and so on.
Manicure with silhouette
Manicure with silhouette

How to draw a cat on the nails in stages: silhouette, muzzle?

A cat's muzzle is a small oval, ears, eyes and mustache are finished to it. Drawing a cat's muzzles is very easy. Stock up and take the following materials:

  • Any varnish, for example, is brown at their discretion.
  • A thin brush.
  • DOTS, or toothpick.

Draw a manicure with cats as follows:

  • Place the cat's muzzle all over the nail, or half the nail.
  • Then take a thin brush, or a toothpick and draw small elements: antennae, eyes, ears and nose of a cat.
  • Remember that while drawing the eyes and nose you need to wait until the first layer of varnish dries.
  • As soon as you form a muzzle, dry the ornament and cover it with top -end varnish.
Muzzle of a cat on nails
Muzzle of a cat on nails

The silhouette of a cat should look perfect. It is advisable to draw a cat with acrylic paints. In general, you will need the following tools:

  • Thin brush
  • Dots
  • Lacquet of flesh -colored
  • White and black acrylic paints

Now go as follows:

  • Cover the nail plates with the main varnish. In this case, bodily or pink.
  • After the varnish dries, draw the largest parts of the cat, for example, the body and head.
  • With the help of Dots, draw ears and eyes.
  • You can decorate one nail with a pattern, or you can all at once.
  • Fasten the drawing with transparent varnish.
Manicure with cats
Manicure with cats
Kits on the nails
Kits on the nails
Manicure with cats
Manicure with cats

Video: Master class on drawing cats on nails

Manicure French with cats: design ideas

French, decorated with cats, looks quite beautiful and gentle. We offer you two options for a jacket with cats:

  • French with cats. Take your favorite colors. Also prepare a colorless varnish, base, brush, top coating.
  • Apply a base on your nails, or colorless varnish.
  • Draw a jacket and wait until it dries.
  • Top depict the silhouette of the cat. Put two dots. The first will be the head, the second - the body.
  • Draw your ears. Take a toothpick, a thin brush, or DOTS for this.
  • Put at a point that will be your head, two miniature dots and stretch them a little to the top.
  • Apply a cat's tail. Put a dot near the body and pull it out to make a tail. Act quickly so that the varnish does not dry.
  • After the pattern dries, cover the nails with a top.
French with cats
Stylish jacket
French with cats

Exquisite french manicure. Such a manicure looks quite impressive. Make it like this:

  • Clean your nails with any varnish at your discretion.
  • Then draw a “smile”.
  • Draw with black varnish in the upper part of the nail plate with the ears.
  • With the help of DOTS and white varnish, draw your eyes.
  • Draw the body and paws of the animal.
  • On some nails, draw your legs, at will.
French with cats
French with cats
Bright manicure
Bright manicure
Bright jacket
Bright jacket

White French with a black cat: nail design

Such a manicure will take you very little time, besides, it looks very beautiful. Make it and go on a date with your beloved guy. To perform such a manicure, take the following materials:

  • Black varnish.
  • A set for a jacket (white varnish, light varnish).
  • The picture that imitates the legs of a cat.
  • You will not need a brush, as you can use a brush from the varnish.

So, first, draw a jacket:

  • Draw a white "smile" on a light varnish.
  • Then take a black varnish and apply two specks on the nails so that they are at a short distance.
  • After that, draw four small dots on top of each spot with the tip of the brush - the cat's pillows.
  • Do not be afraid if the spots turn out to be different sizes, since there is nothing the same in nature.
  • If you have short nails, then draw a couple of legs on your nails. If you have long nails, then draw as many paws as possible.
White jacket
French with a black cat
French with cats

Manicure - cat paws: design, photo

To depict cat legs on the nails is very easy. There are a huge number of ideas and types of paws, we will consider the most common. For the first view:

  • Take a special stencil.
  • Cut small shape of the legs from adhesive tape.
  • Then paint your nails with light varnish, for example, beige or pink.
  • Take the prepared stencil, attach it to the nail.
  • Wet a soft sponge in a dark varnish (brown, black, blue) and lightly patting, apply varnish through a stencil on the nails.
  • Remove the stencil.
  • Wait for the drawing to dry. Cover it with top -end varnish.
Paws with a stencil
Paws with a stencil

For the second option, take a toothpick:

  • Apply a bright varnish (red, orange, yellow) or pastel on the nails over the base varnish.
  • Using a toothpick, or a thin brush, make a point on the nails, and draw smaller points next to them.
Bright manicure
Paws with a toothpick

For the third manicure, you will need special stickers:

  • Clean your nails with light varnish.
  • Wait for it to dry out.
  • Stick the stickers in the form of a cat's paws, and apply a transparent varnish or fixer over them.
Paw stickers
Paw stickers

Manicure with a black cat for short nails: design photo

A black cat with short nails is an ideal solution for young and stylish girls. To perform this manicure, take the following materials:

  • Acrylic paints are black and white.
  • Glossy varnish is white.
  • Glossy varnish is black.
  • Basic varnish.
  • Society.
  • Flat brush.
  • Thin brush.

We start work:

  • Paint all the nails with black varnish, and the little finger is white.
  • Start making a drawing from a little finger. Using a black varnish, apply a cat's contour to the nail.
  • Color the resulting outline.
  • Teat curls that will correspond to a cat silhouette.
  • Complete the ornament in white varnish: draw the eyes and sink of the ears on the black silhouette.
  • Next, you can show your imagination: draw your legs on the rest of the nails, or cat eyes.
Short nail manicure
Manicure with cats
Stylish manicure for short nails

Manicure with Cheshire cat: Design

To perform this manicure, you will need several colored varnishes: purple, light lilac, yellow, black, blue:

  • Draw a smile of a Cheshire cat on your nails. If you do not remember how he looks, look at the cartoon with his participation.
  • Next, draw the head of the Cheshire cat. Draw your head with purple varnish.
  • On top of it, apply light lilac strips and yellow eyes.
  • Circle the eyes with black varnish. When the varnish sucks well, cover it with a fixer.
Manicure with a cat
Cheshire Cat
Striped manicure with Cheshire cat
Cheshire cat on nails

You can also draw strips of a Cheshire cat on your nails. Just alternate varnishes: the first strip of purple, the second light lilac and so on.

Manicure with Cat Simon: Design, photo

Surely you heard about Kote Simon. This cat conquered the hearts of many people, and not only children, but also many adults. It is very easy to draw it, and there are a lot of options with its image:

  • Take white varnish, black varnish, a thin brush and a fixer.
  • Cover the nails with white varnish. Take a thin brush, calm it into a black varnish and draw the image of Simon over a white varnish.
  • Picture it in a sitting position, or jumping. In general, it all depends on how you show your imagination.
  • Picture the cat Simon on a bright background. Paint your nails with yellow varnish.
  • On top of it, apply the image of Simon in red varnish.
Merry manicure
Cat Simon
Manicure with Simon
Simon with paws

Such a manicure will appeal to those girls who adore summer and love cats.

Nail design with muzzles of cats

Cats are the most delicate pets. They look very beautiful on clothes, hairpins and even on nails. We offer you a few simple options for a manicure with a cat's muzzle:

  • For the first manicure, take a colored varnish, white and green acrylic paint, a thin brush, a base varnish, or a fixer.
  • Cover the nails with transparent base varnish. When it dries well, apply neatly a bright varnish.
  • Draw a cat on the left and right side with a thin brush of antennae, so that there is free space in the center. Draw a cat's nose there.
  • Then draw your eyes with white varnish, and then green.
  • In the center of each eye, put small points.
  • Draw in the upper part of the nails with white varnish ears.
  • When the varnish dries well, cover the drawings with a fixer.
Manicure with a muzzle
Merry manicure

For the second option, take a transparent basis:

  • Apply a base varnish on your nails.
  • Draw a cat on each nail.
  • Use different varnish for each cat, for example, in the first nail, depict a red cat with green eyes, on the second nail - a blue cat with green eyes and that further.
Funny kittens
Multi -colored muzzles

Manicure with cats and rhinestones: design, photo

A manicure with cats is, of course, beautiful and stylish. But if you add more Strands to it, the manicure can also become an exquisite decoration. No need to put on the fingers of the rings with stones anymore. Manicure with rhinestones will play in the sun with colorful lights.
First option:

  • Apply a transparent varnish on your nails.
  • Where you will not draw a cat, stick or draw an abstraction.
  • Draw a black cat on a transparent varnish.
  • Decorate with rhinestones nails.
Rhinestones and cats
Rhinestones and cats

The second option:

  • Paint your nails with light varnish.
  • Draw black cats on top of it.
  • Decorate your nails with small strands.
Cats with rhinestones
Cats with rhinestones

The third option:

  • Paint your nails with dark blue and beige varnish, it is better for those in which there are sparkles.
  • On top of it, draw cats and stars with black varnish.
  • You can replace the stars with rhinestones.
Manicure with rhinestones
Manicure with rhinestones

Video: Manicure with a cat

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