How is a diplomatic system for nails without a lamp? What is a diplomatic system in manicure, reviews. Powder manicure of diploma

How is a diplomatic system for nails without a lamp? What is a diplomatic system in manicure, reviews. Powder manicure of diploma

The technique of performing powder manicure with diplomatic

The nail service industry does not stand still. Over the past few years, a huge number of new products have appeared, unusual materials to solve a lot of problems related to nails. In particular, a polygel, a bottle gel, which allows you to align in a short time without sawdust. Many masters appreciated the fire -gel, with the content of small fiberglass fibers, which is used for repair, strengthening a very weakened nail plate. But all these products require drying in an ultraviolet lamp, except for the diplomatic system.

What is a diplomatic system in a manicure?

In the process of polymerization of gel polish, the nail plate heats up very much. Due to the use of poor-quality, Chinese materials, the number of cases of onicholysis, a burn of the nail plate and the skin under it, has become more frequent. More and more masters are faced with the problem of allergies, when after coating with gel polish the skin around is covered with ulcers, bubbles from which a transparent liquid is released. Many of the regular clients of the masters who once encountered allergies, onycholysis, a burn of the nail plate, are forever losing the opportunity to wear a beautiful manicure. Especially for these women, a diplomatic system has not been developed not so long ago. 

What is a diplomatic system in a manicure:

  • This is a special technology that provides for unique materials for aligning and covering nails. Similarly, like a gel polish, such a system is worn for 3-4 weeks.
  • However, ultraviolet lamps are not used in the process of coating, the coating does not heat up, but dries in the air. It is worth noting that this system consists of several drugs, which are not worth replacing similar, other manufacturers. This is due to the difference in compositions.
  • If you can use the base of one brand when coating with gel polish, and flower beds of another, then in the diplomatic system you need to buy the whole kit with which the coating is carried out.

What does the diplomatic system for nails without a lamp consist of?

In order to cover the nails or strengthen them using a diplomatic system, the following materials are used.

What does a diplomatic system for nails without a lamp consist of:

  • DeP Base Coat 
  • Transparent mineral or acrylic powder 
  • Color mineral powder
  • Activator 
  • Top coating 

In addition, additional drugs are also used, just like in the gel system. These are dehydrates that dry the nail plate. The principle of operation is quite simple, but they are not performed as coating with gel polish, but using special equipment. 

Nicole Diary system
Nicole Diary system

Powder manicure technique

The preparation is not different from the standard coating. It is necessary to saw the upper glossy layer, making the nails matte. It is best for these purposes to use a file with grains 180-240 grit. Bafiks with the same grain size are also suitable. The cuticle is removed using the apparatus in combined equipment. Using a milling cutter, with a blue or red notch, phergy is removed, and then the cuticle is cut off. If necessary, grinding is performed using the polisher. 

Powder manicure technique:

  • After the nail plate is prepared, dust is removed from its surface, using a brush, wiped with a napkin moistened with alcohol. After that, a dehydrator is also used, which is also sold in DeepSystem. It dries the surface of the nail plate and improves the adhesion with the material.
  • Next, DIP Base Coat is applied. It is applied, unlike the gel-lane system, a little differently. This base contains acrylic resins, which are sufficiently solid and voluminous. Therefore, at the first stage, the tool is applied not to the entire surface of the nail, and not reaching the cuticle and side rollers by 2 mm. Next, dip the nail in transparent powder, shake off excess and allow to dry for 2 minutes. All nails are covered one at a time.
  • It is necessary to work as a conveyor method. It is impossible, as in a gel-lane system, to apply the base on all nails, dry and then apply color. Here it is necessary to do all the manipulations at one nail. After the upper layer of mineral powder dries, the excess is removed using a soft brush. Next, the base of the base is again applied and the nail is dipped into the mineral powder. However, this time the base is applied to the nail plate.
  • That is why before applying the second layer of strengthening, you need to push the cuticle with a gun. This should be done very carefully, because, unlike the gel system, which is completely dry, the diplomatic system before applying the activator is quite soft, similar in structure to plasticine. After two transparent layers are slightly dry, it is necessary to use cauliflower. It is applied in 2 layers according to the same scheme. That is, the base is immediately applied, not reaching the cuticle of 1-2 mm, plunged into colored powder, dries in the air, for 2 minutes.
  • On the second layer of colored powder, the base is brought under the cuticle. After the remains of powder are removed and the color coating is made, it is necessary to make sure that this entire layer of mineral powder and base becomes solid. For these purposes, a special activator is used, which is part of the set. It is applied to the entire surface of the nail, allowed to dry for 2-3 minutes. It is during this time that all layers become solid, and do not resemble plasticine. At this stage, it is necessary to carry out sawdust, removing all the excess. The sawdust is performed using a file, with a grain size of 180 grit. It should be understood that the system is created on the basis of mineral powder, so it saws much more complicated than a polygel or gel. We'll have to make more efforts, use a file with a large grain size. 
  • As soon as the architecture of the nail arranges you, all the excess material will be removed from the ends and lateral rollers, it is necessary to brush the remains of the material, using the brush, and go through the activator again. This is final processing, which allows you to make the material as hard as possible. It should be borne in mind that in the process of sawing the end, a thick layer of material can be observed. To make a wearable diplomatic system, it is best to cut out 1 mm of a natural nail from the reverse side than to remove a significant amount of mineral powder from the end to achieve a small thickness. If you remove a lot of material, then the strengthening layer will be too thin, it will simply burst. After the second layer of the activator dries, the nails are overlapped with a top coating. It is also applied in 2 layers and dries for 4 minutes. After applying the first layer, the top coating is absorbed into the loose layer of mineral powder and small scratches obtained during the sawing of the surface may appear on the surface. On the second layer, all scratches and defects of the coating disappear. The whole process takes an hour and a half. 
Ezflow powder system
Ezflow powder system

Nail Power System: Advantages

To create a large number of color solutions, it is necessary to purchase powders of different colors, which significantly increases the cost of the procedure. That is why most of the masters who are engaged in this system acquire only the most popular colors. Thus, the number of colors and designs for customers is reduced. This system is ideal for girls who love plain coating without drawings and designs. 

Nail powder system, advantages:

  • Using exclusively natural materials 
  • Lack of thermal exposure and acids on the surface of the nail plate 
  • Lack of contact with aggressive components that cause allergies 
  • The inability to obtain a burn of the nail plate due to the drying of the coating in the air, without the use of an ultraviolet lamp 
  • Good wear, resistance of coating 

How to remove the coverage of the diplomatic pump?

It is quite difficult to shoot and much longer than a basic or gel coating.

How to remove the coverage of the diplomatic pump:

  • Some of the companies offer to remove the coating using acetone-containing substances each time. Thus, the effect on the skin of allergies will become a real test. After all, people who have an allergy will most likely react to a liquid that contains acetone.
  • But you can shoot without the use of acetone, using a cutter. But this process is much longer than when removing the gel coating. It is necessary to shoot materials almost completely, leaving only a thin, transparent substrate that remained after applying the base and transparent powder.
Mineral powder with sparkles
Mineral powder with sparkles

Disadvantages of powder manicure diplomatic

But there are a significant number of disadvantages. Many experts question the hygiene of the procedure, because in order to cover the nails, each client must introduce his finger into a container with powder. The remnants of the powder are removed by tapping movements, and the powder falls again in a jar of material.

Disadvantages of powder manicure of diploma:

  • In addition, some nail service specialists are very doubted by the natural system, since the base contains acrylic resin, which is also a fairly strong allergen.
  • Another big drawback is the difficulty of removing the coating. To do this, use mills with black or green notch, because the mineral powder in its structure resembles a natural stone. The nails are really very hard and durable, despite the small thickness of the coating.
  • The need to purchase the entire set, which significantly affects the budget.

DIP nail system: reviews

The attitude to the diplomatic system among masters is ambiguous. In some cases, this is the only possible option if the client has a strong allergy to gel polish, and you want long nails. That is why many women resort to this procedure. 

DIP nail system, reviews:

Olga. I used this system only twice. She did not apply gel polish for more than 2 years due to severe allergies, which she treated for 6 months. Then I drank antihistamines and rubbed ointments. The nails were burned, around the nail plate there were wounds from which the liquid oozed. At my own peril and risk, I signed up for a master who offered me a new coating based on minerals. A small number of colors was very upset. My master had about 5, most of them are bright, with brilliance. I do not really like such color schemes, but I had to use a light dairy shade, with a silver brilliance. I can say that the master was performed in just 1 hour 20 minutes. I didn’t really believe in this system, since everything that happened on a manicure seemed to me quite strange and unusual. The first correction was made after 3 weeks. Everything was well held, except for two nails on which detachments went in the area of \u200b\u200bthe side side of the nail. But I had them almost always there when she covered the nails with a gel system. I am very pleased, because for me this is the only chance to have well -groomed hands and beautiful manicure. I hope that manufacturers in the nearby time will release a wide range of colors and the ability to create interesting designs. 

Maria. I work as a master of manicure at home, so I decided to buy this system, because among my clients there are those who suffer from allergies. For them, I use expensive products that are affected. I can’t say that the diplomatic system cost cheaper. The whole set was quite expensive. But in general, I was satisfied. Two clients have already come to correction with good toe. There were minor detachments, but it was surprised that with a small thickness there were no chips from the free edge. I don’t really like that it is impossible to clearly draw a cantik at the cuticle, because the powder lies unevenly, it can crumble a little on the sides. But in general, it looks good, especially if you use light shades. Now I want to master a jacket with a diplomatic system. Since the colors are not used during the application of funds, it will not work to get deep antennae. To create a jacket, two colored powders are used: camouflage and white. The white tip can be obtained by dipping the nail in white powder. Accordingly, the manicure is natural, with shallow antennae. It is ideal for nail nails. I have most clients who want a dim, well -groomed manicure. 

Violet. I have no allergies to gel polish, but I wanted to try this system due to the fact that there is a lot of information on the network about its environmental friendliness and naturalness. As a result, I regretted that I came, because of a strong chemical smell of the base, which resembled a superglue. Perhaps this smell is only for the manufacturer, the means of which my master uses. In general, the technology is interesting. My coating was about a month. After removal, I still returned to the gel polish, because I have no allergies. A wide range of colors and designs, when covering gel varnish, is a great advantage for me. I think this is a good option for allergy sufferers, although the pungent smell surprised me. 

Read on the topic:

So far, the system is popular among allergies. Some masters are happy to use the novelty due to the speed of the coating, which saves time and allows you to serve more customers by increasing income.

Video: What is a diplomatic system and how to apply it?

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  1. I want to say about not hygiene. Hands and nails are processed before the manicure with a dysenimental product, as well, the nail plate is disinfected by an alcohol cloth. There are no risks. Indeed, when using gel varnish, the brush also contacts the fingers that you can also raise the question of hygiene. I have used gel varnishes since 2014 and after half a year I allergic had begun. It was terrible. Who has come across such a nightmare when you wake up at night and you have a strong itch that covers the floor of the hand to the brush, and then the treatment, which is also very long ... I discovered a system of powder gel half a year ago. I can safely say that there is no allergy. Yes, there are some nuances, such as: the price (it is profitable for masters to buy a system at a time, as it pays off, but it is pocket for ordinary people), removal (I remove the apparatus, from the liquid for removing I have ambiguous sensations, I'm afraid of an allergy repetition ) In order to perform manicure in such a technique, you need to train and study for a very long time. I do not really get aligning yet. And there are not so many training material to reveal all the secrets and nuances. In general, I had a great impression, I am glad that I found such a system and discovered a manicure without thin and allergies, while with solid coating.

  2. I am also an allergic, gel varnish is not suitable, I tried to take a break, but everything is to no avail, I make a gel varnish and immediately allergies. Further, long treatment. I bought a DIP system, asked, there is no allergy, I attributed a week, everything is in place, no chips. I am very pleased, I don’t see the minuses yet. For allergies, this is a way out.

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