How to use gel tips? Correction of gel tips, reviews

How to use gel tips? Correction of gel tips, reviews

Nail extension technique with gel tips.

A variety of nail materials in the market is surprising and confused among novice masters. A few decades ago, tips made of plastic appeared on the market. Initially, they were glued to a special glue for nails, which in smell resembled ordinary superglles, sometimes overlapped with acrylic. Now the technologies are not standing still, and such tips in Russian-speaking masters are not used due to their poor wear, the occurrence of bubbles during the fastening of the base on superglide to the nail.

They were replaced by the upper forms that are well sticking together with a nail, completely repeating its shape. As the experience of many experienced masters showed, such an extension requires time and skills. Therefore, it is not suitable for home users or beginners who are just starting to work with upper forms. It was for such masters that gel tips were created. 

How to use gel tips?

  • Unlike the old prototype, they are made not of plastic, but from a soft and flexible gel. With proper preparation, they perfectly adhere to the surface of the nail. The main task is to ensure good adhesion. Therefore, they retain all the stages of preparing the nail plate, as before a standard increase. To do this, using a milling cutter or a classic manicure, remove phergy and cuticle.
  • After that, the nails are given dullness. To do this, you can use a soft cutter or a regular file. It is best to take a file with a mar of grains 180-240 grit so as not to damage the deep layers of natural nail. After that, dust is swept away, the nail particles are removed. To do this, use alcohol or alcohol -containing antiseptic.
  • In the sinuses and under the cuticle you can go through a micro -column. As soon as the surface of the nail dries from the degreaser, the dehydrator is applied, which dries the nail plate. Sometimes a primer is used. It can be either acidic or as -free, depending on the characteristics of the nail. The acidic product is recommended to be used on wet hands, which constantly sweat, and the material is poorly held.

There are several methods for this: 

  • Acetone -containing substances 
  • Acid primer 
  • Use of BAFIC or milling

How to use gel tips:

  • Tibs preparation is carried out by a mechanical or chemical method. First you need to choose the size that will close the points of the spill and is ideal in the width of the nail plate. It is worth paying attention to the area of \u200b\u200bthe cuticle, which girls can have different shapes. If Tibsa does not sit well at the cuticle, it is necessary to give the necessary shape using a conventional file. It is necessary to ensure that an artificial nail sat down in the shape of a natural nail plate. 
  • After that, a thin layer of acetone -containing substance or primer is applied. Machine processing using a cutter or buff is carried out. It is necessary that the surface that is in contact with the nail, that is, the inside, be rough, scratched. After that, the remaining dust is removed using the brush, and the surface is wiped with a degreaser. 
Nude manicure
Nude manicure

What to glue gel tips?

Glue is not used for this. The mount is carried out using a base or gel that is sold in the kit.

How and what to glue gel tips:

  • At a distance of 5 mm from the edge of the tips, a small amount of a special base or gel is applied. Most often, it is sold complete with gel tips. You can use absolutely any base that is well worn. The main task is to choose the right consistency. After all, too liquid or thick compositions can provoke the occurrence of bubbles, which leads to detachments. 
  • After that, it is necessary to attach the prepared Tiber, greased with the base to the nail plate, not reaching 1 mm to the cuticle, at an angle of 45 °. Gradually, Tibsa falls on a natural plate in such a way that bubbles or airspace are not formed between natural and artificial material.
  • After that, the tips are not released, but adhere to and dried with an ultraviolet lamp for 30 seconds. Please note that for these purposes you can use special lamp fixers to raise them. Some masters use ultraviolet flashlights to grab the base. This is not complete drying, but allows you to fix the tips in the necessary position to continue work. 

After fastening, several problems remain: 

  • Distance from tips to cuticle 
  • The uneven surface of the hyponichia 
The shape of the stylet
The shape of the stylet

Gel tips for express nail extensions: Disadvantages

Unevenness from the wrong side arises due to the fact that part of the base or gel arises if too much material is applied. To do this, you can use the base that covers the inside of the tips. This allows you to align any irregularities that have formed inside. With the help of a thin brush, moistened in the base, stain the distance between the tips and the cuticle. This allows you to fill the space, and level the surface of the nail. Before applying a color coating, the surface of the nail is recommended to be treated with a buff to make it rough. The material is poorly kept on a smooth surface. This takes very little time since there is no need to fix the surface. 

Gel tips for express embrying nails, shortcomings:

  • The architecture with this method has already been built, because the tips made taking into account the structure of the natural nail. There is more material in the apex zone, and closer to the end of it. The length can also be shortened, but it should be done carefully. Some gel tips have a decent thickness, so when they are shortened, thickness opens. To get rid of it, you have to cut the inside in the end of the end, to give subtlety. That is why manufacturers recommend choosing tips of different sizes and lengths, shapes, to minimize the preparation process and reduce the time for extension. 
  • How to choose tips for arched or flat nails. Unlike the old Tibs, which were very flexible, gel products are most often quite dense and solid. However, there are several tricks that will allow you to give and fit them under the features of the nail plate of each customers. 
  • For these purposes, acetone-containing liquids or primer is used. Tips, like gel nails, are dissolved using acetone. Gel tips soften when applying a small amount of acetone to them. Therefore, during the preparation and to give roughness, a small amount of acetone is applied to the inner part and pressed in the cuticle, twisting into a tube. 
  • While the artificial nail moistened with acetone is soft, it lends itself perfectly to bending. After the evaporation of acetone, the nail becomes solid again. Therefore, you can use this method to make tips arched and prevent the formation of bubbles. 
Oval tips
Oval tips

Correction of gel tips

A lot of questions arise regarding the correction of gel tips, since an outdated plastic version required to smear and remove. In this case, like ordinary gel nails, you can remove the length or completely remove them from the nail plate. This can be done by smearing or by cutting. If the client plans to walk with length and further, you can perform correction. The process is not much different from the standard correction of gel nails. 

Correction of gel tips:

  • To begin with, a carbide cutter remove the color coating, after which, using thin mills, the area is treated in the zone of cuticles and side rollers, sinuses. Using a hardware technique, the remaining cuticles are removed.
  • The overgrown part of the nail is mattressed using a buff or cutter. It is necessary to degrease the overgrown part, treat it with an acid primer. After that, a small amount of base or gel is applied. It all depends on the length of the nail plate and its properties.
  • If the base is worn poorly enough, then it makes sense to adjust the nails not by the base, but by gel. Although many masters to save time alternate correction with gel and base. After leveling, the nail is overlapped with a colored coating. The length is removed using a milling cutter or file. It is using these tools that they give shape. 
  • The situation is complicated if the nails are pecking or fencing. In this case, you will have to remove the length or make overpassing in order to align the architecture. 

Gel tips: reviews

Masters and home users, due to the fact that the material is quite new, is distrustful of it. But many have already evaluated the speed of work and comfort. Therefore, with pleasure they use this novelty in building. In just 1 hour, you can extension without a large amount of dust and the use of various shapes. This saves the time of a manicure master, and also allows you to master the building for customers. 

Gel tips, reviews:

Olga. I use gel tips for two months and is very pleased. I am not a master, but an ordinary home user. I try to save my time, and do not spend three hours on extensions. Therefore, with pleasure I ordered these tips. To save money, she made an order for Aliexpress, they cost me 300 rubles. I can note that in their structure they are quite soft, resemble ordinary plastic. However, the sock pleasantly surprised me. Three weeks without detachments. I performed everything from the video of the famous bloggers and the instructions indicated on the packaging. I did not buy a separate base for Tips from manufacturers, but used my own rubber. Everything was glued well enough. I will continue to purchase. I did not like excessive softness and plasticity, so I do not increase a large length. 

Oksana. I acquired a Tibsa box from an American manufacturer at a fairly high price. This is not a fake with AliExpress, but original products. It was a little disappointed due to the large thickness of the material, as it is impossible to shorten the length with a file. After cutting the tip, a large thickness opens, with which something needs to be done. The file still remains, although the increase in building is reduced. They were tough enough and poorly laid down in the shape of the nail. After gluing to the base, I had to slightly file in the area of \u200b\u200bthe cuticle and side rollers to avoid the appearance of the steps. I carried one month before correction. Nothing fell off, everything looks very good. Saving time is dubious, especially for a master with experience. After all, I had to spend time to remove the steps from the cuticle and side rollers. Perhaps I incorrectly picked up the tips along the width of the nail. Will I get further, I don’t know, since I am scared away by a high price. Perhaps I will try to order on AliExpress and check their quality. If you like it, then it makes no sense to overpay. 

Alina. I have been using gel tips for more than six months. I purchased these tips on the official website of the famous company. I am very pleased, as these products differ from plastic, which were sold 10 years ago and glued to supergli. The technology has changed, and the wear has increased. I am very pleased, because due to a wide range of forms, tips can be selected for any nail bed, regardless of whether it is arched or flat. I used a special gel that was sold in the kit. The surface of the nail did not fix it, left it smooth. But nothing broke off, did not get off. The material is worn quite well, without detachments. Difficulties arose with tips attachment to a natural nail plate due to the fact that it is necessary to hold the lamp. I had to ask the client to hold it over the surface of the nail with one hand. My hands held the tips, pressing them tightly to the nail plate. In the future, I will purchase a tripod to fix the lamp and keep it a few centimeters above the table. 

The shape of the ballerina
Form "Ballerina"

Read on the topic:

This is an ideal hand for hands with thin and soft nails that bend. After that, it is necessary to apply the base with a thin layer. It will improve adhesion of artificial material with a natural nail. After drying for 30 seconds, it is necessary to begin preparation of gel tips. Since their surface is smooth, it is very poorly sticking together with a natural nail. Thanks to smoothness, the gel departs from a natural nail. Therefore, it is necessary to give the surface of the roughness to improve the coupling. 

Video: Building for gel tips

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