Do -it -yourself mandala from threads with desires, monetary, love, for children. Weaving mandala for beginners: schemes, meaning

Do -it -yourself mandala from threads with desires, monetary, love, for children. Weaving mandala for beginners: schemes, meaning

Mandala is a magic symbol. It can be drawn, or you can weave from threads. To do this, only a frame made of wooden skewers and woolen threads is useful.

DIY mandala from threads: meaning

Mandala - a magic drawing born in the east. He read the Buddhists and Hinduists for being able to help a person. Mandala allows you to achieve certain desires, goals and aspirations through meditation and concentration.

The real mandala is created by sand for a week, months or several months. Modern man came up with the creation of an image mandalas By drawing on paper, drawing on stones and wood, weaving macrama, embroidery, weaving from threads. The last way is the most interesting.

Mandala, which you yourself will weave from multi -colored threads, will become your personal amulet. Depending on the value mandalasChoose the one that will close as much as possible to you and will fulfill your dreams. Passion for drawing such images will help eliminate any emotional problems, make your memory better, improve health and even open a new world for you.

Independent weaving mandalas It will allow you to “charge” the ball with your positive energy, which will every time “give” you the harmony and understanding of the world.
Translated by "mandala" is a circle or a circle. Such a translation is characteristic of the form of image. The mandala from the threads also corresponds to this condition. It is not difficult to weave it, but you should familiarize yourself with a step -by -step technique in advance.

Woven mandala

Weaving mandalas:

  • The foundation is weaved mandalasfour sticks. To do this, you will come in handy ordinary toothpicks made of wood. It is worth knowing that mandala on toothpicks - Little in diameter. If you want to make a mandala more, use skewers or knitting needles.
  • The best for weaving will be woolen threads. Unlike synthetic threads, woolen threads do not glide and it is pleasant with them, as well as easy to work.
    • The middle should be noted on each stick. Two sticks are tied clearly in the center. The angle of sticks associated with each other should be exactly 90 degrees.
    • A similar procedure is also repeated with the second pair of sticks. After that, the two “crosses” are combined in the “snowflake” and are associated with each other. As a result, you should get The frame of 8 rays.
    • Now you can start weaving itself. You need to choose a weaving scheme for yourself in advance to follow it in detail. Independently create a pattern so that it is beautiful and neat, only an experienced professional can (Weaving schemes are presented below).

You should also understand in advance for yourself: in what color decision should your mandala be. Depending on its color, the mandala has several meanings.

Meaning mandalas:

  • Yellow or orange mandala - Protection against black magic and witchcraft, a charm from negative influence and evil eye. The mandala yellow gives positive energy and improves the state of health.
    Blue mandala Protective amulet from damage. She is able to give a person calm and peace
    Blue mandala - It improves thinking, makes thoughts clear and clean. The mandala of this color can improve the state of health, free consciousness from fears and obsessive thoughts.
    Green mandala It can have a positive effect on the financial well -being of a person. The threads of any green shade will come in handy. In addition, green color favorably affects the state of health, in particular the heart. The green mandala will help a person achieve success in a professional field. A combination of green and blue threads can give the soul calm and stability to an emotional state.
    Red mandala He will make a person a strong spirit and self -confident personality. Such a mandala strengthens the willpower. In addition, red (pink, raspberry) color is the color of love and passion. The Red Mandala will allow the relationship to return the ardor, and find feelings to single people. Red mandala drives a depressive mood.
    Mandala violet color Protects his master from any danger or evil. It allows you to reveal creative abilities, intuition, inspiration within a person.
    The mandala is white Helps a person to improve his mental abilities, strengthen memory.
Big wicker mandala

Weaving mandalas For beginners: schemes

Only a professional master is capable of weaved without the help of schemes of threads. As a rule, such a master has many years of needlework experience. Beginners or not quite experienced needlewomen are required a detailed scheme is useful, which will indicate the correct combination of colors or the technique of weaving threads.

Before we weave a mandala, it is also recommended to familiarize yourself with detailed video lessons and master classes. Begin your weaving to practice with small sticks. Small mandalas Convenient in that it is convenient to adjust errors on them. Having mastered skill, proceed to large and complex mandalam.

Weaving schemes mandalas From threads:

Mandala weaving scheme, eight rays
Mandala from threads, unusual shape
Detailed weaving mandala

Weaving mandalas Celtic knot step by step

Celtic knot Feel free to be classified as "nodular magic." This is a kind of way to create a talisman by weaving threads. Smash needlewomen came up with combining two amulets - celtic knot and mandala. Such a mandala visually differs very much from the original because it has in most cases a square shape.

Combining the Celtic knot and mandala, you combine female and male energy. Such a amulet has powerful power And he can help a person find what he wants as soon as possible. The Celtic knot is very complicated in tying and is a spiritual search for a person on the way to about the creature of the dream.

At the moment, the Celtic knot is not only a charm, but also a favorite decorative motive in clothes, interior, jewelry, accessories.

Mandala "Celtic Cross"

6 radial mandala, how to weave?

The simplest mandala from threads, weaves from six rays. Six rays are three wooden sticks in the figure of the figure. Weaving technology mandalas It does not differ, depending on the number of rays. If in mandala There are many rays, it is more difficult to weave it than that in which there are few rays.

A detailed master class will help to weave a mandala of six rays:

Video: "6 radiation mandala"

Tibetan mandala, how to weave?

The Tibetan mandala is mandala woven in the "Tibetan style". In order to make the frame, it is necessary to cross eight wooden skewers. The sticks are “crossrest”, and only then the master ends with weaving threads.

A detailed master class will help to weave a mandala in a Tibetan style:

Video: "Mandala in the Tibetan style"

Mandala love of threads, how to weave?

Each mandala has its own certain meaning. The factors have several factors affect the energy:

  • His color scheme
    • Who and in what mood created a mandala
    • Picture mandalas
    • The number of different geometric shapes
    • Details of patterns
    • The size mandalas

To get the "magic" that the mandala gives, you must definitely believe in its effectiveness. This is the only way you will definitely get what you want. The most popular mandala for weaving is the mandala of love. She will be weaved when a person wants to meet his “second soul mate”, find happiness in a relationship or getting married. In order for your mandala to be "strong", it must be it is woven from red, pink, yellow, blue and purple threads.

The predominance should take precisely the threads of red shades, since the red color is the color of passion.

Mandala of love from threads

Monetary mandala from threads, how to weave?

The monetary mandala is necessary in order to instill strength and faith in its owner in the possibility. Of course, this is not a magical remedy that will “draw” a huge amount of money from you from nowhere. Such a amulet concentrates your thoughts at work, it will help to successfully implement a business idea. The monetary mandala through meditation will “open” your subconscious and direct thoughts, as they say, “in the right direction”.

In order to create a monetary mandala, you must use colors such as:
• Green
• Salad
• Turquoise
• Blue
• Dark blue
• White
• Gold

Mandala from threads

Weaving mandalas With desires, how to weave?

This mandala should consist of certain colors. Yellow, orange, white, purple, lilac and red will come in handy. During weaving mandalas, you must think about what you want. As precisely as possible imagine your dreams visually And imagine that they have already materialized.

Knit and weave a mandala only in a good mood, with a good mood and faith in the strength of the amulet. This is the only way the amulet will have favorable energy.

Mandala of desires from threads

How to charge the mandala that he himself created?

The mandala completely “absorbs” the energy of a person at the time of creating an image. For this reason, you need to completely “free” yourself inside from negativity, grievances, doubts and fear. Weave a mandala either on the day of the full moon, or on the days of the moon's growth. Such a moon will necessarily contribute to your product not only beautiful, but also strong.

Carefully prepare a place for work , to Weave the mandala. Do not allow anyone to distract you with anything. You must weave a mandala in complete solitude and without a TV (unless, of course, this is not just entertainment for you).

It is only allowed to turn on the background relaxing music. Only in this way can you “charge the mandala” with your personal energy and “instill your soul into it”.

Video: "Talisman with the image of a mandala from envy and evil eye!"

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  1. a wonderful article

  2. a lot of useful information.

  3. thank you, Catherine, the article is useful, a lot of interesting information.

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