Makaruns - recipes and secrets of cooking at home. Recipe for the preparation of French and Italian makarun

Makaruns - recipes and secrets of cooking at home. Recipe for the preparation of French and Italian makarun

In this article, we will talk about how to independently cook the famous French pasta macaroons.

Do you know that the most popular recipe for Nancy Macarun has more than 150 years? At the same time, it is stored in strict secret. And for the first time they prepared this business card of French dessert cooking, possibly not in France, but in Italy! Let's learn more about this contradictory cake and how to cook it.

What are macaroons?

Makaruns are cookies consisting of miracles and crushed almonds. According to one version of the occurrence of the delicacy, he was invented by two sisters-monkhini from the Nansi district. They adopted the principle: "Girls who do not eat meat are useful for almonds."

Another legend says that authorship belongs to a cook from Italy, who, having arrived with Catherine Medici to France, brought with him a recipe.

In any case, the cake was originally glued thanks to the hot pair, which made it somewhat dry. And only at the beginning of the last century, pastry, Pierre Defontin, decided that the delicate cream in the recipe clearly would not hurt. Since then, macaroons have become so popular that only about 15,000 pieces daily sell them in a confectionery defontin alone!

A huge number of makaruns are sold daily in the Laduree Confectionery Laduree
A huge number of macarunes are sold daily in the Laduree Confectionery Laduree

What should be real macaroons?

  • Accuracy, perfect evenness and impeccable round shape - An important condition. Aesthetics in this case occupies far from the last place.

Important: naturally, scratches and so -called “tails” are not allowed.

Macaruns should have a flat surface
Macaruns should have a flat surface
  • Inner surface It should also be flat.
  • Gloss and light shine - exactly what is needed!
  • This Makarun certainly crunches when bipping.
  • Filling Be sure to be sweet and wet. However, some cooks are experimenting with ugly fillings, but they are not related to the classical recipe.
  • The thickness of the filling It is equal to the thickness of the cookies.
  • Despite the texture of the fillings, stick to the fingers Cakes when pressed on them should not.
  • Another indispensable attribute of a real makarun - skirt Or, as the French call it, "La Collerette".

Important: the thickness of the skirt is an approximate thickness of the upper cookie.

La collerette skirt - indispensable component of macaruna
La Collerette skirt - indispensable component of macaruna
  • Pay attention to the fact that the filling must certainly go beyond the skirt. However, it is not much.
Macaruna filling should go beyond the limits of La Collerette
Macaruna filling should go beyond the limits of La Collerette
  • What should be the diameter of Makarun? Now there are mini-versions and maxi-pyroe, but the standard indicator- 4 or 4.5 centimeters in diameter.
This size should be classic macaroons
This size should be classic macaroons
  • It is desirable that the color was associated with taste - At least the famous confectioners of this rule adhere to.
Macaruns with coffee filling have coffee shades
Macaruns with coffee filling have coffee shades

Makaruns: Secrets of cooking

Revealing the secrets of creating Makarun, we will start with almond flourwhich is a ground almond. Without exaggeration, we can say that the result of the preparation depends on its quality. Dry and well -chopped - Such she should be ideally.

Keep in mind that almond flour is not similar to the usual wheat and in terms of storage. Keep it only in a tightly closed container and only in the refrigerator.

If it seems oily or wet, It is worth laying it out on baking paper and put it in the oven preheated to 100 degrees. Naturally, the flour should cool before baking.

This is what almond flour looks like for makarun
This is what almond flour looks like for makarun

Important: many are interested in whether it is realistic to cook such flour on their own. Of course, it is possible to try, but it is very difficult to achieve industrial exact standards regarding the grinding.

However, it may well happen that you simply did not find almond flour. Then carefully perform the following:

  • Remove With almonds peel
  • Lay it on bakery paper, spread out on a baking sheet
  • Dry almonds for 20 or 25 minutes In preheated up to 100 degrees oven. The door should open slightly
  • Give the product cool
  • Grind it in a coffee grinder, adding a little sugar powder
  • Properly see you This mixture through a sieve. Do it at least 20 minutes

IMPORTANT: Sita’s lattice should be medium.

Thoroughly crushed almonds - the key to successful baking makarun
Carefully crushed almonds - the key to successful baking makarun

Whipping - The next extremely important point. Many cooks recommend reaching a state "Bec d’iseau" - "Bird beak", which is formed when taking out the shoulder blades from the mass.

The condition of whipped proteins for makarun, called Bec D’Oiseau
The condition of whipped proteins for makarun, called Bec D’Oiseau

However it is best to hold out for 10 minutes, since in some cases “Bec D’useau” is not enough.

"Where to beat the squirrels?" - Also an important question. Fits exclusively a stainless steel container. In it, the required mixture is relatively fast, does not settle, has the required density. And nothing penetrates into the structure of such material.

Important: aluminum will give the mixture a grayish tint, and the proteins will slide along the plastic and glass. And, most importantly, plastic absorbs fat, even if the dishes are thoroughly washed. In such a container, proteins will never rise properly.

Stainless steel dishes for whipping proteins - one of the secrets of cooking makarun
Stainless steel dishes for whipping proteins - one of the secrets of cooking makarun

Sleeping Belkob is an extremely important stage. Assuming means that a night before baking It is necessary to get proteins from eggs, thoroughly separating them from yolks, and cover a bowl with them with a food film. A bowl with contents all night is untouched.

Such a procedure contributes to the fact that excess moisture from proteins leavesAnd they beat better. Also an aged product forms smooth surface Makarun, them Uniform skirt.

However do not allow excessive cooling of proteins - Meringue may not work. Room temperature - perfect option.

The meringue still did not work strong? Try adding lemon juice or tartar cream.

Important: yolks, fat, water - all this should not be in proteins.

It is extremely desirable to use a special device when baking makarun, which will separate the protein from the yolk
It is extremely desirable to use a special device when baking makarun, which will separate the protein from the yolk

Makarun is also needed syrup. Keep in mind that syrup with proteins is prepared in parallel! And when the syrup is heated to 113-115 degrees, the proteins ideally should be brought to a state of magnificent foam.

Additives for staining are included in whipped dense proteins before flour. Stir proteins with dyes leisurely movements to the center from the edges. And only at this time, gradually add flour - it helps all components to distribute evenly.

Many novice cooks are puzzled by that how much rotation is needed to make. Professionals advise doing at least 35-40, otherwise it will not turn out so necessary airiness.

Give preference not popular with silicone mats now, but pekarsky parchment - The mass of almonds will not stick to him.

Important: do not use oil in order to avoid sticking - this will adversely affect the taste of cakes.

Use to prepare makarun Pekarsky pergment
Use to prepare makarun bakery parchment

Some cooks recommend baking macaroons strictly at 180 degrees. However, do not forget that the oven exists are differentAnd therefore the difference in temperatures can always fluctuate within 10 degrees both in one and the other. It is allowed to experiment here, but remember that it is better to give preference to more baking time at low temperature.

In order for the skirt to be correct, keep in mind the following:

  • Do not let the proteins infuse for a long time Before adding almond mass.
  • Do not use the dye of liquid consistency.

Important: Beat the proteins to the desired state, but do not do it too intensively - so you can knock out air from the mass.

Let the halves brew on a baking sheet Before serving in the oven - about this should take 20-40 minutes. Focus on their appearance - the shine should be abyss.

Do not allow heating the almond mass in your hands - To do this, avoid too long squeezing it out of the confectionery bag.

Try to squeeze the almond mass for makarun quickly
Try to squeeze the almond mass for makarun quickly

If when squeezing the almond mass on halves of future cakes formed air bubbles, get rid of them with a toothpick.

Try to check Makarun’s readiness every minute - they should not bend. Ready -made cakes are hard.

Important: the inclusion of flavoring additives in the test will be an error - the test structure will be disturbed. To create taste shades, only the filling is suitable.

The taste of Makarun is given precisely the filling, and not the cookies itself
The taste of Makarun is given precisely the filling, and not the cookies itself

Some culinary specialists love to fill macaroons ganash - cream based on chocolate, butter, cream or milk. Please note that if you want to create a ganash with a dense structure, add more chocolate. When cooling, it becomes matte, so heat it if necessary.

In order for Ganash to be dense, include more chocolate in the composition
In order for Ganash to be dense, include more chocolate in the composition

A few secrets of gluing Half Makaruna:

  • Select halves for gluing in such a way that they were approximately the same size.
  • If you decide to use culinary packageSqueeze the filler the size of cherries. As an analogue, you can use a teaspoon.
Ganash from the culinary package is squeezed out the size of cherry
Ganash from the culinary package is squeezed out the size of cherry
  • Press the halves of the cake carefullyso that the filler does not grow over.

Important: do not forget to let it brew a cake before use.

How to bake French macaroons?

French recipe is one of the two classic variations in the manufacture of makarun. She is considered the simplestbut at the same time The most picky.

You will need:

  • Almond flour - 165
  • Powdered sugar - 165
  • Sugar - 150 g.
  • Squirrels - 115

We proceed:

  • To start mix almond flour with powdered sugar.
  • See you This mixture several times on the scales.

Important: in the end, from two stages of sifting should be exactly 165 grams of flour. And this means that initially the product should be taken a little more.

The result of sifting flour for makarun must be recognized using electronic weights
The result of sifting flour for makarun must be recognized using electronic weights
  • Start beat proteins until soft peaks are formed. First make slow movements, and then accelerate them.
  • At this stage you need add sugar - Rap it with a thin stream. If you plan to include in the composition dye, you can add it at that moment. Usually, a few drops of gel or dry pinch It turns out enough.
A few drops or a pinch of dye - this is enough for makarun
A few drops or a pinch of dye - this is enough for makarun
  • Beat all this until hard peaks are formed.
  • It is time to mix whipped proteins with a almond mass - to do what the culinary culinary is called "Pasta". On average it is worth committing 10-50 movements.

Important: it is unusually important to achieve the “golden mean” - proteins should not only connect with the meringue, but also maintain air bubbles. The mass should turn out to be homogeneous, but in no case liquid.

  • Now you can dough distribute to a confectionery bag, and then squeeze the baking sheet. Do it holding the bag vertically, sharply leading it to the end to the side.If the dough is measured correctly, the tails will disappear by themselves.
This is how to squeeze the dough for makarun on a baking sheet
This is how to squeeze the dough for makarun on a baking sheet
  • Culinary councils advise raise the baking sheet and knocked down the table on the table - This helps to get rid of the bubbles and the final disappearance of the tails.
  • Give me a baking sheet 15-20 minutes stand on the table - So the crust is formed, which will hold the air. Check its presence by touching the surface of the future cake.
  • Bake 14 minutes Tentatively at 140 degrees.

IMPORTANT: Let the baked cake cool.

Wonderful makaruns are ready in French!
Wonderful makaruns are ready in French!

How to bake Italian macaroons?

Italian recipe is considered more complexthan French, but then with a test, less problems arise.

So, come in handy:

  • Almond flour –300g.
  • Powdered sugar - 300 g.
  • Sugar - 300 g.
  • Protein - 220 g.
  • Water - 75 g.

You can start To manufacture:

  • See the flour with powder. As a result, it should turn out 600 g.
This should turn out to be flour for makarun after sifting.
This should turn out to be flour for makarun after sifting.
  • Add 110 g. Protein and mix all. Then you can include in the composition and dye.
  • Mix water from 250 g. Sugar. Heat such a syrup up to 120 degrees.

Important: if there is no thermometer, take the thread of the syrup and stretch it between the fingers. If it is torn, the syrup is not drunk, broken - digested. But if it just stretches - the condition is exactly as it should!

Creating a syrup for Makarun
Creating a syrup for Makarun
  • Beat remaining 50 g sugar with protein Before appearing soft peaks.
  • Now you can pour syrupbut a thin stream. The mixer is not worth turning off - the mass will first become larger, and then acquire the necessary smoothness and shine.
  • The turn has come mcCaronage. Knead intensively - the proteins are already strong.
  • Place mass in the bag and squeeze Its in the form of circles. The distance between the circles make 2 cm. Do not forget to knock on the table.
Makarun cakes need to be placed at a distance of about 2 cm from each other
Makarun cakes need to be placed at a distance of about 2 cm from each other
  • The surface of the cookie should bend for half an hour - And only then can it bake.

Important: if you are afraid that the cookies overheat, install the baking sheet with it on another empty baking sheet.

  • Only left connect Half of the cookies with the help of the filling.
Wonderful makaruns are ready in French!
Wonderful makaruns are ready in French!

Well, here we are and got acquainted with the basics of manufacturing Makarun. As you can see, this process is scrupulous, but quite feasible. In the next article, we will tell in more detail about some especially popular recipes.

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