“He who is looking for will always find”: the origin, direct and figurative meaning of phraseology, explanation in one word, examples of sentences

“He who is looking for will always find”: the origin, direct and figurative meaning of phraseology, explanation in one word, examples of sentences

The phrase “who is looking for will always find”, means determination, ambitiousness, fundamental, etc. Read more about where this expression came from, read in the article.

All our lives we have been looking for something, achieving, we achieve some goals. That is how parents, teachers at school taught us to live. "Who seeks will always find" - This phrase is known to every person from the school bench. This is a kind of slogan for many in life. What does it mean? What is the meaning of the statement?

Read on our website another article on the topic: "12 words and phrases that will beautifully fill in pauses in the conversation". You will find interesting options that will help make the dialogue original.

This article describes the direct and figurative meaning of phraseologism "Who seeks will always find". You will learn what a similar phrase from the Bible means and learn to make sentences with this aphorism. Read further.

What does it mean, how to understand the expression, aphorism “who is looking for will always find”: a brief meaning, meaning of the proverb

"Who seeks will always find"

It is believed that it is impossible to achieve your goals without hitting a finger on a finger. That is why in order to “climb to the top”, you need to make efforts. Which means, how to understand the expression, aphorism "Who seeks will always find"? Here is a short meaning, the meaning of the proverb:

  • The expression shows that you do not need to give up.
  • You should go to your dreams and continue the search even when it seems that it is unrealistic to reach the goal.
  • Word "search" In this case, it can have not only direct, but also a figurative value.

Accordingly, the expression can be interpreted as:

  • "Only one who does not give up" wins "
  • « Continue to go forward, and you will see good luck smiling. "
  • "He who does not stop effort, he gets the result"

But even in the literal sense, nothing in life is “of course”. In order to become a happy owner of something, you need to try very hard. And only one who goes to the end will win - he does not bite, will not stop and will not lose their abilities.

“Who is looking for, he will always find”: origin, who said?

"Qui quaerit, repent" - That is how this expression in Latin sounds. "Who seeks will always find" -what is the origin, who said?

  • Phrase "The seeker will always find" It is used in the Bible.
  • These are words Jesus Christ (Gospel of Luke, Chapter 11): “Ask, and it will be given to you”, “Look - and then find”, “Knock - and then they will open” you.
  • The Savior said that only the one who asks is received, they are only opened by the one who violates the peace of the owner, and only one who does not stop the searches finds.

The expression is also used in the children's song "Merry Wind" (authors V. Lebedev-Kumach-I. Dunaevsky). But the exact name of the author is still unknown. After all, not one person “applied a hand” to writing the Bible. That is why today it is difficult to determine who exactly from several authors belong to these words of Christ.

“The seeker will always find”: what does the expression from the Bible mean?

"Who seeks will always find"

The Savior shows us a simple truth: "In order to get something-you need to do something". Indeed, no one will bring a person anything "at home." To ask for asylum, you need to knock on someone's dwelling. And to find something, you need to look. What else does the expression from the Bible mean "The seeker will always find"?

  • If you sit and just dream of something, most likely you will not see this in your life.
  • Only efforts bring a person who is desired. However, the concept of "seeking" is much wider. It illuminates not only material.
  • You should not only engage in the search for food or love, but also the search for your purpose in this world, the search for your "I" and, of course, the search for intimacy with God.

On a person’s life path, a person has many questions and answers. In fact, each of us is thereby “seeking”, who should not sit, lay out, but engage in really useful things, thereby realizing his potential and gaining what he desired. Naturally, everyone has their own essence and objects of search: someone sees happiness in a family hearth, someone in a wealthy life, and someone in a spiritual path. But the search is the main component of everyone's strategy. It is he who leads a person to the ultimate goal.

In order for luck to smile, a lion's share of perseverance and zeal is necessary. There are few cases in life when a person received everything “for beautiful eyes” and when they brought him “on a saucer with a blue bucket. Many people do not want to look. They simply complain about their lives, at the lack of good luck. But they do not want to change the situation. This is a very “profitable” position for lazy people. You just need to complain-and this is much easier than doing anything.

In other words, the idea gives birth to a search, the search brings results, the goal is achieved. This scheme seems simple. But only at first glance. Sometimes, years and decades have passed before the accomplishment of global plans. A person gains life experience and wisdom. Therefore, the goal becomes closer, and moving towards it is easier.

However, in this quote there is another element of "Hope". This is a mandatory factor in success. He goes on a par with efforts. Coming to something, you should always think about a positive outcome, believe in the best. After all, if a person gives himself an attitude that he will not find what he is looking for, then everything will fly to Tartarar.

Hope should be a faithful and constant companion of someone who wants to achieve something in life. Without it, the movement forward is impossible. Otherwise, all attempts will resemble "running on the spot." You will become a squirrel in the wheel. So the Savior in simple words managed to give advice on the life topic that can be discussed for hours.

"Who is looking for, he will always find": the direct and figurative meaning of phraseology

Direct value phraseological unit "Who seeks will always find":

  • You cannot find anything if you do not look. If you want to find - look.

Figurative meaning:

  • If you want to achieve your goals, hope and make efforts. And sooner or later you will definitely get it.
  • "Only one who does not give up and goes to the goal wins."
  • “If you are confident in yourself and begin to show activity, then your goals will sooner or later come true.”

As you can see, you can use a quote in two values. The meaning, as a rule, comes from context. After all, between the options “you will find your umbrella, only if you look for it” and “I want to become a star - well, who is looking for - he will find” there is a huge difference. In the first case, this refers to the search for a thing, and in the second - a life search, efforts, aspirations, the road of a person to a seemingly unattainable dream.

Synonyms for phraseologism “who is looking for, he will always find” - how to choose the right thing, an explanation in one word: a purposeful, not used to retreat a person and others

"Who seeks will always find"

How to choose the right synonyms for phraseologism "Who seeks will always find"? It is important to understand the meaning of the expression and then you can find synonyms. Here is an explanation in one word:

  • Practice is the basis of success.
  • Do not retreat - and only then you will win.
  • In life, you cannot achieve something without effort. Always hope for the best and go ahead.
  • A person who is not accustomed to retreat - everything who tries is achieved.
  • You can’t easily pull out a fish from work.
  • Dare! Try! Only one who is not trying does not achieve anything.
  • Patience and a little effort.
  • Not gods burn pots!
  • Act! All in your hands!
  • Do not give up! Go to the end!
  • Luck loves those who are not used to retreat.

Here's how to explain the meaning of this expression in one word:

  • Ambitiousness
  • Principle
  • Determination
  • Confidence
  • Believe in yourself
  • Efforts
  • Aspirations
  • Desires
  • Dreams
  • Expectations
  • Plans
  • Fulfillment of goals
  • Attempts
  • Determination

Now that the meaning of the expression is clear, you can leave proposals. Read further.

How to make a proposal with phraseology “who is looking for, he will always find”: examples

To write an essay or just to consolidate the material, you need to learn how to make sentences with expression. Below you will find several examples. How to make a sentence with phraseology "Who seeks will always find"? Here are examples:

  • I am looking for a girl for a serious relationship - well, dare! Who is looking for, he will find!
  • What to do if I go to my dream, but no one believes in me? - Move on! Who seeks will always find.
  • I knew: "who seeks will always find". Therefore, he continued to scour the room in search of keys.
  • Finally I found you! How glad I am to see you! - Here you see! Who is looking for, he really finds!
  • "Who seeks will always find - Katya sighed and began to google the material for the course with a doubled zeal.
  • Okay, Google. If you say that "Who is looking for - he will find", why do you have a point: “No results have been found at your request”?
  • Imagine! I downloaded the almost complete discography of this group. Except for one album, 2009, release. Here he is not on any site! Although I know for sure that they released it - look better! Who is looking for, he will find. If this is an official release, it cannot be that it is nowhere to be. In extreme cases, you can find its contents in social networks.

For such examples, you can make your own offers. It's simple. Quotes will also help. Read further.

"Who is looking for, he will always find": quotes

With a phrase "Who seeks will always find" Three quotes can be noted. Here they are:

  • From the song "Funny wind", which was written in 1936 by the composer I. Dunaevsky to the verses of the poet Vasily Ivanovich Lebedev-Kumach for the film "The Children of Captain Grant".
"Who seeks will always find"
  • As mentioned above, the same words can be found in Bible.
"Who seeks will always find"
  • The ancient Roman saying also contains these words.
  • It is written and pronounced in Latin.
"Who seeks will always find"

"Who is looking for, he always finds": pictures

If you need to make a report or presentation on the topic "Who seeks will always find", then you will need pictures to design slides. Here are a few of them:

"Who seeks will always find"
"Who seeks will always find"
"Who seeks will always find"
"Who seeks will always find"
"Who seeks will always find"

Video: Come on a song for us, a cheerful wind!

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