“White Crow”: origin, direct and figurative meaning of phraseology, explanation in one word, examples of sentences

“White Crow”: origin, direct and figurative meaning of phraseology, explanation in one word, examples of sentences

Probably, in no language of the world there are as many phraseological units as we have them. They appeared in our life thanks to the sharp mind, ingenuity and observation of our ancestors.

Since ancient times, people began to draw an analogy between behavior or some features of a person’s character and habits of animals. This is how in this stable expression - "White Crow."

The origin of the phraseology "White Raven"

  • It is believed that the first author of the idiom “White Raven” was the Roman poet Junius. Its brief and capacious expression is so brilliant that it was not lost somewhere in the depths of the eras (Junius lived at the junction of the I-II centuries), and it reached its original form to the present day.
  • He created a poem in which he argued that by the will of chance a slave could receive a kingdom, and the prisoner become a triumph, but such cases are even less common than a white crow can appear in nature.
  • The ancient Roman empire had a hierarchical system, so the poet’s words truly fell “not in an eyebrow, but in the eye”-slaves and captives are unlikely to ever manage to “break into people”.
  • In the east, they say “white elephant”, putting the same meaning into this phrase as the “white raven”, because albinos elephants are rare in nature.
The phrase is very ancient
The phrase is very ancient

Direct meaning of phraseology "White Crow"

  • Phraseologism "White Crow" also has a direct meaning. This is rare, but sometimes it suddenly happens that nature gives some kind of genetic failure, and then albinos are born. It can be both people and animals.
  • There is no mystical sign of belonging to some special caste in this. It’s just that there is no special pigment in the skin and hairy cover of albinos, which is responsible for their coloring.
  • There are absolutely white horses, cows, mice, rabbits, deer and proteins.
  • White elephants, tigers, toads and sturgeons are much less common in nature.
  • But the white crows are the biggest rarity, but still they are. And among its black and grayish relatives, the white crow looks unusual and even curious, as if nature joked: a white spot among a huge dark flock ...

The portable meaning of the phraseology "White Raven"

  • When the phraseological unit “White Crow” is pronounced to someone specific, you immediately understand: this rare, exceptional, not like everyone, not like everything, distinguished, different, not recognized A person is radically different from the people around him. In society, he can even be considered somehow inferior, and even, as they say, "without a king in his head."
  • But this is not so at all, just the “White Crow” lives, rather than with its norms of behavior, and not public opinion. And who knows, it is quite possible that this person is not a recognized genius or a rare original that no one understands.

What does it mean, how to understand the expression "white crow"?

  • This phrase is used to characterize a person who is not like all those who surround him - he can have a completely different appearance, behavior, views, and interests.
  • And the “White Crow” does not hide this, often with his actions and statements shocking his friends, or even driving them into a dead end.
  • Of course, in society they do not particularly like such “white raven”. When everything is averaged, then everything is simple and understandable. But a person who stands out of the crowd will immediately receive the status of a “white raven”, because what is incomprehensibly alarming and even scares.
They are not like everyone else
They are not like everyone else

"White Crow": a short meaning of phraseological units

  • Human, characteristic of its views from the main majority, will always be considered in society a “white crow”.
  • The attitude towards such an individual is dual. Since this is usually a smart and original person, it is interesting to communicate with him. But at the same time, he is an outcast, which society rejects and is afraid.

"White Crow" - an explanation of phraseology in one word

  • By "white sheep" is meant not like everyone else.

Synonyms for phraseologism "White Crow"

Phraseologism "White Crow" can be replaced with the following:

  • "Black sheep"
  • "Rare bird"
  • "Goose pig is not a comrade."

Examples of sentences with phraseology "White Raven"

  • Tanya in our class was a white sheep - she studied “excellent”, did not mischievous, did not run away with everyone from the lessons.
  • My neighbor is still a white crow: I am not capable of nailing a shelf in the kitchen, but he will invent everything.
  • There is no place in our team with this white Vorone, it constantly puts forward some ideas, and the chef makes us all fulfill them.

We will talk about such phraseologisms:

Video: About white crows from a psychologist

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