Lunar health calendar for 2022-2023-favorable and unfavorable lunar days for human health: Table

Lunar health calendar for 2022-2023-favorable and unfavorable lunar days for human health: Table

The lunar health calendar will help determine good and bad days for well -being.

Every evening, after sunset, we see the moon in the sky - a beautiful white planet. She fascinates with her magical appearance, and legends about her magical power are delighted.

  • Our ancestors have always studied the influence of this planet on the emotions and well -being of people. The wise people recorded their observations.
  • Many entries have been preserved to this day, and are used by modern astrologers. These experts in the study of the heavenly night luminary create lunar calendars so that it is easier for people to live.
  • Lunar graphs and tables contain information about favorable and bad days calculated according to the phases of the moon. The passage of a white planet through constellations, lunar and solar eclipses is also taken into account.
  • Astrologers are confident that human health directly depends on the moon, because it is an eternal satellite of the Earth and controls castings and tides in the oceans, as well as fluids in the human body, animals, plants.

Lunar health calendar for 2022-2023: favorable and unfavorable days: Table

The whole lunar month (29.5 earthly days) we observe the phases of this planet.

Only eight phases: New Moon, young moon, first quarter, moon on growth, full moon, moon on the decline, last quarter, old moon.

But only four phases are known and used and used: Moon for growth, on decline, new moon and full moon.

Astrologers also usually work with four phases - It is easier to calculate favorable and unfavorable days.

  • On the waning moon In the human body, like tides and castings in the ocean, there is an outflow of fluid, which removes toxins and toxins. The body is configured to cleanse, nothing superfluous is delayed in it, appetite decreases. Fat break down and excreted well.
    But at the same time, energy is also leaving. A person is weakened, feels a lack of energy, I do not want to work physically, intensively train.
    During this period, it is good for health to conduct cleansing procedures, take a laxative, cleansing fiber, put enemas, steam in a bath, drink more ordinary water. In the last 3 days of the aging moon, it is useful to download the press. The effect of this will surpass all expectations, as if you were pumping it for a month.
    You can eat any healthy food, but do not overeat, control your portions, because it is very easy to curb your appetite at this time.
  • In the new moonthe body has the smallest amount of fluid. The person is depressed both physically and emotionally. At this time, you need to drink as much fluid as possible (preferably clean water) and eat less, it’s even useful to get rid of or arrange a fasting day. This will turn out to be simple, because the feeling of hunger on this day is dull and you will not even notice discomfort about this, but the effect will be amazing, as if you spent a week on the diet. There will be a powerful cleansing of the body, which will have a healing effect. On this day, free yourself from physical activity.
  • On the growing moon The body will begin to be supplied with liquids, strength and energy will begin to arrive again, the body absorbs everything, accumulates useful substances, trace elements, and absorbs vitamins well. An increased appetite appears, there is a risk of overeating and a set of extra pounds. Energy and strength is enough for good physical activity, enhanced training.
    During this period, be careful with medicines. Side effects intensify by about 5 times.
    Do not eat anything fatty, heavy and not useful food, because During this period, everything accumulates and remains in the body. Eat low -calorie food, sit down on a diet on the lunar calendar, control your diet, number of calories.
    Do not do it on the growing moon, because the amount of blood during this period grows and it turns poorly. The risk of bleeding may occur. For the same reason, do not make hard manual massages, acupuncture.
  • In the full moon The body was saturated with liquids, received a huge surge of strength, energy, which leads to strong emotional overexcitation. During this period, people conflict, do rash acts, many emergency situations.
    Men feel especially bad. They do not need to eat meat on this day, it is better to fast, it is useful to eat greenery. Women, on the contrary, are full of energy, sexual, feel good.
    It is useful for everyone to starve on this day, or make it unloading.
  • Further on the waning moon The body again begins to lose what has accumulated - energy, strength, liquid, toxins and toxins and the cycle is repeated.

Health also affects the zodiac constellations into which the moon enters. In the organs of the above malaise, malaise can be observed.

Zodiac constellation Become vulnerable and can be of the organs
Aries head, and organs on the head - ears, teeth, upper jaw and sensory organs.
Taurus lower jaw, nape, neck, throat, larynx, tonsils, ears, teeth, speech organs, blood circulation system, thyroid gland
Twins hands, fingers, shoulders, lungs, chest, glands system
Crayfish light, chest, nervous system, liver, stomach, gall bladder.
a lion heart, diaphragm, circulatory system, artery, back, sensory organs
Virgo pancreas, digestive organs, spleen, nervous system, circulatory system
Scales kidneys, hips, bladder, glands system
Scorpion genitourinary system, ureters, anus, genitals, nervous system
Sagittarius liver, veins, hips, senses
Capricorn bones, joints, knees, gall bladder, leather, blood circulation system
Aquarius ankles, lower legs, veins, glands system
Fish nervous system, feet, toes

The lunar table, which will be presented below, contains speakers with good and bad days for human health
. The new moon and full moon will be awarded separately - bad days for the well -being of people. During this period, chronic diseases are aggravated and irritability appears.

Important: It is worth carefully monitoring health when an eclipse of the moon and the sun occurs. AT this The eclipse will be on such days:

Sunny and lunar eclipses in 2022
Sunny and lunar eclipses in 2022
Solar and lunar eclipses in 2023
Solar and lunar eclipses in 2023

Lunar health calendar for 2022

The period of 2022 Good days
For human health
(forces arrive, energy grows, vitamins, increased appetite are absorbed) (the lunar disk grows)
Bad health period
(loss of strength, reduction of energy, appetite) but good for cleansing
(lunar disk decreases)
New Moon -
no appetite, physical malaise,
The Best Day
for unloading and starvation
The full moon is full of energy, a person is emotionally overexcited, medicine
enhance side effects 5 times
January 3-17 1, 19-31 2   18
February 2-15 17-28 1   16
March 3-17 1, 19-31 2 18
April 2-15 17-29 1, 30- (solar eclipse) 16
May 1-15, 31 17-29 30 16(moon eclipse)
June 1-13, 30 15-28 29 14
July 1-12, 29-31 14-27 28 13
August 1-11, 28-31  13-26 27 12
September 1-9, 27-30 11-25 26 10
October 1-8, 26-31 10-24 25 - (solar eclipse) 9
November 1-7, 25-30 9-23 24 8 (moon eclipse)
December 1-7, 24-31 9-22 23 8

Lunar health calendar for 2023

The period of 2023 Good days
For human health
(forces arrive, energy grows, vitamins, increased appetite are absorbed) (the lunar disk grows)
Bad health period
(loss of strength, reduction of energy, appetite) but good for cleansing
(lunar disk decreases)
New Moon -
no appetite, physical malaise,
The Best Day
for unloading and starvation
The full moon is full of energy, a person is emotionally overexcited, medicine
enhance side effects 5 times
January 1-6, 22-31 8-20 21   7
February 1-4, 21-28 6-19 20   5
March 1-6, 22-31 8-20 21 7
April 1-5, 21-30 7-19 twenty- (solar eclipse) 6
May 1-4, 20-31 6-18 19 5(moon eclipse)
June 1-3, 19-30 5-17 18 4
July 1-2, 18-31 4-16 17 3
August 17-30 2-15 16 1, 31
September 16-28 1-14, 30 15 29
October 15-27 1-13, 29-31 fourteen- (solar eclipse) 28  (moon eclipse)
November 14-26 1-12, 28-30 13 27 
December 14-26 1-12, 28-31 13 27

We divided the lunar calendar into tables by month 2022-2023. So more convenient for perception, and you can quickly find the right period.

Lunar health calendar for 2023: favorable and unfavorable days in January

There are more good days in every month than bad days. Therefore, devote these days to your favorite pastime - rest, fishing, cooking healthy food, cleaning in the apartment and so on. This will help your body recover and stock up on good energy.

The lunar health calendar for 2023 - favorable and unfavorable days in January:

The period of 2023 Good days
For human health
(forces arrive, energy grows, vitamins, increased appetite are absorbed) (the lunar disk grows)
Bad health period
(loss of strength, reduction of energy, appetite) but good for cleansing
(lunar disk decreases)
New Moon -
no appetite, physical malaise,
The Best Day
for unloading and starvation
The full moon is full of energy, a person is emotionally overexcited, medicine
enhance side effects 5 times
January 1-6, 22-31 8-20 21   7
January 2023
January 2023

Lunar health calendar for 2023: favorable and unfavorable days in February

Each organism tolerates lunar and sunny eclipse. Some people have a good mood and rise in strength, others suffer from devastation and loss of strength. Follow your health these days.

The lunar health calendar for 2023 - favorable and unfavorable days in February:

The period of 2023 Good days
For human health
(forces arrive, energy grows, vitamins, increased appetite are absorbed) (the lunar disk grows)
Bad health period
(loss of strength, reduction of energy, appetite) but good for cleansing
(lunar disk decreases)
New Moon -
no appetite, physical malaise,
The Best Day
for unloading and starvation
The full moon is full of energy, a person is emotionally overexcited, medicine
enhance side effects 5 times
February 1-4, 21-28 6-19 20   5
February 2023
February 2023

Lunar health calendar for 2023: favorable and unfavorable days in March

In bad days (new moon, full moon and moon on the decline), a person has malaise. Immunity is reduced, slowed by metabolism. There is a probability of making rash decisions. Be careful with cash operations. Do not borrow money during this period and do not give your savings to strangers.

The lunar health calendar for 2023 - favorable and unfavorable days in March:

The period of 2023 Good days
For human health
(forces arrive, energy grows, vitamins, increased appetite are absorbed) (the lunar disk grows)
Bad health period
(loss of strength, reduction of energy, appetite) but good for cleansing
(lunar disk decreases)
New Moon -
no appetite, physical malaise,
The Best Day
for unloading and starvation
The full moon is full of energy, a person is emotionally overexcited, medicine
enhance side effects 5 times
March 1-6, 22-31 8-20 21 7
March 2023
March 2023

Lunar health calendar for 2023: favorable and unfavorable days in April

Optimism and good mood appear on good days for human health. When the moon is on growth, immunity is strengthened, cell activity in the body increases. You can make new undertakings these days - success in business is ensured.

Important: In April, a solar eclipse is expected - 04/20/2023. Concentrate on your health these days.

The lunar health calendar for 2023 - favorable and unfavorable days in April:

The period of 2023 Good days
For human health
(forces arrive, energy grows, vitamins, increased appetite are absorbed) (the lunar disk grows)
Bad health period
(loss of strength, reduction of energy, appetite) but good for cleansing
(lunar disk decreases)
New Moon -
no appetite, physical malaise,
The Best Day
for unloading and starvation
The full moon is full of energy, a person is emotionally overexcited, medicine
enhance side effects 5 times
April 1-5, 21-30 7-19 twenty- (solar eclipse) 6
April 2023
April 2023

Lunar health calendar for 2023: favorable and unfavorable days in May

AT may  2023 5th A lunar eclipse is expected. For health, this day is unfavorable, be attentive to your health on this day.

The lunar health calendar for 2023 - favorable and unfavorable days in May:

The period of 2023 Good days
For human health
(forces arrive, energy grows, vitamins, increased appetite are absorbed) (the lunar disk grows)
Bad health period
(loss of strength, reduction of energy, appetite) but good for cleansing
(lunar disk decreases)
New Moon -
no appetite, physical malaise,
The Best Day
for unloading and starvation
The full moon is full of energy, a person is emotionally overexcited, medicine
enhance side effects 5 times
May 1-4, 20-31 6-18 19 5(moon eclipse)
May 2023

Lunar health calendar for 2023: favorable and unfavorable days in June

On bad days for human health, do not load the body with strong physical exercises. Try to be balanced, follow a diet. Proper balanced nutrition will help the body to suffer the effects of the moon during this period, and improve health. Use a lot of vitamins, drink freshly squeezed juices.

The lunar health calendar for 2023 - favorable and unfavorable days in June:

The period of 2023 Good days
For human health
(forces arrive, energy grows, vitamins, increased appetite are absorbed) (the lunar disk grows)
Bad health period
(loss of strength, reduction of energy, appetite) but good for cleansing
(lunar disk decreases)
New Moon -
no appetite, physical malaise,
The Best Day
for unloading and starvation
The full moon is full of energy, a person is emotionally overexcited, medicine
enhance side effects 5 times
June 1-3, 19-30 5-17 18 4
June 2023
June 2023

Lunar health calendar for 2023: favorable and unfavorable days in July

July - the height of summer. A lot of fruits and vegetables. A person moves a lot compared to winter months. Trumps and toxins come out of the body. Drink 2 liters of water per day so that the body can cope with the influence of a white planet and eclipses on bad days.

The lunar health calendar for 2023 - favorable and unfavorable days in July:

The period of 2023 Good days
For human health
(forces arrive, energy grows, vitamins, increased appetite are absorbed) (the lunar disk grows)
Bad health period
(loss of strength, reduction of energy, appetite) but good for cleansing
(lunar disk decreases)
New Moon -
no appetite, physical malaise,
The Best Day
for unloading and starvation
The full moon is full of energy, a person is emotionally overexcited, medicine
enhance side effects 5 times
July 1-2, 18-31 4-16 17 3
July 2023
July 2023

Lunar health calendar for 2023: favorable and unfavorable days in August

Be sure to relax once a year from ordinary things. After all, for this, a vacation is given to a person. August is the last summer month, so there is still time to go to the sea or to any camp site. This will help restore strength and recharge with positive energy for the upcoming labor year.

The lunar health calendar for 2023 - favorable and unfavorable days in August:

The period of 2023 Good days
For human health
(forces arrive, energy grows, vitamins, increased appetite are absorbed) (the lunar disk grows)
Bad health period
(loss of strength, reduction of energy, appetite) but good for cleansing
(lunar disk decreases)
New Moon -
no appetite, physical malaise,
The Best Day
for unloading and starvation
The full moon is full of energy, a person is emotionally overexcited, medicine
enhance side effects 5 times
August 17-30 2-15 16 1, 31
August 2023
August 2023

Lunar health calendar for 2023: favorable and unfavorable days in September

If you have not yet had time to go on vacation, do not be discouraged. In September, it is still warm, especially near the sea. Choose good days and go with your family on the coast for new impressions.

The lunar health calendar for 2023 - favorable and unfavorable days in September:

The period of 2023 Good days
For human health
(forces arrive, energy grows, vitamins, increased appetite are absorbed) (the lunar disk grows)
Bad health period
(loss of strength, reduction of energy, appetite) but good for cleansing
(lunar disk decreases)
New Moon -
no appetite, physical malaise,
The Best Day
for unloading and starvation
The full moon is full of energy, a person is emotionally overexcited, medicine
enhance side effects 5 times
September 16-28 1-14, 30 15 29
September 2023
September 2023

Lunar health calendar for 2022-2023: favorable and unfavorable days in October

In October, autumn is in full swing. Many people have depression. The first colds come, the leaves fall - discouraging appears from this picture. No need to spare off - you can gather with your family to nature, for mushrooms. You can just take a walk through the forest - this will add positive, and clean air will fill the body cells with giving oxygen.

The lunar health calendar for 2022 - favorable and unfavorable days in October:

The period of 2022 Good days
For human health
(forces arrive, energy grows, vitamins, increased appetite are absorbed) (the lunar disk grows)
Bad health period
(loss of strength, reduction of energy, appetite) but good for cleansing
(lunar disk decreases)
New Moon -
no appetite, physical malaise,
The Best Day
for unloading and starvation
The full moon is full of energy, a person is emotionally overexcited, medicine
enhance side effects 5 times
October 1-8, 26-31 10-24 25- (solar eclipse) 9

The lunar health calendar for 2023 - favorable and unfavorable days in October:

The period of 2023 Good days
For human health
(forces arrive, energy grows, vitamins, increased appetite are absorbed) (the lunar disk grows)
Bad health period
(loss of strength, reduction of energy, appetite) but good for cleansing
(lunar disk decreases)
New Moon -
no appetite, physical malaise,
The Best Day
for unloading and starvation
The full moon is full of energy, a person is emotionally overexcited, medicine
enhance side effects 5 times
October 15-27 1-13, 29-31 fourteen- (solar eclipse) 28 (moon eclipse)
October 2023
October 2023

Lunar health calendar for 2022-2023: favorable and unfavorable days in November

Winter is approaching. Try to keep emotions in harmony, especially on bad days on the moon. During this period, blood thickens and can jump on pressure. In the full moon and new moon, there is a probability of heart attacks and strokes. Therefore, on adverse days, follow the moon on the moon and communicate more with your family and friends. This will add positive and improve the mood.

The lunar health calendar for 2022 - favorable and unfavorable days in November:

The period of 2022 Good days
For human health
(forces arrive, energy grows, vitamins, increased appetite are absorbed) (the lunar disk grows)
Bad health period
(loss of strength, reduction of energy, appetite) but good for cleansing
(lunar disk decreases)
New Moon -
no appetite, physical malaise,
The Best Day
for unloading and starvation
The full moon is full of energy, a person is emotionally overexcited, medicine
enhance side effects 5 times
November 1-7, 25-30 9-23 24 8 (moon eclipse)

The lunar health calendar for 2023 - favorable and unfavorable days in November:

The period of 2023 Good days
For human health
(forces arrive, energy grows, vitamins, increased appetite are absorbed) (the lunar disk grows)
Bad health period
(loss of strength, reduction of energy, appetite) but good for cleansing
(lunar disk decreases)
New Moon -
no appetite, physical malaise,
The Best Day
for unloading and starvation
The full moon is full of energy, a person is emotionally overexcited, medicine
enhance side effects 5 times
November 14-26 1-12, 28-30 13 27 
November 2023
November 2023

Lunar health calendar for 2022-2023: favorable and unfavorable days in December

New Year's holidays soon. Dec. 31 2022 falls out for a favorable period. But still try not to abuse alcohol, not to overeat, so as not to eliminate the consequences of a stormy feast.

The lunar health calendar for 2022 - favorable and unfavorable days in December:

The period of 2022 Good days
For human health
(forces arrive, energy grows, vitamins, increased appetite are absorbed) (the lunar disk grows)
Bad health period
(loss of strength, reduction of energy, appetite) but good for cleansing
(lunar disk decreases)
New Moon -
no appetite, physical malaise,
The Best Day
for unloading and starvation
The full moon is full of energy, a person is emotionally overexcited, medicine
enhance side effects 5 times
December 1-7, 24-31 9-22 23 8

The lunar health calendar for 2023 - favorable and unfavorable days in December:

The period of 2023 Good days
For human health
(forces arrive, energy grows, vitamins, increased appetite are absorbed) (the lunar disk grows)
Bad health period
(loss of strength, reduction of energy, appetite) but good for cleansing
(lunar disk decreases)
New Moon -
no appetite, physical malaise,
The Best Day
for unloading and starvation
The full moon is full of energy, a person is emotionally overexcited, medicine
enhance side effects 5 times
December 14-26 1-12, 28-31 13 27
December 2023
December 2023

The night sky is very beautiful. A special charm gives him a moon and a star. Often it is even impossible to tear his eyes off the flickering points and night luminaries - the wonders of nature are always fascinating. The lunar table will help to quickly find good health days so that you can enjoy life and enjoy your existence.

Video: phases of the moon, the influence of the moon on the earth, man. Good days, bad lunar days

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