The best expectorants for dry and wet cough in children, adults, pregnancy and breastfeeding in bronchitis: a list of inexpensive and effective drugs, folk remedies, herbs for the treatment of coughing at home

The best expectorants for dry and wet cough in children, adults, pregnancy and breastfeeding in bronchitis: a list of inexpensive and effective drugs, folk remedies, herbs for the treatment of coughing at home

Treatment of cough in adults and children. Medications and folk remedies.

A cough is a protective reaction of the body that acts on stimuli. Many factors can act as provocateurs, both external and internal. Any cough is considered individual.

Some symptoms must be disposed of, while others, on the contrary, should be provoked. Treatment methods, as a rule, will depend on the individuality of the patient’s body, on the causes that cause cough.

The best expectorants, syrups with dry and wet coughing in children: a list of inexpensive and effective drugs and use

The occurrence of a perspiration is associated with a wide variety of diseases. Many people cough if they begin to inhale the overdred, heated air. And there are those in which the cough appears involuntarily.

Chronic cough occurs due to the fact that the mucous membrane of the throat and nose from smoke, environmental factors, allergic reaction, runny nose, asthma occurs ... Some chronic lung diseases can also cause coughing.

We list all those reasons because of which, as a rule, a cough appears.

  • Viral infection
  • Allergy
  • Respiratory organs fungal disease
  • Surrounding air

In children, the causes of coughing are almost similar. And not every parent knows what kind of medicine to his child, so as not to harm him even more.

Cough treatment
Cough treatment

We offer you a list of inexpensive and at the same time effective means that will help you cure the child:

  • Alteyka. Effective, expectorant syrup, which helps with dry coughing. The drug is made of natural components, at the same time has a pleasant, sweet taste.
  • Pirtusin. It is recommended to give children whose age is more than 3 years. The basis of the product is thyme extract, the taste of the medicine is sweet.
  • Linkas. The drug of combined exposure is made of violets of violet. The medicine also added an altea root and a hecrap. Syrup kills bacteria, relieves inflammation. The advantage of the drug is the lack of a side effect, therefore, it can be given to children to a year.
  • Dr. MOM. A comprehensive tool based on extracts of herbs. It has an expectorant effect, dilutes mucus, and promotes its excretion. The medicine can cause allergies, so it must be taken with special caution.
  • Dr. Thass. An expectorant drug, which contains a plantain. He has a sweet taste, so the child will not refuse to take the medicine. Syrup is able to stimulate the hypersecretion of the mucous plaque, as a result of which it will easily retreat.
  • Ambrobene. The drug is considered strong enough. It is recommended to give syrup to children over 2 years old. If the doctor resolves, then you can give the medicine and the child under the younger year. The taste of a raspberry syrup.
  • Gedelix. A drug that contains only plant components. Syrup does not contain flavors and preservatives, therefore, small one -year -old children can take it.
  • Omnitus. An excellent, inexpensive drug. Relieves inflammation, has mucolytic and bronchial qualities. Children under 6 years old can be given syrup, and older children - tablets.
  • Bromhexin. Tablets that can be given to children from 3 years old.

Herbion expectorant: Instructions for use

KRKA produces 3 types of syrup. They differ from each other in used active components.

  • 1st syrup-Plantain is added
  • 2nd syrup-added ivy
  • 3rd syrup-added primrose

Preparations that contain ivy and primrose help to cure a wet cough. Syrup with plantain is designed to treat dry cough.

  • Herbion stimulates the expectorant of mucus, transfers a dry type of cough into a moist, accelerates the process of recovery.
  • Emberses the cough, soothes due to plant components.
  • Strengthens the immune system, as it contains vitamin C and many trace elements. Increases the amount of oxygen in each cell, stimulates the process of developing interferon, which fights infectious microbes.
Herbion from cough
Herbion from cough

The course of treatment during a strong inflammatory process or an infectious disease lasts up to 21 days. In order to cure the cough from the old man or smoker, you need to take the syrup until all the symptoms disappear.

Children's course of treatment can be different. It all depends on the age of the child.

  • The dose is this: 5 ml, 3 times a day under the age of 7 years old.
  • Doctors recommend this dose of children under 14 years old: 10 ml, 3 times a day.
  • The following dose is prescribed for children over 14 years old: with a particularly strong cough 10 ml, 5 times a day.

Multin from cough: how and to whom can you use?

Many people for some reason doubt whether this drug should be taken. Doctors advise taking mucaltin with every symptom, of course, if it appears due to the disease of the lower breath paths. As a rule, the medicine is taken simultaneously with such drugs:

  • Antipyretic
  • Anti -inflammatory
  • Antibacterial
Multin from cough
Multin from cough

Dry cough:

  • The use of this medicine will dilute the mucus. At the same time, a protective, soothing film will occur on the surface of the respiratory tract, as a result of which irritation will disappear.
  • The pain will become softer, a dry cough after 3 days will become wet, the patient will begin to hip the sputum.

Wet cough:

  • Mukaltin softens wet cough. It is recommended to take up to 2 weeks. The dose of admission is this: 2 tablets, 4 times a day, only before meals. If the patient has serious symptoms, a protracted disease, then treatment must be repeated again.
  • A child should be prescribed by a child to a child up to 3 years old or a pregnant woman. If the cough is sharp, then the medicine can be drunk before bedtime, so that the symptoms disappear and you can sleep calmly.

The best expectorants, syrups with dry and wet coughing in adults: a list of inexpensive and effective drugs and use

A cough can cause a lot of discomfort, therefore, it must be treated. Below we have collected a list of drugs, which included the most effective and affordable drugs.

Dry cough medicines:

  • Falimint. Very reminiscent of menthol on its own qualities. Able to cause a feeling of coolness and freshness in the oral cavity. The mucous membrane does not overdry, begins to act even after the first trick. The form of the release of the dragee that needs to be absorbed.
  • Libexin. It has a triple property: after it, the excitability of the nerve endings decreases, a strong cough disappears, irritation decreases. It is recommended to be taken during dry cough. A positive effect appears after 4 hours. It happens in the form of tablets or syrup, so it can even be given to children.
  • Cake. The basis of the drug is medicinal plants. It is produced by tablets, syrup, elixir. The medicine can reduce excitability, increase the viscosity of mucus. It is impossible to take the drug for a long time, as it causes dependence.
  • Halixol. This medicine is considered one of the effective means, since a positive result appears 30 minutes after consumption. The form of release is syrup, but the medicine has some contraindications.
  • Lazolvan. The effect of the medicine appears 30 minutes after consumption and lasts for 10 hours. After it, the cough becomes easier, the mucus lures, irritation decreases. Release form: tablets, syrup, inhalation solution.
  • Ambrogexal. The drug has pronounced qualities, therefore, it was able to prove himself in the domestic market.
  • Omnitus. Release form: tablets, syrup. After it, inflammation decreases significantly, the body begins to actively fight the infection, the cough becomes easier.
Cough treatment
Cough treatment

Wet cough medicines:

  • ACC. Able to dilute mucus, easier coughing on the first day of admission. The medicine relieves inflammation, but doctors are not advised to take pregnant women and those women who feed their breasts.
  • Dr. MOM in tablets. The drug of plant production.
  • Broncholitin. A very popular drug, as it suppresses the epicenter of cough, is able to cure even strong respiratory diseases, remove mucus, relieve swelling of the mucosa.
  • Bromhexin. The medicine is perfectly tolerated, therefore, it can be prescribed even to children.
  • Ambroxol. The drug released in Bulgaria. It happens in the form of a syrup, has a pleasant smell and raspberry taste.

The best expectorants, syrups with dry and wet coughing in pregnant women: a list of inexpensive and effective drugs and use

The choice of the drug during pregnancy is a difficult task. And not even every doctor can do it, as you can harm the fetus. Consequently, the drug is selected with special care and only after the benefits for the mommy are evaluated and harm to the baby is excluded. What medicines can be taken? Consider the best options.

  • Lizobakt. Available in the form of tablets. The active substance of the drug is lysozyme. The drug must be absorbed, not chewed and not swallowed.
  • Gramicidin. The medicine that kills bacteria has almost no general effect. It is impossible to accept it yourself without consulting a doctor.
  • Libexin. A medicine in which the active substance is a hydrochloride prexidiazine. The drug is recommended to be taken during pregnancy, but carefully.
  • Stoptussin. It is prescribed to a pregnant woman during dry, irritating and painful cough. It is used orally, after eating, it is not chewed.
  • Bromhexin. After it, the viscosity of the mucus decreases, therefore, its excretion is accelerated and facilitated.

Llearning expectorants, syrups with dry and wet coughing in nursing mothers: a list of inexpensive and effective drugs and use

Do not be afraid to take cough medicine while breastfeeding. Antibodies contained in milk help the child's body destroy the infection.

There are a huge number of drugs that help get rid of cough. But besides them, a young mother needs to comply with some rules:

  • Drink a lot of drinking so that the body does not lose fluid.
  • Moisturize the air so that there is no drying out of mucus in the nasopharynx and respiratory tract.
  • Vit the room more often. This is necessary so that the room is cleansed of pathogenic organisms.

Now we list the drugs directly.


  • "Herbion." The product is made of natural components, therefore, it quickly eliminates the cough.
  • "Plunging." It contains ivy extract, effectively cures a cough during pregnancy.


  • "Ambrobene." The main component of the drug is Ambroxol. This substance does not fall into milk, therefore, it is considered safe during breastfeeding.
  • "Fluimucil." Doctors are also allowed to take this medicine with nursing mothers. The main component of the drug is amino acid acetylcysteine. Sold in the form of powder or tablets.


  • "Haeckeral". It oppresses the negative flora in the larynx for 12 hours.
  • "Tantum Verde." Relieves inflammation, does not affect the composition of milk, does not bring to him and the baby.
  • "Chlorophyllipt." The main ingredient of the product is eucalyptus leaves that help cure the cough faster.

Bronch -expanding drugs for children and adults from dry and wet coughing: list, use

Modern types of broncholitics come in several categories:

  • Metilcasites. These are short -term and prolonged plasters. Theophylline is the main component that is part of their composition.
  • Beta2 Adrenemimetics. There can be either short -term or prolonged. Similar drugs relax smooth muscles, suppress inflammation, reduce the hyperactivity of the bronchi, increase the release of a surfactant.
  • Inhalation agents. There are short -term and prolonged. M-cholinoblocks block the action of acetylcholine on receptors.
  • Stabilizers cromons. Reduce attacks, reduce the dose of additional drugs.

The best expectorant herbs for the treatment of cough in adults, children, pregnant women and GV at home: List and recipe for applying

Herbs are divided into 2 groups: against dry and humid cough.

Against dry:

  • Plantain. It kills microbes, softens the mucous membrane, relieves pain, cuts mucus.
  • Chamomile. It has a soothing property. Chamomile is a natural antiseptic.
  • Bagoon. This plant relieves spasms, irritation. Also, the bagulate is able to expand the bronchi, enhance the release of mucus.
  • Thyme. It is an antiseptic and soothing plant, quickly heals the mucous membrane, removes gently mucus.
  • Parmelia. Discharges mucus, after which it easily comes out. Also, the plant eliminates pain, irritation, soothes the cough.
  • Coltsfoot. Increases the secretion of the mucosa, carefully removes mucus, relieves the inflammatory process.
  • Mullein. This plant discharges mucus, neutralizes, kills pathogens.
  • Clover. It is considered a soothing plant, perfectly remove mucus.
  • Linden flowers. Dispute, anesthetize, envelop the mucous membrane, and remove sputum.

Against wet:

  • Lungwort. It removes the inflammatory process, fights with microbes, promotes easy excretion of mucus.
  • Sage. Natural antiseptic, an ideal remedy that relieves inflammation.
  • Mint. The plant that removes irritation is an excellent product that removes sputum.
  • Dill seeds. Desters microbes, cleans the respiratory tract.
  • Fennel. Disinfects, fights with microbes, improves sputum removal.
  • Thyme. Natural antiseptic, contributing to the easy to remove sputum.
  • Comfrey. A calming and softening plant.
  • Eucalyptus. This plant contains essential oils. It is they who soothe, improve mucus jerking.

Folk expectorants with dry, wet cough, bronchitis: recipes for use

During a bacterial and viral disease, you can drink decoctions that help against coughing. They are made of medicinal herbs and other natural components that give excellent treatment results. Consider the most effective among them.

  • Lipa and Buzina. Take the same number of ingredients. Pour boiling water with 4 tbsps with boiling water. Put on a small fire, boil for about 10 minutes. Drink the product 2 times. Preferably hot.
  • Mountain ash and rosehip. Grind the berries, take 2 tbsp. Boil in 400 ml of boiling water, boil in a water bath for no more than 10 minutes. Remove to the side so that the product is infused for about 7 hours. Take 1 \\ 2 cups at a time.
  • Honey and oil. A very good remedy that will help you cure a cough and a runny nose. Take 50 g of each ingredient, mix. Take 1 tsp, 4 times a day.
  • Raspberry and viburnum. This recipe will help you cure a cold, runny nose, cough. Grind the berries, take 2 tbsp each component, add 2 tbsps of sugar. Pour the ingredients of 500 ml of boiling water, hold for 5 minutes, then strain.
  • Onion. This product is considered the king among other vegetables. You can also prepare an excellent composition against cough. Take 2 bulbs. Finely cut, sprinkle with sugar, pour water (750 ml). Boil the syrup so that it becomes thick on low heat. Take 1 tbsp every 3 hours.

Be always healthy!

Video: Treatment of cough in adults and children

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Comments K. article

  1. There is also an excellent remedy with an expectorant and mucolytic effect - an acute bronchus. I used it when I treated my one -year -old son. This solution does not contain sugar and has no contraindications. It can be taken inside, and also use it for inhalations.

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