The best drugs for the pancreas: name, list, action. How to treat pancreatic pancreatitis: a list of drugs, folk remedies, reviews

The best drugs for the pancreas: name, list, action. How to treat pancreatic pancreatitis: a list of drugs, folk remedies, reviews

List of drugs for the treatment of pancreas.

Pancreas- this is One of the most important organs that participates in the digestive process. With inflammation and chronic diseases, difficulties with digestion of food often occur, diarrhea, severe pain, flatulence develops. In this article we will give a list of the best pancreas. 

Pancreatic inflammation: causes

The pancreas produces special enzymes and hormones that are necessary for splitting food. These are substances that help in the breakdown of proteins, fats, carbohydrates. It produces not only enzymes, but also hormones, among which insulin is one of the most basic. It is necessary to maintain blood sugar at the right level.

The pancreas helps to break down sugar with the formation of glucose. But since a large number of people are far from the most healthy lifestyle, the number of patients suffering from chronic ailments of the pancreas is constantly growing. 

Inflammation of the pancreas, reasons:

  • Over a year in Russia, on average, one person drinks about 15 liters of pure alcohol, taking into account the elderly and newborns. With constant intake of alcohol, liver cells, pancreas are damaged, which leads to the death of the cells of these organs.
  • Unlike the liver, the pancreas is not capable of regeneration. Therefore, ailments can remain for a long time, even until the end of life. To damage the pancreas, only a few sips of alcohol per day are enough.
  • Regular overeating, eating fatty, fried food.
  • Reception of antibiotics, antidepressants.

To maintain health in good condition, improve the organ, it is not enough to take medicines, it is necessary to adhere to a healthy lifestyle. Only subject to certain rules and diet, you can forget about the attacks of pain in the pancreas. 


What are the symptoms with exacerbation of the pancreas?

Exacerbation is a relapse of a chronic ailment that manifests itself as serious symptoms, among which vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pain. Typically, a deterioration in the state of health occurs due to a violation of the production of enzymes, hormones and with functional failures. In most cases, malfunctions appear after drinking a large amount of alcohol or overloading the digestive system with fatty, fried products.

If the patient leads a correct, healthy lifestyle, then the pancreas may not bother him at all, since there are no jumps in the level of hormones and enzymes. During the aggravation period, the symptoms are brightly exposed, there is a severe pain syndrome, which sometimes has to be eliminated by antispasmodics injections. Pain occurs due to death, suppuration of tissues and damage to related organs. Due to the imbalance of enzymes, insulin deficiency may occur, which leads to the death of pancreatic cells.Determine the relapse is quite simple by symptoms.

What are the symptoms with exacerbation of the pancreas:

  • Usually these are severe pains “under the spoon”, which sometimes give under the shoulder blade. 
  • Nausea and vomiting with bile. 
  • Dry mouth, temperature at the level of 37-39 degrees. 
  • Constipation and diarrhea, the formation of a large number of gases. 
  • The color of the skin can change to gray-yellow. This is especially evident in the zone of the nasolabial triangle.

Treatment is usually carried out in a hospital. Before a person is placed in the ward, it is necessary to wait for the test results and conduct an ultrasound diagnosis. 


The best cure for pancreatic pancreatitis: action

Mostly doctors prescribe a diet, pharmacy drugs and even folk methods. In the most difficult situations, surgery and surgical intervention may be prescribed. It is worth noting that a gastroenterologist is engaged in treatment, so you need to contact a family doctor or therapist, and then get a referral to a gastroenterologist. In the acute course, starvation is recommended. The optimal time is two to three days. There are several varieties of drugs that are used to treat the pancreas. They are distinguished by their composition and influence. 

The best cure for pancreatic pancreatitis, list, action:

  • Means that stop the production of enzymes and juice in the pancreas. 
  • Analgesics and painkillers that relieve painful syndrome. 
  • Traditional medicine and drugs for detoxification. 
  • Antibiotics of a wide spectrum of action, if the disease is caused by an infection. 
The pancreas
The pancreas

Medicine with exacerbation of the pancreas

At the very beginning, with strong attacks, treatment can be carried out in a hospital, with the administration of drugs in the form of injections. Tablets are prescribed when the process of remission and recovery begins. To stop painful syndrome, as well as prevent re -inflammation, it is necessary to adhere to diet No. 5. Below you can consider drugs that are most often used for diseases of the pancreas. These are substances that improve its work due to a lack of enzymes. 

The medicine with exacerbation of the pancreas:

  • The most popular drugs are made from enzymes that are produced in the body of cattle. They improve the work of the gastrointestinal tract, accelerate the digestion of food. To maintain the pancreas healthy, it is not recommended to use products on an ongoing basis. According to some doctors, addiction may develop, the pancreas will work much worse. 
  • To relieve pain, anti -inflammatory drugs, antispasmodics are prescribed. They do not treat, but at the same time help to relieve spasm, which often happens with pancreatitis. With exacerbation of pancreatic inflammation and pancreatitis, antispasmodics are prescribed No-shpa and papaverine.
  • If you suffer from chronic pancreatitis, then in this case it is recommended to use tablet drugs. No-shpa is the best suited. The maximum concentration of the drug per day is 240 mg. It is taken for a week until the symptoms disappear. Remember that these drugs do not make sense to take one -time, since the pain will return after time anyway. This will happen until the condition of the gland is normalized. 

The best enzymes for acute pancreatitis of the pancreas

Since the pancreas works poorly or eats itself, food cannot be digested qualitatively, passing into the small and large intestines. It is for these purposes that enzymes are used. 

The best enzymes for acute pancreatitis of the pancreas:

  • Festal. The composition contains pancreatin, which is extracted from cattle and pig enzymes. As an additive, the bile of cattle is introduced, which stimulates digestion and absorption of food. The drug stimulates the release of lipase, thereby improving the digestion and absorption of food. 
  • Creon. The composition contains pancreatin and there are no more additional components. Therefore, the effect of it may not be as pronounced as from Theestal. 
  • Panzinorm. This drug contains pancreatin. The substance contains amylase, lipase and protease. These components break down proteins, fats, as well as carbohydrates to the state of sugars. 

The best medicines for the liver and pancreas

If there are problems with the liver and pancreas, then the treatment is complex in order to stimulate the outflow of bile, as well as prevent the release of a large number of pancreatic enzymes.

The best medicines for the liver and pancreas:

  • In this case, hepatoprotectors are prescribed, agents that relieve inflammation. It can be non -steroidal anti -inflammatory drugs or drugs that relieve spasm, for example, No-shpa orDrotaverinas well as choleretic agents.
  • If inflammation of the liver and pancreas is provoked by severe poisoning, hormonal drugs, as well as vitamins, plant complexes, enzymes that activate the pancreas, may also include in complex treatment. Substances that cleanse blood are shown. Among them should be highlighted glucose, as well as saline. Typically, droppers are administered in cases of dehydration, prolonged diarrhea and vomiting. 
  • Among hepatoprotectors, it is worth highlightingHepabenEssential. Antibiotics can be prescribed if the disease of the pancreas and liver is provoked by poisoning. These are usually tetracycline preparations orcephalosporin rows. To stimulate the outflow of bile, prescribeAllochol andUrosanan. In order to normalize the functioning of the pancreas, they are prescribed Pancreatin and products that reduce the acidity of the stomach. Among them it is worth highlighting Phosphalugel. 

Sorbents and antacids for pancreatitis

The main danger in pancreatic diseases is the ability to digest itself. With severe inflammation of the pancreas, an increased release of the corresponding enzymes is observed, but the outflow is impaired. Thus, the organ eats itself. This should never be allowed. There are several ways to reduce the secretion of pancreatic enzymes.

Sorbents and antacids for pancreatitis:

  • it potassium and calcium solutionsthat help relieve voltage, and block the production of the enzyme. However, these drugs reduce the acidity of gastric juice, but after their cancellation there is a peculiarrebound-the effect, during which, due to a long decrease in acidity, there is a sharp increase. Thus, the process starts again. That is why experts recommendfunds, which act on a different principle. 
  • At the moment, antacids are prescribed only in a hospital, when it is necessary to sharply reduce the production of enzymes and there is no time to wait due to the terrible state of the patient. However, in the treatment of chronic pancreatitis, proton pump inhibitors are recommended, which act as H2 blockers. They gently block the production of food enzymes, and improve the condition of the pancreas. Among such drugs it is worth highlighting Omeprazole. 
  • To stop vomiting, nausea and diarrhea, absorptions, sorbents are often used. Among them it is worth highlightingEnterosgelSmecta, andAtoxil. These are drugs that contain substances that absorb harmful components and help improve the condition. It is advisable to take them if the day before a large amount of alcohol was taken. Together with the decay and formation of acetaldehyde, a violation of the pancreas is often observed. To get rid of them, they accept sorbents. However, these drugs cannot improve the condition and stimulate the functioning of the pancreas. Therefore, 1 hour after taking adsorbents, enzymes are prescribed.

Pancreatitis of the pancreas with exacerbation

The main task in exacerbation of pancreatitis is to reduce the production of enzymes, remove pain, eliminate possible complications. For this, comprehensive treatment is used.

Medicines for pancreatitis of the pancreas during exacerbation:

  • Assign to eliminate spasms Papaverine,Spazgan. To normalize digestion, prescribeUnienzim. 
  • To prevent the growth of bacteria is shownDoxycycline and azithromycin. Assign alsoGastrozole And Omezwhich reduce the production of hydrochloric acid in the stomach. Showed Espumisan, To reduce gas formation.
  • For outflow, bile is prescribed Holenzim, flaming. To maintain the condition, vitamins of group A, B, K. As indicated above, complex therapy can be absolutely ineffective if a person continues to lead an incorrect lifestyle. With exacerbation, with severe pain, hunger is indicated for one or two days. During this period, it is best to drink Borjomi and Essentuki, Having previously removed gas bubbles. Diet on table No. 5 is assigned. 

Pancreas: drugs and drugs for prevention

For prevention, it is not recommended to take drugs based on enzymes, as this can cause a lazy pancreas syndrome. The body will produce a much smaller number of enzymes necessary for digestion of food.

Pancreas, drugs for prevention:

  • Reception of sorbents, such asEnterosgel and phosphalugel, can be quite useful, especially if you take medications or are poisoned. For the purpose of prevention, it is best to use drugs at all, but a change in the diet. Try to eat food 5-6 times a day, in small portions.
  • Completely exclude fatty foods, smoked meats, lard. It is believed that alcohol and smoking increase the risk of developing pancreatic diseases several times. The main task is to completely abandon alcoholic beverages.
  • Yogurts and protein products are recommended in the evening. In no case do not use chocolate sweets as snacks, so they contain a large amount of fats. Deathure cottage cheese, fruits, yogurt and nuts are useful. If you approach the power system correctly, then the latest meal should be no later than three hours before going to bed.
  • If after dinner you are hungry, or not enough eaten, it is recommended to drink a glass of kefir or yogurt, without fruit fillers and sugar to eliminate hunger. In no case should it be excluded from the diet products that contain a large amount of fat. Among them, it is worth highlighting sea fish, and fermented milk products.
  • Hard cheese, as well as red fish, are very useful products that contain omega-acids. Fat contained in confectionery, chocolate sweets, and meat processing products, for example, in sausage, should be refused. These products increase the concentration of cholesterol, and enhance the load on the pancreas and liver. 
  • It is recommended to take sorbents, the drugs that envelop the intestinal walls will not be superfluous. Among them it is worth highlightingAlmagel. These drugs reduce the load on the pancreas, help adjust the work of the stomach. If you have increased acidity, then you should adhere to a diet using products that reduce it. This will be a kind of prevention of pancreatic diseases. 

How to restore the pancreas with folk remedies?

For the treatment of pancreatitis, not only drugs from the pharmacy, but also folk remedies are often prescribed. Oddly enough, some of them are no less effective than enzymes, or absorbers. 

How to restore the pancreas with folk remedies:

  1. It is necessary to purchase dry root of the burdock and scell three tablespoons of raw materials 1000 ml of boiling water. It is best to carry out manipulations in the thermos so that the product is well brewed. Pill the lid tightly and withstand for about 3 hours. After that, put on the fire and sweat another 7 minutes. It is necessary to take 100 ml three times a day. It is best to drink a decoction before eating. This is a magnificent replacement of antispasmodics, and non -steroidal anti -inflammatory drugs. 
  2. Buckwheat groats with kefir. This is a kind of diet that helps remove the load from the pancreas. If you feel that the exacerbation of the pancreas is just around the corner, or you ate a lot of fatty foods the day before, it's time to use this recipe. Rinse 150 g with water with water and mix with 500 ml of kefir. It is best to manipulate before bedtime. During the night, the mass will swell well. 
  3. In the morning, you need to eat half of what you cooked, instead of breakfast, and in the evening the second part. Remember that there is nothing in lunch. During the day, tea without sugar is allowed. The last meal of buckwheat and kefir should be 3 hours before going to bed. It is best to sit on such a diet for 10 days. This will help lose weight, improve the pancreas. 
  4. Propolis. It is best to purchase a similar tool in farm stores. It is necessary to tincture, in the amount of 20 drops, dissolve in 200 ml of cow's milk. It is best if it is fat -free. Take the product three times a day, before eating. You can also use propolis and chew it. 
  5. Barberry berries. It is necessary to pour 1000 ml of a strong alcoholic drink. It is best if it is pure alcohol or vodka. It is worth closing with a lid and keep in a dark place, away from sunlight, for 14 days. It is necessary to take such tincture 15 ml 2 times a day, 40 minutes before meals. The course of treatment is 2 weeks. 

Best pancreas: reviews

Below you can familiarize yourself with the reviews of patients who are faced with pancreatic diseases. 

The best medicine for the pancreas, reviews:

Oleg. I work in a men's team, so often after work we go to celebrate birthdays, anniversaries, holidays. Naturally, without alcohol, fatty foods are not complete. Tighten vodka with fatty meat, barbecue and various slices from sausage. Unfortunately, the age is no longer the same, so sometimes you have to control yourself, and abandon such celebrations. Recently there was an exacerbation of pancreatitis, so he lay in the hospital for 10 days. They made injections with papaverine, administered drugs that improve the pancreas. To normalize the liver was assignedHepaben, for the pancreas, tookCreon and pancreatin. Now I try to adhere to a diet, not to consume fatty foods, and even more so alcohol. 

Olga. Due to excess weight and problems with insulin, pain arose in the pancreatic area. Perhaps the disease arose much earlier, but made itself felt only now. I lie down at the hospital twice a year, I fly to the pancreas with the liver. For these purposes, I take hepatoprotectors, enzymes and painkillers. Unfortunately, it is impossible to completely cure the pancreas, if you do not control your nutrition and not bring weight to normal. I recommend that patients suffering from pancreas, sit on a diet, and reduce weight. Most likely, the condition is normalized, and all systems, including the pancreas, will work much better. I do not urge anyone to adhere to raw food diet, since it is also harmful for pancreatitis. It is worth consuming less fat products, as well as completely abandon fried.

Svetlana. I ran into pancreatic pancreatitis for the first time, and to be honest, shocked. The ailment is accompanied by terrible well -being, vomiting, nausea and constant pain. I was forced to turn to the doctor, the examination terrified me. I had to swallow the probe to examine the stomach, and do an ultrasound. Now I'm taking enzymes, sitting on a diet. To reduce pain, papaverine was prescribed, as well as non -steroidal anti -inflammatory drugs. The pain decreased, but in general I plan to review my diet, go to paragraphs.


It will be useful to read the following articles on our website:

For diseases of the pancreas, more than one single drug is prescribed, but a complex therapy is used, which is aimed at increasing the outflow of enzymes, as well as removal of spasm.

Video: The best pancreatic medicines

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