How to call a child a girl in a church calendar? Orthodox female names for saints for girls by month: list, meaning, origin

How to call a child a girl in a church calendar? Orthodox female names for saints for girls by month: list, meaning, origin

How to call a girl according to the church calendar.

The rite of baptism of newborns came to us after the adoption of Christianity in Russia. They called newborns according to the saints - the lists of saints revered by the Orthodox Church

How to choose a name for a child according to a church calendar?

When choosing a name, one should have a calendar of the main days of veneration of saints, which meets the year of the birth of a baby. From the same calendar, parents learn the meaning of the name and the individual date of the name day

You can choose the name of the saint of the next eight days after the birth of a daughter

If on your baby’s birthday there is no name in the Saints, then you can choose the right name of the saint that the church honors on the next day or within eight days after the birthday of the daughter.

What are holy?

During the Sacrament of Baptism, the name of the Orthodox holy canonized by the Church is given to the baby. So the Saints appeared. Saints are a calendar (a description of saints).

In addition to the names of the saints and martyrs, the holy has information about the date of veneration of their memory, as well as a short meaning of the name. The newborn receives a name depending on the Orthodox calendar day when he was born

Choosing a name for a girl in the shrines

The names in the Orthodox calendar are constantly replenished, so do not worry that the names will cut the hearing with monotony.

The Orthodox calendar is constantly replenished with new names
The Orthodox calendar is constantly replenished with new names

In the month of the Seclon (aka the Orthodox calendar), parents will find not only the name of their baby, but also find the most favorable combination of sounds that will serve him as a talisman. Having named the child according to the shrines, parents do not have to change the worldly form of the name of the child during baptism.

Saints names - January: meaning, origin

According to popular signs, January is the coldest winter month. Perhaps it is precisely to maintain universal harmony, this month children are born who are able to withstand piercing January winds and crackling frosts.

  • The distinctive qualities of those born in January are patience, restraint and determination. The girls born in January have these qualities. “January” girls grow purposeful, but have negative quality: it is sometimes difficult to find a common language with them.
  • Born in January, girls choose an Orthodox name in the calculation that over time in the character of the baby will manifest the hardness of a “male” nature.
  • The girl “January” is a good mother’s assistant, from whom an excellent mistress will grow. She will easily organize life, grably meet guests. He does not tolerate other people's shortcomings, which affects his personal life.
  • In January, there are many girlish names according to the shrines. You can choose a rare or familiar name, strict or lyrical. But in order for the girl’s character to be present, it is better to give preference to the soft and melodic name for the shrines.
  • Sounds “P” and “D” should be avoided. The bizarre name will cause mockery. As a result, his owner will often feel discontent and desire to answer rudeness.
January girls need a soft and tender name
January girls need a soft and tender name

Saints names for girls born in January

January 3 Ulyana owned by Julia latin
Julia curly greek
4 January Anastasia sunday greek
Feodosia God is given greek
January 6 Eugene noble greek
Claudia persistent latin
January 8 August divine latin
Maria bitter, stubborn biblical
Agrippina sorrowful latin
Anfisa blooming greek
January 9 Alice noble ancient German
Antonina entering the battle latin
January 10 Blast furnace the lord latin
Theophilus loving God greek
Glykeria sweet greek
Agafya chaste greek
January 11 Barbara foreigner greek
Efrosinya joy greek
Matrena noble woman russian
Agrippina sorrowful latin
Natalia native; Born on Christmas latin
Evdokia fieldness greek
Anna grace jewish
January 12 Anisia perfect greek
Maria bitter, stubborn biblical
Fedor God's gift greek
Arina world greek
13th of January Melania dark -haired, dark -skinned greek
January 14 Emilia affectionate greek
January 15 Julia curly greek
Ulyana owned by Julia latin
January 16 Arina world greek
January 17 Klimentina gracious bulgarian
Zinaida belonging to Zeus greek
Olympia celestial greek
January 18 Pauline liberated greek
Eugene noble greek
January 21 Julia curly greek
Ulyana owned by Julia latin
Antonina entering the battle latin
Vasilisa princess greek
Anastasia sunday greek
The 25th of January Tatiana the organizer greek
Eupraxia happy greek
January 27 Nina brave girl spanish
Agnia immaculate russian
28 January Elena beautiful; bright; Selected greek
Sofia wisdom greek
Efrosinya joy greek
Alyona darling gallic
January 29 Leonila similar to the lion greek
January 30 Antonina entering the battle latin
January 31 Kseniya guest greek
Maria bitter, stubborn biblical
Feodosia God is given greek
Oksana hospitable, guest, wanderer ukrainian

Names for the Saints - February: meaning, origin

The girl born in February is suitable for a soft name. It will have only a positive influence on the fate of its owner: it will soften her unpredictable, like February weather, character, and will balance emotions. Indeed, often “February” girls are guided not by reason, but by mood and feelings.

Good leaders would have grown from the girls born in February if they were less impulsive. Not superfluous for them is the mastery of the ability to build relationships with others. They tend to commit recklessness and can always stand up for themselves.

February girl will be able to stand up for herself
February girl will be able to stand up for herself

The name of a girl with a complex character should caress and endow her owner with positive features. A difficult disposition of the "February" girls, such names soften and facilitate their fate.

Names for February for the Saints for the Girls and their meaning

1st of February Louise smiling spanish
Feodosia God is given greek
February 2 Karina impeccable greek
Vasilisa princess greek
Rimma roman latin
Inna stormy stream of water greek
February 3rd Agnia immaculate russian
Anastasia sunday greek
February 4 Anastasia sunday greek
February 5th Evdokia fieldness greek
Catherine clean; Great; Imperial greek
Agatha kind greek
February 6 Oksana hospitable, guest, wanderer ukrainian
Kseniya guest greek
February 7 Felitsat happy latin
February 8 Maria bitter, stubborn biblical
February 10 Olga saint; Great; Ideal latin
12th of February Pelagia sea greek
February 13 Feoktista created by God greek
Athanasius immortal greek
Evdokia fieldness greek
Feodosia God is given greek
The 14th of February Evdokia fieldness greek
February 16 Anna grace jewish
February 17 Maria bitter, stubborn biblical
Anna grace jewish
Catherine clean; Great; Imperial greek
18th of Febuary Agafya chaste greek
Alexandra defender of people greek
February 19 Kristina the follower of Christ greek
Martha noble woman aramaic
Maria bitter, stubborn biblical
February 20th Evdokia fieldness greek
February 23 Anna grace jewish
Bella gorgeous latin
Galina calm greek
Paul baby latin
Valentine strong latin
24 February Fedor God's gift greek
25 February Maria bitter, stubborn biblical
February 26 Zoya cheerful greek
Irina disposal to itself; Peaceful greek
Svetlana bright slavic
Faith TRUE latin
Anna grace jewish
28th of February Euphrosyne joy greek
Sofia wisdom greek

Names for the Saints - March: meaning, origin

A girl born in March needs constant care. It is characterized by timidity and tenderness, reminiscent of the uncertain first spring sunny days. Girls, like primroses, break their way to life. But for this they need to constantly strengthen their spirit.

February girl is weak and vulnerable
The girl born in March is weak and vulnerable

The "March" girls, having got into a conflict situation, prefer to find a compromise solution. They adapt well to the circumstances. They are easy to offend.

Names for March for the holes for the girl and their meaning

March 1 Valentine strong latin
2nd of March Anna grace jewish
Nina brave girl spanish
Marianne sad beauty jewish
March, 3rd Camilla noble latin
March 4 Alexandra defender of people greek
March, 6 Barbara foreigner greek
Elizabeth Reverent God jewish
Irina disposal to itself; Peaceful greek
March 7 Anfisa blooming greek
9th of March impeccable greek
10th of March Anna grace jewish
March 11th Theresa protection greek
March 12 Marina loving ocean; sea latin
Kira madam greek
Victoria the winner latin
March 14th Hope hope; beginning of life russian
Daria the gift of God jewish
Matrena noble woman russian
Antonina entering the battle latin
Olga saint; Great; Ideal latin
Anna grace jewish
March 16 Martha noble woman aramaic
March 17 Ulyana owned by Julia latin
Julia curly greek
March 18 Iraid the daughter of the hero greek
March 19 Elena beautiful; bright; Selected greek
20th of March Hope hope; beginning of life russian
Maria bitter, stubborn biblical
Kapitolina capitol latin
Antonina entering the battle latin
Kseniya guest greek
Catherine clean; Great; Imperial greek
Matrena noble woman russian
Anna grace jewish
March 22 Alexandra defender of people greek
Natalia native; Born on Christmas latin
Alina noble ancient German
Olesya defender ukrainian
March 23 Victoria the winner latin
Galina calm greek
Nika victory greek
Vasilisa princess greek
Anastasia sunday greek
Theodora donated by God italian
March 24 Karina impeccable greek
Bertha bright ancient German
26 March Kristina the follower of Christ greek
March 28 Maria bitter, stubborn biblical
March 30 Marina loving ocean; sea latin
March 31 Natalia native; Born on Christmas latin
Cornelia with character latin

Names for the Saints - April: meaning, origin

April girls are stubborn and love to dictate their conditions. This month, all living things spill the strength accumulated over the period of winter hibernation. Children born in April are distinguished by determination and perseverance.

They are often accompanied by luck in all endeavors. Since the girls of April have a firm cheerful character, they have many friends. But since the “own” person is most important for them, there may be problems in communication with others.

The girl of April needs a soft name

When choosing a name for the baby, give preference to the softest options. This will help the girl show her femininity and tolerance.

Names for April for the Saints for the Girls and their meaning

April 1 Illaria cheerful greek
Maria bitter, stubborn biblical
Daria the gift of God jewish
Matrena noble woman russian
Sofia wisdom greek
April 2 Alexandra defender of people greek
Feodosia God is given greek
Claudia persistent latin
Julia curly greek
Svetlana bright slavic
Olesya defender ukrainian
Ulyana owned by Julia latin
April, 4 Pauline liberated greek
Aglayid shining greek
Daria the gift of God jewish
Taisiya wise greek
April 5 Maria bitter, stubborn biblical
Lydia musical italian
Barbara foreigner greek
Anastasia sunday greek
April 8 Anna grace jewish
Alla invincible gothic
Larisa gull greek
April 9 Maria bitter, stubborn biblical
April 10th Marina loving ocean; sea latin
April 13th Miroslava all -world slavic
14th of April Maria   bitter, stubborn biblical
April 16 Feodosia God is given greek
April 17th Maria bitter, stubborn biblical
April 18th Theodora donated by God italian
20 April Evdokia fieldness greek
25th of April Athanasius immortal greek
26 April Martha noble woman aramaic
Alina noble ancient German
April 28 Vasilisa princess greek
Anastasia sunday greek
April 29 Irina disposal to itself; Peaceful greek
Susanna lily jewish
Victoria the winner latin
Galina calm greek
Aglaya shining greek
Tamara royal jewish
Maria bitter, stubborn biblical
Karina impeccable greek
Anna grace jewish
Nika victory greek
Vasilisa princess greek
Martha noble woman aramaic
Arina world greek

Names for the Saints - May: meaning, origin

Born in May, girls sometimes lack patience to resolve the conflict situation with a compromise. They are fundamental, stubborn and smart. Their optimistic mood helps to maintain inner harmony.

Girls of May
Girls May Optimists

The name for a girl who was born in May should neutralize negative character traits and soften a firm disposition. Correctly choosing a proud daughter, parents will facilitate the process of educating the baby.

Names for the holy for a girl born in May

The 1 of May Tamara   royal jewish
May 2 Matrena   noble woman russian
May 3 Violet   violet italian
the 6th of May Alexandra   defender of people greek
Valeria   born healthy latin
Olesya   defender ukrainian
May 7 Elizabeth Reverent God jewish
May 8 Victoria   the winner latin
9th May Matrena   noble woman russian
Glafira elegant greek
May 10 Anastasia   sunday greek
Maria   bitter, stubborn biblical
May 11 Anna grace jewish
May 14 Tamara royal jewish
Nina   brave girl spanish
May 15 Zoya   cheerful greek
16th of May Julia   curly greek
Ulyana owned by Julia latin
May 17 Pelagia   sea greek
May 18 Arina   world greek
Irina   disposal to itself; Peaceful greek
May 20 Caroline queen german
May, 23rd Taisiya wise greek
26 of May Arina   world greek
Irina disposal to itself; Peaceful greek
Glykeria   sweet greek
May 29 Alina   noble ancient German
May 30 Evdokia   fieldness greek
Efrosinya joy greek
May 31 Faina   shining greek
Kristina   the follower of Christ greek
Matrena   noble woman russian
Ulyana owned by Julia latin
Alexandra   defender of people greek
Olesya   defender ukrainian
Claudia persistent latin
Julia   curly greek
Camilla   noble latin
The girl's hard displacement is softened by a soft name

Names for the Saints - June: meaning, origin

In June, timid girls are born. The June shrines contain the names of the heavenly patronesses for babies who will have a positive effect on the fate of the baby.
"June" girls are unusually careful.

June girls are naive and sensitive
"June" girls are naive and sensitive

Can be naive. Girls born in June have a trembling and vulnerable soul. Any failures and problems are with difficulty tolerated.

Such girls, even when they grow up, need parents protection and moral support. However, June girls are not weak -lecharacted: in difficult life situations, they show courage and determination.

Saints names for girls born in June

2 June Matrena   noble woman russian
June 3 Elena   beautiful; bright; Selected greek
Alyona   darling gallic
June 5 Efrosinya joy greek
June 6 Ulyana owned by Julia latin
June 7 Elena   beautiful; bright; Selected greek
June 8 Alyona   darling gallic
Elena   beautiful; bright; Selected greek
the 9th of June Theodora donated by God italian
June 10th Elena beautiful; bright; Selected greek
Diana   divine latin
Diana   divine latin
June 14 Faith true latin
Alina noble ancient German
June 15 Julia curly greek
Alice   noble ancient German
June 16 Alina   noble ancient German
Paul baby latin
June 20 Valeria   born healthy latin
Maria   bitter, stubborn biblical
22nd of June Maria   bitter, stubborn biblical
Martha   noble woman aramaic
June 23 Antonina   entering the battle latin
June 25 Anna   grace jewish
June 26 Antonina   entering the battle latin
Pelagia sea greek
Alexandra   defender of people greek
Anna   grace jewish
June 29 Angelica   angelic latin
30 June Pelagia   sea greek
Heavenly patroness will influence the fate of the girl
Heavenly patroness will influence the fate of the girl

Names for the Saints - July: meaning, origin

In July, sensitive personalities were born. When choosing a name for a girl born in June, try to take into account all the shortcomings of the character that will certainly make itself felt over time.

Girl July
Girl July is excessively sensitive

The “correct” name for the July girl should not sound soft and gently: those born in July already prevail in character sensitivity and increased impressionability.

July girls know how to arrange others with their good attitude. The name should not even more weaken the will of such vulnerable and creative nature. It is better to choose a name with a “solid” sound that has a positive meaning. So the girl will have a persistent character, confidence in her abilities will appear

Saints names for girls born in July

July 2 Alina noble ancient German
3 July Rimma roman latin
Inna   stormy stream of water greek
4th of July Bella gorgeous latin
5'th of July Julia   curly greek
Zinaida   belonging to Zeus greek
July 6 Agrippina sorrowful latin
Ulyana   owned by Julia latin
July 7 Olga   saint; Great; Ideal latin
July 10 Yana   blooming greek
Anna   grace jewish
the 14 th of July Angelina   angel greek
July 15 Angelica   angelic latin
July 17th Martha noble woman aramaic
Feodosia God is given greek
Anastasia   sunday greek
Olesya   defender ukrainian
Tatiana   the organizer greek
Alexandra   defender of people greek
Maria   bitter, stubborn biblical
July 18 Anna   grace jewish
Barbara   foreigner greek
Camilla   noble latin
Elizabeth   Reverent God jewish
July 19 Ulyana   owned by Julia latin
Martha   noble woman aramaic
Marina   loving ocean; sea latin
Julia   curly greek
July 20 Evdokia   fieldness greek
Efrosinya joy greek
July 24 Elena   beautiful; bright; Selected greek
Olga saint; Great; Ideal latin
Alyona   darling gallic
July 25 Veronica   pure image latin
Maria bitter, stubborn biblical
July 29 Valentine strong latin
Matrena noble woman russian
Julia   curly greek
July 30 Marina   loving ocean; sea latin
Margarita   pearl latin

Names for the Saints - August: meaning, origin

A girl born in August needs to choose a daily name, because the last summer month gives the world of people striving for freedom and leadership

August -born leaders by nature
Born in August - leaders by nature

August ”girls are smart and insightful, they have many friends at school. It is important for them to stay in the spotlight and be lit by the rays of fame. Girls have a pronounced dependence on public opinion. In the future, such personalities independently achieve success. A charismatic girl that can support her high self -esteem

Saints names for girls born in August

August 2 Karina impeccable greek
August 3rd Anna   grace jewish
August 4 Alina   noble ancient German
Maria  136 bitter, stubborn biblical
August 6 Kristina   the follower of Christ greek
August 7 Anna grace jewish
Iraid the daughter of the hero greek
August 9 Anfisa blooming greek
August 10 Arina   world greek
Anastasia sunday greek
Elena   beautiful; bright; Selected greek
Anna grace jewish
11th August Feodosia   God is given greek
August 13th Elizabeth   Reverent God jewish
Anna   grace jewish
Julia curly greek
August 14th Sofia   wisdom greek
August 17 Arina   world greek
Evdokia   fieldness greek
August 18 Daria   the gift of God jewish
Evdokia   fieldness greek
Maria   bitter, stubborn biblical
August 22 Arina   world greek
Maria bitter, stubborn biblical
Margarita   pearl latin
24 August Susanna lily jewish
August, 26th Oksana hospitable, guest, wanderer ukrainian
Arina   world greek
August 27 Eve   life jewish
Feodosia   God is given greek
Evdokia   fieldness greek
August 28 Sofia   wisdom greek
Maria   bitter, stubborn biblical
August 29 Anna   grace jewish
August 30 Julia   curly greek
Ulyana   owned by Julia latin

Saint names - September: meaning, origin

Girls born in September are characterized by such qualities as determination and hard work. "September" girls prefer not to enter into conflict situations. And if you can’t avoid a quarrel, then they are able to flare simply “from scratch”

September girls are not conflict
September girls are not conflict

The "September" girl should not be called with a intricate name. This will only strengthen such qualities as imbalance and irritability

Saints names for girls born in September

September 3 Martha noble woman aramaic
6 September Kira madam greek
8 September Maria bitter, stubborn biblical
Natalia native; Born on Christmas latin
9th of September Anfisa blooming greek
10 September Anna grace jewish
12-th of September Elizabeth Reverent God jewish
Victoria the winner latin
September 14th Martha noble woman aramaic
Tatiana the organizer greek
Natalia native; Born on Christmas latin
September 15th Oksana hospitable, guest, wanderer ukrainian
Karina impeccable greek
Kseniya guest greek
16 of September Vasilisa princess greek
September 17 Elena beautiful; bright; Selected greek
September 18 Elizabeth Reverent God jewish
Iraid the daughter of the hero greek
September 20 Agatha kind greek
September 21 Sofia wisdom greek
September 22nd Anna grace jewish
23 September Tatiana the organizer greek
September 24th Theodora donated by God italian
September 28th Evdokia fieldness greek
Lyudmila dear people slavic
Maria bitter, stubborn biblical
September 29th Lyudmila dear people slavic
Alina noble ancient German
September 30th Sofia wisdom greek
Alexandra defender of people greek
Hope hope; beginning of life russian
Faith TRUE latin
Irina disposal to itself; Peaceful greek

Names for the Saints - October: meaning, origin

"October" girls are small realists who do not have to accept everything on faith. They are ready to make sure of everything in practice. The owners of a clear mind and a calm temper, the girls of September easily cope with the school curriculum. Pragmatists grow out of them, extracting experience from their mistakes.

October girls are pragmatic
October girls are pragmatic

The girl will grow up wise and persistent if in her character the male qualities are equalized with a soft and feminine name

Saints names for girls born in October

October 1 Arina   world greek
Irina   disposal to itself; Peaceful greek
Sofia   wisdom greek
2 October Maria   bitter, stubborn biblical
October 6th Kseniya   guest greek
Iraid   the daughter of the hero greek
October 8 Efrosinya joy greek
October 10 Zinaida   belonging to Zeus greek
October 11 Tatiana the organizer greek
Maria bitter, stubborn biblical
Anna   grace jewish
October 13th Alexandra   defender of people greek
Pauline   liberated greek
Olesya   defender ukrainian
October 15 Anna   grace jewish
17 October Karina   impeccable greek
Veronica   pure image latin
The 20th of October Pelagia sea greek
October 21 Angelica   angelic latin
Elizabeth   Reverent God jewish
Hope   hope; beginning of life russian
Taisiya   wise greek
Tatiana   the organizer greek
Maria   bitter, stubborn biblical
Pelagia   sea greek
22 of October Athanasius immortal greek
October 24 Zinaida belonging to Zeus greek
Victoria   the winner latin
the 25th of October Miroslava all -world slavic
29th of October Violet violet italian
October 31 Marina   loving ocean; sea latin
Elizabeth   Reverent God jewish

Names for the shrines - November: meaning, origin

The girls have a complex character. In a gloomy and harsh November weather, girls are born, which are distinguished by a cool disposition.

They are purposeful and decisive. They become egoists with age. Easily achieve success in life. They know how to extract practical benefits in all matters.

November girls have a cool temper
November girls have a cool temper

The name should not be too “tough”, since this will negatively affect the formation of the girl’s personality: all her negative features will come to the surface. Soften the character soft name

Saints names for girls born in November

the 3rd of November Pelagia sea greek
November 4 Elizabeth Reverent God jewish
Glykeria sweet greek
Anna grace jewish
Feodosia God is given greek
November 5 Euphrosyne joy greek
November 7th Matrena noble woman russian
Karina impeccable greek
Anastasia sunday greek
November 9 Kapitolina capitol latin
11th of November Agafya chaste greek
Anna grace jewish
Maria bitter, stubborn biblical
Anastasia sunday greek
November 12 Anastasia sunday greek
Elena beautiful; bright; Selected greek
Alyona darling gallic
November 14th Ulyana owned by Julia latin
Julia curly greek
Elizabeth Reverent God jewish
November 16 Evdokia fieldness greek
November 17 Victoria the winner latin
November 19 Alexandra defender of people greek
Nina brave girl spanish
Claudia persistent latin
Matrena noble woman russian
Olesya defender ukrainian
20 November Elizabeth Reverent God jewish
November 22 Matrena noble woman russian
Feoktista created by God greek
November 23 Anna grace jewish
Olga saint; Great; Ideal latin
Feoktista created by God greek
November 25 Karina impeccable greek
November 27 Theodora donated by God italian
Anna grace jewish

The names of the Saints - December: meaning, origin

The name for the "December" girl should emphasize her dignity. Girls of December are often explosive. They are capable of a sudden outbreak of aggression, but also instantly their anger subsides. They cannot be angry for a long time, because by nature kind and not vengeful. They are straightforward and honest.

Born in December, rectilinear and honest
Born in December, rectilinear and honest

The name for the "December" girl should not be "air". It should emphasize the internal dignity of his carrier. The "harsh" name will add firmness to the character, reduce the already small share of the femininity of its owner

Saints names for girls born in December

December 3 Anna grace jewish
Tatiana the organizer greek
December 6 Alice noble ancient German
December 7th Catherine clean; Great; Imperial greek
August divine latin
December 15th Maria bitter, stubborn biblical
Margarita pearl latin
Matrena noble woman russian
Tamara royal jewish
Faith TRUE latin
Antonina entering the battle latin
December 17 Catherine clean; Great; Imperial greek
Barbara foreigner greek
Anastasia sunday greek
Julia curly greek
Ulyana owned by Julia latin
Kira madam greek
21 December Anfisa blooming greek
December 22 Efrosinya joy greek
Anna grace jewish
December 23 Olesya defender ukrainian
Victoria the winner latin
Alexandra defender of people greek
Angelina angel greek
Tatiana the organizer greek
Evdokia fieldness greek
Anna grace jewish
December 28th Yana blooming greek
December 29th Marina loving ocean; sea latin
Sofia wisdom greek
Dec. 31 Karina impeccable greek
Zoya cheerful greek
Faith TRUE latin

Video: Orthodox calendar - Saints

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  43. I want to buy names for girls by month according to the church calendar 2019

  44. Need names for girls by month according to the church calendar 2019

  45. Need names for girls rare and beautiful Orthodox

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  50. How to get names for the saints for girls

  51. Where to find out about the names by the holes for girls

  52. Where to find out about the names by the holes for girls

  53. How to get names for girls by month by church calendar

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  58. Interested in names for girls by month according to the church calendar

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  60. How to get names for girls by month

  61. Need names for girls by month according to the church calendar

  62. Need names for girls by month according to the church calendar

  63. I want to buy names for girls rare and beautiful Orthodox

  64. How to get names for the saints for girls

  65. How to get names for the saints for girls

  66. Where to find out about the names for girls by month by church calendar

  67. How to get names for girls by month

  68. Need names for girls by month according to the church calendar

  69. Interested in names for girls by month according to the church calendar 2019

  70. I want to buy names for the saints for girls

  71. Interested in the names for the saints for girls

  72. Where to find out about the names for girls by month

  73. Where to find out about the names for girls by month

  74. I want to buy names for girls rare and beautiful Orthodox

  75. I want to buy names for girls by month by church calendar

  76. Need names for girls by month September

  77. Interested in names for girls by month September

  78. Interested in names for girls by month for 2021

  79. Need names for girls by month

  80. How to get names for the saints for girls

  81. Need names for girls by month according to the church calendar

  82. How to get names for girls by month by church calendar

  83. I want to buy names for girls by month according to the church calendar 2019

  84. Interested in names for girls rare and beautiful Orthodox

  85. Where to find out about the names for girls by month

  86. We need names for girls by month according to the church calendar 2019

  87. Need names for girls by month for 2021

  88. Interested in the names for the saints for girls

  89. Where to find out about the names by the holes for girls

  90. Need names for girls by month according to the church calendar

  91. Need names for girls by month

  92. Where to find out about the names by the holes for girls

  93. Need names for girls by month

  94. I want to buy names for girls by month by church calendar

  95. Interested in names for girls by month according to the church calendar

  96. How to get names for girls by month

  97. Interested in names for girls rare and beautiful Orthodox

  98. Where to find out about the names by the holes for girls

  99. I want to buy names for girls by month according to the church calendar 2019

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