The best Japanese female names and their meaning: a list in Russian and English with translation. Anime: Japanese names for girls

The best Japanese female names and their meaning: a list in Russian and English with translation. Anime: Japanese names for girls

East is a delicate matter. Especially when it comes to the name of the baby. The review is the most exquisite and popular Japanese names for girls.

The best Japanese female names and their meaning: a list in Russian and English with translation

Important: in the Japanese tradition, the surname is first pronounced, and then a personal name. Consider this, communicating with representatives of Japanese culture.

Russian transliteration of the name English transliteration of the name The meaning of the name (depending on the spelling)



Shade of blue indigo.

It is used not only as an independent name, but also as an additional syllable to the main name.

Aiko Aiko



Favorite child.

Akari Akari




Akiko Akiko




Ami Ami

Asia, beauty;

Asia, the sea;

Asia, really.

Asuka Asuka Tomorrow.
Ayaka AYAKA Colorful flower.
Cho Cho Butterfly.
Chiza Chizu A thousand storks (symbol of longevity).
Emiko Emiko Smiling child.
Eri ERI Blessing+Reason.
Fumiko Fumiko Beautiful child.
Zen Gen Spring.
Haru Haru Sunlight.
Haruka Haruka Long away.
Haruki Haruki Brightly shining.
Hiroco Hiroko Great -minded or generous child.
Kameko Kameko Child Turtle (symbol of longevity).
KamE/Kamayo Kame/Kameyo Turtle.
Kaori Kaori Aroma.
Reiko Reiko Gratitude.
Satchiko Satchiko Happy child.
Nioko Nyoko Treasure.
Mind Ume Plum flowering.

Beautiful Japanese female names and their meaning: List in Russian and English with translation

Popular Japanese actress Rina Uchiyama
Popular Japanese actress Rina Uchiyama

The meaning of the name depends on the hieroglyphs that make up it. In addition, the pronunciation of some sounds in Japanese is radically different from how they are not pronounced by native speakers. In this regard, many phonemic errors are allowed, including in their own names.

Russian transliteration of the name English transliteration of the name The meaning of the name (depending on the spelling)
Akan Akane Red diamond is a very rare and expensive gem.
Amaya Amaya Night rain.
Anzu Anzu Apricot.
Atsuko/Atsuko Atsuko




Ayama Ayame Irisa flower.
Chieko Chieko Wise child.
Ranks Chinami A thousand waves.
ENA ENA The gift of the Higher Forces.
ETSUKO/ETsuko ETSUKO Joy+child
Fuji Fuji Flower of wisteria.
Jin Gina Silver shade.
Hano Hanako Child-flower.
Hayami Hayami Rare beauty.
Hoshi Hoshi Star.
Cayo Kaiyo Forgiveness.
Matsuko Matsuko Pine.
Nyoko/Nyoko Nyoko Jewel.
Ruri Ruri Emerald.
Sango Sango Coral.
Sayuri/Sayuri Sayuri Little lily.
Suzume Suzume Vorozheshk.
Takara Takara Treasure.
UMI UMI Ocean.
YUME/Ium Yume Dream.

Popular Japanese female names and their meaning: List in Russian and English with translation

Important: in the Japanese name, any word you like can become a name.

Russian transliteration of the name English transliteration of the name The meaning of the name (depending on the spelling)
Airi Airi



One of the most popular female names in 2013


Malva or Altea flower.

One of the most popular female names in 2016

Hii/haiami Hayami Unique beauty.
Hina Hina


One of the most popular female names in 2016

KaEDE Kaedé

Maple Leaf.

One of the most popular names in the Japanese name.

Kazuko Kazuko


One of the most popular female names in the second half of the twentieth century.

Keiko Keiko

Blessed child.

One of the most popular female names in the second half of the twentieth century.



One of the most popular female names.

Rico Riko

Lavender child.

One of the most popular female names in 2015

Rio Rio
White jasmine.

Cherry blossoms.

One of the most popular female names in 2013

Saki Saki


One of the most popular names in the Japanese modern name.

Sakura Sakura

Cherry blossoms.

One of the most popular female names in 2015




Tied knot.

One of the most popular female names in 2013

Yuri/Yuri Yuri


One of the most popular names in the Japanese name.

Anime: Japanese names for girls

Heroes of the most popular anime
Heroes of the most popular anime

Popular anime and mangoes now support the interest in the Japanese namer. Below you will find a table with beautiful and unusual names of the heroines of anime.

Russian transliteration of the name English transliteration of the name The meaning of the name (depending on the spelling)
Azarny Azarni The thistle flower.
Nanami Nanami Seven+beauty.
Akassia Acassia Red sunset.
Kazko Kazeko Wind child.
AME Ame Rain.
Yami Yami Dark.
Utau Utauu Song.
Hinagica Hinagiku




Ookamiko Ookamiko Wolf child.
Chikako Chikako Wise child.
Ginnokhikari GINNOHIKARI Silver light.
Sisoko Sisoko Death ray.
Hanafufuki Hanafufuki A blizzard of Sakura petals.
Sakki Sakki Thirst for blood.

Video: Your Japanese name (female names)

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Comments K. article

  1. I don't know what to write

  2. and where is Azumi ...? T-T

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