Curls for medium hair at home, how to make curls on medium hair: photo, instructions, tips

Curls for medium hair at home, how to make curls on medium hair: photo, instructions, tips

Love beautiful curls, but do not know how they can easily be done on your own at home? Want to make curls, but do not have special devices for this, sit down more comfortably?

This article is for you, today we will tell you many of the simplest ways to make the most beautiful curls at home.

How to make curls on medium hair: specialists' advice

If the curls are made using a device that dries, destroys the structure, they must be properly prepared for the procedure, otherwise they can suffer greatly.

This is what experts advise:

  • Before any winding up curls is mandatory Wash your hair. Always use only the shampoo that is suitable for your hair type.
  • Use any means available to you for nutrition and moisture.
  • If your curls dry, it is advisable to apply a nutrient mask or any other nutrient to them in front of the procedure
  • If you make curls using heated devices, always apply to curls thermal protection products. Without them there is a risk of reinforcing curls
  • Do not go for a long time with curls and styling.
  • Do not make curls too often on medium hair with heating devices.
Do not forget about thermal protection
Do not forget about thermal protection

How to make curls a curling iron on medium hair?

Medium hair has a huge number of advantages. They are long enough to make the most beautiful curls and styling, while taking care of them is much easier than for very long hair. It is for this reason that young ladies with such a length of curls are often experimented with curls. And the first in this matter is a curling iron, so we will start with it.

A very frequent device that is chosen
A very frequent device that is chosen
  • Wash the curls, dry and be sure to apply a tool that will protect your hair from high temperature.
  • Divide all the curls On small strands.
  • Take the strand, click it with the instrument with the instrument, wind it on it.
  • Hold the strand for a few seconds and free.
  • Very small strands wind up easy and fast It turns out beautiful and stand out well against the background of other curls. Big strands are twisted less.
  • To work with curls for medium hair It was easier, start twisting them from the occipital part of the head.
  • At the end, fix the result with varnish or any other remedy.

Video: perfect curls for medium hair

How to make curls with an iron on medium hair?

Most believe that the iron is solely suitable for aligning naughty curls, however, this device has long been used to wind up curls.

  • Divide the strands, after applying thermal protection on them.
  • You also need to start with the occipital part of the head.
  • Close your hair forceps device at the basal zone.
  • Win a strand on the iron, stretching it down. Do everything smoothly and without jerks.
  • Repeat manipulation with all strands and fix them varnish.
  • If you want to get more massive wrapped curls on medium hair, Win the entire strand on the device, if slightly curled-retreat from the roots by 3-5 cm.
Universal device
Universal device

How to make Afrokudri on medium hair?

Lush, voluminous or Afrokudri - this method of winding up curls has become very popular. It will not be difficult to make it at home, for this you will not even need a hair dryer or a curling iron.

  • Prepare usual small rubber bands, tubes (simplest cocktails), hair foam or any other remedy that will help curls to stay better.
  • Apply the above remedy to curls, comb them well.
  • Take the tube, wind it on it a small strand (try as tight as possible). Win hair in the middle of the tube, preferably from the face.
  • When the strand is wound, press it with the free end of the tube, and then tie the tube with elastic bands on both sides.
  • Do such manipulations completely and wait a minimum 5 o'clock.
  • After drive the tubes Free the curls, carefully distribute them.
  • The curls are really lush, but neat, not disheveled and look very attractive.

Video: Create curls

How to make careless curls on medium hair?

Careless, or as they are also called lungs, curls on medium hair are a great option for daily socks. Such curls look quite elegant and beautiful.

  • We will make them with a curling iron, so before the procedure of winding the entire hair, be sure to carefully comb and apply a thermal protection product to it.
  • You need to wind the strands in the usual way: clamp the strand between the forceps, Win, hold literally 5-10 seconds and release a strand.
  • You need to remember this. The strands that are near the temples need to be wrapped on behalf. All subsequent alternate - from behalf, to the face, etc.
  • So that the whole hairstyle is more beautiful, the strands at the roots are permissible Cook slightly with a regular comb.
  • When all the strands are ready, slightly take their fingers And then fix with varnish.
Easy negligence
Easy negligence

Beach curls for medium hair: how to do it?

Fashionable curls for medium hair (surf) can be done for all occasions, it is especially popular among young people. It is done quite easily. We will do it with a regular iron.

  • Comb the curls, apply a protective tool.
  • Separate a small part of the curls at the temporal part, Close the instrument forceps.
  • Scrolling the device from the face, stretch the curls between the forceps.
  • We make a few more strands in this way, and then changes tactics and wind up a few strands to the face.
  • Alternate These two techniques until you screw the entire hair.
  • It is permissible to make strands of different sizes, this will give the hairstyle a certain negligence and lightness.
  • When all the hair is wound, apply a little means to yourself, which will help keep the resulting hairstyle, and apply it to the curls light movements (as if you comb your hair with your fingers).
  • The hairstyle holds at least a few days.

Video: surf-locons with a curling iron-creation

How to make Hollywood curls on medium hair?

This type of curls for medium hair is perhaps the most spectacular and attractive. Such curls look beautiful, spectacular and sexy.

  • We will do Hollywood curls.
  • Wash, dry the curls, apply thermal protection on them and disassemble on small strands.
  • Start twist the curls not from the back of the head, but from the temporal part.
  • Put a strand on a curling iron (in the basal zone), not pinching with tongs.
  • Wind it on the face, hold it for a few seconds and release.
  • All curls twist only on behalf, Try to ensure that all the strands are the same.
  • Do such manipulations with all the hair, and then just comb a comb, not afraid that the hairstyle will break up.
  • Now Fasten the Hollywood curls varnish.
Like in Hollywood
Like in Hollywood

How to make curls on medium hair with a hairdryer?

Sometimes you need to make curls for medium hair quickly, but not everyone has curves, irons and other devices. In this case, an ordinary hair dryer will come to the rescue, which certainly has a round brush.

  • Wash the hair, apply foam for it for volume.
  • Dry the curls with a hairdryer by 80-85%.
  • We work first With the lower part of the curls.
  • Take a strand, press a round brush to its roots from below. Keep the hair dryer parallel to the brush.
  • Scroll the curls on the brush, dropping down. The hairdryer is all the time aimed at the strand.
  • When the strand is dry, wrap it around the brush and blow it with a hairdryer for another 15 seconds.
  • Gently soak the strand and immediately wrap it on your fingers, wait a few seconds to fix it.
  • Continue from the strand to the strand, and at the end, fix it with varnish.

You can also make curls with a hairdryer using the Diffushes nozzle:

  • Wash the curls, apply foam For volume.
  • Dry curls, making various circular, spiral movements with a hairdryer.
  • Hair will be voluminous And enough lush.

How to make curls on medium hair with hairpins?

Thanks to this method, you will receive a literally magnificent “cloud” of curls for medium hair.

  • We will need it studs, comb, rectifier, heat protection and varnish.
  • Carefully comb the curls, apply a protective tool on them.
  • Divide all the curls into small strands. The disadvantage of this method is that you cannot wind a large strand.
  • Take it 1 hairpin And wind on it a strand "eight". Winning the curl exactly like that, we get a beautiful curl.
  • Click the screwed strand between the straightener tweezers and hold 3-5 seconds. Without spinning the strand, without removing the hairpin, leave the curl until you wind up everything.
  • Repeat this manipulation with all your hair.
  • Now remove all the studs, Trying not to break the curls.
  • Just stretch each curl and fix it with varnish.
  • It turns out unrealistic listen and beautiful.

Curls for medium hair at night

If you do not need curls for a hurry, you can make them at night. Moreover, this method of wrapping curls on medium hair does not spoil it as much as, for example, wrapping on a curling iron or ironing.

  • The first method is using rags.
  • Take a regular clean rag, cut it into small strips. The wider the strip, the larger the curl and vice versa.
  • Wash the hair, dry slightly.
  • Divide everything curls on strands And wind them on a rag.
  • Fix the curl by tied the ends of the rag.
  • Do such a manipulation with all your hair and leave it at least or at least until the hair dries completely.
  • Drink rags, comb your hair slightly and fix it with varnish.
On rags
On rags

You can use invisibility for the same purpose:

  • Divide the wet hair into strands.
  • Each strand wind the invisibleFix with small rubber bands.
  • A few hours later. (from 3 to 12) remove the invisibility and spread curls, fix with varnish.

Beautiful curls for medium hair: curlers

  • Thermo curlers They will help you make curls very quickly.
  • "Velcro" Very relevant for girls with an average length of curls. It is convenient to use them, but they are not suitable for brittle and dry hair.
  • "Boomerang" For curls for medium hair - a great solution for those who make curls at night. It is convenient to sleep in these curlers.
  • "Bones" Suitable if you want to get a lot of small and well -curled curls.
Choose the most convenient option for you
Choose the most convenient option for you
  • Wash the hair and dry by 80%.
  • Divide all the curls into strands. The size of the strands depends on which curlers you will use and what curls you want to get. More thin strands are more curled curls.
  • Take it «velcro » Or another existing option and wind the strand, fix it, if necessary.
  • Leave for several hours or all night.
  • Remove the curlers, lay the strands and fix it properly.

Wet curls for medium hair

Wet curls for medium hair look very unusual and even sexy. Such curls will perfectly complement your image.

  • Comb clean curls, distribute to strands and apply to each foam Or any other remedy for the volume of hair.
  • Each strand twist into a tourniquet, Fix. Apply on it lacques for modeling.
  • Do manipulations with all strands.
  • Wait for the curls dry and soak the flagella.
  • Gently disassemble the strands with your fingers and apply any product with the effect of “wet hair” to curls.
With the help of foam
With the help of foam

Tail with curls for medium hair

The tail with curls on medium hair looks very beautiful and gently. Anyone can do such a hairstyle, even without outside help.

  • First, wind the curls in any way you like. In this case, only small and lush curls, like Afrokudnya.
  • Divide curls into 2 parts: front, literally a few strands and the back.
  • Collect the back of the hair in the tail, it should be high enough.
  • The front of the curls is slightly counted at the roots and lay it in the total mass of hair, if you wish, fixing it with invisibles.
  • Separate one small strand from the total mass of curls and wrap it with an elastic band to disguise it.
  • Fix the hairstyle with varnish.

Long -term curls for medium hair

If you are a fan of curls, and are already tired of twist your curls daily, you can try to make long -term curls on medium hair. However, such curls on medium hair cannot be done at home - you will have to seek help from a hairdresser or beauty salon.

  • Bio-voltage. Such a curl holds perfectly and is suitable for those who want to walk with curls for a long time.
  • Carving. The procedure is carried out with the use of a chemical. Curls last up to 10 weeks.
Modern option
Modern option
  • Chemical plant. Not very gentle the procedure, however, many girls and women still remain her fans. Chemical curling is acidic, alkaline, amino acid and neutral.

Win curls, you can start curls in a variety of ways. You can use special devices, improvised tools for this. Now you can always make yourself beautiful curls on medium hair even at home.

We also offer to consider interesting articles about hairstyles:

Video: Volumetric curls and their creation

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