Hairstyles that are aging any woman

Hairstyles that are aging any woman

In this article, we will consider hairstyles that increase almost any woman at any age.

“The braid is girlish beauty” is folk wisdom, which accurately conveys the modern world of style and fashion. Remember, nothing spoils the image of an adult woman, and a young person, too, like tons of makeup and hairstyles that are aging. By the way, there are such options that they will throw even young girls for several years. Therefore, we offer a list of hairstyles that adult women and even girls need to abandon.

Hairstyles that are old: what should the hairdresser be abandoned at any age

A hairstyle is the first thing that catches your eye when meeting. And even makeup will not be able to correct her accents. And the hairstyles that are aging focus on facial wrinkles, making them expressive. In addition, they can increase the visibility of bags under the eyes or emphasize your shortcomings. Therefore, women after 30 should be very attentive to them and try to avoid as much as possible.

  • There is definitely no thin dense curls.Some girls have curly hair by nature. No, in no case should you subject the hair to everyday straightening. But they should be laid larger in waves or collected in careless hairstyles. And all lovers of curls follow to be extremely careful, because they will focus on the facial features too much, accordingly, adding a couple of extra years.
Too tight and small curls will add even a young girl for several years
Too tight and small curls will add even a young girl for several years
  • A shell with perfect styling. This is a real exquisite hairstyle since the 80s. Its classic version is made with perfectly laid hair that is laid out in a voluminous round. Solid and strict, and a little old -fashioned. To refresh the image with such a hairstyle, add a few broken strands or add bright flowers and colors to the image.
  • The pile is a hairstyle that ages even at 20. Retro hairstyle, which has long gone out of fashion. Lush combs will add several extra years, and even attract attention to rare and thin hair, which lose their beauty with age. It is better to use a special staining with darning roots and the necessary styling to give volume.
  • High hairstyles in retro style. Many noticed that girls for various social events make collected high hairstyles, but immediately look an order of magnitude older. There is an explanation for this - hair, whose curls do not move at all, add a couple of extra years to the girl. In addition, such a “tower” on the head, in which all the hairs are collected, focuses on all the shortcomings and wrinkles of the face.
High and voluminous hairstyles look unnatural, adding several years
High and voluminous hairstyles look unnatural, adding several years
  • Direct parting, especially in combination with heavy tips. Like it or not, the age of the curls disappears, and the root volume decreases. And if you use a straight volume in loose form, or even tightening your hair into a bunch, then there is an emphasis on all age -related changes in the skin of the face. Therefore, the best option would be the parting that is made on the side, or you can experiment with the oblique bangs - it goes to absolutely everyone.
  • Too short haircut. This hairstyle opens whiskey, forehead, cheekbones and neck, which so often gives out the age of the woman. Moreover, we do not forget that too short hairstyle deprives you of femininity and attractiveness. Therefore, give preference to medium hair length. It is worth touching that highlighting on short hair is also not young, but more makes the image prickly and hard. Although there are exceptions - she will suit thin and sports women, be sure to consult with the stylist about this.
  • Long loose and straight hair. If you already have a couple of annoying wrinkles on your face, then you should not dissolve long braids, since they can emphasize all the imperfections on the face and create the effect of skin lowering. Even worse, if you divide the hair into a straight parting to all this. The fact is that with age the curls do not look so well -groomed and healthy. And if the hair is below the shoulder blades, then the image of sloppiness and disheveled will develop.
If long hair, then only well -groomed
If long hair, then only well -groomed
  • Smoothly combed hair will also add a couple of years.If you are a perfectionist and love, so that everything is perfect from head to toe, then this is certainly commendable, but let it not concern your hair. It is smoothly gathered hair that will open your face completely with all age deficiencies. Light your hair a little, and you will not regret it. It is also noticed that those ladies who are lazy to wash their hair every day collect tightly.
  • Braids and tails, especially in the middle of the head. These are very controversial hairstyles. Young girls are tall and braids, of course, go. They are associated with a certain playful way. But if you are already a little over 30, and you braid yourself a braid in order to rejuvenate, then the result will disappoint you. It exactly says that I still want to look young. Remember that braids and high tails are the prerogatives of girls or young girls, and after 30 there will be a dissonance with your appearance.
  • “Bablik on the crown” or a perfectly assembled bundle. If you do not want to look like a lady of Balzac age, then you should not cling to the crown at the top of the head. This hairstyle is for dancers or for young girls about 10 years old. If you really want to do such a hairstyle, then you need to have perfect facial features without the slightest flaws. Otherwise, the hairstyle will reveal all the shortcomings. If you really want such a hairstyle, then let me get out of a few strands.
Sometimes the bang plays a lot in visual age
Sometimes the bang plays a lot in visual age
  • Too heavy and thick bangs with even ends. Another hairstyle for young girls. The fact is that the bang focuses on the bottom of the face and nasolabial folds. And this follows a verdict that the hairstyle with the bangs will be old. Especially if you are far from 20.
  • Hair dyeing in dark colors.If the hair is not in the most ideal state, then the black color will only emphasize this. He is also able to pay attention to the face, throwing a shadow, and indicate disadvantages. Stylists advise dyeing hair a couple of tones lighter than natural flavor of curls or lighten several strands around the face. But if you do not want to say goodbye to my beloved black, then you should at least soften it a little.
  • Hair color merges with complexion. Girls with fair skin are forbidden to dye their hair of the same tone. It will make you inconspicuous. But if you add a little contrast, then you will immediately transform into a radiant girl. No need to dye the hair completely. It is enough to refresh the curls with highlighting. It will be especially good to iron staining with a stretch of color or with a combination of different colors of curls.
An example of the fact that the hair should not match the color of the skin
An example of the fact that the hair should not match the color of the skin
  • Gray hair or coloring in gray, too gray hair color. The correct color selection of young girls up to 25 allows you to play with a gray tint. But for older women, this color will maximize the attention to wrinkles, and steal the freshness of the face, giving dullness and gray to the image.
  • Be too extravagant and dye your hair in bright colors. Too short haircuts in combination with pink, blue or other hair color will not rejuvenate you and will not give carelessness, but rather, your defects will emphasize. It looks something like that as if you had done too much makeup.

We brought you the main hairstyles that are aging almost any woman. Therefore, do not forget to give preference to natural hair colors and a little careless hairstyles, where the curl accidentally knocked out of the ideal system. It will help you look young and fresh as ever. And, of course, do not forget to take care of your hair and cut the split ends in time.

Video: Hairstyles that are aging any woman

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Comments K. article

  1. Strange tips .. In your opinion, you can only paint in blonde (contrast), normal hairstyles cannot be done, a short haircut cannot be done, long too🤷🤷🤷🤷. Everything is aged! Useless information, excuse me.

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