The best hairstyles of Maria Maksakova: photo, description. Who can wear a hairstyle like Maksakova, which of the famous people wears the same hairstyle?

The best hairstyles of Maria Maksakova: photo, description. Who can wear a hairstyle like Maksakova, which of the famous people wears the same hairstyle?

Maria Maksakova is a famous person who attracts attention not only with a bright appearance, but also with a haircut. So, it's time to talk about this most famous short haircut.

One of the most striking personalities of the Russian opera scene is, of course, Maria Maksakova, who is the soloist of the Mariinsky Theater. It is known for political activities, for five years, being a member of the United Russia faction in the State Duma, and a career of TV presenter, and acting.

Hairstyles Maria Maksakova: How did Maksakova haircuts change?

As a public and famous person, Maksakova simply obliged to look one hundred percent, and in this she was always helped by new hairstyles creating or complementing images in which the artist wanted to appear before the public.

  • From her youth, she had long curls, the color of which was mainly shades of blond, but changed to the tint of the brown -haired. The length of the hair was also varied over time - up to the square style.
  • Her hair was both straight and curled, and during the performances from the tribune of the State Duma, as they suspect, she also used invoices. The singer also used the bangs “at her own discretion” - she either appeared or disappeared.
  • The last image and stylish maksakova hairstyle -This is a cardinal shortening of the hair, to which she resorted to in the spring of 2017, cutting down literally “under the boy”.
  • What The novelty of the hairstyles of Maria Maksakova?Firstly, the opera diva has never cut so briefly. The volumetric crown is a rather popular technique, but for Maksakova it is Vnova, and her face simply transformed (which, of course, contributed to the noticeable weight loss of the singer).
  • Asymmetric bangswhich begins immediately from the crown, is also unusual in the image of Maksakova.
  • The hairstyle is made in a technique called a “graduation” in which a smooth change in hair length occurs. But the hair of the color is blond is already familiar to the viewer recognizable Maksakov.

New hairstyle of Maria Maksakova with a short haircut, under a boy: name, styling ideas

  • This haircut has a bizarre name "Pixie", and if it is exactly - then one of the options for this hairstyle. It has been known for a long time, so the stars of the 60s of the last century were cut. But today, mischief was added in it, which is always young for a woman.
  • A distinctive feature of Pixie is longer hair in the crown and short - on the temples and on the back of the head. It can be done on the hair of short and medium length.
  • It can be a wide variety of variations: from just short to disheveled hair in the nape, hair can be short on the temples and long on the back of the head, and vice versa. A haircut can be performed in retro style, layers, lengthening the hair, closing the ears.

What do you need to lay your hair "near Maksakov"?It all depends on the fixation of the hairstyle-by fixing the hair in different ways, you can make the original pixie hairstyle, and its variations. Mandatory stage in creating maksakova hairstyles - Wash and dry your hair with a hairdryer.

So, hair styling options "Under Maksakov":

  • In the style of "hipster" - Comb the bangs to the side, you can twist. On the back of the head, lay your hair smoothly or ruffling - who likes it more. Then use the mousse or gel - and you can go to the night club. A rather long bang, reaching the chin,, with a comb with a comb to the side and iron it with a special ironing. Since the bangs are longer than other hair, such a contrast looks very impressive.
On the side
On the side
  • Bangs up - Almost dry bangs with a hairdryer to wrap back, making it voluminous. Then fix with varnish (you can use mousse). A daring, confident and relaxed image is ready.
  • A wave -shaped elongated bang - It is achieved when laying a curling iron. The best option for those who have a square -shaped face, because With such a hairstyle, the breadth of the cheekbones.
  • Volumetric pixie - With the help of a hairdryer, the strands rise, which allows you to achieve the required volume. In order for the hairstyle to hold, it needs to be fixed using mousse or varnish. Such lush styling is suitable for those who have a round face.
  • Light curls - If the hair curls on their own, there will be no problems, however, you can twist straight lines. Wrap a long bangs covering your ears on curlers or with a curling iron. In addition, it is not the end of the dried hair that can be weaved in pigtails and dried with a curling iron, stretching it along the entire length and up. If desired, the hair can be slightly disheveled and poured.
  • Laying back - All the hair located in the front of the head is combed to the back of the head, use the hairdryer to give volume, lay and fix it. It looks very good on women with an oval face - elegant and sophisticated.
  • Classic - The same hairstyle is necessary for elegant along, so it is necessary to ensure the hair with a means to give them a brilliance and walk along the bangs with an iron. Fix the bangs elongated in this way with varnish. If the bangs are long, it is better to stab the ends of the hair with stylish hairpins.
  • A braid from a bang - You can start weaving from the forehead itself or from the middle, lay the strands in different directions when weaving. Such a bang will make a haircut “under the boy” more feminine, especially if you put on trousers, but a dress or skirt.
  • Light shaggy - It goes to ladies and girls of almost any age and is done very simply. It is necessary to apply a fixing agent to the hair and ruffle it.
  • Hollywood Pixie - Tighten the bangs a little along the entire length, and tighten the tips forward with a curling iron. This is a classic evening version.
  • Star Pixie - To look like a star, you need to make a voluminous upper part of the hairstyle. To comb the bangs to the side without losing volume, and fix it. Separate half the hair of the bangs and bend, directing the tips to the occipital part.

Accessories - Pixie is perfectly combined with hairpins, bows and other similar accessories, creating a mischievous and flirty image. And if you use hoops on which stones or large rhinestones are used as decor, you can go out.

Maksakova hairstyle: stars that wear a haircut, like Maksakova

  • Maksakova hairstyle Popular not only in Russia, because Pixie is popular in other countries. So, Pixie loves the owner of many prizes for the best female role American actress Mia Farrow.
  • Many characteristic signs of pixie hairstyles at one time or another were used by French actresses Brigitte Bardo And the singer Mirere Mathieu.
  • One of the publishers of fashion for a pixie haircut is considered a British movie star Audrey Hepburnas well as her compatriot supermodel Twiggi.
  • American actresses Ferra Fosset, Julia Roberts, Holly Berry, Jennifer Aniston and Meg Ryan.
  • The first lady of America Jacqueline Kennedy, the legendary lady di, Australian actress and singer Danny Minoga, star British Victoria Bekham and Kate Moss - All these stars of the past and present brought their zest and features to Pixie.

Who should Maksakova's hairstyle?

  • If we talk about the type of hair, then almost any hair can be laid in a pixie or maksakova's hairstyle, with the exception of naturally, shallow curly curls.
  • Women with a small face, on which the features are pronounced, only emphasize their merits. A haircut is suitable for those who have eye -shaped face.
  • But chubby and wide -sided girls, if they dream of maksakova's hairstyle, it is worth consulting a classmate who can vary the length of the hair on the sides in order to slightly lengthen the shape of the face.
  • Do not advise pixies and owners short neck and small features.

Video: Fashionable and stylish Maksakova

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