Hairstyles suitable for extensive hair

Hairstyles suitable for extensive hair

For centuries, long strands have been famous for women. But now modern girls often do not have enough spirit to grow them. Therefore, it became fashionable to build up hair. Only after the procedure there are some restrictions, and not all hairstyles are suitable for such curls. What hairstyles for extended hair are suitable, consider further.

Hair is increased when the strands lack volume, splendor or they grow slowly. And now the trend is long hair, because the fair sex does not spare funds for beautiful well -groomed hair and hairstyles. If the strands are building up an experienced master, then it will be difficult to distinguish them from real ones.
And of course, after the procedure, girls will need imagination and skill to lay hair. After all, hairstyles for extended hair must be done carefully and follow some rules that we will talk about in this article.

Features of hairstyles for increased hair

In appearance, the extensed curls are not much different from natural ones. However, when performing different hairstyles for extended hair, some recommendations should be observed so as not to harm the curls.  

Lush tail
Lush tail

Consider some nuances and features when creating styling on extensed curls:

  • It is impossible to make combs on extended strands in any case.
  • When you wash your lush hair, tilt your head back, so your curls will not confuse.
  • Use products for increased hair, now such cosmetic masks, balms, gels can be bought even in supermarkets - this is not a problem.
  • Drink not your strands only in cool mode with a hairdryer, it is better not to use warm air.
  • To paint, tinting artificial curls is undesirable. This can spoil the whole view. In any case, you will remain dissatisfied.
  • In order for styling or hairstyle for extensed hair to look perfectly, hide the places where the locks are attached to your hair.
  • To decorate the styling on extensed hair, do not use heavy jewelry so that they do not pull the locks, do not spoil the entire appearance of the master of their beauty salon.
  • You can not use means with keratin, and other components that are able to destroy the capsule mount.
  • You can not use hot styling where the extensed strands are attached with a capsule to real hair. Under the influence of temperature, the capsule can be upset.
Long extensive curls
Long extensive curls

IMPORTANT:An extended strands require care, they must be combed more often. So the hair will not be confused. Otherwise, the hair can become like a washcloth.

Experts advise, making a curl in the form of a curl with an iron, starting from the middle of the length of the hair, so as not to unscrew the capsules used to attach curls. If you make a haircut on extended curls, it is better not to come up with a cascade, it will look great on curls. And you can lay the cascade in a cold way.

Hairstyles for extensive hair - whichusing the edits and appliances for styling?

When creating hairstyles for extended hair, use only those cosmetic products that are designed for such curls. Otherwise, you can ruin the whole work of the master who did building. One of the best funds in this market is the cosmetic products of Arcos Hair Talk.

Enlarged hair - cosmetics
Enlarged hair - cosmetics

To create hairstyles for extended hair, it is allowed the use of various toolsonly with caution:

  1. Can be used studs, hairpins, various invisibilitywho will maintain the shape of the hairstyle.
  2. To make a dressing-external hairstyle, suitable diadems, hairpins, flowers.
  3. FengAs already mentioned, you can use, but do not turn on warm air for drying curls.
  4. The iron is allowed to use, but not in areas where the extensed curls are attached to their own. The same applies to the curling iron.

Separately, I would like to mention that You can't sleep with a wet headOtherwise, the hair can first be confused, and secondly, break off. Now, knowing these rules, it will be easier for you to decide which styling to make on a lush hair at home for a case.

Simple hairstyles for increased hair

Making simple hairstyles for extensed strands will not be difficult. The only negative is that they are not always thoroughly laid for them. After all, it is necessary to cover the places of fasteners of the extended strands. But nothing, light negligence is now in trend.

Laying on extended hair
Laying on extended hair

Most often, stylists create such styling on extended hair:

  1. Ordinary flat -laid locks with an iron
  2. Spit, spikelets.
  3. Make hairstyles in the Greek style
  4. Gather hair in a tail or bundle.
The hairstyle is a bunch
The hairstyle is a bunch

If you have a long bang, then the bundle, as shown in the image above, decorates your image, both for a business meeting and for a party in a cafe with friends. Such a hairstyle looks great for any onion.

Hairstyles for long hair for extended hair

The natural process of hair growth proceeds for a long time. And the extension of the curls can be done in a few hours. That is why the procedure has become popular in our time. It is affordable to do it in almost all beauty salons. Thanks to this, the hair will become lush, well -groomed. Especially please the extensed curls of representatives of thin, rare hair.

Hairstyles for long hair for extended hair:

Explified curls - hairstyles for long hair
Extensed curls - hairstyles for long hair

Even straight lugs are just suitable for any events. Therefore, hairstyles for extended hair are not necessarily braids or bundles, wrapped strands, a bun, which will have to spend a lot of time. Sometimes, when it is necessary to quickly get together just to comb and use a gel or mousse for styling.

Wedding hairstyles for increased hair

Any bride at his wedding wants to look so that everyone remembers her image for a long time. And on long curls you can come up with many styling. And if the bride has the initially short curls, then she will increase them. For the sake of such an event, the girls try to create such hairstyles for extensive hair so that no one else has such. Therefore, they are decorated with flowers, stones. Below are such hairstyles.

Stylish wedding hairstyle on an extended hair
Stylish wedding hairstyle on an extended hair

Wedding hairstyle - a flower, how to do it?

  • It looks good both on even and curly curls. It is done as follows - everything begins with washing the head, then the hair is dried in the cold hairdryer.
  • Separate the locks in the temple area, wind up on a curling iron.
  • Gently comb all the hair, collect the bundle. When you leve the tail, then with the help of stilettos, make the curls of the curls from the curls.
  • Make the ends like leaves, fix them with hairpins, and strengthen the styling with varnish.
  • Leave thin locks on the side, decorate the rest with special hairpins in the form of pebbles or flowers.
Flower - hairstyle on extensed curls
Flower - hairstyle on extensed curls

You can create hairstyles for the wedding celebration by applying the technique of weaving braids. Below, the variations of such styling are just presented. To do this, you only need to apply imagination and buy suitable jewelry.

Wedding hairstyles on extensed curls
Wedding hairstyles on extensed curls

Those hairstyles for extended hair that are held on capsules are completely diverse. The only thing that should be taken into account is that the place of fasteners is not visible.

Laying with hairpins, diadems look in a special way. They should also be selected rationally so that they look perfect on the curls of the bride. Try to do such options where you do not need to do the pile, otherwise then to wear extended curls will be problematic, they will lose their appearance. Women are very pretty on women, as they are in the photo further:

Hairstyles in the Greek style on extensive curls with a diadem
Hairstyles in the Greek style on extensive curls with a diadem

Beautiful hairstyles for extended hair

Perhaps the most beautiful hairstyles for extensed strands are combinations of KOST, a variety of interweaving and curls. Next, these options will be presented. Watch hairstyles for extended hair further.

Hairstyles for extended hair-a shell with a hairpin-band

The hairstyle is not so complicated, because it can be used daily. To create it, you will have to do the following:

  1. Comb the curls so that they straighten. After straighten your hair with an iron, carefully so as not to hurt the capsules of the strands.
  2. Gather your hair in the tail below, and then turn the strands into the shell.
  3. Fasten the resulting result with a hairpin, fix the styling cosmetics.
Low shell
Low shell

Hairstyles for extended hair - French fold

This styling is somewhat different from an ordinary snail, because at first the strands are divided into a scythe, and then wrapped one shell, after another. They must be turned towards each other.

Hairstyle for extended hair
Hairstyle for extended hair

For convenience, you can use a hoop so that the hair does not fall in front of the face, and secure the strands with hairpins or hairpins in the back.

Hairstyles for extended hair - waterfall

To streamline loose curls, you can make laying a waterfall. It looks gently, cute. A great solution, both for everyday events and for festivities. It is done like this:

  1. First comb the strands, align the curls with an iron
  2. Combining a smooth parting on the side
  3. Take three locks and weave a pigtail around the back of the head
  4. Leave the right strands free so that they flow like a waterfall.
Two options for hairstyle waterfall
Two options for hairstyle waterfall

If you want to weave a double pigtail, then do an even parting on the other side and braid another braid, as in the figure above.

Side spikelet - hairstyles for extensed hair

It is problematic to make hairstyles for extended hair yourself, especially - weave braids on the back of the head. Therefore, the next styling is still better not to do it yourself, but to ask mom or girlfriend. This will need the following:

  1. Straighten, comb the locks, evenly distribute them all over the head to hang straight.
  2. Start weaving spikelet from one side. Try to wove thin locks evenly into the spikelet. So it will look more accurate.
  3. When you brake all the locks, the tail will remain. It can be twisted in the form of a flower or just leave to pin on the side, and the ends should be wrapped with a curling iron.
Side spikelet
Side spikelet

For beauty, you can pin a beautiful hairpin on a braid or studs, invisibility with stones and other jewelry.

Crown Crown - Hairstyles for Hair Hair

The crown is a wonderful option for laying on the hair of medium and long length. When you weave a braid, follow, 3 so that the capsules of attaching curls are not visible. For this hairstyle for extensed hair, you will need to buy hairpins and use styling products.

Hairstyle is a crown
Hairstyle is a crown

The laying of the crown is done like this:

  1. Straighten the combed strands, make a parting from the side.
  2. Select three curls and weave a braid. Pick up all the hair into a braid.
  3. You should get a beautiful pigtail for the French style.
  4. When finish weaving. Hide the rest of the hair, braid them into the main braid. And fix the styling with hairpins.

Below is an example of such a hairstyle. You can change the option provided, decorate the styling with different hairpins, studs, flowers.

Coma - crown or web
Coma - crown or web

Such a hairstyle is suitable for a wedding celebration, for business meetings. The hair will be neatly laid, because the hairstyle is comfortable for any case.

Greek style - hairstyles for increased hair

Greek styling make girls feminine, they will never go out of fashion. You need to be able to make such hairstyles for extended hair, fulfill some requirements when fulfilling it.

Greek hairstyle
Greek hairstyle

Artificial curls with mounts on capsules are somewhat capricious when creating hairstyles, in particular, they do not stand:

  • overheat a hair dryer when drying hair
  • you can not touch the capsules when straightening the strands with an iron
  • do not make a hair on a hair from extensed strands.

Tail with a soft wave - for long extended hair

A beautiful tail on wavy curls looks great, especially when the girl has long hair. The main thing is to gently collect it so that there are no stuck strands. Next, see which hairstyles for extended hair are suitable for long hair.

Tail with a wave.
Tail with a wave.
Pretty haircut
Pretty haircut

Photo - hairstyles for extended hair

Taking care of your hair extensively is a whole school of knowledge. And making hairstyles for extended hair is art. Sometimes you have to show skill and imagination when creating them. Next, see examples of styling on extended strands.

Hairstyle for the princess
Hairstyle for the princess
Stylish styling
Stylish styling
Hairstyles for graduation
Hairstyles for graduation

See also the article on the topic of styling here:

  1. Long hair is getting younger or old women old for 50?
  2. Hairstyles for chubby
  3. Short anti -aging haircuts
  4. Hairstyles old women
  5. What to look expensive?

How to make a hairstyle on your hair extended?

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