Lymphomiosot: Instructions for use, price, reviews

Lymphomiosot: Instructions for use, price, reviews

Lymphomiosot: all about homeopathic preparation, how to apply, indications and contraindications, reviews.

Lymphomyozot is a German homeopathic medicine that helps with diseases of the lymph and the lymphatic system. In this article we will give detailed instructions for use, the price of medicine, as well as reviews of people.

What is the lymphomiosot made of?

The homeopathic remedy of lymphomyosot contains many homeopathic components aimed at removing inflammation, cell regeneration and elimination of edema.

For drops, this composition is relevant:

The composition of the drops of lymphomiosot
The composition of the drops of lymphomiosot

The following composition is relevant for the solution:

Composition of a solution for injection lymphomiosot
Composition of a solution for injection lymphomiosot

Dosage form

The drug lymphomyozot is available in two forms:

  • Drops for oral administration. Visually, drops look like a transparent substance with a yellowish tint and a slight smell of alcohol. For maximum comfort of the patient, drops are produced in containers with droppers, so it is convenient to count the desired number of drops;
  • Muscle injection solution. Visually, the solution looks like an absolutely transparent substance without color and smell. For convenience, it is packed in ampoules for injection.

How does lymphomyosot work?

Lymphomiosot is a drug that is referred to as homeopathy, and it is prescribed for various diseases of the lymphatic system. The medicine is drunk exclusively in courses, as a result of which the components reconstruct the system, relieve inflammation and swelling that occurred due to inflammation.

It is also worth noting that the drug is a homotoxic series. Thanks to the active substances, the lymphomyozot relieves inflammation, and also works as stimulating for immunity. When establishing the work of the lymph, tissue drainage undergoes at a surface and deep level, which helps to cleanse the body of excess fluid and reduce the size of the nodes.

How homeopathy works
How homeopathy works

Special attention is deserved to activate the elimination of toxic components from the intercellular environment. As a result - improvement and spurring of the work of not only lymph and immunity, but also metabolism, endocrine system and nerve endings.

Due to the establishment of the work of several body systems at the same time, the intestinal function is also improved, and its mucous membrane is completely restored. It is followed by the restoration of the other mucous membranes in the body. After 15-20 days after the start of the course, the system is adjusted to other medicines that are taken into the body, begin to be absorbed 30-50% better than until the course.

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics in the drug lymphomyozot are not defined in laboratory studies.

At what diagnoses is lymphomyozot prescribed?

The scope of taking the drug lymphomyozot is very extensive. We have compiled a list of diseases in which the product is prescribed.

Lymphaticism Lymphadenopathy Tuberculosis intoxication
Adenoid diseases Intoxication medicinal Diatesis of lymphatic-hypoplastic
Chronic tonsillitis to improve the functioning of the mucosa Polyneuropathy Hypertrophy of the tonsils
The diathesis exudative-cataral Tonsillate intoxication Diseases of the immune system
Lymphatic edema Hypertrophy of tonsils Perineral swelling
Swelling due to kidney diseases Astheno-neurotic syndrome Asthenia
Swelling due to heart disease Neurodermatitis Eczema
Somatic personality disorders Endogenous dermatoses Mesadenit
Type 2 diabetes Increased lymph nodes Lymphomyosot for adenoids in children

Contraindications of lymphomyosot

When prescribing homeopathy, lymphomyosot must be familiar with contraindications:

  • It is not prescribed for children and adolescents under 18 years of age, since the drug was not examined in this segment of patients due to a small amount of anamnesis;
  • In case of sensitivity or allergies to one of the components of the product;
  • When gesturing pregnancy and at the GV;
  • With a traumatic brain injury only under the supervision of a doctor;
  • With diseases of the kidneys, liver, thyroid gland only under the supervision of a doctor;
  • Alcoholism until a complete cure;
  • Thyrotoxicosis;
  • Hyperthyroidism.

It is also worth noting that in ordinary practice both drops and injections are well tolerated, but if local numbness, allergies or other negative reactions of the body appear when taking the drug, immediately stop taking the drug and consult a doctor.

How to use lymphomyosot?

Drops of lymphomiosotes are taken inside in this way:

  • Take 20 minutes before meals or an hour after eating, so that the product does not contact with food and better absorbed;
  • 15-20 drops of the drug lymphomiosot are added to the purified water (100 ml) and stirred. Drink immediately. Take 3 times a day;
  • 15-20 drops of lymphomyzot under the tongue;
  • Course from 8 to 12 days;
  • After the course, consult a doctor and, if necessary, go through another course;
  • Children are strictly under the supervision of a doctor: 5 drops per day 3-6 years, 3 drops per day-1-3 years, up to a year 1 drop per day.

Injections of lymphomyosot

  • The drug is administered intramuscularly in its pure form;
  • 1 injection - 1 ampoule;
  • Course 1-3 injections per week for a month;
  • After consulting with the doctor, a second year may be appointed.

It is worth noting that there were no cases of an overdose, but with any violations and changes in the body, it is better to stop taking it until consultation with the doctor.

Healthy organism - beautiful body
Healthy organism - beautiful body

Please note that at the beginning of the use of the drug, a primary deterioration in the condition occurs, and only then improvement. This is due to the fact that the drug is homeopathic, and the principle of action is the same as that of all homeopathy. If the condition worsens significantly, then the doctor’s consultation is mandatory.

How is lymphomyosot with other drugs combined?

As practice shows, the drug lymphomyosot works well with other drugs and even enhances their absorption.

Can I buy lymphomyosot without a prescription?

Yes, everything is true, lymphomyosot is released without a prescription.

How and how much is the lymphomyozot stored?

Lymphomiosot is stored in a dark place with a temperature of 15 to 25 degrees. It is best to store it in the refrigerator on the door. The expiration date is indicated on the package (the maximum expiration date is 5 years after the release), after the expiration of the validity period it is not recommended to use.

Is it possible to take lymphomyosot for children?

The manufacturer initially did not recommend the drug to children, but after time and collecting an anamnesis from doctors, it is recommended to prescribe the drug to children carefully and only under the constant supervision of doctors.

Is it possible to take lymphomiosot pregnant women?

During pregnancy and on GV, lymphomyozot is contraindicated.

What are the analogues of lymphomyosot?

According to the composition and principle of action of analogues of lymphomyzot, there is no. In case of its absence, anti -inflammatory drugs of local significance may be prescribed.

The price of lymphomiosot

The pricing policy for lymphomyozot is very extensive, from 376 rubles for 5 ampoules, to 3490 rubles for 1000 tablets. Drops of lymphomyozot cost about 650-690 rubles per 30 ml.

Lymphomiosot: reviews

Inga: The first bell made itself felt in the summer, and the next year it was already very swollen at any time of the year. I visited the doctor, it turned out to be a disease of the lymphatic system. The doctor appointed Lymphomyozot injections. I reacted with doubt, since homeopathy and in injections. But what was my surprise that the massages, injections of lymphomyozot and special charging not only removed swelling, but also weight that could not be rid of years. It turns out - it was an excess liquid!

Margarita: Tonsillitis is a terrible disease that has not let me go for years. A young doctor came to our clinic and at the first appointment prescribed me a lymphomyozot in drops. The first course, so to speak, is about nothing, it even seemed to me that everything got worse. But in the second year, finally relief came! Highly recommend.

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