Therapeutic properties of aloe. The use of aloe in folk medicine

Therapeutic properties of aloe. The use of aloe in folk medicine

How to properly use aloe for the treatment of various diseases, contraindications and useful tips - read in this article.

Among medicinal domestic plants, aloe, or a tabletop, is especially popular. Many at home have this plant, which is often called a doctor and use its medicinal properties for healing from many ailments.

Therapeutic properties of aloe and contraindications

The healing properties of the Dode plant explains its interesting chemical composition.

Important: there are many in aloe juice vitaminsBUT, E, b vitamins, vitamin CThere are many minerals, amino acids, flavonids, also he is rich enzymes and carotenoids.


  • Plant juice penetrates perfectly into the tissue and at the site of application works as good anesthetic
  • The ability of aloe to fight pathogenic microbes is due to its bactericidal properties, so it is used as wound healing and anti -inflammatory In many diseases of the oral cavity - stomatitis, pharyngitis, tonsillitis, as well as skin damage - cuts, burns, non -healing wounds, ulcers
  • Aloe is beautiful regenerating means. In addition to the fact that he relieves inflammation, he normalizes metabolism in cells, accelerates granulation processes in wounds, thereby significantly accelerates healing
  • Aloe preparations are actively used in cosmetology and gynecology
  • Aloe juice is famous for its antihistamine properties: it will relieve itching and edema, therefore, with its help, all kinds of allergic skin diseases (eczema, dermatitis) are treated with it
  • Stockwater juice is useful for pathologies of the digestive tract. It enhances the secretory ability of the digestive organs, acts as a strong stimulant With bile outflow violations
  • Aloe is shown with constipation, as it shows laxative action
  • Shows also diuretic action,
  • immunostimulating
  • appetizing

Contraindications to the use of aloe juice

Due to the fact that Aloe is strong biostimulator, its drugs are not prescribed for oncology, fibrous formations, polyps.

Important: Due to the powerful stimulating effect of aloe, you cannot use during pregnancy and during menstruation. In addition, Aloe is contraindicated in the following cases:

  • exacerbation of severe infections,
  • heavy pathologies of the liver and kidneys,
  • any bleeding (uterine, gastric, hemorrhoidal),
  • hypertonic disease.

The use of aloe in folk medicine. Recipes for various diseases

For strengthening appetite and normalization of digestive processesas well as for restoration of a weakened organism After the diseases, it is recommended to take aloe juice.

RECIPE: Combine 150 grams of aloe juice, a glass of natural honey and 350 ml of fortified grape wine. This mixture should be insisted for 5 days, drink 1 tbsp. l. Before meals three times a day.


For weakened The kids are good like that
RECIPE: A pound of chubby walnuts (nuclei), 300 grams of honey and juice of 4 lemons are added to 100 grams of juice. Drink a mixture of 1 tsp. Three times a day before meals.

RECIPE: Runny nose It lends itself to treating the doctor’s juice. In each nasal move, you need to instill 2-3 drops for a week.

RECIPE: Sore throat It is treated with stripes with diluted warm water juice (1: 1), after the rinsing procedure, drink 1 tsp well. Fresh juice diluted in warm milk.

Aloe leaf is fast relieves toothache.

RECIPE: Aloe at help helps pulmonary form of tuberculosis. Mix 100 g of animal fat or ordinary butter with 20 g of aloe juice, 100 ml of honey and 100 g of cocoa powder. This mixture must be taken inside 1 tbsp. Three times a day, drinking warm milk.

RECIPE: With constipation The folk remedy helps perfectly: 150 g of cut leaves thoroughly chop, pour 300 ml of heated honey (not boiled!), Insist for a day, warm up and strain. Take 1 t.L. In the morning on an empty stomach.

RECIPE: Aloe is a good assistant for delivering from herpes. Herpetic sores are lubricated with fresh juice 6-8 times a day.


For treatment long -terming wounds, erosius, ulcers and other skin injuries use ointment Based on aloe.
RECIPE: The ointment is prepared as follows: Fresh juice with honey in equal parts is mixed, 1 tbsp is added to the finished mixture. l. medical alcohol (200 grams of the mixture), mix thoroughly. Keep the ointment in the refrigerator.

Aloe juice recipes for gastritis and other stomach diseases

Aloe juice has proven itself to treat gastritis and other stomach pathologies (erosions, ulcers), and it is suitable for treatment and hypoacid gastritis (with reduced secretion of gastric juice) and with increased acidity.

IMPORTANT: With reduced acidity Aloe enhances the secretory function of the stomach, normalizes the digestive process, eliminates atrophic phenomena, improves the condition of the mucous membrane. With increased acidity Thanks to its astringent and anti -inflammatory properties, juice affects as an analgesic and healing.


Aloe recipe with honey:
RECIPE: Plants harvested leaves are kept in the refrigerator for at least 10 days. After that, they are crushed to a gruel -shaped state. Then mix with honey in equal parts. Take a product for 1 tbsp. Three times a day, a course of 20 days, then take a 10-day break and you can repeat the course.

With gastritis, wine tincture with aloe is also prepared:
RECIPE: 500 g of leaves chopped into the gruel are mixed with 500 ml of honey, a mixture in a water bath is heated and 500 ml of grape wine is added, and a week is insisted. They drink tincture according to the scheme: the first 7 days - 1 tsp. Three times a day, the next 14 days - 1 tbsp. 3 times daily.

Aloe juice recipes with honey with cough

Important: Aloe is just a find in the treatment of protracted cough due to its active anti -inflammatory, expectorant, immunostimulating and regenerating properties.

Honey recipe:
RECIPE: Mix natural honey with fresh plant juice (1: 1). Accept 1 tsp. 3-6 times daily for at least a week.

Oil recipe:
RECIPE: 1 tbsp. l. Mix the coil of the centenary with 100 g of oil and 100 ml of honey, mix well. Twice a day is taken for 1 tbsp. With a glass of boiled milk. The course of treatment is 5-7 days.

RECIPE: Vodka, aloe juice and honey take in equal parts, mix and insist 10 days in the refrigerator. Drink tincture of 1 tbsp. Three times a day. This recipe is also perfect for the prevention of colds in the winter (1 tsp three times a day).


Aloe juice recipes for raising immunity

RECIPE: A good restorative and immunomodulating agent is a mixture of aloe juice, lemon juice, honey and chopped nuts. All ingredients are connected in equal parts - 200 g of each product. Take 1 tsp. Three times a day before meals.
RECIPE: Make a decoction of St. John's wort (20 g of grass per 1 liter of water), cool, strain. Combine with 30 g of fresh aloe juice, 15 g of honey, 3/4 cup of grape wine. Drain everything into a bottle of dark glass, withstand 7 days. Reception for 2 tsp 3-6 times daily three weeks.

How to cook aloe juice at home?

In order to get a portion of healing juice, cut the most fleshy lower leaves of the plant, which is at least 3 years old, better than 5-7. Then the leaves are washed, dried and placed in the refrigerator for several days.

Important: before cutting the leaves, you can not water the plant for several days so that the beneficial substances in the leaves are as concentrated as possible.

AloeThe leaves, sustained in the refrigerator, are cut into pieces and juice is squeezed through a gauze bag.

Important: in this case, the juice should be squeezed a little, for 1 portion, because aloe juice is most effective only in freshly squeezed form.

Cut the leaves It is best with a ceramic rather than an iron knife, since in contact with iron, the properties of aloe are somewhat lost.

Aloe preparations for external use and inside

Not only in folk medicine the healing properties of aloe are popular. Official medicine uses drugs with this plant healer to treat different ailments.
Pharmaceuticals produces aloe extractaloes (dried juice). The drug is prescribed inside, and also used in solution For subcutaneous injections.


Important: doctors prescribe aloe extract with intensive antibiotic therapy, with sluggish chronic infections to stimulate immunity.

Aloe extract solution is prescribed for lung inflammations, for treatment purulent foci in the body, in the form of inhalations at bronchitis. Aloe juice is added to phytopreparationscontaining iron used to treat anemia.

Outwardly used ointments and Gels with the addition of aloe With allergic, inflammatory skin diseases, as well as mechanical, thermal damage to the skin.

Is it possible to use aloe juice during pregnancy?

Despite all the usefulness of drugs with aloe, medicine warns about the danger of their use during pregnancy and during lactation.

Important: the substances contained in this plant can provoke uterine abbreviations, which may result in termination of pregnancy, that is, miscarriage. In addition, aloe can cause a sharp decrease in blood sugar.

AloeIn an interesting position, women are allowed to use aloe only as an external tool - in the form of masks for the skin or to strengthen hair.

Important: the internal technique for pregnant women is prohibited even in the form of drops in the treatment of a runny nose.

Therapeutic properties of aloe: tips and reviews

  • Before using drugs with aloe, consultation with a doctor is necessary.
  • You can use only a long-term (from 3 years) plant for therapeutic purposes.
  • The prepared aloe leaves cannot be kept outdoors, they can only be stored in the refrigerator.
  • Aloe cannot be taken later than 19 hours to avoid sleep disturbances.
  • Before applying the outward aloe juice, it is necessary to carry out a test for tolerance (apply a few drops to the inside of the forearm, evaluate the condition of the skin in 30 minutes - whether redness and edema, that is, an allergic reaction).
  • Due to strong stimulating properties, it is impossible to use aloe for treatment small children under 3 years old, even externally, since the active substances contained in the centenary are absorbed into the baby's body.


Valentine: In our house, as far as I remember, I always live on the windowsill. We are being treated for them constantly. Colds, runny nose, constipation - it helps from everything. You can’t replace any pharmacy products.

MichaelThere was a thing, probably for two months coughing. He tore off the liver with all sorts of mixers. For a week and a half, I got rid of coughing aloe juice with honey. Really helps. It would seem just a room flower ...

Video: Aloe from gastritis

Video: What heals aloe?

Video: aloe, recipes and application

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