Grass Mokrin: therapeutic and useful properties and contraindications. How to use a decoction, tincture on alcohol and vodka, juice from mokritsa grass for the treatment of eye diseases, joints, heart, gout, pressure, cough, psoriasis: recipes

Grass Mokrin: therapeutic and useful properties and contraindications. How to use a decoction, tincture on alcohol and vodka, juice from mokritsa grass for the treatment of eye diseases, joints, heart, gout, pressure, cough, psoriasis: recipes

The grass will tell you about the beneficial properties of the grass of the mokritsa and will teach you how to use it for medicinal purposes.

Grass mokritsa: therapeutic and useful properties

This weed is known to many gardeners and gardeners, because it grows on any land plots. Do not rush to throw off a plucked wet, because it is a “real treasure” with a lot of useful and cosmetic properties.

You can find a mokritsa:

  • Garden
  • Gardens
  • Poly women in the forest
  • Garbage sections

How to find out the plant:

  • Obys -shaped leaves
  • The leaves are slightly pointed
  • It has white small flowers
  • Flowers have the shape of a star

A characteristic feature of the mokritsa is that even in the dry weather it does not stop remaining wet and having juiciness. This property allows the use of grass as mulch for fruit bushes. Mokritsa was also nicknamed the “meteorological plant” for a number of characteristic features, for example, if the flowers of grass remain closed even at 9 and 10 a.m. (even if there is the sun), then it will be rain soon.

Interesting: mokrin - food for birds, and beloved. It is noticed that if homemade chickens and ducks are constantly fed with mokritsa, they are less likely to get sick and produce more. This is not sacred at all, because grass is a storehouse of useful substances.

Mokrika is rich in vitamins:

  • Vitamin C -strengthens the immune system, increasing its protective properties and resistance to viral, infectious diseases, pathogenic bacteria.
  • Vitamin E -it nourishes the skin, hair and nails, strengthening it. Improves the work of internal organs, especially the reproductive organs of a woman.
  • Vitamin K -it improves blood coagulation and helps to absorb calcium and vitamin D, improves the functioning of the bone system, the condition of connective tissue.

Other substances:

  • Carotinoids -protect our cells from malignant rebirth.
  • Tannins -positively affect the work of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Organic acid -organic substances that show acidic properties.
  • Saponins -cholesterol and various toxins help to remove them from the body.
  • Potassium salts -participate in the regulation of water-salt metabolism.
  • Phytoncides -necessary as a complex of antimicrobial substances
  • Flavonoids -they play the role of antioxidants, they also enhance the action of vitamins A, E, S.
  • Lipids -important macro elements that are necessary for the body on a daily basis.
  • Essential oil -normalize metabolic processes

Minerals are also contained:

  • Zinc -helps updating skin cells
  • Iron -increases hemoglobin in the blood
  • Bor -it is able to reduce inflammation, reduce tumors and normalize fat exchange.
  • Copper -takes part in the synthesis of hemoglobin
  • Magnesium -strengthens the cardiovascular and digestive system, helps to absorb vitamin V.
  • Cobalt -participates in the production of thyroid hormones, proteins, fats and carbohydrates.

Medication of the mokritsa:

  • Anesthetizes
  • Relieves inflammation
  • Calms
  • It has an expectorant property
  • Stops bleeding
  • Drives bile
  • Saturates with useful substances
  • Increases immunity
  • Gives a general strengthening effect

Important: only the aboveground part of the plant should be used to prepare drugs (the root is impossible!). Choose fresh and young grass, it can be frozen or dried for the winter.

Blooming wet
Blooming wet

How to use a decoction of mokritsa grass to treat eye diseases?

In folk medicine, there are many recipes with the use of mokritsa. It can be used fresh, as a decoction and infusion. Many people know that grass is effectively fighting eye diseases. For this, the product is used exclusively externally as lotions. You should prepare a tool and soak the cotton pads in it, which you will then keep in front of your eyes.

Preparation of the product:

  • Pour 1 tbsp into the glass. Fresh or dried chopped mokritsa grass.
  • Pour wet boiling water
  • Cover the glass with a saucer or towel
  • In this state, mokritsa will be brewed for an hour, it does not need to be touched and shaken.
  • After insisting, strain the product
  • Keep as lotions in your eyes or instill 1 or 2 droplets in each eye (not more than 1 time a day).
Lners in the eyes
Lners in the eyes

Mokrin: recipes for the heart

If you have chronic or acquired diseases of the cardiovascular system, it will be useful for you to regularly use wet in food and prepare drugs based on it. Mokrin goes well with fresh vegetable salads. In the winter season, you can use dry grass to brew healthy tea:

  • Use thermos
  • Pour a handful of dry grass into it
  • Pour 0.5-1 l of boiling water
  • Wrap the thermos
  • Insist grass until 2-3 hours
  • After insisting, strain tea
  • Drink on a small cup of tea every time before eating.
  • Tea should be drunk no more than 30-40 minutes before food
  • The course of treatment - 2 weeks with a break of 2 weeks
Grace is dry mokrits (can be bought at a pharmacy) and a salad with fresh wet
Dry grass "Mokrika" (can be bought at a pharmacy) and a salad with fresh mokritsa

Mokrice from pressure: recipe

The grass has powerful hypotonic properties and therefore it can effectively reduce blood pressure. That is why the mokritsa should not be drunk and taken by those who suffer from chronic low pressure, but useful to those who regularly suffer from hypertension. Arrange small courses treatment at 2 weeks with a break of 2-3 weeks.

You can add fresh wet to food (in salads with vegetables, herbs, fruits). Using a blender, you can get juice from the grass (grind and squeeze the slurry). Obtained mix juice with honey With equal quantities and take 1 tsp. Before food for 30-40 minutes.

You can also regularly drink mokritsa tea, brewing it with chamomile or linden in the usual way (pour boiling water, let it brew).

Mokritsa grass
Mokritsa grass

How to prepare an infusion of mokritsa on vodka, alcohol from tumors, joint diseases?

Alcohol tincture of wetlands can be used in order to treat inflammatory processes in the joints and tumor neoplasms. To harvest alcohol tincture in advance so that it manages to “get enough” with the useful substances of the grass and become really effective. Tincture should be done on clean vodka or alcohol.

How to cook tincture (1 l):

  • Gather fresh grass (it is advisable to use it just fresh, since it has much larger beneficial substances than in dried or ice cream).
  • Rinse the grass slightly and let it dry, but not for long
  • The grass should be chopped and chopped with a blender (in gruel, but not mashed potatoes).
  • Pour this gruel into a glass container and pour 1 liter. vodka (without any flavorings and taste additives).
  • Close the jar tightly with a lid and remove in a dark place (tincture should stand at least 1 week).
  • Every day, this jar should be taken out and shaken (this will help the tincture to be more saturated).
  • After 7-10 days, the mass should be filtered (put up gauze for this in several layers).
  • The filtered tincture can continue to be stored in a pantry, refrigerator, on a shelf in a closet (there should not be direct UV rays of the sun).

What is useful for infusion of mokritsa grass and how to use it for osteochondrosis, arthrosis and other joint diseases?

How to apply tincture:A damaged or sore spot should be rubbed with alcohol tincture 2-3 times a day. After rubbing, wrap the joint into a warm woolen scarf. It is good to do this procedure and night. If you have sore knee joints, do not tightly apply a medical bandage over a well -lost infusion of space. Together with alcohol tincture, it is also useful to make lotions to “sore spots” from a concentrated mokritsa decoction: for this, apply a layer of gauze or cotton fabric moistened in a decoction and wrap everything in cling film.

Local use of alcohol tincture on mokritsa
Local use of alcohol tincture on mokritsa

How and from what to use juice from wet grass?

Fresh juice of a green plant has a maximum supply of beneficial substances and therefore it has long been used to treat many cosmetic problems and health problems. Mokritsa juice is very easily perceived, since the grass has neither taste nor acute smell - only freshness.

Mokritsa juice is taken internally and used externally. If you drink it with water and honey, you can significantly improve the condition of the kidneys and liver, adjust the work of the thyroid gland. External compresses, lotions and wiping can heal wounds, relieve inflammatory processes on the skin, heal hemorrhoids, acne.

Interesting: the regular use of mokritsa juice will save you from frequent headaches, which can be provoked by pressure surges or in stressful situations. The grass effectively eliminates fatigue and significantly improves memory. In addition, there is vitamin E in Mokritsa, and it favorably affects the health of blood vessels, including those that are responsible for blood flow into the brain.

In order to prepare such juice, you will need not a small amount of grass. Each time you should drink freshly prepared juice. It must be consumed half an hour before food, it can be diluted with water. The one-time portion of the juice is-100-150 ml. Lemon or rosehip decoction will help improve the taste of the drink. The course of treatment with mokritsa juice should last no more than 3 months (otherwise intoxication may occur).

Mokritsa grass juice
Mokritsa grass juice

Mokrice from cracks on heels: recipe

Cracks on the heels are an eternal summer problem for men and women. Someone will say that it occurs only when the heels dry out of open shoes in contact with the sun, dust and air. Others are sure that this problem arises in those who suffer from excess weight and do not drink enough water per day.

There is a share of truth in this, but in order to carry out the prevention of cracks on the heels and try to heal them, the whole complex of procedures should be used:

  • Crack prevention
  • Moisturizing the skin with creams
  • Compliance with legs hygiene
  • Compliance with water-salt balance
  • Cracking treatment

In the treatment of cracks, fresh grass mokits will help you:

  • Wash your legs thoroughly with a brush and soap
  • Dry your legs
  • In the socks on the bottom, put freshly torn grass of the mokritsa
  • Put on the sock, distributing the grass where you have cracks and dry skin.
  • Walk in such socks all day

Important: as you press the grass with your foot, it will distinguish the juice that the skin will absorb. As a result, it will remain moisturized and receive the required amount of vitamins for healing and nutrition.

Mokrice from heel cracks
Wet from heel cracks and dry skin

The use of mokritsa for pain in the heel, from gout: recipe

Gout - inflammation of the tendons located in the foot and heel. This disease causes a lot of unpleasant sensations to a person and pain, which responds in every step when moving. You can weaken the pain and symptoms of gout with the help of lotions based on decoctions and mokritsa juice.

How to use grass:

  • You can cook a concentrated decoction of fresh or dry grass. Such a decoction is moistened with gauze and applied to the heel, after which the leg is wrapped in a food film.
  • You can put fresh torn grass in socks and go to them all day, sleep so that the juice acts and is absorbed into the skin.
  • Mokritsa juice or grinding grunts can be lubricated, wrapping with a film or cloth.

The use of mokritsa from coughing: recipe

Mokrin has an expectorant property, and therefore it can be used to effective cough treatment.

How to brew grass:

  • Piece a glass of fresh and clean grass to a thermos or jar.
  • Pour the grass with boiling water and steal it well.
  • For the parking, the jar should be covered with a lid and wrapped with a towel.
  • The brewed mokritsa, still hot, should be drunk before eating in 20-30 minutes.
  • To improve the taste of tea and improve its action will help a slice of lemon and a spoonful of honey.

Expecting medicine:

  • Smother finely or pass through a meat grinder 1 kg. fresh mokritsa (washed in advance).
  • Add 2 chopped garlic tent
  • Introduce 0.5 tsp. black pepper
  • Pour in 1-2 tbsp. liquid honey
  • Mix everything thoroughly and start using this medicine three times a day (1 tsp. Before eating for half an hour).
Expecting the properties of the mokritsa
Expecting the properties of the mokritsa

Can I make a mokritsa compress on the throat?

Warm compress from a dump of mokritsa will help you weaken the symptoms of an inflamed throat, reduce pain. To do this, use a steep decoction of grass. It should be moistened with a gauze swab or scarf. Wrap your throat with a warm compress and wrap it with an additional scarf. Keep to cool.

How to prepare ointment from mokritsa from psoriasis and how to use: recipe

Psoriasis is a skin disease that has a chronic character. It has many unpleasant symptoms: itching, peeling of the skin, redness. Try to make an effective ointment from psoriasis based on wet grass.

You will need:

  • Dry fresh grass or buy dried in a pharmacy
  • Grass should be collected during flowering
  • With the help of a coffee grinder, you should grind the grass into powder
  • Mix in equal quantities a mokrice powder and medical solidol.
  • You should insist the ointment for 3-4 days and only then use, rubbing into damaged skin places.
Mokrika grass - therapeutic agent
Mokrika grass - therapeutic agent

Mokrin: Application in gynecology

Mokrin is successfully used in the treatment of gynecological problems. With the help of grass -based recipes, you can deal with problems such as cervical erosion or myoma, cysts. The consumption of the tincture of wet on alcohol or tea from fresh wetlands will be able to relieve inflammation occurring in the pelvic organs. Thus, you can prevent infertility and eliminate diseases, which could not be healed with traditional drugs.

How to apply mokritsa:

  • Make baths in the pelvis or take a bath with a decoction of the mokritsa.
  • Drink regular tea from fresh and dried mokritsa
  • There are fresh salads with mokritsa

Face mask from mokritsa grass: recipe

Mokrin has a powerful anti -inflammatory property and therefore fights perfectly with skin rashes, irritations, acne and eels.

How to make a mask:

  • Collect grass (up to 0.5 kg)
  • Grind the grass with a blender in the gruel
  • Add 1 tbsp. natural liquid honey
  • Clean your face with soap
  • Put the mask on your face and keep it for 20-30 minutes
  • Rinse with slightly warm water
  • Moisten if necessary
Mokrin in beauty recipes
Mokrin in beauty recipes

Mokrin: Hair application

Rinsing the hair with a decoction of wetlands (both from fresh grass and dry) will allow you to return to them vitality and shine. In order for the procedure to be effective, brew the grass 1-2 times a week and rinse over the bucket. The grass is not necessary to wash off. Let your hair dry yourself.

Grass Mokritsa: Contraindications

Mokrits, along with its benefit, can harm, as this tool has natural and has a number of contraindications:

  • Allergic sensitivity.In case of symptoms detect, stop taking immediately.
  • Hypotension. The decoction reduces pressure and therefore can not be drunk hypotonic. With caution, the medicine based on wetlands should be taken by those who suffer from vegetative disorders.
  • Children. The children's body can be very sensitive to this plant and react with allergies or intoxication.
  • Stomach ulcer. In this case, only alcohol infusion is prohibited for use.

Important: you should not brew and use mokritsa collected near the road for the preparation of drugs, as it accumulates toxins. Be careful when collecting wet, because you can confuse it with a relative "Lanceta Starfish", which is poisonous.

Video: "Mokrin: grass, healing properties"

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Comments K. article

  1. And in what doses to take inside an infusion of wet on vodka for the treatment of tumor neoplasms?

  2. In what doses to take the tincture of wetlands inside the infusion on vodka for the treatment of tumor neoplasms? And how much "gruel" is used for 1 liter of vodka?

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