Bay leaf for joints: a recipe for tinctures, ointments, decoctions

Bay leaf for joints: a recipe for tinctures, ointments, decoctions

Ways to use bay leaf for joints.

The bay leaf is a well -known spice that is added to meat, first, as well as second dishes. This leaf is able to give the meat of a unique aroma. In this article, we will tell you how to use bay leaf to treat joints.

Useful properties of bay leaf

There are several variations of use. The fact is that this spice contains a lot of nutrients that strengthen cartilage, bones, and also remove inflammatory processes in them.

The benefits of the laurel for the joints:

  • These leaves contain tannins, stearate and fatty acids, alcohols, as well as a huge number of vitamins and trace elements
  • Thanks to this, this plant has an anti -inflammatory, bactericidal, antiviral effect on the joints
  • It is worth noting that the spice can be used both for the preparation of decoctions for the purpose of taking orally and for the preparation of the mixture, for compresses
  • This helps locally cope with inflammation, relieve joint pain

Bay leaf decoction for joints: recipe

Most often, the spice is used precisely for internal use. For this purpose, decoctions are prepared.


  • To prepare a healing potion, you will need about 30 pieces of bay leaf. It is necessary to put them in a pan, pour 850 ml of boiling water and simmer over low heat for about 5 minutes
  • After that, the container must be covered with a lid, removed from the heat and wrapped with a towel, leave for about 5 hours. You can use the thermos if you have
  • After the mixture has cooled, it stands for 5 hours in the thermos, it must be strain. This broth is taken throughout the day in small sips
  • It is advisable to drink at least half a liter of the prepared tool in the day. The treatment lasts for 3 days, after which a break is taken for 3 weeks, then the course of treatment is repeated again
  • For a year, it is allowed to do no more than 2 courses of treatment. Such a remedy washed out salts from the joints, improves the condition with osteochondrosis, arthritis, arthrosis, gout and radiculitis

If you are disgusting to drink such a tool, it seems very saturated, you can use another recipe. But the effect will be less, because this broth is used more for prevention than for treatment.


  • To prepare this decoction, it is necessary to pour 700 ml of boiling water, cook on low heat, and let it cool
  • The mixture is filtered, 2 teaspoons of honey are added to it. The decoction is taken during the day, the course of treatment is 3 days, with a break of 20 days
  • Very often joint purification is combined using local drugs

Ointment for joints from bay leaf

Also, a very effective ointment can be prepared from the spice, which is superimposed directly on the joints.


  • To prepare this, healing properties must be chopped 10 bay leaves in a blender or in a coffee grinder.
  • After that, enter into 200 g of butter and warm in a water bath so that the spice gives all its beneficial properties.
  • After the product warms up in a water bath, the spice will give all its beneficial substances, the mass must be poured into a bottle with a wide neck so that it can be conveniently taken out.
  • It is stored in the refrigerator, and is used to apply on sore joints. To do this, gauze or thin fabric is lubricated with the resulting agent, applied to the joint and left for about 2 hours.
  • In order for the bandage not to slide, you can wrap everything with an elastic bandage on top.
Bay leaf
Bay leaf

Lauren oil for joints: recipe

Often used oil with spice to treat joint diseases.


  • In order to prepare this healing medicine, you need to take about 35 g of spices
  • Warm 200 ml of any vegetable oil on a fire and pour leaves. It is best to do this in a glass dish of dark glass
  • Next, everything is closed with a lid, put in a dark place and shakes every day
  • This drug needs to be infused about 3 weeks. After that, the mixture is filtered
  • The oil becomes dark green with brown tint
  • For the treatment of joints, they are lubricated with the resulting tool. The sore spot is closed with a gauze bandage and wound up with an elastic bandage

The product is quite effective, helps to cope with a large number of diseases of the musculoskeletal system.


Bay leaf tincture

From bay leaf, you can also prepare alcohol tinctures for local treatment of sore joints.


  • To prepare the product, it is necessary to grind the bay leaf in a blender, take an approximately a tablespoon of crushed raw materials and add to the bottle
  • Pour a tablespoon of lilac flowers and the same amount of willow bark there
  • All this is poured with vodka, with a volume of about half a liter. It is best to take medical alcohol, a strength of at least 72%
  • The bottle is closed and left in a dark place for 2 weeks, from time to time the mixture must be shaken
  • This tool is used to lubricate sore spots, is usually applied to the bandage and wound on top with an elastic bandage

Contraindications and features of the use of bay leaf

Please note that despite its effectiveness and accessibility, with improper use, the spice can bring a lot of negative consequences for the body. Contraindications to the use of bay leaf are kidney, liver, pregnancy, breastfeeding and children's age. Please note that it is necessary to clearly adhere to all the recommendations, especially do not exceed the number of decoctions that are taken inside.

If there are some strange sensations, refuse to take a bay leaf. This method is very effective, often used in complex therapy for the treatment of arthritis, arthrosis, as well as osteochondrosis, diseases that are associated with accumulation of salts in the joints.


The bay leaf helps to remove harmful accumulations from the body, which generally improves the plasticity and mobility of the joints, facilitates the condition of patients with chronic ailments.

Video: joints laurel

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Comments K. article

  1. I did tinctures and already on their basis compresses. They say, the anti-inflammatory effect, but did not notice much difference in sensations. But when Drink began to drink Honda, the joints ceased to hurt and crunch. There, there are increased dosages of all necessary nutrients, therefore the results are so good.

  2. Victor! Do not write nonsense, what is this Honda ???? Drink, I use laurel oil, instant relief. I want to make alcohol tincture. Excellent.

  3. Instantly stops the pain in the joints. And do not torment yourself with compresses (I personally create inconvenience, interfere with sleep.

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