New Year's quest for adults - options, tasks

New Year's quest for adults - options, tasks

Options, riddles, quest scenarios for the New Year for adults.

Many are waiting for the new 2021 year with hopes, and the desire of innovations. To clearly celebrate the New Year, not enough hearty table. People demand bread and spectacles. However, the last few years of the desires of ordinary residents of the country have changed significantly. Now they do not just want to watch something interesting. Most were tired of boring blue lights, and watching the TV, sitting behind the plate of Olivier's salad. I want something interesting, active and fascinating. Quests for the New Year will help this.

Options of an adult quest for the new year

A quest is an active game that involves obtaining tasks, hints, puzzles. The main goal is to find gifts, or prompts that indicate the final result. Most often these are prizes for the whole company. But just giving them to loved ones is not interesting. It is much more fascinating, to give gifts in the form of games, competitions, competitions, travel and adventure. There are several varieties of the quest, depending on the venue and characteristics of the team.

Options of an adult quest for the New Year:

  • In a home environment. This is mainly a family action, with the invitation of friends, acquaintances. The quest is compiled taking into account the age characteristics of all invited. That is, it is a universal quest that is suitable for adults and children. Tasks are selected so that children can quickly find guesses and tips, like adults. 
  • Quests in the office, for company employees. Everything is much simpler here, because tasks are designed for adults. They can be of medium complexity, the level depends on the possibility of drinking alcohol. If alcohol is not allowed at work, all holidays, corporate parties are without alcohol, then it is allowed to select active tasks that require logical thinking, ingenuity. This is an ideal option for using puzzles, puzzles. Also, active contests are also suitable for such a company that require small physical strength. 
  • Quest in a private house and nearest territories. The most interesting option, as it involves building a card, with the location of the tips, and the shooter. However, organizing a quest in the territory that belongs to a person is a little more difficult than in a house, apartment or office. 
  • The places around the cottage are much larger, which makes the game more interesting, more active, more mobile. It is best if the participants of such a game are from 4 to 10 people. People will not have to huddle in a cramped room, and physical activity, constant searches, will make the quest very original, unusual and memorable. Hipples are hidden not only inside the house, but also on the territory of the owner of the cottage. It can be a barn, or a place near the house. It is always more interesting to hide tips somewhere in the forest, and go beyond the court. 

Tasks for the New Year's quest for adults at work

It is necessary to print puzzles that will be directed to the place of storage of tips. In the office the most common places where you can hide the tips, is office equipment, cabinets, or furniture. 

The leader should start the quest who will tell the participants what to do. 

The chef bought gifts in advance in advance, but some kind of joker from our team, decided to hide them. The boss is furious, and is ready to break the one who decided to make fun. We need to find gifts as soon as possible in order to improve the mood of the chef, and prevent the dismissal of the whole team. For work, friends. I found the first hint at the Christmas tree, so we hasten to find the following. This will help us in a solidification of secrets, where are the gifts. 

Tasks for a quest for the New Year for adults at work:

  • Slender, one -eyed lady, in a beautiful hat (desk lamp). 
  • This item helps to create newspapers, posters and reporting documentation. The handwriting is very beautiful, although it does not use the pen (Printer). 
  • The subject will be able to recreate the exact copy of any document (Xerox). 
  • This subject is used by both young children and adults to plant plants (pot). 
  • He has four legs, but he does not walk, but rides throughout the office (computer chair). 
  • This car is better than any calculator will consider how much 2+2 will help with an annual report (a computer). 

Under all these objects, it is necessary to hide the tips that will indicate the following. Ultimately, it is necessary to hide gifts in the closet. The last hint will indicate precisely the cabinet. 

Work on guesses
Work on guesses

Options of the script of the quest for the New Year for adults

Prepare in advance, write a place on a piece of paper in which you are going to hide the tips. Hide the most important prize in a secluded place in which all guests cannot look. As high as possible, on the closet, or even outside the window, attaching to the handle of the plastic window. It was better to numbness, if the invited accidentally finds a hint, it was clear in what sequence it was necessary to guess. 

Options of the script of the quest for the New Year for adults:

  • Initially, determine the direction. It can be The adventures of James Bond, with all contests, puzzles, as well as with CIA employees. 
  • Standard quest for the search for a sunken ship. Often it is organized in a pirate style, participants are divided into two teams, one of which pirates, and the second ordinary ship. They compete with each other who will quickly find treasures. 
  • New Year holidays are usually associated with paintings or films. It can be a movie “With a light steam”, or “one at home”. These are common New Year's films, on the topics of which you can create quests. 
  • For example, on the 31th we go to the bathhouse, but in order to find each other's documents, you need to go through the quest. Otherwise, we will stay in a foreign city. If this is a quest on the topic of the “one at home” tape, you can divide the commands into robbers, thieves that burst into the house and look for treasures, valuable things to steal them. The second team is the inhabitants of the house who confronts. 

Quest for the New Year 2021

2021 - the year of the bull, you can create a quest on this topic. Several puzzles, song contests, and tasks are created, having guessed which can be found hints. We offer a few puzzles below that allow you to guess proverbs, phraseological units, and volatile phrases.

Quest for the New Year 2021:

  • A person who is trying to please everyone always win. Answer: An obedient calf of two queens sucks. 
  • Very stubborn, with a bad character. Answer: Stubborn like a bull. 
  • Try to affection in a rough way. Answer: calf tenderness. 
  • Act very decisively, assertively, not paying attention to obstacles. Answer: Take the bull by the horns. 
  • A person who is characterized by large size, and good health. Answer: Healthy like a bull. 
  • Someone is very annoying, cause anger and indignation. Answer: As for a bull, a red rag. 
New Year
New Year

New Year's quest for adults: tasks

The outgoing year is one of the most difficult and tense over the past few decades. This is due to the fall of the global economy, the outbreak of coronavirus. Therefore, the quest can be beaten on the topic of zombies, and the world epidemic. To do this, it is necessary to divide the invited guests into two teams. One of them is the Zombie team, which is trying in every possible way to interfere with the second team of scientists developing the vaccine. For this, riddles can be associated with some terrible, incurable diseases.

For example, what was the name of the cook, who carried the typhoid, but did not hurt itself? (Typhoid Mary).

In the current situation, masks and gloves are irreplaceable in the current situation. They can be encrypted in riddles.

The quest for the New Year for adults, tasks:

  • I will wear them in the winter when the floor, my dishes. You will not find prints anywhere, because I have gloves.
  • As soon as I go for a walk, the tenants run home again, as usual as usual as usual (gloves).
  • Each finger has a fabric house, they are all satisfied like an elephant (gloves).
You can encrypt other items that everyone has now in the bag. It can be an antiseptic bottle.

For example: this is not a sea or a river, but it is visible from afar. As soon as morning or evening, I immediately run towards her (Bathroom).

Tasks in the office
Tasks in the office

Quest game for the new year for adults

The entry can be like that - a terrible virus captured the planet to compete with the disease, it is necessary to invent the vaccine and in every possible way adhere to hygiene norms. Therefore, all the quest participants should gather, find the tips to find the vaccine. As a vaccine, there can be prizes in the form of humorous gifts, bottles with champagne or strong alcohol.

Quest game for the new year for adults:

  • It is necessary to print an object on a sheet of A4 format where the task is hidden. It can be a refrigerator or pillow. Now, using the ruler, draw oblique lines, cut the item into several parts . The main task of the team - As soon as possible from the parts in the envelope, collect an object, find a hint near it. This is a simple task that even a child can cope with.
  • Mathematical tasks. The simplest is to calculate the number of steps to the first floor. A funny task, if the guests gathered on the thirteenth floor. I wonder who will reach the first floor? Next, it is necessary to find the first letter according to the resulting figure. That is, under the number 97, the letter “K” will be encrypted. This is the first letter in the word coffee maker, which means the next letter “o”. It is necessary to calculate the whole word using simple mathematical manipulations. For example, from 97, take 3, we get 94. Opposite each digit will have its own letter. As soon as a person performs all mathematical actions, he will receive the full word “coffee maker”. Thus, you can encrypt any word and object.
  • Logical tasks can be alphabetic or in the form of a poem, works. The simplest thing is to take a long word, delete repeating letters from it. For example, a car. In the word, the letter “A” is repeated twice. As soon as a person guesses the word, it is necessary to guess the following. From the discarded letters, a word is compiled, which will indicate a hint.
By making riddles, you need to hide the following tips in the bathroom, under a glass of toothbrushes, or under a soap dish. It is allowed to stick to the mirror in the bathroom.

Video: New Year's quest for adults

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