A quest for the New Year to celebrate in a home environment. New Year's quest 2022-2023

A quest for the New Year to celebrate in a home environment. New Year's quest 2022-2023

Scenarios, tasks and puzzles for a quest for the New Year at home.

New Year's quests- this is A great way to be with the family during the holidays, and have a great time. They can be carried out in a large, noisy company, or among office workers. This helps to rally the team, get to know each other, as well as get a good mood before the New Year holidays.

New Year's quest, how to make a task?

Quests can be of two types: 

  • Mobile 
  • Spend at the table 

It all depends on how much time is provided to the quest, and how you want to spend the New Year holiday. The quest that is held at home sitting at the table is most popular. Such entertainment is perfect for noisy companies, employees who work in offices. The task in such cases is simplified, because puzzles and tips can be hidden in objects that are in the room. To organize a quest, the following tools and details will be needed.

New Year's quest, how to make a task:

  • New Year's design. To beautifully arrange a task, riddles and puzzles, you can choose ready -made templates on the Internet, or make them yourself. But in this case, it is necessary to own some basics of drawing up presentations, or work in a graphic editor.
  • There are now a huge number of unusual, New Year's pictures on the Internet, for example, with a Christmas tree, snowmen, garlands, on which you can apply inscriptions in pyeint, or even inWord. These are standard programs that are available on all computers, and even a user with the initial level can work with them. It remains only to print cards with tasks, and talk about the conditions of the quest or competition.
  • During the quest, a single chain of several tasks is worked out, the end point of which is a guess, or finding a prize. It is best to stylize tasks forpuzzlesAnd look for what is connected with the New Year holidays. For example, this can be a gift from Santa Claus, or a guess of a New Year's salad recipe. Thus, having received all the guesses and having performed manipulations, a person receives an end answer where you can find a prize or gift. 

Tasks for the New Year's quest

If you want to please your employees, or invited guests, we recommend that you acquire goodies in advance, or small souvenirs. They can be associated with the symbol of the coming New Year, that is, dogs, rats. Depending on what New Year you are going to organize a quest. Such figures are very inexpensive. It can be cards or magnets for the refrigerator. Try that all quest participants have fun. 

Tasks for the New Year's quest, examples:

  • Puzzles. They can be presented in the form of a charad, or standard rebuses, as in childhood at school. That is, in words the message is encrypted. The encrypted faces of the stars, which are depicted in the form of caricatures, look very pretty. You need to guess each star using the first letter surname. Thus, you can find out the word-lift in which the following task is.
  • You can encrypt objects, or places in which tips are hidden. It can be a windowsill, a refrigerator. If this is an office room, then you can hide such tips in the place where office equipment is located. Try to hide puzzles where there are no important, responsible documents. 
  • You can hide the next hint in the bathroom. You have the word bath, which consists of five letters. It is necessary to choose the names of songs, the beginning of which will correspond to the first letters. For example: “I am to blame,” the first letter “B”, which corresponds to the word bath. The second song can be “Arlekino”. Choose songs that correspond to the age category, and the preferences of office workers, or relatives. For young people, you need to take new songs, and for older people, choose folk art. Thus, you need to use the program that cuts the song and glue them among themselves. Now a large number of programs that allow this to do this in just a few minutes, not having special skills. 
  • It can be a mp3 programjoiner, orMovavi. They glue videos and audio files, while creating a whole canvas or song. At home, it is best to hide tips in accessible places. It can be a window, a table, a pillow. It all depends on your imagination, and filling the house. If at the festival there are a large number of strangers, guests that you are not so often encountered, it is best to hide tips in the house in prominent places so that you do not have to rummage in the cabinets. All tasks are best placed within the same room where the feast occurs. 

New Year quest: Features of conduct

The optimal time for conducting a quest is 30-90 minutes. It is necessary to make sure that all the guests are interested, and the guess is not delayed for too long. After all, guests can get tired, and the holiday will become very boring. Often they encrypt the places where the next tips are hidden, with the help of songs.

Quest for the New Year, features:

  • Below are several cards that will help improve the mood, and choose tasks for the New Year's quest. Each has several sweets. It is necessary to determine who ate four sweets, if initially there were 5. Near the hero there is the word hint. Under encrypted objects is the following task, which will help to get closer to obtaining a prize.
  • You can use winged phrases from New Year's films. They can be both modern and old, traditional, which every year twist on television on New Year's holidays.
  • It is necessary that the presenter choose several winged phrases, and the team members guessed from which film the lines are chosen. For example: “Is there life on Mars? Whether there is life on Mars - science is unknown. ” This is a phrase from the film Carnival Night. 

Quest for the New Year "Children at home"

For children, it is best to choose the simplest tasks that include the score up to 10 out of five or four simple words. 

Quest for the New Year "Children at home":

  • We recommend choosing simple competitions that will allow you to get another hint. In order for the holiday to be cheerful, the spirit of rivalry was present on it, we recommend dividing the guests into two teams. The team that will quickly find tips will receive a New Year's prize. It is necessary to prepare comforting prizes for the losers in advance. We offer several competitions, after which the participants will receive tips to help find the prize. 
  • The assignment is given for 20 seconds. Each members of the A4 format and pencils are issued to each team member. It is necessary to draw as much New Year's attributes as possible in 20 seconds. It can be anything: New Year's balls, Christmas trees, snowmen, osides ate snowflakes. The team that draws more New Year's items in total receives the following hint.
For kids
For kids
For kids
For kids

Gift quest for the new year

During the organization of the quest, you need to decide on the places where you will hide the gift. It is best if it is a secluded place, but invited I will have to climb into the bins. Make a chain of objects under which there will be tips, they will lead to valuable prizes. If you do not want to leave the apartment, but at the same time want to expand the place where you can hide the tips, it is worth using the entrance, and even the mailbox. Think about the chain so that the places do not intersect with each other, and the invited by chance do not stumble upon the next clue ahead of time. 

Gift quest for the New Year:

  • It is necessary to think over and beautifully arrange riddles, tasks or puzzles. Lay out all the tasks in places. Put the numbers on them so as not to forget, and not get confused. Remember that the optimal number of tasks is 7-10.
  • Too many puzzles tires the invited, and the small one will make the quest too fast. It is worth preparing additional gifts. These are comforting prizes, or additional awards.
  • It can be small souvenirs or chocolate. To get started, prepare riddles. They can be found on the Internet, or invent yourself. Below we represent the simplest of them. You can include them while compiling quests for the New Year at home. 
Types of tasks
Types of tasks

Quest year of rabbit: tasks

The quest in a home environment is limited in space, so it is necessary to include several active games and tasks in it, after participation in which tips will be given to help find the prize. To do this, you can choose several funny competitions. To begin with, you should choose two “rabbits”, most often these are the strongest men. Turn on funny music. Men, in the role of rabbits, should actively move and burst. This is a kind of imitation of Texas Rodeo. Those participants who can stay on rabbits will be the first to get tips. 

Quest year of rabbit, tasks

  • Another excellent option to meet the year of rabbit conducting a quest is a competition with rabbits. It is necessary to inflate several balloons. Participants who become on all fours are selected, and the balls are stomped with the help of arms or legs. Guests should consider how many balls each participant burst. The player who bursts the most balls will receive a hint. 
  • Collection of snowflakes. On the Christmas tree, it is necessary to hang out paper snowflakes with a hole inside each. The participant must put on his ears, like a rabbit, and on the command of the leader to collect snowflakes. The holes should be normal so that the horns can easily pierce them. You can’t use your hands in this competition. A person who will collect more snowflakes in 2 minutes receives another hint. 
  • In a series with mobile contests, there should be those that will allow you to relax. It can be puzzles, or simple competitions. If the New Year takes place in the company of friends, with a lot of alcohol, it is best not to choose contests for the quest that require attention, concentration, and logical thinking. Indeed, in a state of intoxication, it is impossible to solve complex problems.

New Year at home: quest script

Choose any contests that correspond to the interests of the company. You can change the tasks by choosing the best.

New Year at home, quest script:

  • Leading: Good evening, dear guests. A rabbit is a difficult animal, with an unpredictable character. For a year to start successfully, we offer to appease the rabbit and find gifts. Unleashed our riddles and go to the New Year with an excellent mood.
  • It is necessary that the host needs to come up with several signs. Some should be real, while others should not. Previously, this game was called "I believe - I do not believe." 
  • Leading: Is it true that in a Cuba for the New Year they prepare 12 grapes for each? During the battle, chimes are drinking champagne, and in a cuba they should eat 12 grapes. (This is also true. Come up with your signs and traditions for a competition that belong to other countries and religions. The team that will give more correct answers will receive the following hint). 
  • Competition of Mandarin Paradise. Each team member is issued by tangerine. Music is turned on, and a person must clean the fruit, and divide it into slices. Anyone who receives a larger number of lobules goes to the next tour. The result is two winners, one of each team. But this is not the end of the competition.
  • Each winner needs to give out a large skewer, which is used for barbecue. It is made of bamboo. After the music is turned on, the participants are blindfolded, and they should use large toothpicks to strip the maximum number of lobules in 30 seconds. Anyone who is better to cope with the task will win a hint for his team. 
  • Leading: You are properly levied, now we offer to move your brains and find tips (below the tasks and reboses).

Read on the topic:

When choosing tasks for a quest, focus on the age and interests of guests. If the company consists of children and adults, prepare tasks for different age groups.

Video: Quest for the New Year at home

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