Belgium on the map of Europe, the capital, the sights of the kingdom, visa, citizenship, language, currency, time, map with cities. Work and life in Belgium for Russians and Ukrainians, higher education, secondary salary

Belgium on the map of Europe, the capital, the sights of the kingdom, visa, citizenship, language, currency, time, map with cities. Work and life in Belgium for Russians and Ukrainians, higher education, secondary salary

Want to know where the first spa resort, fruits and comics, in which country is Brussels-the capital of European bureaucracy and NATO headquarters appeared? You will find all this - in an article about Belgium.

General information about Belgium

AT popular youth comic book « Hetalia and countries Axis» each character personifies specific country with inherent her (on opinion authors) appearance and features character. Belgium in HETALIAthis is character second plan, darling blonde young woman, which loves tasty i'm going, cheerful, of good to others very diligent.

Perhaps, this is most best collective image belgians, per exception secondary roles Belgium on the european arena. Belgium playing here one from the main ones roles, so how is one from the main ones cultural, administrative and militarypolitical centers Europe.

Belgian character in the series Hetalia
Belgian character in the series Hetalia

Where is Belgium on the map of Europe?

Belgium is a small state in the northwest of continental Europe, on the border with the La-Channel Strait. Belgium is a place with the Netherlands and Luxembourg - the Union of three small neighboring states, united in economic, customs and political issues, is part of Benilyux - the Union of three small countries.

Belgium is territorially divided into three parts. The Flemish region is the former medieval principality of Flanders, or rather, its central part. The Wallonia region is the former territory of France. The third region of Belgium is the capital's region of Brussels.

Belgium on the map of Europe
Belgium on the map of Europe

Belgian capital, Belgium map with cities

The capital of Belgium is Brussels. He is the capital of the entire European Union. The name is translated as "settlement in the swamp." The city was founded in the X century, but it became the capital of Belgium only in 1830.

The symbol of Brussels is the famous sculpture of a pissing boy (“mannequin pis”), installed in the city center in the XIV century. There is no single version about who this small statue is established in honor of whom: either in honor of the boy who in this way saved the city from the fire, or in honor of the royal baby who once described the Belgian guards. But the sculpture is very revered, several times even stole it, but to the joy of the Belgians found and returned to its place.

Manneken pis is the famous sculpture of a pissing boy in Brussels
Manneken pis is the famous sculpture of a pissing boy in Brussels

In addition to the pissing boy in Brussels, many other attractions. The interactive map of Brussels indicating all museums, palaces, entertainment institutions and concert halls you will find here.

Detailed cards of Belgium in Russian can be viewed and downloaded here.

What countries border Belgium

Belgium borders on land with the Netherlands (in the north), Germany (north-east and east), a very small section of the border with Luxembourg (southeast), the longest land border near Belgium with France (south and south-west).
Beligia borders on the sea on the Great Britain (through the La-Channel Strait)

G. Bryugg in Belgium
g. Bryugg in Belgium

What language is in Belgium, what are they saying?

In Belgium, two official languages: Flemish (also Dutch) - distributed in the Flemish region, and French in Wallonia. German is the main language of communication in the east of Belgium, in places of residence of ethnic Germans.

In addition to these three languages, local separate dialects are common in Belgium. English knows and understands most of the inhabitants of Belgium.

G. Gent, Belgium
g. Gent, Belgium

Belgium telephone codes, Belgium code from mobile

International telephone code of Belgium "+32".
Internal telephone codes of the largest cities in Belgium:

Antwerp 3
Gent 92
Charlerua 71
Liege 4
Brussels 2
Bruges 50
Namur 81
Mons 65
Leven 16
Vein, Belgium
vein, Belgium

Full list of telephone codes of Belgium see here.

For calls from stationary (city) phones in Russia, two more code are additionally used: “8” to reach the intercity communication and “10” for connecting to the international line.

Examples of recruitment when calling from Russia to city numbers in Belgium:

  • To call from a stationary phone from Russia to number 612-81-30 in Brussels, you need to dial the following order of numbers "8-10-32-2-6128130"
  • To call from a mobile phone to the same number, you need to dial "+7-32-2-6128130"
G. Laezh, Belgium
g. Laezh, Belgium

Examples of recruitment when calling from Russia to mobile number 486-112233 in Belgium:

  • From the city number in Russia we recruit "8-10-32-486-112233"
  • From the mobile number in Russia we recruit "+32-486-112233"

Emergency telephones in Belgium:

  • Police 101
  • Firefighters 100
  • Emergency medical care 100
  • Emergency services 112
Ardenne, Belgium
Ardenne, Belgium

Time in Belgium

The time zone of Belgium: GMT+2, the difference with Moscow is -1 hours: when in Moscow 09:00 in the morning, in Belgium for an hour less.

Belgium: Currency

Belgium is included in the European Union, the official currency of the country is euro.

Wallonia, Belgium
Wallonia, Belgium

How to get to Belgium?

Visa to Belgium: Documents

For a trip to Belgium with a short -term tourist or guest visit, you need to get a standard tourist Schengen visa.

Visa centers of Belgium in Russia are dealing with issues of registering a Belgian visa. Applications are submitted on a territorial basis, that is, to the nearest city at the place of your registration.

Visa centers are in the following cities: Yekaterinburg, Kazan, Moscow, Novosibirsk, Rostov-on-Don, Samara, St. Petersburg.

Monse, Belgium
monse, Belgium

You can find detailed information about obtaining a visa to Belgium on the official website of the visa centers of the kingdom of Belgium in Russia:

Belgium airports

In Belgium, as many as five airports. Almost all of them accept regular flights and charters, including from Russia and the CIS countries, on a constant or seasonal basis.

  • Brussels - The largest airport in the country, most flights arrive here. The official website of the airport:
G. Sharlerois, Belgium
g. Sharlerois, Belgium
  • Charlerua - 2nd in importance passenger airport in Belgium, detailed information on the official website: www.charleroi-
  • Liege - The largest cargo air port, which also serves part of the passenger flights, site:
  • Antwerp - The average airport in size, to which charters and regular flights arrive, official information here: www.antwerp-
  • Bruges - A small port that takes charters and private planes. Bruges Airport website:
  • Cortrait -The smallest air port of Belgium, designed only for private aircraft and business aviation. Airport website:
Enthusteen, Belgium
enthusteen, Belgium

Belgium: population

The vast majority of the population of Belgium lives in cities. The proportion of non-native residents is only 11% (however, recently this indicator increases due to the influx of refugees from the Middle East and from Africa). The largest groups of national minorities are Germans, Italians, French and Moroccans.

Street in Belgium
Street in Belgium

Life standard in Belgium, average salary

Belgium is one of the most developed countries in Europe in terms of living standards. Counts. That the most loyal legislation for migrants, good conditions for training and purchase of real estate, good benefits and relatively short terms for obtaining citizenship.

The average salary in Belgium is very high. Pacels for payment of unskilled labor start from 1200-1500 euros per month. An employee with higher education and secondary qualifications can receive monthly 4-5 thousand euros. The income of highly qualified specialists and entrepreneurs begins at 7-8 thousand euros.

Football fans of Belgium
Football fans of Belgium

It is worth noting that the level of expenses in Belgium is also not small. Firstly, there are a lot of taxes that eat a noticeable part of the income. Secondly, the costs of medicine, utilities, vehicles and other mandatory articles are also quite high.

Belgian citizenship: how to get?

Persons whom the kingdom of Belgium is ready to recognize the citizens of their country:

Belgium in winter
Belgium in winter
  • Refugees (2 years after arrival)
  • Persons born in the territory of the kingdom of Belgium, regardless of the citizenship of their parents
  • Persons born from a citizen of Belgium, regardless of the place of birth
  • Persons who are closest relatives or Suprga/Suproga of a citizen of Belgium
  • Persons leading business on the territory of Belgium (owners of commercial enterprises registered here) and paying taxes to the local treasury (according to this article, citizenship can only be obtained with a certain income and authorized capital of at least 12.5 thousand euros)
New Year in Brussels, Belgium
New Year in Brussels, Belgium

Russians in Belgium: life, pros and cons of

In general, the attitude of the local population towards Russians in Belgium is not bad. Unlike immigrants from other countries, Russians do not seek to live on benefits, work on conscience, try to join local culture and do not create many problems to indigenous people.

The pluses of life in Belgium for Russians include very high quality life, relatively simple ways of obtaining citizenship, good level of education and medicine, conditionally inexpensive housing (the cost of renting a decent apartment will be approximately 1/3 of income, and your own housing can be bought after several years living in Belgium), low crime. For wealthy people, a big plus is the simplicity of doing business.

European Parliament building in Brussels, Belgium
European Parliament building in Brussels, Belgium

Of the minuses, the most significant is a high level of taxes. Also, most often, Russians have to put up with the fact that the career of an employee in Belgium has to start “from scratch” (diplomas and previous qualifications in Russia are not recognized here). Often the problem is the need to know several languages \u200b\u200b(French, Flemish, German, English). Even in Belgium, a very short maternity leave: only 12 weeks.

Some features of the Belgian mentality, to which you will have to get used to the immigrant from Russia:

  • The Belgians are friendly, but close relations rarely start, more friendly. Their idea of \u200b\u200bfriendship is much more restrained than that of the Russians
The stages of the Grand Prix Formula-1 are held in Belgium annually
In Belgium, the stages of the Grand Prix "Formula 1" are held annually
  • If the Belgian provided you with some serious help or paid you for you in a cafe, next time you must repay the same, otherwise you will be considered ungrateful
  • Women in Belgium try to emphasize their independence. Local ladies have not been accepted for too much time to devote to households, use cosmetics or wear dresses like everyday clothes
  • In the family, husband and wife often have a separate budget. It is customary to give parents to the nursing homes. In general, related ties are not very close, large family feasts you will not see here
Rural landscapes of Belgium
Rural landscapes of Belgium
  • In conversations, it is not customary to touch on topics such as income, political preferences, intimate life, health, personal relationships. Belgians prefer to talk on neutral topics even with close friends
  • It is customary to agree on gifts in advance. Usually the culprit of the celebration is a list of items that he would like to receive as a gift. Guests can pay the gift as a whole or part of it. Even in the family, they often agree in advance about who will present what a gift, surprises are not accepted
Count of Count Flanders, Belgium
Count of Count Flanders, Belgium

Work in Belgium for Ukrainians

In order to get even the simplest work in Belgium, a foreigner needs to speak at least one of the local languages: French, Flemish or German. In some institutions, they are accepted with knowledge of English. It is almost impossible to find a job without a language.

The unemployment rate in Belgium is rather big, so even if there is a language and the required qualifications, you need to keep in mind that there are a lot of people who want to get a lot of things. It is important to show your best qualities at the interview so that the employer choose you.

Chocolate production in Belgium
Chocolate production in Belgium

What specialties are in demand in Belgium the most:

  • Builders (masons, welders, plasters, installers)
  • Trade workers (cashiers, trade representatives)
  • Service workers (master of manicure, masseur, hairdresser)
  • IT specialists: programmers

Education received in their homeland will most likely not take into account, since there is no unified education system between Belgium and Ukraine. Regardless of higher education, you will have to start with an ordinary lower position.

Street cafes in Belgium
Street cafes in Belgium

Higher education in Belgium

Students begin to accept students from 18 years of age (until then, schooling, studying at school). There are no entrance exams (exception - medicine), but there is a system of worting students during examination sessions, and the least weak are expelled.

The cost of training varies from 1 to 10 thousand euros per year, the price depends on the specialty and prestige of the educational institution. The most inexpensive universities are located in the Flemish region, in the Welsh part of Belgium, training is considered more prestigious and high -quality.

Catholic University G.Lein, Belgium
Catholic University G.Lein, Belgium

What is Belgium famous for?

Several interesting facts about Belgium

  • Belgium ranks first in Europe in terms of the number of surviving medieval palaces and castles
  • Belgium leads in the European Union in terms of living standards
  • The Flemish School of Painting (the most striking representatives of Van Dyck and Rubens) originated in the Belgian city of Antwerp
  • Belgium bred the most strange breed of cows, which give a lot of meat, but look like athletes overwhelmed by steroids
Blue Belgian
Blue Belgian Bull Bull
  • Belgian breed of horses-horses (brabanson) is very popular all over the world
  • The world's largest diamond exchange is located in Belgium
  • Belgium has the largest number of government offices and representative offices of international organizations, since Brussels is the capital of NATO and the European Union
  • In terms of population density per square kilometer, Belgium occupies one of the first places in the world
A house located on the border between Belgium and the Netherlands (marked with crosses)
A house located on the border between Belgium and the Netherlands (marked with crosses)
  • Belgium has a rather conditional border with neighboring Netherlands. Sometimes the border passes through the buildings, so one half of the house can be in Belgium, and the other in the Nendenrlands
  • Belgium is the most electrified country in Europe. Even the most insignificant country roads here are covered at night quite brightly, not to mention the streets of cities
  • In Belgium, trams are a means of movement not only in the city, but also beyond. The longest tram branch reaches 68 km in length
  • Tiny Belgium produces so many goods that is one of the 20 largest exporters in the world
  • In Belgium, suffrage prohibits the citizen to ignore popular votes. Everyone who received the agenda is obliged to come to the polls
  • 4/5 of all billiard balls in the world produced in Belgium
  • Of course, many people know Belgian beer and Belgian chocolate
Belgium from space is the brightest area on the map of night Europe
Belgium from space is the brightest area on the map of night Europe

Belgium traditions and holidays

Belgium is a country in which three different national crops coexist closely: Flemish (Dutch), Valllon (French) and German. Each of them has its own traditions and holidays, so talking about common customs for the whole country is problematic.

The national holidays of Belgium include:

  • Christian church dates: Christmas, Easter, Holy Trinity Day
  • July 21 - Independence Day
  • May 1 - Labor Festival
  • November 15 - Royal Dynasty Day
Christmas in Belgium
Christmas in Belgium

What to bring from Belgium?

  • Belgian beer, especially exotic fruit varieties for our edges: raspberry, cherry, citrus fruits
  • Belgian chocolate, manual sweets are especially appreciated
  • Belgian lace and products from it: tablecloths, paintings, towels, stoles and much more
  • Belgian tapestry: wallets, carpets, sofa cushions, bags
  • Copies of high quality Swiss watches from Belgium
Fruit beer Kriek from Belgium
Fruit beer "Kriek" from Belgium

The ruling couple of the kingdom of Belgium

King of Belgium Philip

King of Belgium Philip - The first monarch of Belgium to attend educational institutions (school and the academy). Before him, royal offspring were exclusively at home schooling.

For some time, Philip studied at US universities, where he received a degree in the field of political science. He is the honorary chairman of several public organizations of Belgium and a member of various aristocratic clubs in Europe.

King of Belgium Philip
King of Belgium Philip

Queen of Belgium Matilda

Filip Matilda's wife - The hereditary aristocrat, the daughter of the Belgian count and the Polish countess. By education, Matilda is a speech therapist and a child psychologist. She met her future husband during tennis.

Matilda, as it should be representatives of the best royal houses in Europe, devotes a lot of time to charity. The couple grow up four heirs.

King and Queen of Belgium with children
King and Queen of Belgium with children

The most beautiful cities and attractions of the kingdom of Belgium

Brussels, Belgium

Brussels - literally, the city of officials (taking into account all NATO offices, the EU and various non -governmental organizations, up to 300 thousand officials permanently live here). In addition, he is famous for his architecture, nightlife and the purest ecology in Europe.

  • Grand Place - The main square of the city. Grand Place is interesting for its architecture, since all buildings here have a unique history of construction and use. The main building of the square is the city town hall of Brussels
  • Atomium - structure in the form of a molecule of iron, increased by hundreds of billions of times. The sculpture building was installed for the opening of the 1958 World Trade Exhibition
Atomium, Belgium
Atomium, Belgium
  • Mini-Europe - Park of miniatures in which you can see reduced copies of all the most famous buildings in Europe
  • Brussels Cathedral - Medieval structure, the main Catholic temple of Brussels, which is dedicated to St. Michael and St. Hudula
  • Royal Museum of Belgium - This is a complex of 6 museums united under one roof. The exposition is considered one of the richest and most interesting in Europe
  • Museum of Medicine in Brussels - a very interesting collection that tells about the history of the development of medicine in different eras (including prehistoric) and in different parts of the world (Asia, Africa, East, South America)
  • Gallery of Saint Souther - covered trading pavilions, which, in addition to magnificent shopping, will also give aesthetic pleasure, since the construction has a serious historical value
  • Comics - famous paintings on the walls of Brussels houses, which are excerpts from comics (it is believed that comics as a printed genre originated in Belgium)
Comics on the walls of Brussels, Belgium
Comics on the walls of Brussels, Belgium

Bruges, Belgium

Bruges It is rightfully considered the most beautiful city of Belgium. By the number of attractions and museums, he also holds the palm of the championship. The most remarkable of them:

  • Chocolate Museum - The most famous chocolate museum in the world. Bruges is considered the birthplace of bitter chocolate. The product was obtained thanks to the error of the pharmacist, who tried only to improve cough medicine
  • Begin Monastery - Medieval shelter for orphaned girls and widows, in which the unfortunates received a roof over their heads and the opportunity to earn a living. Unlike nuns, Beginka were not connected by a vow of celibacy and could leave the monastery at any time
  • Belfort - City sentinel tower, the most recognizable building in the city, the UNESCO World Heritage Object
Bruges, Belgium
Bruges, Belgium
  • The Church of the Mother of God in Bruges - The current temple, which contains one of the few surviving sculptures of Michelangelo's work “Maria with the Baby”
  • Museum of Fine Arts- an exhibition of works of the Flemish School of Painting, which originated in Belgium and presented to the world Rembrandt and Van Eika
  • Museum of Diamonds- A unique museum on the history of jewelry development, all stages of the production and processing of diamonds, as well as a priceless collection of jewelry
  • Museum of Brogge Brewing - The history of the development of brewing, unique recipes, but the main thing is the tasting of the best varieties, which is included in the cost of the excursion
Bruges, Belgium
Bruges, Belgium

Liege, Belgium

Liege - A city of contrasts, which combines medieval palaces and pipes of industrial giants. The city is considered the most rebellious and wayward region of Belgium.

  • Palace of Empage Princes - a unique building that has been completed for 900 years and carries imprints of all possible historical architectural styles
Liege, Belgium
Liege, Belgium
  • Weapons museum - The exposition of all possible types of weapons from the early Middle Ages to the present day, some exhibits are priceless
  • Mountain de Buren -The famous street, which consists of one steps of label, as it is located cool uphill
  • Churches and cathedrals Liezha - Many, the most noticeable of them: bright as a toy Church of St. Batolomeo, St. Paul Cathedral (Masonic Gothic)
  • Beer leija - At almost every step you will find beer restaurants leading their history for many centuries and offering beer, welded according to their secret recipes
  • Castle Zhekhe - An interesting structure, in the Middle Ages, the former orphans. Currently in the castle, the interiors of that time are recreated
Castle Zhekhe, Liege, Belgium
Castle Zhekhe, Liege, Belgium

Antwerp, Belgium

Antwerp - The Diamond capital of Belgium, as well as the design center for the whole of Europe. It is here that they set the tone for fashionable directions in clothes, jewelry and interior items.

  • Museum of Rubens -House-Museum of the famous painter, founder of the Flemish school
  • Wall castle - medieval fortification, the first stone building of Antwerp
  • Museum of Fashion in Antwerp - Historical collection of outfits, shoes and jewelry, the oldest exhibit of which dates from the 16th century
  • Museums of Antwerp - numerous galleries and meetings of art objects in which you will find many global masterpieces, since Antwerp is considered one of the main art capes of Europe
Wall castle, Antwerp, Belgium
Wall castle, Antwerp, Belgium

Leven, Belgium

Leven - Medieval city, a former trade and educational center of medieval Europe. Leven can please tourists with a beautiful old center, high -quality night establishments and excellent shopping.

  • Big Beginage - The historical quarter in the old part of Leven, most interesting from the point of view of architecture and the safety of buildings
  • LEEVEN CATOLICAL University - one of the oldest universities in Europe, the main area of \u200b\u200btraining in which medicine remains to this day
  • Night clubs of Left - Modern in terms of technical equipment and repertoire dance floor, the most famous and visited of which is the Silo club
  • Museum of Religious Art of Leven - a collection of works of art and church treasures, which is located in the building of the oldest Catholic Church of the city - the Church of St. Peter
Big Beginage Quarter in Leven, Belgium
Big Beginage Quarter in Leven, Belgium

Charlerua, Belgium

Charlerua - The industrial city, the center of coal mining, is considered the most criminal and dysfunctional among Belgian cities (of course, by the standards of super -calm sleepy Belgium)

  • Museum of photography - The most detailed and extensive exposition in the world about the history and development of photography, as well as a collection of unique pictures
  • Glass Museum - A collection of household samples and art of glass from ancient times to the present day. All eras, styles and directions are presented, from the first glass plates to masterpieces of Bohemia and Venice
  • Museum of the elegant arts Charlerua - Gallery of painting, which presents all the main styles and European schools
Charlerua, Belgium
Charlerua, Belgium

Ardenne, Belgium

Ardenne - This is not a city, but a mountain range in Belgium, where there are several villages and small cities. Ardenne is the most subtle part of Belgium.

For urbanized Belgium, the majority of the population of which live in cities, the Ardenn district is a real green oasis where you can enjoy the views of endless pastures, green hills and untouched nature.

The Belgians are very fond of spending the weekend in the Ardennes, since there are a lot of opportunities for active leisure and communication with nature: alloy on mountain rivers, mountain paths, rural landscapes and a peaceful atmosphere.

Ardenne, Belgium
Ardenne, Belgium

Count of Count Flanders, Belgium

Count of graphs of Flanders Located in the Belgian city of Gent and is famous primarily by its safety. This is the only fortress throughout Europe where you can see the medieval defensive system in the form in which it existed many centuries ago.

In addition to the defensive function, the castle throughout its long history played the role of the residence of the rulers of the Flanders, the Mint, the venue for the court hearings, the prison and even the textile factory.

In the castle premises, collections of genuine medieval items of different destinies are collected. The most impressive of them is a collection of tools of medieval torture.

Walls of the Count of the Grafs of Fdlanderia, Belgium
Walls of the Count of the Grafs of Fdlanderia, Belgium

Rest in Belgium at sea: resorts, beaches

It would seem what beach vacation can we talk about if Belgium is located almost in the north of the European continent? It turns out, maybe. The coast of Belgium is 70 km of sandy beaches, which are equipped with everything necessary for a good rest at sea.

The most famous beach resorts in Belgium: Ostenda, de-Haan, de Pann and Westende. All of them are located on the coast of the North Sea, but you should not be scared of the name - the beach season lasts all summer, and from late June until the beginning of September you can catch many sunny hot days that do not remind the northern latitudes.

Ostend, Belgium
Ostend, Belgium

Belgian resorts are considered one of the most prestigious in Europe. There is a great hotel service, many options for living, excellent infrastructure and transport communication.

A tram line is laid along the entire coast, connecting all large and small resort villages into one line.

Beach in Belgium
Beach in Belgium

The cultural and entertaining life at the resorts of Belgium is saturated with a variety of events all summer - from classical music festivals to the most fashionable youth movements.

By the way, despite the reputation of a prestigious place, Beach cities of Belgium can offer many economical options: hostels, private boarding houses and campsites.

Video. Medieval fair in Brussels

Video. Brussels curves

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