Rest in Italy. Main tourist cities and resorts

Rest in Italy. Main tourist cities and resorts

Italy is a real pearl for any tourist. No other country can compare with it in the number of artists, poets, masterpieces of architecture and historical places.

How to get a visa to Italy?

If you have purchased a ready -made package tour through a tour operator, then the travel agency employees will take up the design of your visa, they will also advise on any issues. This article will consider the features of the design of a visa with an independent organization of the trip.

How to get a visa to Italy

Where is the visa to Italy?

The Italian visa center is engaged in the design of the visa, its representative offices are in 24 cities of Russia. List of all representative offices and their coordinates see here.

Visa centers are operated only by preliminary entry from PN according to Fri from 9 to 16. In all cases, documents for a visa are accepted personally from the applicant, or according to the power of attorney certified by the notary. For children under 12 years of age, one of the parents submit documents, children from 12 to 18 years old pass the documents personally, but accompanied by parents. You can make an appointment with a visa center here.

If you are going to visit not only Italy, you need to submit documents for a visa to the consular institution of the country where you intend to stop the longest (confirmed by documents, see)

Italian visa
Italian visa

How much does a visa cost to Italy?

The consulate establishes a mandatory fee for a visa. Payment can be made directly in the visa center when submitting documents. The consular fee for a tourist visa for citizens of the Russian Federation is 35 euros (payment is charged as in currency or in rubles at the current rate).

For some categories of citizens, benefits are provided (for example, children under 12 years old and disabled people of the 1st group). You can learn more about consular fees and benefits here.

In addition to the consular fee, you will have to pay for the services of a visa center. You can see the cost of the services of a visa center here.

Sample record for submitting documents to the visa center of Italy
Sample record for submitting documents to the visa center of Italy

In addition to mandatory fees, the visa center can offer you additional paid services for choosing (printing and copying your documents, photos on a visa, filling out a questionnaire, informing about a visa readiness, etc.). A full list of additional services can be viewed here.

Even if the consulate refused to issue a visa, consular and service fees will not be returned to you.

When should you submit documents? In what timelines is a visa issued?

Documents are accepted no earlier than 90 days before the proposed trip. On average, the term of consideration of documents at the consulate is 7-10 business days. However, it must be taken into account that during the holidays with a large number of appeals, the consideration period may be increased.

The deadline for submitting documents for a visa is better to specify directly in the visa center of your city, since the terms are set taking into account the delivery of passports to the Italian consulate and vice versa, the delivery time differs depending on the geography of the city.

Service-visa center in Krasnodar
Service-visa center in Krasnodar

What documents are needed to obtain a visa?

International passport And a copy of his first page (the one where your name and photo are indicated). The validity of the passport is at least 3 months at the date of the end of the trip. The passport should have at least two clean pages.

If you have visited the European Union countries over the previous three years, you need to make copies of all previously issued Schengen visas. If these visas are issued for an old passport, take with you the original of the old passport and a copy of its first page.

Foreign passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation
Foreign passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation

Avia or railway reservation to the destination in Italy and vice versa. If you plan to get to Italy by car, you need to take the original+copy of the TCP, driver’s license, as well as arrange a special insurance for the vehicle (the policy is called Carta Verde, any large insurance company will advise you).

If the car is not issued in your name, in addition to these documents, you need to provide a copy of the lease agreement certified by a notary or a power of attorney to drive a car.

An example of confirming a ticket booking
An example of confirming a ticket booking

If when visiting Italy you plan a complex route, you need to attach copies of all transportation documents on the route, including tickets for internal crossings/flights.

Confirmation of hotel reservation or apartments. The reservation should contain the name of the hotel / apartments, the exact address, the phone, as well as the dates and names and the surname of all residents (when booking, it is important to indicate the names in exact accordance in English transliteration in a foreign passport).

An example of a hotel armor confirmation
An example of a hotel armor confirmation
  • If you are going to stop at friends, you need to attach the original+a copy of the letter-improving (the form can be downloaded here), as well as a copy of the first page of the passport of the one who wrote the invitation
  • At the same time, if a person who has invited you does not have Italy citizenship, it is necessary to provide a copy of the document on the basis of which he lives in Italy (residence permit, work visa, etc.)
  • If you are the owner of the real estate in which you plan to stop, then you need to attach the original+copy of the contract of sale of the object issued in your name
  • If during the trip you are going to stop in several places, then the corresponding package of documents is provided for each place of residence (see all) - A site for booking apartments and apartments around the world - A site for booking apartments and apartments around the world

Medical insurance (original+copy of the policy), formed for the entire period of the trip. The size of the coating specified in the policy should be larger or equal to 30,000 euros. You can make a policy in advance, or order in a visa center. The price of insurance varies within one-and-output of the euro for each day of the trip.

An example of medical insurance (insurance policy)
An example of medical insurance (insurance policy)

Certificate from work - It is issued on the form of the organization. Mandatory indicates: date and outgoing number, full legal name of the enterprise, address, city code and contact phone number.

The following indicates the position, date of entering the work, the size of the salary with all the allowances in rubles (for a month). At the end of the certificate, it is indicated that for the period of the trip (it is better to specify the exact dates) you are given a vacation while maintaining the workplace.

The certificate is certified by the seal and signature of authorized persons (general director, head of the unit, head of the personnel department, etc.), it is necessary to decipher the name and position of the person who signed the certificate.

To obtain a visa to Italy, you need a certificate from work
To obtain a visa to Italy, you need a certificate from work

If you are a leader, your deputy or other authorized employee signs a certificate.
If you work with an individual entrepreneur, you need to add a copy of the SV-va and a copy of the SV-va on registration (USRNIP) of the entrepreneur to a certificate from work.

Keep in mind that too small the salary indicated in the certificate can cause unnecessary questions from the consulate. In the best case, you will be requested by additional documents confirming solvency, and at the worst they will simply refuse to issue a visa.

Unemployed pensioners, schoolchildren and students instead of a certificate from work provide a photocopy of a pension book or a certificate from an educational institution, respectively (the name of the institution, its contact phone and address, the date of registration, class or course/faculty, signature of the authorized person and print) are indicated in the certificate). Students additionally apply a photocopy of a student ticket.

Students to receive a visa need to attach a copy of the student ticket
Students to receive a visa need to attach a copy of the student ticket

Non -working citizens, or citizens with a very small amount of income need to provide a sponsorship letter. Only a family member (parent, husband, brother/sister or children) can act as a sponsor of the trip.

The letter is written by hand or printed text, the content is approximately this: “I, Semen Semen Petrovich, born on 01/01/1970, passport 12-34 No. 567890, issued on 01.01.2000 Internal Affairs Directorate of Uryupinsk, I confirm that I am a sponsorship of my trip to my trip Wives Semenova Elena Pavlovna, born 12/12/1980, a passport 12 No. 3456789, issued on 12.12.2005 FMS 123 Gor. Uryupinsk, to Italy from 02/01/2010 to 03/01/2010 and pay all additional expenses raised by the trip. Date of compilation, signature, decoding. "

The letter must be attached to the photocopy of the first page and registration from the passport of the Russian Federation, a certificate from the place of work (see the requirements above, the phrase on the provision of leave is not needed if the sponsor does not go with you), as well as a financial guarantee and a copy of the related document ( Sv about marriage, about birth, etc.)

For children, the documents are provided by one of the parents
For children, the documents are provided by one of the parents

Financial guarantee - an extract from the bank account (any account in any currency, including deposit, on demand, current, etc.) indicating the monetary balance in the account, or a copy of the bank card + check of the ATM on the balance sheet (the check is not valid More than 3 days at the time of submission of documents), or the original and a copy of the savings bank.

It is important to take into account that the amount of the funds specified in the financial guarantee should be no less than the established amount. Moreover, if a tourist submits an application for a visa and at the same time a sponsor for other members of the trip (for example, wife and son), then the amount of the financial guarantee is increasing (more details see here).

As a financial guarantee, you can attach a check from an ATM
As a financial guarantee, you can attach a check from an ATM

Russian passport (Children under the age of 14 provide a birth of birth, children over 14 years old-a birth of birth and a passport), as well as photocopies of passport pages on which there are notes.

Receipt on the payment of consular fees (Paid in a visa center at the time of submission of documents).

Consent to personal data processing. Former can be downloaded here. Consent to the processing of personal data is filled separately for each applicant, for minor children, the consent is filled out by one of the parents.

Color photo 3.5*4.5 cm, made no earlier than six months before the delivery of documents, white background, matte, without angles, diminations and ovals. The head from the crown to the chin should be approximately 3-32 cm. The face and neck in the photo should be open (long bangs are not allowed, closing part of the face, glasses closing eyes, or scarves that change the oval of the face, etc.)

Requirements for photography for a visa in Italy
Requirements for photography for a visa in Italy

Notarized consent To export the child, if a child under 18 years of age goes on a trip with only one of the parents, or accompanied by other relatives or strangers. Consent is filled out of one or both parents (if none of them accompanies the child on the trip) in the established form (in the notaries there are special forms, the cost and list of documents for registration of consent can be clarified in any of the notaries).

The original + copy of the consent and copies of the passport of the Russian Federation (1st page and a page with a residence permit) of the parent who is indicated in the consent are applied to the visa application. You also need to attach a copy of the passport with an open visa to the face accompanying the child on a trip. If the visa is not yet open, you need to apply for a visa at the same time - both for the child and the accompanying person.

Sample of notarial consent to the removal of the child
Sample of notarial consent to the removal of the child

How to fill out a questionnaire for a visa?

The questionnaire for obtaining a visa is filled separately for each applicant, for minor children the questionnaire is filled with one of the parents. The questionnaire form can be filled by hand (form can be downloaded here).

But there is a easier way: when you will sign up for submitting documents to the visa center ( here) The system will automatically offer you to fill out personal data (near each field under the sign “?” The hint is hidden). At the end of the recording, you will have the opportunity to print or save the filled form of the questionnaire on the computer.

Online filling out a questionnaire for an Italian visa
Online filling out a questionnaire for an Italian visa

How to choose the right route for a trip?

Italy is a country that cannot be seen in one trip. The regions of Italy differ strikingly from each other, and there are so many interesting places that the eyes are just scattering. Therefore, Italy, as a good wine, is worth trying slowly, and not trying to see absolutely everything in one sitting.

The most optimal option would be to choose for one trip of one particular region, for example, Tuscany. Sovele the most interesting to visit the city. In Tuscany it can be Florence, Pisa, Siena. Of these, the largest and most interesting, of course, Florence. If you plan a trip in the summer, be sure to allocate several days to rest at sea.

How to plan a trip to Italy
How to plan a trip to Italy

Suppose the most profitable flight you found is Moscow-Rim. The city closest to Rome is Siena, then it is convenient to move to Florence, and then to Pisa, from where it is a stone's throw on the coast, for example in Vialdzhio. You will spend the first part of the trip on excursions and attractions, stopping for a couple of days in each of the cities, and the second part of the trip will take a beach vacation.

Advice: Even if you are going on a trip in winter, for the past few days you should spend on the coast or in a quiet city. Give the body the opportunity to take a break from impressions and running around from excursions. Otherwise, you risk upon returning home to feel fatigue, and not a charge of vigor after a long -awaited rest.

To restore strength, it is better to spend the last days of vacation at sea
To restore strength, it is better to spend the last days of vacation at sea

Features of bus tours in Italy

Organized bus tours are a very popular way of traveling in Italy among Russians. Such tours, as a rule, include a complete set of travel agencies (flight, visa, accommodation, moving between cities).

The tour provides for a visit to 5-10 cities and a ready-made package of excursions (usually by default there are sightseeing excursions in each of the cities of stay and visit a couple of the most significant attractions on the route).

Bus tours in Italy
Bus tours in Italy

The main plus of the bus tour: the ability to see the maximum attractions of Italy for relatively little money. For those who do not speak foreign languages, and are afraid of independent travels, a big plus will be the presence of a permanent guide-translator during the entire trip.

The minus can be considered almost daily crossings between cities, sometimes for many hours. The night crossings are especially tired. When booking the bus tour, be sure to check with the travel agent what options for the nights are provided on the route - stops in hotels or an overnight stay on the bus.

A relative disadvantage can be considered the need to adapt “under the team”. Typically, the group consists of 30-50 people, and the leaders of the trip adhere to strict organizational rules: you can’t be late, a strictly defined time is allocated for lunch and dinners, often you cannot choose a restaurant, a hotel, and even more so change the route.

Pros and cons of bus tours in Italy
Pros and cons of bus tours in Italy

The main resorts and main tourist cities of Italy

Since Italy is surrounded by the sea from almost all sides, the choice of places for a beach holiday is simply unlimited. And anywhere on the coast you will find at least a couple of large tourist cities, a visit to which can be combined with a vacation at sea.

The map of the regions of Italy
The map of the regions of Italy


Lido-di Ezolo is a coast located in the Veneto region in the northeast of Italy. The main advantage of Lido Di Ezolo is excellent sandy beaches and very democratic prices. Holidays on the beaches of Lido Di-Ezolo can be combined with a visit to Venice, Verons, Padui, Dolomite Alps and the famous mountain lakes of Italy: Como and Garda.

If you plan to visit several Schengen countries for one trip, then the countries closest to the coast of the country-Austria (250 km) and Slovenia (200 km). Read more about the coast of Lido-di-Ezolo, as well as the sights of Venice, Padui and Verons can be read here.

Gondolier on the Veneto, Venice, Italy channel
Gondolier on the Veneto, Venice, Italy channel

Emilia Romania and Rimini

The Rimini coast in the Emilia-Romania was washed by the waves of the Adriatic Sea. Rimini is considered the best place for family beach holidays in Italy, because in addition to the cleanest sandy beaches, the largest number of entertainment parks for children and aqua centers here.

From the cities of Italy to the coast of Rimini, the closest of Bologna, Moden, Ferrara. Many attractions in Rimini itself. On the ferry, you can swim to Croatia (200 km, Russians do not need a visa in Croatia). Read more about the coast of Rimini and nearby cities. here.

Sunset over the roofs of Bologna, Emilia-Romania, Italy
Sunset over the roofs of Bologna, Emilia-Romania, Italy


Apulia is a heel of the Italian boot, and here you will visit at once on two seas - ionic and adriatic. Apulia is very distinctive and not too hot by tourists. Rest here is more designed for independent travelers, real lovers of immersion on the environment of local residents, not diluted by crowds of tourists.

The main city of the coast-Bari-the place where the relics of the St. Nicholas-Military Personnel are stored. Relatively nearby Naples, Vesuvius and Pompeii (200 km). You can swim by ferry to Greece (170 km) or Montenegro (250 km, Russians do not need a visa). Read more about rest in Apulia, see here.

Trullo houses in Apulia, Italy
Trullo houses in Apulia, Italy


Sicily is the largest island of the Mediterranean Sea, located in the south of Italy near the toe of the "boot". The name of the island causes a stable association with the local mafia, but from the time when gangster showdown was boiling here, everything has changed dramatically. Sicily is a great place for a relaxing and comfortable rest.

The most party place in Sicily is Taormmin, here are the most entertainment institutions. For a quiet vacation, Gorde Agridento and skiing are suitable. You will find the most attractions in Messin and Syracuse.
For lovers of natural beauties, there are slopes of the Etna volcano and the mass of small islands around Sicily.

When choosing a place to relax, keep in mind that the northern coast of Sicily is rocky-stone, and you will find sandy beaches in the south.

Tavern on O. Sicilia, Italy
Tavern on O. Sicilia, Italy

Neapolitan Riviera and Amalfi

On the coast of the Neapolitan Gulf and Amalfitania you will find, perhaps, the most beautiful coastal cities and landscapes. These are places for a romantic rest, quiet walks and long gatherings on the shore in the rays of sunset.

The most significant city of the coast is Naples, a little smaller (but also large) - Salerno. But there are much more cities worthy of your attention and admiration in this area. The best option is to rent a car and drive along the entire coast so as not to miss beauty.

The famous Pompeii are located here, many years ago, who died from a terrible eruption and representing a huge ancient city, not touched by time. More information about the coast of Naples and Amalfi can be read here.

The place is positano on the Amalfitan coast, Italy
The place is positano on the Amalfitan coast, Italy

Rome and Lazio

Lazio is an area that is located in the center of Italy on the coast of the Tyrrin Sea. The southern coast of Lazio is called Riviera Di-Ulissa. Rest here is considered elite, the coast has long and firmly chose the European aristocracy. The northern part of the Lazio coast is much more affordable in terms of prices and public.

The main pearl of Lazio is Rome, from many resorts of the coast to the capital of Italy you can get in for some half an hour. Most tourists choose this shore for relaxation precisely because of the opportunity to combine a lazy beach life with a visit to the eternal city.

Read more about the attractions of Rome, see here. Information on how to choose a area for living in Rome, how to move around the city, where to eat and what to buy, see here.

Old quarters of Rome, Italy
Old quarters of Rome, Italy


The landscapes of Tuscany are known to everyone. Each of us at least once saw a picture in which the endless hills here and there are drove with candles of cypress. This is the most promoted plot of all articles about Italy.

In Tuscany, one of the best beach vacations throughout Italy: excellent sandy beaches, moderate prices, good infrastructure. You can list the pluses for a long time. The main cities of the region - Florence, Siena, Pisa - are known throughout the world.

However, do not try to limit yourself only to Florence or Pisa if you are in Tuscany. Here, literally everyone, even the smallest, is saturated with its unique story, culture and beauty. The most famous Italians were born precisely in Tuscany: Dante, Michelangelo, Da Vinci, Botticelli, Bokkaccio, Galileo, Petrarch and many others.

Landscapes Tuscany, Italy
Landscapes Tuscany, Italy

Rest on Sardinia

Sardinia is an island in the Tyrrne Sea opposite the central part of Italy. It is believed that the coast of Sardinia is the most beautiful and clean sea in Italy. The island adore the divers of all stripes, since there is a very interesting topography of the bottom, and there are many sunken ships.

The banks of Sardinia are cut by rocky bays and tiny sandy beaches. As such, there are no resort cities in Sardinia, all hotels are separate, and the local population is very small. Therefore, rest in Sardinia can be called the most calm and secluded of all Italian resorts.

However, if desired, there is something to entertain the whole family: Sardinia has a water park and a botanical garden, ancient ruins and medieval buildings, foot tourist trails and caves of incredible beauty.

Thermal hotel on Sardinia, Italy
Thermal hotel on Sardinia, Italy

Bird pink flamingos

Recently, the famous pink flamingos have chosen the shores of Italy for themselves as a place of permanent residence and withdrawal of chicks. They can be found in large quantities on Sardinia, in Apulia, recently small colonies of Flamingo appeared near Rimini and Venice.

Flamingo is rather shy birds, so it will be possible to observe them only from afar. If you have good equipment with a zummer, you can see them close, and you are unlikely to be physically able to get closer to the birds.

Pink Flamingo on Sardinia, Italy
Pink Flamingo on Sardinia, Italy

Shopping in Italy

The generally recognized capital of shopping in Italy is considered to be Milan. Firstly, all the well-known brands of Italy and the world are most fully represented here, and secondly, Milan’s stores work longer than in other cities of Italy. Thirdly, here you will never meet Asian fakes, you can be sure that all things are original.

Milan, Italy
Milan, Italy

The main places for shopping in Milan

  • Gallery of Wittorio-Emmanuel II - A huge indoor shopping center, consisting of several “streets”, populated by boutiques of all famous brands
  • Duomo Square - a place, also surrounded on all sides, surrounded by stores of fashionable clothes and shoes
  • Fashion square, a district near Duomo Square is a place where shops of the most prestigious grades of the premium class are concentrated, as well as many antique and jewelry stores
  • Brera - A somewhat remote area from the center, where the collections of novice designers and youth democratic brands are mainly represented
Gallery of Wittorio-Emmanuel II, Milan, Italy
Gallery of Wittorio-Emmanuel II, Milan, Italy
  • Durini Street - Here, in addition to clothing stores, you will find high -quality fur products, as well as furniture of the most famous Italian brands
  • Corso Buenos Aires - Avenue on which the most famous sports brands, denim brands and teenage fashion are located
  • Via Torino -Sports and daily clothing and shoes Street, there are also second-hand shops here
Shoping in Milan, Italy
Shoping in Milan, Italy
  • Navilio Grande - The place where souvenir shops, craft workshops and flea trays are concentrated. Want to purchase something unique, be sure to look here
  • April Square - The place where the most chic and exquisite Milan stores are. In them you will not meet random visitors - only the high light, bohemia and true connoisseurs of high fashion
  • Corso Garibaldi - Street where you can find vintage copies of clothing and accessories, as well as visit the fashion museum located in the Lipstik Vintage store
Laksher-bluler in Milan, Italy
Laksher-bluler in Milan, Italy

Shopping features in Italy

If the purpose of your trip is still a vacation, and you plan to shop as a pleasant addition, then you can choose any place, regardless of proximity to Milan. In any area of \u200b\u200bItaly, you will find suitable options for making a purchase.

What should be taken into account during shopping in Italy?

  • The sales season is twice a year: from January to March and from July to September. The largest discounts are provided at the end of the season, but the choice from the last month will be very limited, since everything has already been sold out
Shop window in the sales season, Milan, Italy
Shop window in the sales season, Milan, Italy
  • You will find the best prices in outlets that are at any resort. Discounts are provided in outlets year -round, and the choice of brands there is simply huge
  • Some outlets reach enormous sizes - these are whole trading villages. Such outlets often provide additional services: delivery of the purchased goods to the hotel, transfer, stylist services, children's room and much more
Outlet Fidenza Village, Italy
Outlet "Fidenza Village", Italy
  • Another option to save on prices is to go for a purchase in special stores at factories (spatchi). If the goods from the factory are sold directly only wholesale and only large distributors, in Spatch, you can buy the same thing in retail, and the goods of past collections are a significant discount. There are spatchi not only with clothing factories, but also shoe, fur coat, leather -sock, etc.
  • The largest number of buyers in stores and shopping centers is on weekends, since the Italians themselves join tourists
Outlet Serravalle, Italy
Outlet "Serravalle", Italy
  • On Monday, many stores begin their work with lunch. New parties of goods are most often imported on Thursday evening, before the weekend. Almost all Italy shops burrow on the siesta during the day (from about 13:30 to 16:00)
  • All Italian stores (with the exception of very tiny private shops) provide Tax-Free checks by which you can return part of the cost of the goods
  • The check is provided if you bought the goods for a certain amount (its value may change, it is better to clarify the seller). How to return money from such a check, you can learn from the video to this article.
Tax-Free sticker on the store window
Tax-Free sticker on the store window

Italian transport and kitchen

Public transport of Italy

In a nutshell, the Italian city transport is something like this: the larger the city, the better the transport network is developed and the movement in space does not cause difficulties.

The smaller the city, the more modest its transport park, the intervals of movement are larger, and the prices are higher. Small cities on the coast with the rest of the world are sometimes connected by a single bus, the schedule of which is set by the driver, depending on the mood and household chores.

City transport in Naples, Italy
City transport in Naples, Italy

Bus message is most developed. In large cities there is a metro, in Venice - public water transport. Tickets for urban transport are purchased in Tabacco kiosks, and different types of travel travel for 1, 3, 5 days or more are often offered, which can save on the passage.

The purchased ticket must be comed down in the bus salon, otherwise your passage will not be considered paid. In large cities, buses stop at all stops, and sometimes buses stop on routes between small cities only at the request of passengers.

The composter in the bus in the bus in Milan, Italy
The composter in the bus in the bus in Milan, Italy

Typically, buses work from early morning until 2 a.m. In the summer, during the influx of tourists in many cities and resorts, night buses work. The fare for them is higher than on daily flights, and the purchased ticket can only be used at night.

Italy has no federal bus network. Each area solves this problem in its own way. Typically, bus lines are served by a small local company within its region. Therefore, long -term intercity moves over long distances are more convenient to make by train.

Trenitalia high -speed train salon
Trenitalia high -speed train salon

The national railway carrier is called Trenitalia and connects all the main cities of the country. There are high -speed and ordinary trains, the cost of a ticket can vary depending on the class and time of day. It is possible to pre -booking and payment of tickets on the company's website (the site can be viewed here). Often there are different promotions and sales, there is a flexible system of discounts.

High -speed train in Italy
High -speed train in Italy

Italian kitchen

Italian cuisine is the most popular national cuisine. In any city in the world, you can easily order pizza, spaghetti bolonesis, Tiramisu and Kapuccino. But Italian cuisine, of course, is much more diverse, and even these simple dishes prepared by real Italians are very different from what they serve in our restaurants.

There are a great many types and methods of preparing traditional Italian dishes. Each region has its own culinary traditions, its own crown dishes and secret recipes. But there are several rules common to all Italy (especially for small cities or not too much tourist places).

Real Italian pizza
Real Italian pizza
  • In Italian street restaurants, they often adhere to a strict schedule. If the sign shows that lunch is served from 12:00 to 14:00, then you will be happy at this time. Come after the indicated time - they will offer light snacks, or they will ask you to wait for dinner
  • Kapuccino in Italy is customary only for breakfast. They will not understand you if at lunchtime you order a bun and coffee in the restaurant, and not a full food. There were times when tourists were refused maintenance if their order did not comply with the time of day
  • As such soup in Italy is absent. On the first Italians eat paste (i.e. pasta in different types), on the second meat, vegetables and other denser dishes. In northern Italy, the pasta is replaced with risotto (rice)
Italian pasta
Italian pasta
  • Water in the restaurant is supplied free of charge as a bonus to the main order. Carbonated water is called "Aqua Frisanti", ordinary drinking - "aqua natural"
  • In many restaurants, you can find complex dinners (an analogue of our business lunch), when you get a set of two or three dishes and a drink for a fixed small price. Such a lunch in Italian is called "Tourist menu" or "Del Jorno menu"
  • If there is a separate line “Coperto” in the account, this means that tips are already included in the price and you can take the entire change to a penny. If there is no such line, you can leave the amount at your discretion
Risotto with seafood
Risotto with seafood
  • Restaurants are the most expensive institutions in Italy. Taverns and osteria are more democratic institutions, but the quality of food in them sometimes leaves much to be desired
  • The most optimal option is tractoria - small family restaurants in which you will be offered high -quality home food at quite acceptable prices. The owners of Trattoria very reverently protect their reputation, stale foods and poorly cooked dishes in tractoria - Moveton
Restaurant-Tractory in Tuscany, Italy
Restaurant-Tractory in Tuscany, Italy
  • In addition to restaurants in Italy, different types of bars are popular, where you can also have a snack. There is always a large selection of Butyrodes in Paninotex
  • "Bars-Kafe" mainly offer pastries. In the "Pasticuria" there will be for the most part sweet cakes and cakes. Service in a bar near a rack is always much cheaper than at a table
  • Of course, you must definitely visit the pizzeria. Firstly, you will definitely not find such a pizza assortment as in Italy anywhere else. Secondly, pizza is prepared here in special wood furnaces, which gives it a completely unique taste. Thirdly, in all pizzerias you can order pizza for removal, moreover, you can order both for the whole and in separate pieces
Traditional Italian pizzeria
Traditional Italian pizzeria

Features of the Italian mentality

  • Italians often express their emotions out loud, loudly and not embarrassed. This can be either admiration (especially in relation to the weak sex), or condemnation (if something in your manner of behavior seemed to them reprehensible). Foreigners such a manner of behavior often embarrasses
  • Italians are very religious, conservative and devoted to the family. It is worth showing great delicacy in communication if the topic concerns religion, traditions or close interlocutors. It is easy to hurt the Italian in these matters, and his anger is terrible (see more)
Italians are a very emotional people
Italians are a very emotional people
  • Italians are absolutely not able to observe discipline. Late or petty violation of the law here is considered the norm, and people who require strict compliance with the rules are perceived as bores and condemned
  • In Italian there is no word “conscience”. It is translated from Russian as “shame”, “morality”, “confusion”, etc., but there is no words denoting it precisely the internal moral framework. Draw the conclusions yourself))
  • Also, the lack of haste is considered absolutely natural. The slowness seems to be ordinary laziness to tourists, but Italians really value such a thing as “the art of living” - which means enjoy every moment without fuss
Italians do not hesitate to express their emotions out loud
Italians do not hesitate to express their emotions out loud
  • Italians love to meet on clothes. The better you are dressed, the more dignity (but not arrogance!) In your behavior, the better you will treat you. In general, the Italians are obsessed with the image, appearance and prosperity
  • Italians are very respectful about the older people. Grandpa and grandmothers are the main members of any family. On the street, an elderly person is customary to show special respect (let go ahead, give a hand in transport, etc.). Disrespectful attitude towards elders, and even more so rudeness in relation to the elderly here is simply unacceptable
Italian grandmother. Fragment of the picture of the Italian artist Gaetano Bellai (1857-1922)
Italian grandmother. Fragment of the picture of the Italian artist Gaetano Bellai (1857-1922)
  • The Italians-Sevens and the Italians-Yuzhans are quite different from each other. In general, the rivalry of the north and south is a long -standing painful theme of Italy. They are so different that, for example, films shot in the south are broadcast in the north with subtitles
  • Residents of the north of Italy in mentality are very similar to other Europeans (French or Swiss), but the farther to the south, the more temperament, patriarchy and simplicity, sometimes reaching ignorance
Italians, especially southerners, are very fond of catchy clothes
Italians, especially southerners, are very fond of catchy clothes
  • There are quite a lot of criminal elements in large cities: theft of cars, theft of bags and even robberies are not uncommon. It is worth taking care of the safety of a rented car in advance, bags should be worn so that it is difficult to tear them out of hands, and it is better to leave too expensive jewelry for “walking” in other countries

Video. Italian mentality

Video. All Italy in 5 minutes

Video. Bruno Ferrara, "Amore Mio"




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