How to call an ambulance, police, firefighter, emergency rescue service, the Ministry of Emergencies, an emergency gas service from a mobile phone from MTS, Tele2, Megafon, Beeline for free?

How to call an ambulance, police, firefighter, emergency rescue service, the Ministry of Emergencies, an emergency gas service from a mobile phone from MTS, Tele2, Megafon, Beeline for free?

How to cause emergency assistance, police, the Ministry of Emergencies and other services in emergency situations.

In the event of emergency situations, be sure to notify the appropriate service about this. In Russia it is:

  • police
  • emergency gas service
  • ambulance
  • EMERCOM or fire department

By what number to call in certain cases learn from our article.

How to call a single dispatch service of salvation - ODDS from a cell phone?

Emergency situations happen, and, unfortunately, often quite often. If you end up at the epicenter of events, call rescuers by number 112. This number is an analogue of the American 911, which we often hear in the films.

Mobile phones support the call of rescuers by number 112 or 911, even if:

  • no funds on the balance sheet
  • the keyboard is blocked (does not apply to sensory phones)
  • no SIM card on the phone

Thus, in case of emergency, you can call rescuers.

Remember this number
Remember this number

It does not matter at all in which region or city you are. Number 112 is valid not only in the territory of the Russian Federation and Ukraine, but also of many other countries. For example, the eastern part of Europe and some countries west.

Having made a call by number 112, you will automatically redirect you to the nearest EDDS or a single dispatch service of salvation. There you can choose which service you need, or contact the dispatcher.

Important information! Your conversation with the dispatcher will be recorded, so try to pull yourself together and speak as calmly and clearly as possible so that a person on the other end of the wire can understand you correctly. A lot depends on this.

112 This is only a common number. Each mobile operator has long has its own emergency numbers, by which you can call rescuers, an ambulance or police.

Mobile phone numbers of emergency services MTS: List

Mobile phones do not support calls consisting of two digits, so mobile operators recommend adding at the end of the double -digit number “*”. For example:

  • fire guard - 01*
  • police - 02*
  • ambulance - 03*
  • emergency gas service - 04*

MTS has its own list of emergency numbers.

010 - EMERCOM, Fire Guard
020 - police
030 - ambulance
040 - emergency gas service

A call to any number from the above is free.

Emergency numbers need to be learned, or record
Emergency numbers need to be learned, or record

Mobile phone numbers of emergency services Tele2: List

For Tele2, a list of emergency rooms will look as follows:

Mobile phone numbers Beeline: List

If you are a Beelyne subscriber, and with you or one of your friends there was a misfortune, call the following numbers:

Mobile phone numbers of emergency services MegaFon: List

To call an ambulance, police, emergency gas service or rescuers, call the following free numbers:

As you might notice, emergency numbers for mobile operators Beeline, Megafon and Tele2 are identical. All information is taken from the official sites of operators and may change.

How to call, call for free from a cellular, mobile phone in an emergency ambulance, psychiatric, adult help with MTS, Tele2, Megafon, Beeline?

In some emergency situations, people need support. Whether it is an accident, disaster, an incident of a different scale or even a large quarrel, in our country there is a service of emergency psychiatric care:

for Beeline subscribers: 8-051-8-495-051

for MTS subscribers: 8-800-20000-112

for television subscribers: 8-800-20000-112

for megaphone subscribers: 8-495-205-05-50

Each city has its own urgent psychological assistance service. You can find out on the sites of city hospitals.

Children's urgent help can be called by the same numbers.

Video: how to call an ambulance correctly

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