Crisis of 10 years of life together: reasons, tips, reviews

Crisis of 10 years of life together: reasons, tips, reviews

The reasons for the crisis are 10 years of life together, the tips of the psychologist.

Psychologists believe that relations are developing according to a spiral scheme. Accordingly, there are very smooth boots, and sharp rise up. It is these raises that they associate with crises of life together. In this article we will talk about the crisis of 10 years of life together.

Crises of family life 10 years: Reasons

Psychologists believe that the crises in the family occur approximately every 3-5 years. Accordingly, in the first year, the spouses are rubbed to each other, at this stage about 50% of pairs decay. If the grinding does not occur, the couple breaks the relationship. The next crisis is observed after 3, 7, 10.13 years and so on. It is worth noting for, that one of the most difficult is the crisis of 10 years of marriage. 

Crises of family life 10 years, reasons:

  • The merger of two crises is a crisis of family relations, as well as middle age. Usually these two periods coincide, layered on each other, thereby causing the strongest scandals, emotional shocks and a break in relations.
  • However, in most cases, the crisis of 10 years is associated with several other incidents. The fact is that during this time the couple usually has children.
  • Thus, the wife is somewhat alienated from her husband, paying maximum attention to her child or children, if there are several.

10 years of life together: Is the crisis of relations inevitable?

Sometimes a man feels unnecessary, uninteresting and useless. After all, the woman gives the most time to the kids. In addition, a woman also does not feel the former emotionality, intimacy, as she spends most of her time with children. Thus, her whole void is filled with them. A man in this scheme seems superfluous. 

10 years of life together, the crisis of relations is inevitable:

  • In most cases, spouses are indifferent to each other. It's connected withthat that they spend very little time together. That is, everyone is doing his own thing: the wife spends time with children, the husband is constantly at work or in the garage.
  • All children's holidays do not care for a man, because he spends most of the time at work. The woman feels lonely, deprived of support. This is what causes the claims on the part of the woman. 
  • Often there are nit -picking or claims regarding a lack of money. A woman can blame a man of not taking place in the profession, so he earns little, not enough to keep the family.

Why does a family crisis appear for 10 years?

Often the reason for the appearance of this crisis is a revision of all the values \u200b\u200bthat are in life. Usually during this period, people look at what they managed to achieve at a particular age. Accordingly, many blame the family that they could not be realized in the career plan. They believe that they could achieve much more if there were no family.

Why does a family crisis appear 10 years:

  • The man could not have time to finish his studies, threw a higher educational institution. He had to get a job in order to keep his family. A woman may also have a lot of questions about her husband.  
  • The opposite situation, the man works a lot, earns well, but he does not have enough time for his family. Accordingly, a woman makes a complaint because a man does not spend time with his family.
  • Another cause of the crisis is the cooling of relations. 

10 years in marriage: crisis in a relationship

Due to the lack of communication, the relations between the spouses are cooled. Sex is almost completely left from their life. The disappearance of intimacy also significantly beats in relations.

10 years old, crisis in a relationship:

  • It is believed that often a crisis of 10 years of joint life coincides with the adolescence of children. This is another reason for the quarrels of spouses. Indeed, in most cases, husband and wife cannot come to a common denominator in raising children.
  • They may have completely different views on this situation. The man believes that a woman allows a lot of offspring, the mother, on the contrary, tries to intercede her children, turning less strictly. It is necessary to talk in advance and agree on raising children so that there are no difficulties with this. Relations can be heated if the parents of a spouse climb into the family.
  • Although, usually by 10 years of life together, these interventions are not so acutely perceived, because the married couple is already an adult, with experience and can ignore all the creeps of parents to intervene in a married life.  

How to overcome a crisis in a relationship of 10 years?

There are some tips for psychologists who will help to overcome the crisis.

How to overcome a crisis in a relationship of 10 years:

  • First of all, it is necessary not to swear and scandal, but to agree. The only right way to establish a relationship is to start talking to each other. Discuss what is not happy with you, try to get closer, find more time to spend it with each other.
  • You can also go on vacation exclusively with a couple, leaving children for grandparents. Arrange for yourself the second honeymoon. Try to figure out your relationships, get enough of each other in the trip, because very often children interfere with intimacy. 
  • Sign up for ballroom dancing, or to the gym together. Thus you will rejoiceachievements partner, support in the acquisition of good shape. 
A crisis
A crisis

How to survive a crisis of 10 years of marriage: a psychologist's advice

Of course, men and women may have claims in relation to each other's appearance. After the birth of children, a woman’s figure may change, which upset her husband.

How to survive a crisis of 10 years of marriage, tips of a psychologist:

  • But as practice shows, the man also does not get good every day, he has a beer belly.
  • If you are not satisfied with external data, they vary greatly from those that were originally, support your spouse or spouse in building a new body.
  • Be sure to support in an effort to lose weight, go to the jogging early in the morning together. This will not only improve the condition of the skin to lose weight, but also to be together. 

Marriage crisis 10 years, how to survive?

If everything is in order with the relationship, only an intimate life suffers, toys from this will help in thissexhop, Diversity try to communicate a lot with each other, walk. 

Marisis of marriage 10 years, how to survive:

  • There is a reverse situation when the partners are so full of each other that they can’t tolerate the spirit. In this case, it is necessary that everyone in the family has their own personal space. Remember, people cannot be with each other 24 hours a day.
  • That is why it’s okay that a man has friends, a hobby, there is no fishing. A woman can also sign up for a gym, interesting makeup courses, or manicure.
  • This will help a woman be distracted, as well as save money on a further visit to beauty salons.

Crisis of family relations 10 years: Psychologist's advice

Remember, a woman cannot live exclusively by children and family. She needs to unwind, and somewhere to invest her energy.

Crisis of family relations 10 years, psychologist's advice:

  • In the same way, a man cannot live exclusively with work, he needs energy for saturation. This energy can become a family.
  • Review your life if you are tired of the evenings watching TV shows and movies, come up with an active hobby.
  • It can be runs, walks in the nearest park, or even hikes on a climbing rink, a skating rink to engage in figure skating.
  • Despite the middle age, it is always fun and interesting. 

Crisis of 10 years of marriage - tips

It is necessary to normalize sexual life. Of course, if relations are destroyed and partners are not interesting to each other, then there can be no talk of any sex.

Crisis of 10 years of marriage, tips:

  • In this case, it is necessary to establish relationships with each other and build emotional proximity.
  • You can get some common hobby. Buy bikes, go to the bike rod together on the weekend.
  • Find common interests and spend time alone, without children.

Crisis in relationships: reviews

Below you can familiarize yourself with the reviews of people who are faced with the crisis.

Crisis in relationships, reviews:

Olga. Faced with a crisis after 10 years of life together. At that time we had a child. I will not say that the relationship worsened, rather, some kind of indifference to each other was born. Perhaps this is due to insufficient pastime together due to the availability of work, domestic problems. After all, the child requires a lot of attention and strength. The psychologist helped us deal with this. Now we spend much more time together and communicate.
Veronica. My husband and I have known each other for more than 13 years, married for 10 years. Over the past couple of years, the attitude has really become cool, I think that life has killed romance, because we have two children. We try to take children more often to grandparents so that you can relax together and chat. Do not forget about intimate relationships is an important component of the family. Now we try to communicate more with each other, find time for communication with friends, and on a hobby. Of course, it is quite difficult to devote time to yourself with two children, especially if there are not many assistants.
Alexandra. I faced a crisis after 10 years of marriage. I think that the permanent business trips of her husband are to blame. Of course, we communicate on the phone, on Skype, but this does not replace live communication. I noticed that we cooled to each other, I think that relations can be restored, but I will have to work hard. It was because of indifference and indifference that many of our acquaintances, who lived together for about 10 years, broke up. They simply became uninteresting to each other.
Often a wife or family is considered a kind of brakes in the development of herself, in terms of profession. Indeed, in most cases, all young people dream of someone, but their dreams are breaking up about reality. This happens if the marriage was carried out due to the pregnancy of a woman.

Video: Crisis 10 years of marriage

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