The cat cannot go to the toilet in a small way, in a big way: the reasons, the advice of veterinarians, what to do? How to help the cat go to the toilet?

The cat cannot go to the toilet in a small way, in a big way: the reasons, the advice of veterinarians, what to do? How to help the cat go to the toilet?

Causes and methods of treating defecation and urination disorder in cats.

Even minor health problems cause a lot of anxiety among owners. Often the reason for the experience of the breeders is problems with urination and defecation. Along with the lack of campaigns in the toilet, there is apathy, drowsiness, pain in the lower abdomen in the animal. In this article we will tell you why the cat cannot go to the toilet and how to help it. 

Why can't a cat go small?

Oddly enough, but this is a fairly common problem, especially among those breeders who save on the health of their pets.The thing is that the food of the economy class contains a large number of products, as well as food additives that contribute to the accumulation of salts. Thus, the urine environment changes, and conditions are created favorable for the formation of stones.That is why pets who regularly eatcheap feed, Often there are stones in the kidneys, bladder, which causes pain, difficulties with emptying.

Why the cat cannot go in a small way:

  • Congenital diseases. There are breeds that are predisposed to such diseases. They most often have chronic ailments of the kidneys and urinary tract.
  • The use of economy-class feed.
  • Violation of the conditions of content. The fact is that cats are afraid of drafts, as well as uncomfortable, uncomfortable places to relax, which are not covered with fabric or pillow.
  • The consequences of sterilization. That is why it is necessary to sterilize cats at a certain age, since violation of age standards leads toto that that they may have problems with the urinary tract. 
  • Traumatization. Most often, males are faced with urination problems due to aggressive nature. Cats are prone to injuries, they can fight, especially if they are street.
  • Stressful situations. Very often, communication with dogs, trips to exhibitions or travel in an animal basket, become real stress.
  • Large body weight. Often occurs in males who were castrated. Overflow contributes to obesity, the occurrence of additional pathologies, including kidneys and urethra.
  • Old age. Cats really have difficulties from old age during emptying.

The cat yells cannot go to the toilet, what to do?

Please note that the task of the owner is to facilitate the fate of the pet, and help him go to the toilet. There are several ways that will provoke urination.

The cat yells cannot go to the toilet, what to do, to ak understandthat the cat needs help:

  • He often stomps in the tray, spends a lot of time there, screams, but cannot go to the toilet.
  • It feels bad, apathy, a deterioration in mood.
  • The pet can break out of the owner’s hands, refuse to affection, which until recently he loved very much. 
  • The cat rises in the cat, or, conversely, decreases.
  • The cat can refuse to eat and drink. Or, conversely, dryness occurs due to temperature.
  • If the cat managed to pee, then urine is a very small amount, mucus, blood, lumps are observed in it.

Why the cat cannot go to the toilet: possible diseases

There are many reasons and it is necessary to observe the animal for some time.

Why the cat cannot go to the toilet:

  • The presence of kidney stones and bladder.
  • Kidney disease, pyelonephritis, nephrosis.
  • Inflammation of the urethra.
  • Urethritis and cystitis occur due to inflammation, and channel infection. This usually happens in males due to the features of the structure.
  • Often cystitis, urethritis occurs due to hypothermia, or due to the descending infection, which is provoked by renal ailments.
  • Eating salted, smoked food. As a result of this, the urethra becomes very narrow, a strong pressure of urine cannot penetrate through a thin tube.
  • The main cause of the violation is urolithiasis. P.on the reason for the increase in the urine of the concentration of calcium, and other salts. Often occurs when cheap feed consuming. The protein in them is partially absorbed, and nitrogenous substances accumulate in the form of salts and stones.
  • The use of a large number of proteins. The fact is that proteins cause an increase in the urine of nitrogen slag. It is they who provoke the growth of pathogenic microflora inside the channels.
  • Renal pathologies occur due to acute infections, but most often appear due to the advanced age of the pet. If the cat is old, the kidneys are poorly filtered by slags, as a resultwhatthe bladder becomes a weak place. 
  • Constipation. Digestion also often causes difficulty urination. The intestines and bladder are interconnected, therefore, difficulties can be observed both with the defecation process and urination. The intestines can put pressure on the bladder, which causes a violation of the campaign in the toilet.
On the toilet
On the toilet

How to prevent urination delay?

To prevent urolithiasis, it is worth taking care of your pet, and monitor the conditions of its content.

How to prevent urination delay:

  • In no case should an animal overfeed, and provoke an increase in body weight. After all, obesity often causes the deterioration of the work of all organs.
  • Carry out preventive deworming and vaccination.
  • That is, it is necessary to undergo a prosecutor’s inspection, and carry out vaccinations regularly.
  • In no case do not give food and goodies from the human table. They contain a large amount of salts, can be acute, which causes a violation in the operation of the excretory system of the animal.
  • It is worth using premium food, which is made on the basis of natural components with a minimum content of additives and plant substances. 
On the toilet
On the toilet

The cat cannot go big: reasons

There are problems in animals not only with the process of going to the toilet in a small way, but also by the act of defecation. In order to find out that the cat suffers from constipation, it is necessary to clarify how many times the animal should go to the toiletin a big one. For small kittens, up to 21 weeks, it is considered the norm 3-4 times a day.

If your pet is already 3-6 months, then the norm is 2-3 times a day, and if it is an adult cat, from six months to 8 years, he can go to the toilet 1-2 times a day. If this is a mature cat, age older than 8 years, the norm is once a day. In order to determine that the animal constipation, it is necessary to evaluate the consistency of feces. If it is very dry, the color is dark brown, and foreign objects are contained, in the animal constipation. 

The pet is sleeping
The pet is sleeping

It is worth noting that constipation may be a symptom of serious ailments, and not an independent disease.

The cat cannot go in a big way, reasons:

  • Violation of the power balance. That is, in the stern there are not enough minerals and vitamins, a lot of carbohydrates, with a lack of proteins. 
  • The animal cleans itself very carefully, so in the intestines there is a lot of wool that the pet does not spit. Wools can delay feces in the intestines. 
  • The animal swallowed an extraneous object. It can be bones,small objects, Which clog the intestines, preventing the removal of feces. 
  • Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and metabolic disorder. 
  • Tumors in the intestine, as well as the genitourinary system, diabetes.
  • Disruption of the thyroid gland.
  • Obesity and urolithiasis.
  • Parasites. Due to worms, the cat can not go to the toilet for a long timein a big one.
  • Infectious ailments, stress.
On the tray
On the tray

How to help the cat go big?

In order to determine when the cat needs help, you need to look at its behavior and calculate how many days the animal does not go to the toiletin a big one. If you have not seen feces for 3 days, then the animal should be taken to the veterinarian. If this is a kitten that has not yet been half a year, but at the same time there was no 36 hours act, you must urgently consult a doctor. How can the animal help go to the toilet for a large one? 

How to help the cat go big:

  • It is necessary to put an enema. To do this, it is advisable to let the animal drink about 3 ml of petroleum jelly and a half hours before the manipulation. It is best to use chamomile broth, or soda solution as an enema for an enema.
  • Please note that an enema fluid should have a temperature of 36 degrees. Next, the tip of a small sprint, which must be rubber, is lubricated with petroleum jelly or children's cream, is carefully introduced into the anus of the animal.
  • Do not introduce the nose very deeply, it is enough to place it in the anus by about 2-3 cm. The optimal amount of fluid, which flows the intestines of the animal, is 200-250 ml. Next, after the imperial of the enema from the anus is extracted, it is necessary to press the tail to the anus for 10 minutes. 
  • Next, it is necessary to attribute the cat to the tray so that it becomes emptied. In no case should you carry out manipulations with an enema, if the animal has bleeding, and there is damage in the anus. Please note that you can’t often conduct an enema because it can cause dysbiosis.
  • If the cat has constant problems with defecation, review its diet. A circular massage is very useful, starting from the breasts and ending with the lower abdomen. At the same time, it is not necessary to press hard, stroking enough, circular movements.

What to give a cat to go to the toilet?

You can also give the animal a laxative. But any drugs are allowed only on the recommendation of the veterinarian. Below we present a list of drugs that can be given to cats for defecation.

What to give a cat to go to the toilet:

  • Dufalac  
  • Lactulose 
  • Lactusan  
  • Messengers  

The amount of the drug is approximately 0.5 ml per 1 kg of animal mass.

The British cat cannot go to the toilet, how to help?

In order not to treat the cat and not cope with constipation, it is necessary to prevent them. To do this, it is enough to observe measures.

The British cat cannot go to the toilet how to help:

  • Comb the animal during molting.
  • Buy special food that stimulates the removal of wool from the intestines. 
  • The nutrition in the animal should be balanced, contain a large amount of fiber.
  • Constantly let the animal drink. It is best if the drinker is available during the day. Constantly change the water, it should be fresh.
  • Be sure to walk and play with the cat. 
  • Physical activity stimulates the defecation process.
  • In no case should you scatter small objects around the house, the animal can swallow them. Regular Contact the doctor for examination and vaccinations. 

How to help the cat go to a little one?

Initially, an adult animal should walk in a small way at least once a day. Often the problem is moving, stressful situations. Therefore, if the animal does not go to the toilet in a small way for 2 days, it is urgent to deliver it to the doctor. If at the moment there is no such possibility, you can help the animal defecate. To do this, you will have to perform several simple manipulations.

How to help the cat go to a little one:

  • A small amount of warm water is typed in a plastic bottle. Please note that its temperature should be approximately 42 degrees. In no case is a heating pad with hot water to the animal’s stomach.
  • You can lower the animal into warm water and hold for several minutes. Try that warm water does not reach the region of the heart. Thus, warm water will help relieve pain and spasm. You can drink the animal by no-shpa.
  • This will help if the cause of urination was a spasm in the area of \u200b\u200bthe bladder. If this is urolithiasis, and the ducts clogged stones, then such manipulations will be useless.

The cat cannot go to pee and grunts, what to do?

Such symptoms are observed with constipation, poisoning and pyelonephritis. Only a veterinarian can establish an accurate diagnosis.

The cat cannot go to pee and grunts what to do:

  • If the cat does not go to the toilet for 2 days, it is urgent to deliver it to a veterinary clinic. The Cat clinic will be provided with first aid. In order to devastate the bladder, a catheter is inserted into the urethra, which allows the urine to flow.
  • Such manipulation is usually carried out under general anesthesia so as not to injure the walls of the bladder of the animal. The procedure is very painful and is infrequently done, but if the urination was the cause of urination, and a stone or sand is in the area of \u200b\u200bthe urethra and urethra, the doctor can put a temporary catheter for several days.
  • In this case, a collar is put on the animal so that the pet does not accidentally pull out, does not damage the catheter, and did not make a wound in the urethra. It is also necessary to adhere to all the recommendations of the doctor. It can prescribe antibiotics, antispasmodics, as well as diuretics, and drugs that dissolve stones. It all depends on what caused the absence of urination. 

A lot of interesting information about the content of cats can be found in our articles:

Can cats give human pills, no-shpu, valerian in tablets? How to give a cat a bitter pill so that it does not spit out?

How can it be and how many times a day to feed a kitten at 1-6 months without a cat: a list of feed, food and dishes, feeding mode

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Why is the cat itching, poking, but there is no fleas? The cat is constantly itch for: causes, methods of treatment

Of course, it is very difficult to determine the cause of difficulty urination to the owner. Cysts, fibroids, fibroma often cause difficulty urination in females. The only thing the owner can do in this case is to alleviate the condition of the animal, that is, provoke a trip to the toilet, and make an appointment with the veterinarian. 

Video: Disorders of defecation and urination in cats

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