The cat does not eat during the day, 3 days, week: reasons, reviews, what to do? How many days can the cat not eat?

The cat does not eat during the day, 3 days, week: reasons, reviews, what to do? How many days can the cat not eat?

The reasons for the refusal of food for cats.

Refusal of food is a problem that animal owners periodically face. Often this happens with cats. Their digestive system is arranged in such a way that it is able to remove wool through vomiting. In the article we will tell you how much the cat may not eat. 

Why did the cat stop eat?

Refusal of food usually does not happen just like that, but provoked a number of reasons. In most cases, this is some kind of ailment. Below we consider the reasons that provoke abandonment of food in cats.

Why the cat stopped eating:

  • Stress. This often happens during crossings, or when changing the place of residence. The animal reacts very sharply even to the purchase of a new bed, or relocation to another room. 
  • Tychka or sexual hunting. During estrus, cats and cats can indeed refer to drinking for a certain period. If the animal is active, drinks water, then there is no reason for concern. 
  • Surgery, castration, or sterilization. Animals after surgical interventions can feel bad, these are the consequences of anesthesia. During this period, poor coordination of movements can be observed, the animal staggering, feels bad. 
  • Urolithiasis disease. It is worth noting that during this period animals not only do not eat, but does not drink. The cat refuses water and food, along with this, painful urge to the toilet, frequent urination, and the presence of blood in the urine are observed. 
  • Intestinal obstruction. This often happens if the house has small children who regularly scatter the details of the designer, or small toys. The animal can accidentally swallow a foreign object, which will provoke intestinal obstruction. Oddly enough, the disease can also cause ordinary wool that enters the intestines after the animal licks itself. In no case can you make an enema to animal, try to cause vomiting, or give laxatives. The fact is that laxatives can cause intestinal spasm, and the enema will damage the intestine. 
  • Pathologies of internal organs, tumors. It is almost impossible to diagnose such ailments yourself, the doctor will help in this. 
  • Viral ailments. Cats, like people tend to get sick with various diseases of the viral nature. Along with this, lacrimation, dry nose, sneezing and rejection can be observedfood.  
Refusal of food
Refusal of food

Why doesn't the cat eat all day?

If the cat does not eat anything, then energy is not enough to perform simple manipulations. The cat can be sluggish, poorly move, behave excessively calmly.

Why the cat does not eat all day:

  • Often cats refuse food due to pain. In this case, it is difficult to figure it out on your own, you should contact a doctor. He will help to find out why a catpurrsAnd what's nothurts. 
  • Not only people, but animals can hurt from teeth ailments. Cats often refuse food due to a poor condition of the teeth.
  • They may have tooth stone, caries. After cleaning and normalizing the condition of the teeth, appetite usually returns to the cat. She again becomes cheerful and active. 
The cat is sick
The cat is sick

How many days can the cat not eat?

What is the maximum time for the food of the cats? Veterinarians were divided in opinion. Someone believes that this is 2 days, and someone 8. First of all, food is a source of energy and vigor. There is information that an adult healthy cat can live without food for about a week. However, these indicators vary very much depending on the health of the animal and age. In addition, its breed, endurance and amount of fat under the skin affects the stability of the cat.

How many days the cat may not eat:

  • The thicker the cat, the more time it can live without food. If these are kittens, then the number of days that can live without food decreases significantly. If this is a kitten up to 6 months, then usually kids die without food after about one day.
  • If the cat is a teenager, age older than 6 months, then without food can live about 1-4 days. If the cat is over 7 years old, then the maximum time without food is 3 days. If this is an animal that suffers from a large number of ailments, it can live only two days.
  • If the animal does not eat for more than 2 weeks, then it is almost impossible to save it. This is due to the fact that the cat consists of 80% of the water. Of course, the amount of time that the animal can live without food depends on whether it has access to water or not. It was established that from a lack of food, the cat dies much later than with a lack of water.
Do not eat

The cat does not eat 3 days, is it dangerous?

This is a little, everything will be in order with the animal. It is necessary to ensure that the cat in the drinker always has water.

The cat does not eat for 3 days, it is dangerous what to do:

  • The optimal amount for an adult per day is 300 ml. Without water, the animal can live no more than 5 days. On the sixth day, after the cat stops drinking water, his wool falls out, his eyes do not open.
  • Please note that if you are the owner of an old cat, then he can lose his sense of smell with age. Be sure to bring the animals to a bowl of food and hold down near it.
  • The fact is that due to the lack of smell, the cat may disappear, he does not believe that he was given an edible product. It is necessary that the animal looks at food. Perhaps then he will want to eat. 

Why doesn't the cat eat for several days?

Cats are very selective in food, so not everyone eats in a row. Some owners can really spend a lot of time to unravel the taste preferences of the animal.

Why the cat does not eat for several days:

  • The most interesting thing is that cats, unlike most animals, can refuse food that is not interesting to them, and even starve. If this happens, be sure to please the animal with your favorite dishes. Try to warm up it during the period of refusing food and feed it.
  • If these are kittens, up to 6 months old, then feeding must be carried out using a spoon or syringe. If the animal recently often refuses food, ask the veterinarian to write out tablets to improve appetite. 
  • If the animal is cheerful, active in it is a wet nose, then you should not sound the alarm. In some cats, this happens from time to time. After a few days, most likely, the appetite will work out. However, if other symptoms are observed along with the refusal of food, such as temperature, hot nose, the animal is weak, it has vomiting or diarrhea, then it is urgent to contact the doctor.
  • The animal is a really decent period of time can live without water and food, but at the same time very serious consequences can be observed. As a result of refusal of food, some organs can stop working adequately, which will entail serious ailments that are incompatible with life. Watch your pet, feed it with proper food, and do not forget to showveterinarian. 

The cat does not eat 3 days, what to do?

Kittens are usually very active, rarely refuse to eat. This is due to the fact that their body is growing, so it needs a large amount of energy. It can be obtained from breast milk. However, in most cases, the kittens do not at all become the culprits of the hunger strike, but a cat who does not want to feed them. In this case, you must try to feed kittens from a syringe or spoon.

If they are hungry, then in no case will they refuse to eat. Remember that it is impossible to pull with this in any case. After all, kittens need food constantly, they need to be fed once every 2-3 hours. Milk for kittens is food and water. Therefore, without it, kids, up to 6 months old, can live no more than a day. 

The cat does not eat 3 days, what to do:

  • Cats are very selective before running to the doctor, give the pet your favorite food. If the animal refuses your favorite chicken or sour cream, it is necessary to sound the alarm.
  • There are two options for the development of events: the cat is sick, or simply not hungry. However, the lack of a feeling of hunger in cats is extremely rare, due to the fact that they eat not like dogs, but fractional.
  • That is, the cat’s food should be almost all the time. She cannot like a dog to eat her portion for the whole day, but eats in parts, periodically approaching her bowl. If you poured food, the cat does not fit the bowl, does not show any interest for several days, you need to urgently run to the veterinarian. Most likely, the animal has some kind ofdisease. 

The cat does not eat, reviews

Fasting for two or three days will not lead to the development of pathology, and you should not sound the alarm. Especially if the animal is active, funny, loves to play. If there are some kind of behavioral disorders, the animal is sluggish, feels bad, then it’s time to visit the doctor. In order to calm down, you can read the reviews of the owners. 

The cat does not eat, reviews:

Irina. I have an ordinary courtyard cat sheltered several years ago. From time to time, especially in the summer, when it is very hot, Murzik refuses food, and drinks exclusively water. Sometimes I sing it with cold milk. He also does not refuse him. Nothing terrible happens, it is peppy and cheerful. 

Evgeniy. I have a British cat, and it is very moody in relation to food. It can starve for several days if she does not give her beloved food. Initially, I had to try to find out about the taste preferences of our Elsa. She loves dairy products, as well as boiled chicken. Sometimes we feed these products. 

Alexei. We have problems during the transition to another food. The veterinarian advised special food with biological additives and vitamins, since the animal is no longer young, and knitting regularly occur. Accordingly, the birth of kittens exhausts the cat, so it needs additional trace elements and vitamins. When switching to this food, the cat was starving for several days. But previously we consulted with the veterinarian, he said not to feed the cat, not to give additional products from the table and wait for it to eat new food. After about 2 days, the cat was finally hungry, and began to eat newfeed. 


Many interesting articles for breeders can be found on our website:

In most cases, the owners are trying to forcefully push the food into the animal. You should not do this, you can go to the trick. Lubricate the animal’s nose with sour cream from time to time. In order to cleanse himself, the cat will be forced to lick food from her nose.

Video: The cat does not eat for several days


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  1. I have a kitten, 6 months. Summer has been and he sharply stopped eating food.
    At first I thought that he needed a different diet, but he doesn’t eat anything. There were no crossings and operations. I tried to give him some water. He began to drink, but not for a long time. I'm very afraid for the kitten, suddenly he will not survive ..

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