DIY carnival costume for a boy

DIY carnival costume for a boy

In this article you will find information on how to sew a carnival costume of page for a boy with your own hands. Read information on how to sew a mantle, beret, pantalones.

The carnival costume of a page for a boy for a New Year's holiday can be bought, or you can sew it yourself. Moreover, the costume created by yourself will be unique. The child will like him more, because you will take into account all the wishes of the boy, he will be much more pleasant to put him on. You can decorate the costume at your discretion, use what is at hand for accessories. The suitable costume will appeal to the child much more if you attract the baby in the process of creating it.

PAGA carnival costume - what to prepare for a suit?

The needlewomen, who have already sewed such products more than once, will pay attention to the fact that the carnival costume of the page is very similar to the outfit of the little prince. The only difference may be the color of the costume, and the princes instead of berets wear crows. Although, sometimes the heirs of the thrones wear berets too.

Glass costume
Glass costume

The suit of the page is not difficult to sew. And it is not necessary to sew it for a boy or for a girl. After all, girls can also enjoy putting on such clothes on a carnival and win the first place in the costumes contest at the festival. The package set includes:

  • cape or mantle, which means the same
  • round magnificent collar
  • trousers
  • tights to your taste.

To sew a suit, you need to prepare materials and tools:

  • Sewing machine, threads of suitable color, scissors
  • Sewing material, velvet costume looks beautiful
  • Gum for pantaloski
  • satin tape
  • Lace for the collar
  • Buttons, materials for decoration.

IMPORTANT: Before sewing a suit, you will need to remove the size of the baby’s head, breast volumes, waist, hips. Determine the length of the cloak, Pantalon.

The carnival costume of the page for the boy - how to sew it?

Well, if you already have a ready -made one, then you can not sew a headdress. It is enough to fit it in size to the child and decorate it with a brooch, a pen or embroidery with beads or sequins. However, it happens that there is no suitable headdress under the carnival costume of the page, then it can be easily sewn with your own hands. Moreover, the pattern for such an accessory is an ordinary circle and a strip, look at the picture below, even the dimensions of the beret are presented and how to cut it. Dimensions can be changed depending on the size of the child’s head and what you want to sew, lush or not very.

How to sew it?
How to sew it?

The round berets is easier to draw on a large round plate or cover. It is enough to circle objects, and then cut it out. The circumference of the beret itself should be larger than the baby’s head, because then it is bent and sewn to the strip in the size of the head, tightening evenly along the entire length of the circumference.

Product sewing process:

  1. Draw a circle on paper, keep in mind that the larger the baby’s head, the more the circumference of the beret should be. If you take the average, it will be good to sit on the baby’s head with a circle of about 40-45 centimeters. And this is already with allowances for bending.
  2. Ideal for the beret is suitable for velvet fabric. She keeps her shape very well. True, now berets and cloaks for a child from a satin or silk fabric are sewn.
  3. A strip for a beret is made in size of the baby's head. Even without an elastic band, she will hold well on the child’s head, if he is sewn not from slippery fabrics, but from dense ones. So that she does not lose shape, it is enough to insert a corsage tape there.
  4. Then the strip is bend in half and sewn in a circle among themselves.
  5. Takes along the entire length of the circle in a typewriter with a large stitch, then tighten to the size of the strip.
  6. Sew a circle and strip on one side, then a corsage tape is placed in a strip.
  7. And on the other hand, they make another seam to take out completely.

It remains to decorate the head accessory. To do this, you can use fur, feathers, brooch and even golden threads to embroider some kind of picture in the beret and emphasize the chicness of the object.

Carnival costume - how to sew a mantle (cloak)?

You can sew a carnival costume of page from blue or blue fabric. In any case, he will look great. Sewing the mantle is very simple. Only at the beginning should you decide on its length. Crowing the mantle quickly. It is enough to draw a semicircle of the desired length and at the top of the neckline. See the image below, everything is very clear there. It remains only to transfer to a large sheet of paper. And then on the fabric, take into account the allowances on the seams, and sheathe the neck, and the bottom of the product.


For the manufacture of a cloak-nickname, you will need:

  • blue fabric
  • paper for a pattern
  • braid or braid
  • lace at the bottom of the cloak.


  1. On paper, draw a semicircle where the radius of this circle is equal to the length of the product. Correct the length yourself.
  2. Draw the second small semicircle with a radius equal to 3.14 cm • The neck of the neck (R \u003d 3.14 • Osh).
  3. The upper line of the scheme-sinter is a bend. The fabric in this place should be folded in half, and then only transfer the drawing to the material.
  4. When you cut a cloak of fabric, it remains to treat the neck and bottom of the product. A neck treated with a bark from the same fabric will look neat.
  5. The bottom can also be treated with a box or sheathed with lace.
  6. At the top you will need a satin tape to tie a cloak, otherwise the mantle will simply not be attached and fall from the child’s shoulders. By the way, in order for the mantle to stay in the neck of the neck, buttons or brooch are used.

The raincoat looks pretty if the fur is used for jewelry, and use golden threads for embroidery. And you can embroider an imaginary sign of the fabulous kingdom.

How to sew a suit for a boy - making a collar with your own hands

Previously, there were large round collars in fashion, which were worn over the mantle. The carnival costume of the page is sewn with such collars. Moreover, the more magnificent the collar, the better. You can get it from white wide lace. Keep in mind that it is undesirable for such an accessory to strongly tighten the child’s neck.

Boy in a suit of Pazha
Boy in a suit of Pazha

The process of sewing the collar:

  1. Take the lace and stitch on a sewing machine on one side with a large line. Cut it away, just leave the allowance for free fit around the neck.
  2. Above, again, the lace, prepared in the same method that the collar is more magnificent.
  3. Prepare the box, process it with the tight edges of the lace, consolidate the finished assembly.
  4. Sew a loop and a button to fasten the finished collar.

You can decorate the finished collar with anything, starting from sparkles, ending with golden embroidery, brooch or other accessories. The collar decorated with rhinestones looks beautiful.

Carnival costume - how to sew pantalons?

The carnival costume of the page does not always have this part of the outfit in its composition. It is enough to put on shorts of a suitable color and that's it. But if you sew the pantalons, then the page will come out the real one, as in fairy tales that all the children love. Moreover, they look interesting and give the suit a majestic and chic look.

Pantalon pattern diagram
Pantalon pattern diagram

How to sew Pantalones-a master class:

  1. The patron pattern looks the same as in the image above. You can do it according to the old things of the child. For example, by pants. It is enough to open them at the seams and circle them. In order for the pants to come out lush, draw them a few centimeters more.
  2. Cut the parts of the patterns, then transfer them to the fabric.
  3. Do not forget to leave allowances on the seams.
  4. Then sew the two details of the Pantalon, sew the rest of the seams, sweep.
  5. Sew the belt, insert the gum into the belt. Pull off below so that the top turns out lush. All pantalones are ready, you can try on the child.

The finished costume will look extravagant and very beautiful. If it is decorated with accessories in the form of a belt or a chain of golden lace, then the appearance will turn out amazing.

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