How to sew a snowman suit with your own hands for a boy?

How to sew a snowman suit with your own hands for a boy?

Three interesting suits for a boy for a boy. Step -by -step instructions, photos.

Which New Year's costume for the boy is the most popular? Snowmen are the heroes of many children's New Year events, for them there are many poems and even dances. And for mothers there will be useful information on how to sew a snowman suit with your own hands. In this article you will find several different options for sewing a solemn costume.

DIY snowman suit for a boy from T -shirts and caps

Our first Snowman's costume is easy to sew with your own hands. But to make it, you need to try and find suitable source materials.

DIY snowman
DIY snowman

For a Snowman's suit, a boy needs:

  1. White T-shirt Without sleeves and drawings. For a 5-7-year-old child, a small female T-shirt is suitable. According to the international classification, this is the size M, and according to Russian 42-44.
  2. White cap Without inscriptions. On it, we will create a character’s face for a snowman's costume.
  3. Brown turtleneck In size, suitable for the child. Color can be others.
  4. A set of felt With good density. Or several of its sheets, we need only black and white felt.
  5. A sheet of orange EVA material. It is needed for a nose-carrot. A brilliant orange cardboard is also suitable.
  6. Glue, to glue the felt. It can be an adhesive pistol with hot glue, and just a good viscous and sticky glue. If desired, you can also sew the elements of the snowman suit with threads.
  7. Hollofiberor a synthetic winterizer cut into small pieces, which happens in pillows, or another fluffy filler that you have on the farm. The only thing is that the filler is white, because the costume cover may be visible.
  8. A piece of linen gum.

We begin to create a snowman costume for a boy with your own hands.

  • First, we will make buttons for a snowman's costume. Take a glass or any other round item that fits in size, put it on a sheet of black felt and circle it with a pencil. After that, cut the buttons.
Cut the felt buttons for a snowman's suit
Cut the felt buttons for a snowman's suit
  • Now we will work on the lower part of the costume. So that the snowman's costume is voluminous, we need to insert an elastic band into the lower part of the T -shirt. Stitch the bottom of the product on the sewing machine to get a passage for linen gum. If there is no sewing machine, you can do the same with your hands or even good fabric glue. Then pin the pin to the end of the gum and season it in the resulting groove.

Freeze the length of the elastic band by pulling the hips of the model with it. The gum should not be too free, but it should not crush.

Insert the gum into the bottom of the T -shirt
Take the gum in the lower part of the T -shirt
  • Now is the time to work on the eyes for the Snowman's costume. Cut out two circles from white felt.
We make felt eyes for a snowman's costume
We make felt eyes for a snowman's costume
  • From black material you need to cut two pupils for a snowman, they are smaller than white circles for his eyes. After that, all the details must be glued to the cap. Our example uses adhesive a gun with hot glue. It turns out best to glue the felt with such a gun. But if it is not, it will suit and another glue, from universal category: glue "Moment", silicone glue, "Dragon" glue, which is used for polyurethane. The main thing is that it is not chancellery glue or PVA, - These types of glue are too weak for felt.
Glue the eyes for the Snowman's suit
Glue our eyes to the Snowman's costume
  • Now you need to make a nose in the shape of a carrot. Our Snowman's costume for a boy cannot be imagined without this element. Turn the leaf soft eVA material In the cone, coat it with glue and attach it to the cap. It is advisable to cut the edges of the nose-carrots with scissors and wrap them inside. So the area of \u200b\u200bcontact of parts will increase, and the nose will hold well.
We make nos-carrots
We make nos-carrots
  • From above, a snowman costume for a boy can be decorated with knitting threads or straw. In our example, used artificial straw, It can be purchased in needlework stores.
DIY Snowman's cap
DIY Snowman's cap
  • Now it remains to sew a white adult T -shirt to the brown children's turtleneck. Fill the gap between the jackets of Hollofiber, and the costume is ready!
Snowman's costume on mom
Snowman's costume on mom
  • The child in such a carnival image looks wonderful! The costume does not fetter to move, it is voluminous, but quite short. Therefore, the baby will be able to pass in it the entire matinee.
A snowman suit for a boy is ready!
A snowman suit for a boy is ready!

Read more about how to sew such a snowman suit with your own hands will tell the video below.

Video: Snowman Costume from T -shirts and Caps

Snowman suit for a boy with a pattern and a knitted hat

In our next master class, a snowman costume for a boy is sewn for a doll. But it is noteworthy in that it has a schematic pattern. If this scheme is increased several times, you get a successful pattern of a snowman costume for a boy or for a girl. This doll item of the wardrobe looks like on the next model.

Doll in the photo from the collection American Gerl. And its height is 18 inches, which is approximately 45 cm. Perhaps the size of the doll will help you create the right calculations for the cover of a suit for a child.

Olaf's suit or Snowman's suit
Olaf's suit or Snowman's suit

Materials to sew such a snowman costume with your own hands:

  1. White matter. It can be dense cotton or fleece.
  2. Synthond or Hollofiber for stuffing.
  3. Brown tissue for sleeves.
  4. Adhesive felt or adhesive felt.
  5. Small ruffs for cleaning smoking tubes. Blacks are also suitable for cleaning hookahs or aquariums. They are needed to fantasize a hairstyle for a snowman's costume.
  6. White knitted hat.
Flexible multi -colored ruffs for cleaning smoking tubes
Flexible multi -colored ruffs for cleaning smoking tubes
  • Snowman's suit for a boy

For the front of the Snowman suit, the pattern will be this:

Snowman's costume pattern
Snowman's costume pattern

The pattern of a snowman of a snowman for its back will be little different from the front. But there should be Velcro on the back. You can decide to fill the back or not, based on the amount of material for the stuffing that you have. If the back is soft, then for it you need to cut four parts such as below. If it is without stuffing, then there are two such parts.

Pattern of the Snowman's costume back
Pattern of the Snowman's costume back

When the materials are collected, you can start sewing a snowman costume for a boy.

  • First, you need to sew two parts of the front part together. Do not forget to leave part of the seam not stitched to fill the front of the New Year's costume with synthetic winterizer.
Sew the two parts of the front part of the snowman costume
Sew the two parts of the front part of the snowman costume
  • After that, you need to sew two halves of the rear part to the front part. The rear details in this version of the suit are single because we do not fill the costume from behind.
  • First, process the seams in those places that will not be scheduled to the front of the snowman costume. Namely, hand armhole, neckline and bottom of the product.
We process the edges on the rear details of the Snowman's costume
We process the edges on the rear details of the Snowman's costume
  • After that, sew the two rear details to the front of the costume.
Sew the rear and front parts together
Sew the rear and front parts together
  • When all the details are sewn, fill the front of the costume with synthetic winterizer or holofiber and sew a manually stuffing hole.
  • Now you need to add a button to the suit. The easiest way to make them from felt or felt on an adhesive base.

Blue felt is sold in construction stores, as a repair material. His pile is higher than that of fleece, but it costs more. A glue fleece can be bought in needlework stores.

Glue the buttons to the suit
Glue the buttons to the suit
  • After that, your eyes need to be made from the adhesive fleece. We will stick them to a knitted hat.
Eyes for Snowman's costume
Eyes for Snowman's costume
  • You also need to add wide furry eyebrows and nos-carrots to the hat. The nose in our example is sewn from orange fabric, it is soft. For a snowman's costume for a boy, eat a fleece orange nose and fill it with a synthetic winterizer. Our snowman is an Olaf animated character, which means that he needs a big white tooth. Glue to the hat and it.
The face of a snowman without a nose
The face of a snowman without a nose
  • The finished suit will look like an image of an Olaf snowman from a cartoon.
DIY snowman
DIY snowman

For those who want to see a master class on sewing this costume, the next video.

Video: Puppet suit snowman

Huge Snowman suit for a boy

The next Snowman suit for a boy is more difficult to do than the previous two. It is very voluminous. And there is also a lot of materials for such a suite's costume.

Such a snowman suit is suitable for both the boy and for the girl
Such a snowman suit is suitable for both the boy and for the girl

You will need:

  • Parchment paper and adhesive tape. They are needed to form a voluminous head of a snowman's costume.
  • Old kapron curtain.
  • Hula Khup (a hoop that is twisted at the waist). It is sewn in the bottom of the costume.
  • Syntephop.
  • White fleece.
  • Orange and black fleece for small details of the Snowman costume.
The body of the snowman
The body of the snowman

Swate Snowman's suit with your own hands, following our tips

  • Let's start creating a snowman costume from the most difficult part - his head.
  • First you need to create an item that will be a layout of the head. Take a plastic bag or fabric bag and fill it with a newspaper or synthetic winterizer so that it turns out to be suitable size and suitable shape. In our example, a striped fabric bag serves as a layout.
Head for Snowman's costume
Head for Snowman's costume
  • Put pieces of parchment paper on the head of the head and fasten them with tape.
  • Do not spare the papers and tape, the head of the snowman should turn out to be stiff and consist of several layers of paper. This is the most difficult and painstaking stage of creating a snowman's costume with your own hands.
  • At the last stage, wrap the whole head of the future snowman with tape. In our example, this tape is green.
DIY snowman
DIY snowman

When the frame frame is ready, start working on the frame of the body of the snowman costume

  • If a hula Hup Too large, cut a piece from it and firmly fix the edges with tape. Cut the hula huup is convenient with scissors for pipes with cloves.
  • The upper mesh part is headband. It stretches well and there are large holes in it, so this dressing is great for creating a suit.
  • Gardina It is necessary to cut into strips 10 cm wide.

The length of the bands from the curtain should approximately equal the distance from the child’s shoulder to the floor multiplied by 2.

  • Put the strips from the curtain through the bandage and wrap them below the hoop.
  • Tie a belt at the waist last. Cut this belt from the curtains.
Creation of a Snowman costume for a boy
Creation of a Snowman costume for a boy
  • When the curtain layout is ready to wrap it with synthetic winterizer. On the lower part of the synthetic winterizer, it goes twice as much as on the upper one. Cut the unnecessary edges and sew a synthetic winterizer with threads.
  • After that, you can start sheathing the snowman suit with a white fleece.
  • As lining Use a large white T -shirt.
  • In some variations of this costume, the snowman also has pants.
The pants of the Snowman costume
Sharovs Snowman costume
  • Turn the nose out of red dense matter and fill it with a holofiber. Eyes - from pieces of black and white fabric. Smell the wire pieces to the hair for stiffness.
  • This Snowman's costume for a boy can also be suitable for an adult, if you sew it of a large size.
DIY snowman
DIY snowman

Video: Snowman suit for a boy with your own hands

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