How to throw the old wallet correctly? Signs with an old wallet: what to make from an old wallet?

How to throw the old wallet correctly? Signs with an old wallet: what to make from an old wallet?

You bought a new wallet, it is so beautiful and it is so nice to look at it, and even more pleasant - fill it with bills and coins. And then your gaze falls on the wallet, which has already served his own-shaved and even torn in some places, what to do with him?

The first thing that comes to mind is to throw it away! But all signs say that a very strong energy is laid in the wallets. Suddenly she will work against us?

Can an old wallet be thrown away?

  • According to the rules to get rid of the old wallet can Only after you bought a new one. But this can be done only in one case, if he was in your pocket or bag just when you were pursued by financial troubles or a wallet was a frequent involuntary witness of the tragedies that took place in your life.
  • Throw away the old wallet In the literal sense of the word, in no case is it! Carefully inspect the old wallet, evaluate how it looks. If it is completely worn out, looks dirty, and even a holey, then such an appearance warns you that black days are no longer around the corner, when your material condition worsens sharply. You should definitely get rid of such a wallet. But how?
May portend a deterioration in the financial situation
May portend a deterioration in the financial situation
  • Sent to the garbage bucket, he can be offended and chop on financial problems on you, so getting rid of the old wallet, and at the same time not to lose your financial luck, you can only in two ways - squet into the ground or burn. Thus, the earthly and fiery elements will cleanse the energy of the negativity, which was saturated with the wallet.

How to throw the old wallet correctly?

  • Psychics claim that you need to change your wallet every year. So he will not accumulate negative energy, and the financial flow will not weaken.
  • And if the wallet was often full, accepted large amounts of bonuses and increased salaries, fees and money transfers, then, despite his battered appearance, he can help you and to nourish with your energy, just a wallet purchased.
  • Therefore, before throw away the old wallet It is necessary to take care of the transfer of a cash flow from it.
  • The wallet, which has become unlucky for you, must be thrown away, having carried out a special ritual. Start by completely empty it, let not even a penny left inside. And in no case do not transfer all this money into a new wallet! From them, as well as from the wallet, also you should get rid of wherein not spent on their own goals.
  • Buy better some pleasant trifles to friends, donate a beggar on a porch, treat the candies of neighboring children.
  • Some advise throwing a trifle right on the street, throwing it behind the left shoulder. But someone can choose these pennies charged with a negative, so it is better to spend a trifle in the same way as bills. And it can also be used to conduct various rituals aimed at overcoming lack of money. It is best to conduct them in the fall, at a time when the day is equal to the night.
  • After the wallet is empty, wrap it with a black cloth and say the following words over it: “Thank you for serving correctly. And need and poverty are now saying goodbye to me. ”
  • Now the wallet can be buried in the ground away from the house or burned in open fire.
  • If you burn your wallet, say the following conspiracy:
When burning
When burning
  • Throwing off the old wallet that did not bring you well -being, be sure to think that with it you dig in the ground or burn all your failures and financial dysfunction. After the ritual, leave without turning around.

Old wallet: ritual

  • There is another ritual that allows you to say goodbye without the consequences with a wallet that has not brought financial well -being. It is especially useful for those who he constantly lives in debt and is connected by credit obligations. In order to quickly get out of such a situation, it is necessary to conduct the next rite.
  • Hide the old wallet with all the funds available in it in the house and do not approach it for 3 days and not touch it. On the fourth day, you should pull out the wallet, remove everything that is in it and Be sure to count Putting back again.
  • Put the wallet himself on the windowsill, saying at the same time: “I am an addition. You are energy and strength ". Warn all family members so that they do not take the wallet in their hands and do not touch either him or money. After that, you need to buy gifts to your loved ones on the largest bill from the wallet. If you have money left, you need return them to the old wallet.
Save money for the ritual in the old wallet
Save money for the ritual in the old wallet
  • You need to make purchases in the first 6 days after you put your wallet on the windowsill. On the 7th day, get the remaining money and bury the wallet It is advisable to do this in the period waning moon.
  • If your wallet has positive aura, You can subject it to the next rite. Remove all the bills and coins from the wallet and put a small bill in it. Hide the wallet away and take it out exactly a month later.
  • Change the bill to a higher face value and again set aside for a month. And so do it throughout the year. After 12 months, you will see that your prosperity has increased and the bill in the wallet is not so large.
  • If the wallet was “neutral”, then the next rite is held. On the waning moon Place the old wallet on the windowsill so that it is lit by the moonlight. After it is the night, take it and turn to the wallet with the words: "You have served your service, but did not take mine". Then throw the old wallet into the street urn, which is far from your home.
  • If you want with an old wallet say goodbye to debts and financial difficulties, Also on the waning moon, put it in a bag, which is also intended for throwing. When you put, say: “The money was waned, now they will arrive. My problems will leave, like the old wallet, forgetting about me. Buildings in a new wallet will be pulled, the money will be added ".
To get rid of debts, you need to burn the wallet
To get rid of debts, you need to burn the wallet
  • Hide the bag with a wallet in a secluded place, and after 3 days, burn all together away from the house and prying eyes.

What to do with an old wallet: signs

  • Never show The contents of the old wallet to anyone: neither relatives nor strangers.
  • Do not take out money from it for the last time if you have a bad mood. Negative will switch to money.
  • Never tell anyone about what you did rites with an old wallet.
  • From poverty, According to signs, you can pay off if the left hand at the time when the sun comes in, throwing a heel at ten intersections, repeating: "Returned!" At the last crossroads, turn over your left shoulder, then come back, but already with other streets. And remember that do not pick up money from the ground, because they can be thrown out as a result of a similar ritual, and you rely on poverty.
  • Old wallet Often used in order to keep the so -called money in it for a rainy day. So you can attract wealth. Place it in the eastern side of your home, hiding from prying eyes. Put a large bill in it, which, as the funds accumulate, change to an even larger one. Do it only in a good mood, So that there are light forces next to you that will help you avoid unplanned expenses.
Wealth can be attracted
Wealth can be attracted
  • A wallet that helped you achieve financial well -being should be used in various rites In order to lure money. At the same time, at least a small coin or a bill should always lie in it so that money sticks to money. But if you already have such an “amulet”, then you should not start the second.
  • From the "good" wallet you need to transfer not only money into the new one, but also everything that was in it. Old tickets, notes, receipts - all this also place it in a new wallet, let them lie there for at least a few days.
  • Throw off an old wallet, It is not worth it at all stably attracted. It is better to use for different rites in order to lure money.

Can I give an old wallet?

  • The energy of the wallet is strong enough, so knowledgeable people do not advise giving it to someone and, especially, give the old wallet to children as a toy. If you choose Give or throw it away, it is better to throw it away.
  • You can also not give the old wallet to others, because with it you can convey positive energy, thereby condemning yourself to failures.
  • Personal items (and the wallet refers just to such) at all you can neither give or give it - they carry in themselves too strong energy message.

Why dream of an old wallet?

  • Pay attention to what did the old wallet look like in a dream. If completely decrepit and worn out, then such a dream is a warning that you will be comprehended soon financial difficulties.
  • It will be very difficult to get rid of them, and this will require a long time. Therefore, get ready for life in saving mode.
  • If in a dream you Lost the old wallet Or you stole it, then financial dysfunction can lead to complete bankruptcy. It should be caution with money And invest them in dubious transactions, as well as avoid too large expenses.
To financial losses
To financial losses
  • if you Dreamed a wallet of red or burgundy - This is a good sign, since the shades of red have always talked about financial issues and well -being.
  • By the way, if you are going to buy a new wallet in return for the old, give preference exactly red or burgundy color to increase their well -being.

What can be done from the old wallet with your own hands?

If the wallet has become your friend and assistant, but it is time to part with him, you can not throw away the old wallet, but use one of the following ways:

  1. Make a piggy bank out of it. Put any money remaining from a large purchase there, determining the goal for which you collect them: a new machine, household appliances, vacation, entertainment, etc. No need to keep it in sight so that there are no temptations to take a bill or two from there. Besides, energy Pigsivals are attracted to you and to your house financial flows.
  2. Use a purse for storing various little things. Put it there gi-bolt screws, invisibility, buttons or paper clips. Then you will not look for them throughout the apartment, but you will know exactly where the desired item is.
  3. From the old wallet you can make new. If it is not too dilapidated, you can sheathe it with a new fabric, insert a new castle-abbre, glue it with sparkles, etc. For example, paint it with acrylic paints. If you draw well, come up with pattern yourself, and if you do not feel the artist in yourself, use the prepared stencil taken from the Internet, printing it and circling it along the contour.

    Old-New wallet
    Old-New wallet
  4. Decorate the old wallet with embroidery. Again, the pattern can be invented yourself or use the finished scheme. And if embroidery is not yours, then just glue the picture to the old wallet that you like or something means to you. The wallet will be transformed and will serve you for a long time, helping its updated energy.

We also advise you to read the following signs:

Video: Why can't you throw off an old wallet?

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