To whom and how many candles should be put in the church for Christmas, Easter, Trinity, Baptism, for love, family, for marriage, so that life improves, enemies, before the wedding, travel, operation? How to properly put a candle to the Angel Keeper?

To whom and how many candles should be put in the church for Christmas, Easter, Trinity, Baptism, for love, family, for marriage, so that life improves, enemies, before the wedding, travel, operation? How to properly put a candle to the Angel Keeper?

When you light a candle in the temple, installing it in front of the faces of the Lord, the Mother of God, the guardian angel or holy saints, this should mean that you are a deeply religious person, and feel a piece of divine light in yourself. Without faith and love for God, the candle in front of the icons cannot be ignited in any case.


Only a bright soul and prayer - even the simplest, at least in arbitrary words, but sincere, should accompany this action.

Where and how much to put candles in the church to their offender, enemies, ill -wishers, envious people for forgiveness, what to say, how will it work?

  • Jesus Christ belongs to the words: "Pray for those who offend and drive you". There is such a postulate in Christianity: sincerely forgive all the insults inflicted by enemies. And the candle set for their health will be the best confirmation of your forgiveness and desire, so that only good accompanies it in life. This will instantly facilitate your soul, since from the perfect action you calm down and let go of the situation, and the enemy, as a result of this, will turn to the Lord, and he will not continue to do evil.
  • Having entered the temple, find the icon on which St. Nicholas is depicted, since the most commonly lit candle for the health of the enemy or ill -wisher is put before this face. The candle purchased in the church must be set fire to using for this lamp or already burning in front of an icon candle, And install it in a free place, fixing it so that it does not fall.
  • During the action, a prayer for God is pronounced, in which you should ask the Almighty to resign your enemies all their sinful actions and thoughts. Turning to the saint, ask him beg for God for forgiveness to your enemy. One supposed candle is quite suitable for such an appeal about several enemies, only then all their names should be mentioned in your prayer.
  • A candle is put for the prosperity of your enemies with sincerity and friendliness to them, without a “stone in the bosom”. You should not consider this action a kind of means of combating enemies, but a demonstration of your sincerity and desire to turn the enemy to the Lord God.

There are several customs of lighting a candle for the benefit of your enemies:

  • you can put it for 3 days in a row;
  • it is permissible to light it 3 times every 3 days;
  • every day 3 weeks in a row
  • you can put one candle once.

There are priests and parishioners who claim that it will be most correct to light a candle in 3 churches on the same day. As you understand, there are no clear rules in this case. Therefore, do the way your soul requires.

  • Why is it so believed that bypassing three temples, and leaving in them burning candles in the health of their enemies, this will be the most effective ritual? Most truly believers believe that in prayers committed in 3 temples there is a powerful force that helps people get rid of serious diseases, severe dependence and enemies.
  • They argue that the notes left in 3 temples during the morning service and the candles lit in them in the health of enemies will make a miracle: your most important problems will be solved, as if by themselves, and the enemies will lag behind you.
For offenders
For offenders

Where and how much to put candles in the Church of the Guardian Angel, what to say, how will it work?

  • Everyone has its own guardian angel. Higher forces give him to a person when he is born, and the angel will accompany him all his life and be present at the crucial moment when he comes to go to the afterlife.
  • You can ask for health and intercession, turning to your guardian angel. Naturally, there are no faces of absolutely all people in temples. If necessary, your defender and assistant help you, put a candle in front of the face of the head of the Angelic forces Archangel Michael.
  • He holds a flaming sword in his hand - in this take, you will immediately find this icon. You need to act like this: having set a candle, make a brief prayer to the holy Archangel Michael, and only then turn to your guardian angel. At the same time, do not forget to thank your angel for his tireless concern for you.

Speaking the words of prayer, you should first pronounce this: "The holy angel of God, my keeper, pray to God for me." You can pray with arbitrary words, the main thing is that they go heart.

Where and how much to put candles in the church for love, beloved, for the family, what to say, how will it work?

  • You can put a candle in front of the faces of saints about prosperity in the family. In this case, you may become assistants st. Peter, Fevronia, Konstantin, Elena and Blessed Ksenia St. Petersburg. And the saints Nikolai Wonderworker, Seraphim of Sarov and Blessed Matrona of Moscow They can help not only in family and love affairs - they will hear any of your request. The main thing is that you turn to them for help only in good deeds.
  • If there was a discord between the spouses, or the head of the family intended to leave his family, you need to light a candle and seek a prayer, first of all, before the image of the Mother of God. Saints will also hear your prayer Guri, Samon, Aviva, Blessed Ksenia Petersburg. At the same time, remember and realize your fault in front of your husband/wife, ask for forgiveness and try to make peace.
  • All family discords occur due to incorrect and rash actions by both partners. But someone should have more wisdom to first realize what needs to be put up and take the necessary steps for this.
From Paul
From Paul
  • You will not need any special prayer in the matter of love. Turn to the holy simple words coming from the heart. In this case, you need to light a candle in front of the face of the saint and turn to him by name. For example: "Holy Archangel Gabriel, help ...". Next, you need to formulate your appeal, and at the same time sincerely believe. Jesus Christ said: "Everyone will be rewarded by his faith".

Where and how much to put candles in the church for marriage, what to say?

  • If you get married, this is your most cherished desire in life, then in this case you can address the Lord God directly with prayers. After all, he said: "Make a lot and multiply", and therefore, this is a good thing, and he will help you in it.
  • Equally memorize this prayer to the Lord God for a happy marriage and read it, getting out of bed in the morning and in the evening, about to leave for sleep. In addition, pronounce these words in the temple of the Lord in front of his face, while putting a lighted candle.
To God
To God
  • And your prayers for marriage will hear Virgin Mary, Saints Barbara, Great Martyr Catherine, Blessed Ksenia, St. Trifon, Prince Daniil Moscow. To do this, you need to put a lit candle with a saint you choose from the face of the Mother of God and ask them to give you a worthy narrowed one.
  • One parishioner, a widow with two children in her arms, said that in the temple she repeatedly turned to the Mother of God for help, while putting a lit candle, and then communed; At home, she read the akathist Surroundings. And the Lord for zeal awarded her a good husband.

Where and how much to put candles in the church before the wedding, what to say?

  • The wedding is a very responsible matter, and therefore it is advisable to observe all the rules existing in the church on the eve of this event. After all, the temple is the house of the Lord, and if you entered it, then you want to turn, first of all, to it.
  • If you want to enlist his support in order for the wedding ceremony to go well, and life in the marriage is happy, you should first approach The Cross of the Lord, bow, create a prayer and put a candle.
  • Next, you will need to proceed to ilong of the holiday or day And leave the burning candle also there. Following this, you need to consistently move to the icons on which Jesus Christ and the Blessed Virgin Mary is captured, and also stand up for the main icon of the church, by whose name is the name of the temple.
  • Loose low, cross yourself, light the candles into the glory of each of them, create a prayer and ask for a happy life in marriage. You can read "Our Father" And voice the request in your own words. Do not bypass the relics of the saints: you need to go to cancer, kiss it, bow, cross and light a candle.
  • On a wedding day, the newlyweds should appear in the temple before the service. Before that, starting from midnight, do not eat, do not drink either alcohol or even water; Tabu is also imposed on cigarettes and intimate relationships. In the church, young people should confess, pray and take communion. The bride and groom must hold in his hands on a wedding candle during ritual actions.

Where and how much to put candles in the church for their children, for a newborn, what to say?

  • The Lord God is the top of human destinies, and, therefore, the most powerful prayers are those that are ascended to him. Jesus Christ and the Mother of God in the heavenly hierarchy are the most important after the Lord, and they are the main intercessors in front of Him. Therefore, the prayers spoken to them are very effective.
  • Effective assistance in intercession for children before God can also provide The Holy Trinity, their guardian angels and holy martyrs-Nikolai-Chudorets, Stilian Parfagonsky, Mitrofan Voronezh, John of Kronstadt, Sergius of Radonezhsky and others.
  • Promoting the sacred texts in the church in front of their prayed faces and lighting candles (before one of the icons it is enough to put only one candle on their children), you can achieve an amazing effect, since they contain a huge force.
The words
The words
To Jesus
To Jesus
  • For a newborn, not yet baptized child, you can also raise prayers and put a candle, but then you need to pray simultaneously for both the health of the baby and his mother.
  • Candles can be placed on the same faces that we wrote about above.

Where and how much to put candles in the church, so that life improves, for a good relationship, what to say, how to work?

  • The number of candles that you light in the temple in front of the icons does not play a special role. Heat and one candle will reach God if your prayer is sincere. For the accession of Lada and the world in the family, you should turn, first of all, to God, Jesus Christ and the Mother of God with the words of such a short prayer.
  • You can also ask for saints about the establishment of life and relationships: Archangel Varahil, Archangel Rafail, Ksenia Petersburg, Peter and Fevronia, Joachim and Anna.
For life to get better
For life to get better

Where and how much to put candles in the church for well -being, success, what to say, how will it work?

  • So that in work, business and in general in life you are accompanied by success, you need to offer prayers, first of all, addressed to God, Jesus Christ and the Mother of God. Your guardian angel and other saints patronizing business, work, trade, etc. will also help you. To change the difficult situation for the better, please refer to the prayer to Nikolai the sainty.
  • The most powerful prayer for good luck and success at work is addressed to the Lord God, which is best read in the church near the icon of Jesus Christ. First, put a candle and read a repentant prayer to forgive God for your sins. And only then read the prayer for luck and luck in any business - the main condition is that it be good.
For success
For success

Where and how much to put the candles in the church before the operation, what to say?

  • If a person has surgery, then you need to pronounce the words of prayer addressed to God, the Virgin, the Guardian Angelas well as saints: Nicholas the Presummer, Matrona of Moscow, Luke of Crimeanwho will help you heal and alleviate bodily and mental suffering.
  • Before the operation, you need to pronounce a prayer not only for a sick person, but for the surgeons who will do it. And do not worry about who you will turn to in your prayers, because the saints act as those who transmit your aspirations to the Lord God and pray with you. The most popular prayer is “Our Father” - it is it that is most often read before the operation.
To the Lord
To the Lord

If you choose the Blessed Virgin Mary for the role of your intercessor, then before its image on the eve of the operation you need to put a candle or candle (their number should be odd) and read the prayer of this content.

The Virgin
The Virgin

Next, you need to cross and kiss the bottom of the image three times. If a relative pronounces a prayer, then it is best for him to turn to the Mother of God with the words of prayer "The Virgin Mary, Rejoice ...".

Where and how much to put candles in the church for recovery, what to say?

  • When the operation has already been done, you should read the thanksgiving for the fact that the highest forces helped you - so you will rather recover, and possible relapses will not happen to you.
  • The patient himself reads the prayer, putting one or more candles before the images (odd number).
About health
About health

Where and how much to put candles in the church before traveling, what to say?

  • If you are going on a long journey, going on vacation, leaving for a rest, are going to become a participant in a tourist campaign or you have a difficult road, then you should go to church, put a candle there before the images and pronounce the words of prayer “about traveling”.
In a trip
In a trip
  • With prayers for a person gathered on a journey, you can also contact the Lord God directly.
  • Saints can also act as assistants: Nikolai, Cyril and Maria, the Great Martyr Prokopy, forty martyrs of the Sevastian.

Where and how much to put the candles in the church for a soldier?

  • For a soldier you should pray as often as possible, and in this case your soul will gain calm, and God's patronage will accompany your warrior.
  • It is also necessary to go to the temple in order to put there 3 candles to Jesus Christ, Matron of Moscow and Nicholas the Worker, before the image of which, having overshadowed himself with the Cross, read the words of a brief prayer.
For a soldier
For a soldier
  • The patrons of the military are the image of St. George the Continuous and "saved in power."
  • In addition, their heavenly defenders patronize each family of troops.

The Navy is patronizing-the apostle Andrei the First-Called; Airborne troops-Elijah-Pre-Prok; Special Forces - St. Alexander Nevskiy; Tankers - St. Dmitry Donskoy.

Where and how much to put candles in the church for help?

  • In the temple it is not only possible, but even you need to express your gratitude to God and the patrons for their help. There is no difference in how many candles you put there in their glory-there are no rules in this.
  • If you follow the traditions, then the first candle should be lit by the main icon that protects the Church itself - it is placed on the opposite side of the altar. Your candle will become symbol of faith and voluntary sacrifice For the glory of the Almighty and his temple.

Where and how much to put candles in the church for study?

  • How much you put in the temple at the images of lit candles for successful training - it does not have fundamental importance, since this is rather a donation to the temple. The Lord God, the Blessed Virgin Mary, the saints John of Kronstadt, Sergius of Radonezh will hear your prayers - and it is worth lighting candles with their faces.
  • The most strong prayer will be the words that you uttered in an arbitrary form, but they should be sincere, with faith in the heart - only then they will be heard. You can, for example, say this: “Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God, help me pass the exam, enmity me, instruct me on the true path ...”

Where and how much to put candles in the church for pregnancy?

  • The patroness of a woman who has a child under her heart - herself The Virgin Mary. The ministers of the Church recommend bringing the prayer of the Mother of God and put on a candle in front of all its icons available in the temple, especially at the icon "The holy image of the Blessed Virgin Mary in the childbirth of an assistant."
  • Saints will also help a pregnant woman Ekaterina and Anastasia Pattering. To appeal to the patronesses, it is not necessary to memorize prayer for memory. The best of all prayer words should tell you your heart, and the Almighty will certainly hear them.

In order to bear the child, you should pray and light up the candle in front of the images: gentlemen, the Blessed Virgin Mary and the Saints of the Moscow, Blessed Ksenia of Petersburg, Archangel Gabriel, Alexander Svirsky, Seraphim of Sarov, Joachim and Anna.

Where and how much to put candles in the church on Easter, what to say?

  • If you are ready to light a few candles in the temple of the Lord, then, following the existing canons, you should put the first of them at the icon of the holiday, located opposite the royal gates.
  • The next - at the relics of the saint. Further - for health - at the face of your saint (holy), whose name you are called.
Important words
Important words

Where and how much to put candles in the church on the Trinity, what to say?

  • The Trinity is the day on which the Holy Spirit descended on the apostles (then just 50 days after Jesus Christ was risen). After that, the enlightened apostles began to carry the preaching of the risen Christ into all nations.
  • The celebration of the Trinity is the birthday of the Church, so it is best to hold it in one of the temples, present when reading The gospel, singing of the "cherub" and the Eucharistic canon at the liturgy (from the symbol to "our father"). It is necessary to pray and put a candle on this day in front of the icon of the “holy Trinity”.
On the Trinity
On the Trinity

Where and how much to put candles in the church for Christmas, what to say?

  • Prayers uttered on Christmas are endowed with great power, and those people who most need divine support will certainly receive it.
  • It is necessary to put candles for Christmas before the icons of the Almighty, Jesus Christ, who was born on this day, the Virgin Mary - His Mother, Archangel and Holy Sales. A special prayer of this day is “Our Father”.
  • On Christmas, you can pronounce the words of prayers that help the reign of happiness and prosperity in the family, attract good luck, wealth, good health and everything else that you want to get in this life.
At Christmas
At Christmas

Where and how much to put the candles in the church for baptism, what to say?

  • On the feast of baptism, each person can be cleansed of sinful actions and thoughts. For this purpose, you need to drink sanctified water, if health allows you to plunge into the ice hole and, having visited the church, put on the candle in front of the icon of the Epiphany, as well as faces Gentlemen of Jesus Christ, the Virgin Mary, the guardian angel and holy saints.
  • Not everyone is familiar with special prayers that people familiar with church canons pronounce when the candles are lighting in front of the faces. Therefore, the ministers of the church recommend that the acts say the following words: "Accept, Lord, this sacrifice for your slaves (the name of the one you put)."
  • In the candlestick, light your candle from already burning, strengthen it in an free place, cross yourself twice, apply to the icon, cross yourself again and bow.
On baptism
On baptism

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