Orthodox prayers before eating and after eating

Orthodox prayers before eating and after eating

From this article we will learn what prayers should be read before food and after it, on weekdays, on Easter and in large twelve holidays.

Each Christian adhering to the Orthodox faith is preferably before food and after it read prayers. And what prayers to read before meals, which - after eating? We find out in this article.

What gives Orthodox prayer before and after eating?

To the question of Christians about what prayer gives before eating, the holy elder Serafim Varitsky answered. He said that a person is inclined to think about the need for prayer when he gets sick. And in vain - we need prayer every day. After all, we often do not cook ourselves, but buy ready -made ones. And no one knows how it was prepared. Perhaps the cook or a bakery had a bad mood, he cursed and spoke curses, and all this is transmitted with food to those who ate it. And with a prayer, curses do not work.

After eating, prayer is needed to thank the Lord for the food sent to you.

What Orthodox prayer to read before meals on ordinary days?

Orthodox Christian, every time he sits down to eat before starting a meal, reads prayer "Our Father":

What Orthodox prayer to read for the blessing of food?

If you read the prayer intended before meals, then you need to read another short prayer for the blessing of foodso that the food benefits:

What Orthodox prayer to read for the Christmas of the Blessed Virgin Mary?

On this day, September 21, the mother of Jesus Christ was born - the Blessed Virgin Mary Maria. AT prayer before eating for Christmas of the Blessed Virgin Mary We remember her:

What Orthodox prayer to read to the erection of the honest and life -giving cross of the Lord?

On this day, September 27, the Orthodox Church celebrates the erection of the honest and life -giving cross of the Lord. What does it mean? More than 300 years after the martyrdom of Jesus Christ, with the help of excavations led by Empress Elena, a cross was found on which Christ took death.

AT prayer before eating We recall this fact:

What Orthodox prayer to read for the introduction to the temple of the Blessed Virgin Mary?

On this day, December 4, when the little Mary, the future mother of Christ, was a little over 3 years old, the holy family - the parents of Maria - Joachim and Anna, the first time brought the child to the Jerusalem Temple, and she climbed the steps on her own.

Prayer before eating for the introduction to the temple of the Blessed Virgin Mary:

What Orthodox prayer to read for Christmas?

On January 7, Jesus Christ was born in a new style.

Prayer before eating for Christmas:

What Orthodox prayer to read on the baptism of the Lord?

On this day, January 19, Jesus Christ was baptized in the waters of the Jordan River. Baptism was produced over the 30-year-old Christ, John, later named the Baptist.

Prayer before eating the baptism of the Lord:

What Orthodox prayer to read for the Retia of the Lord?

According to the law of that time, the parents had to bring their provers on the 40th day after birth to church in order to devote them to God. Joseph and Maria brought their baby from Bethlehem to the Jerusalem Temple. In addition to the child, it was necessary to make a sacrifice, which became 2 pigeons. Here, in the temple, the elder Simeon, who was 300 years old, told his parents to his future fate.

Prayer before eating for the meeting of the Lord, February 15:

What Orthodox prayer to read for the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary?

On this day, April 7, Virgin Mary learned from the Archangel Gabriel that she would give birth to Jesus Christ.

Prayer before eating for the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary:

What Orthodox prayer to read in the last resurrection before Easter?

Jesus Christ in a donkey enters Jerusalem, the Jewish people rejoice at Him, strewn the road with palm branches. In the northern latitudes, it is customary to sanctify the Verba on this day, so the holiday is also called Palm Sunday.

Prayer before eating in the last resurrection before Easter (entrance of the Lord to Jerusalem):

What Orthodox prayer to read on Easter?

According to church custom, on Saturday evening, Orthodox people go to the temple, taking with them the Easter cakes baked during the day, painted eggs, and other festive food to devote. Easter service lasts all night. In the morning, the Orthodox are heavenful to eat home to eat at home after a long post. Sitting at the table, Christians recall the Easter evening that Christ himself visited 1 day before his death, and ask him to bless food.

Prayer before eating for Easter with Easter cakes and an abundance of another eating:

And if you don’t have money to set the festive table, modest food, the one that you have, you also need to devote to the church, and then read the prayer at home.

Prayer before eating for Easter, if the meal is scarce:

What Orthodox prayer to read for the ascension of the Lord?

For 39 days, Jesus, who was resurrected after martyrdom, was among people, and ascended to heaven on the fortieth day.

Prayer before meals, on Thursday, on the 40th day after Easter, for the Ascension of the Lord:

What Orthodox prayer to read on the day of the Holy Trinity?

The Holy Spirit appeared to the apostles, and they began to understand, and speak different languages. Christ ascended to heaven became the Son of God. God in the form of the Trinity: Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

Prayer before meals on the 50th day after Easter, on the day of the Holy Trinity:

What Orthodox prayer to read to the Transfiguration of the Lord?

On August 19, the Orthodox Church celebrates the transformation of the Lord. The holiday is established in honor of the event of the transformation of Jesus Christ in the Holy Spirit. The disciples of Christ saw this when he prayed on the mountain.

Prayer before eating for the transformation of the Lord:

What Orthodox prayer to read to the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary?

On August 28, the Blessed Virgin Mary Maria died.

Prayer before eating for the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary:

What Orthodox prayer to read after eating?

If we go to church, then we are used to asking God for anything: health, prosperity, a happy life. And to thank for what the Lord gives us we forget. But a true Christian should every time he gets up, having eaten from the table, to thank God.

And you need to read a small prayer after eating:

So, now we know what prayers should be read before and after eating, on weekdays, and on big holidays.

Video: How to pray before meals if people are unbelievers nearby?

We advise you to read about religious holidays:

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