When you can twist the hoop after cesarean section: recommendations of doctors

When you can twist the hoop after cesarean section: recommendations of doctors

From this article you will learn who you can, how to correctly twist the hoop after a cesarean section, and who cannot.

Often, after childbirth, women are unhappy with their figure, and want to quickly restore their former form. For this purpose, they use a hoop. But what if you have childbirth with a cesarean section? Is it possible to twist the hoop right away? How much do you need to wait? And is it possible to twist the hoop after this operation? We find out in this article.

When can you start twisting a hoop after a cesarean section?

Immediately after discharge home from the hospital after childbirth, and even more so after cesarean section, no physical exercises can load yourself. And that's why:

  • It is strictly forbidden to engage in any physical exertion until there are postpartum discharge. After surgery, they extend longer than during natural birth - close to 10 weeks.
  • The outer seam, which remained after the cesarean section, heals after 2 weeks, but the internal, on the uterus - is close to 1 year.
  • The muscles and the press after pregnancy, and then the operations, are stretched, cut and painful, and while they are restored, the hoop cannot be twisted.
  • The ligaments supporting the uterus during pregnancy were stretched. It takes several months to reduce the uterus. And if you begin to twist the hoop before the uterus recovers, the muscles may not be completely reduced, and there will be prolapse of the internal organs.
  • 2 months after the operation We begin with small physical exertion, such as walking, swimming, aerobics, the simplest tasks from postpartum gymnastics.
  • About 2 months It is necessary to refrain from serious loads until the uterus is reduced, and will take its former place, which was before pregnancy and childbirth.
  • 4 months after the cesarean section You can begin to engage in postpartum gymnastics to help better to strengthen corset muscles.
  • Six months after Cesarean section, and consultations of the attending physician of the gynecologist, you can twist the hoop. You need to start classes gradually, not for long, while listening to your feelings, if you feel that you are tired, rest, if you are full of strength - do it.

Attention. If you began to load yourself with physical exercises early, and the uterus has not yet managed to be reduced, then you risk getting a minimum - a sagging belly, the maximum is inflammation of the internal organs, especially the uterus.

The simplest postpartum exercises before turning the hoop

The simplest postpartum exercises before turning the hoop, which can be done 2 months after Cesarean section:

  1. Vacuum in the stomach. Lying on the stomach, bend our legs at the knees, hands straight, make a powerful exhalation, but without sudden movements, as if trying to drive out all the air out of the lungs, while drawing out the stomach, and hold it for 5-10 seconds. Repeat 10-15 times.
  2. We stand on all fours We make a deep breath, and on exhalation we strain the muscles of the abdomen.
  3. We slip our feet. We lie down on your back, bend our knees, strain the press, glide on the floor, then one or the other foot.
  4. Exercise "Bicycle". Lying on your back, lift our legs up, bend them at the knees, make movements of our legs, as if we were driving on a bicycle.
The simplest exercises before turning the hoop
Simple postpartum exercises
Exercises after childbirth and cesarean section

How to twist the hoop after a cesarean section?

So that physical exercises by Hulahup benefit, you need to know some rules.How to twist the hoop after a cesarean section :

  • Before you turn the hoop, you need to do breathing gymnastics
  • You need to twist the hoop on an empty stomach or 2 hours after eating
  • At first, do an exercise for 1-2 minutes, you can gradually reach half an hour
  • Move smoothly, sharply impossible, otherwise you can damage the skin

Attention. In order to quickly restore the previous form after cesarean section, you need to twist the hoop together with running, gymnastics, strengthening the press, and diet.

Who can not twist the hoop after a cesarean section?

Not all women after cesarean section, even after 6 months, can twist the hoop. Who can't?

  • If there are postpartum complications, such as inflammation or cyst of appendages, uterine fibroids
  • Acute diseases of the stomach, intestines, kidneys, liver increase
  • Urolithiasis in acute form
  • Umbilical hernia
  • Diseases associated with the spine: intervertebral hernia, curvature of the spine, vertebral loss, pinched nerve
  • Hypertension
  • Damage or rash on the skin of the waist, hips
  • New pregnancy

Attention. You can not twist the hoop with menstruation.

How to choose a hoop to lose weight after a cesarean section?

Now many different hoops are sold, both in diameter and gravity. And what kind of hoop is needed to lose extra pounds after a cesarean section, and not harm your health? Choose a hoop according to the following criteria:

  • By diameter, select a hoop of no more than 1 m, if you attach a hoop to yourself, in height it can be between the navel and the sternum
  • We choose the weight of the hoop so that there is no more than 1 kg, otherwise you are provided with bruises on your sides
  • Choose wide and smooth, without different weighting, aluminum or plastic hoop

How much time to twist the hoop after a cesarean section?

To strengthen your body, and not harm it, it is very important how much time to twist the hoop. Doctors advise:

  • The first day is desirable to twist the hoop 1-2 minutes
  • In the following days add 1 minute
  • Subsequently, you can twist the hoop for no more than 30 minutes
  • At any minute, if you feel pain in the internal organs, bursting out the abdomen or raising temperature, you must immediately stop twist the hoop

Attention. You need to twist the hoop in both directions, otherwise weight loss can be uneven.

So, you can twist the hoop after a cesarean section no earlier than six months later, but it may not bring the expected results, it is advisable to add another diet, and other physical exercises.

Video: How to twist the hoop after childbirth?

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