When is the name day of Vladislav on the church Orthodox calendar? Day of the name day Vladislav for church calendar: Dates by month

When is the name day of Vladislav on the church Orthodox calendar? Day of the name day Vladislav for church calendar: Dates by month

The name day of Vladislav is celebrated once a year.

Vladislav is a Slavic name that means "Lord of Glory." In Rus', this name had a form that differs slightly from the modern one - this is “Volodislav”. For translation, this name used to be divided into two words “own” and “praise”. All men, owners of this name, celebrate name day only once a year.

Nameday Vladislav
Nameday Vladislav

Nameday Vladislav in January

This month, saints with that name were not born

Nameday Vladislav in February

This month, saints with that name were not born

Nameday Vladislav in March

This month, saints with that name were not born

Nameday Vladislav in April

This month, saints with that name were not born

Nameday Vladislav in May

This month, saints with that name were not born

Nameday Vladislav in June

This month, saints with that name were not born

Nameday Vladislav in July

This month, saints with that name were not born

Nameday Vladislav in August

This month, saints with that name were not born

Nameday Vladislav in September

This month, saints with that name were not born

Nameday Vladislav in October

7.10 - The day of the memory of Prince Vladislav Serbsky. This is the only day of the year when all Vladislavs celebrate Angel Day.

Nameday Vladislav in November

This month, saints with that name were not born

Nameday Vladislav in December

This month, saints with that name were not born

Merry and generous Vladislav lives in life in life. If your son was born in October, September or November, then he can be called Vladislav. It was previously believed that children should be called the names of saints whose birthdays or memory are near the birth of a person. Thanks to this, a person will be happy and will live a decent life.

Video: Value name Vladislav

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