When the Decembrist blooms: what are the signs and superstitions for home, people? The value of the Decembrist flower

When the Decembrist blooms: what are the signs and superstitions for home, people? The value of the Decembrist flower

Signs related to the flowering of the Decembrist.

The Decembrist is sometimes called a "housing" because of the legendary story associated with its flowering. According to this legend, women who have grown the Decembrist in their homes noticed that he blooms during the absence of men in the family. This led to the emergence of the belief that the Decembrist is able to “lead” men from home, and therefore they began to call him a “housing”.

The value of the Decembrist flower

The flowering of the Decembrist in the cold season, especially in December, can symbolize the strength and beauty, which may flourish even in difficult conditions. This can be a symbol of hope and optimism in the person of difficulties.

The value of the Decembrist flower:

  • The Decembrists are known for their longevity and the ability to prosper for many years. In this context, the Decembrist flower is associated with life expectancy and well -being.
  • The Decembrist flower is associated with love and affection. It can serve as a symbol of delicate feelings, compassion and concern for loved ones.
  • The flowering of the Decembrist is associated with hope and revival. When the plant blooms, it gives a new life and beauty, which can symbolize new opportunities and the beginning in our own life.

When does the Decembrist bloom at home? 

The plant usually blooms at the end of winter or spring. In conditions of room temperature, flowering can occur at any time of the year, but the most common flowering time is January-March. It is important to note that the exact time of flowering can vary depending on the growing conditions, including lighting, temperature, humidity and other factors. 

Sign when the Decembrist blooms 

The Decembrist usually blooms in winter, most often in December, hence its name comes from. In some cases, flowering may begin in November and continue in January. 

As for the signs associated with the flowering of the Decembrist, there are various beliefs and traditions: 

  • Some believe that the flowering of the Decembrist will bring luck and prosperity to the house, others consider it a symbol of harmony and happiness. 
  • One of the signs is associated with the number of flowers on the plant: it is believed that the more colors will be blossomed on the Decembrist, the happier and more successfully the next year for its owner. 

When the Decembrist blooms, what signs? 

The Decembrist usually blooms in the winter, most often in December or January. Some plants can begin flowering in November. 

There are several signs and beliefs associated with the flowering of the Decembrist: 

  • This is considered a sign of future prosperity and good luck. Therefore, many people believe, if there are a lot of flowers, then this portends good events and successes next year. 
  • It is believed that the Decembrist is able to attract prosperity and happiness in family relations. If the Decembrist blooms for Christmas or New Year, this can symbolize harmony and love in the family. But this sign works only if the plant is in the family of spouses. If the culture grows in the house of a single woman, then it is advisable to get rid of it. According to folk signs and beliefs, it is believed that the plant drives out love. 
  • The flowering of the Decembrist in the winter is associated with revival and new undertakings. This is a sign of opportunities for personal growth and development in the coming year. 
  • The flowers that manifested themselves on the plant are considered the harbingers of the festive mood and joy. When the plant begins to bloom, this can symbolize the onset of festive time and the approach of the New Year and Christmas holidays. 
  • There is a belief that the flowering of the Decembrist can predict weather conditions. For example, if flowering begins earlier than usual, this may indicate a softer and warm winter. 
  • If the color on the stems appears during illness or troubles in the family, this can be interpreted as a sign of soon recovery or overcoming difficulties. 
  • The Decembrist, as a plant that can bloom for many years, is often associated with longevity. Many people believe if the Decembrist flourishes and grows well, this can bring a long and healthy life to its owner. 

What does it mean if the Decembrist has bloomed at the wrong time? 

The flowering of the Decembrist at a certain time can predict the future of the event: 

  • If the Decembrist blooms on time, for example, in December, this is considered a sign of harmony and well -being in the family, which will remain in the future. 
  • If flowering occurs for the New Year or in January, this can portend luck, happiness and profit for family members next year. 
  • If flowering occurs in October, this may mean receiving a profit or inheritance. 
  • In the case of flowering in November, the family can expect pleasant and profitable acquaintances. 
  • Early flowering may indicate a wedding if someone in the family is preparing for marriage, or for the upcoming replenishment of the family. 

Later, flowering can have the following values: 

  • In February-March there may be a period of difficulties, meetings with unpleasant people and worries; 
  • In April, financial difficulties are possible; 
  • In May, problems, quarrels, diseases and financial difficulties may arise; 
  • In June, there is a number of difficulties to overcome. 

The Decembrist blooms in April: Cead 

This plant is considered a kind of catalyst, which is associated with its origin. The thing is that for our latitudes this is not a completely standard culture. It belongs to the genus of cacti, therefore it is considered quite exotic for our latitudes. 

There are signs associated with the flowering of the Decembrist in April: 

  • If the Decembrist blooms in April, this can be interpreted as a warning about possible financial difficulties or instability in the near future. This may indicate the need for careful attention to financial aspects and budget. 
  • The flowering of the Decembrist in April is associated with possible problems, quarrels or conflicts in the family or personal life. This can be a warning about the need to pay attention to the relationship and find ways to resolve possible conflicts. 

The Decembrist blooms in May: sign 

A lot of beliefs and signs are connected with the Decembrist. For example, some believe that if in the spring the plant forms many new leaves, this may indicate a disease in the family. It is also believed that thorough Christmas care during a disease of loved ones will help them recover. 

Decembrist flowering in May: 

  • The condition of the plant can reflect the atmosphere in the family: a bright pink, strong and magnificent flower symbolizes harmony, while a weak and sluggish flower may indicate the presence of scandals, negativity and discontent in the house. 
  • Signs also connect the wilting of a flower with the evil intentions of visitors. If the flower fades after the visit of a certain person, this may be a sign that he envies your family or wishes her evil. 
  • If the flower dies, despite the correct care, this is considered one of the most alarming signs that foresee the death of one of the family members. 

Decembrist blooms in June: omen 

June is an exception to the rules. No wonder the plant received such a name. Absolutely normal if it blooms in winter. However, any culture is very sensitive to the environment and conditions of content. Therefore, a too cool room or excess of moisture can significantly accelerate or lay flowering. 

The flowering of the Decembrist in June is associated with certain signs: 

  • Flowering in June may also indicate a period of instability and changes in family life or internal environment. This may mean the presence of changes that are caused by both internal factors and external circumstances. 
  • Flowering in the summer can be associated with possible difficulties or tension in relations in the family or in a close environment. This may indicate the need to pay attention to communication, and work on improving relationships. 
  • The flowering of the Decembrist can symbolize the upcoming changes or shifts in the life of the family or its individual members. This may be due to new opportunities, growth or changes in the professional or personal sphere. 
  • The flowering of the Decembrist in summer can be considered as a symbol of resistance and perseverance. This is a reminder of the importance of patience, hard work and overcoming difficulties to achieve the desired results. 

The Decembrist bloomed the second time: signs

The flowering of the Decembrist is a second time - this is not entirely usually, since the plant blooms once a year. But in fact, flower growers, who are experts in the cultivation of this plant, consider this practice quite ordinary. This plant is quite persistent, so it can bloom almost the whole year without stopping. The main thing is to take care of it correctly, prevent the soil from waterlogging and spraying the leaves. 

The Decembrist bloomed a second time, signs:

  • The second flowering of the Decembrist can be considered a sign of additional luck and happiness that will come to your life. This may indicate that you are destined to get additional opportunities or successes.
  • Repeated flowering can symbolize the strengthening of relations in the family or between partners. This is a sign of harmony, love and happiness in relationships.
  • The second flowering can be considered as a symbol of spiritual growth and awakening. This may indicate that you are in the way of self -awareness, development and internal growth.
  • This is a favorable health sign and may indicate strengthening the immune system, recovery after illness or general improvement of health.

How to grow a Decembrist to attract good luck?

Decembrist, or chill, is a plant of a cactus family that will become an attractive element of decor in a house or office. Here are a few recommendations for growing the Decembrist, which will help create a favorable atmosphere and attract happiness: 

  • Place the Decembrist in a bright place, but avoid direct sunlight, especially in the period of strong heat. The optimal place will be a window with an eastern or western exposure. 
  • The Decembrist needs regular watering, but avoid pouring the soil. During the period of active growth (spring and summer), water the plant when the upper soil layer dries slightly. During the rest (autumn and winter), water less often so that the plant can rest. 
  • The Decembrist likes high humidity. Regularly spray the foliage with water, especially in hot periods or in dry rooms with central heating. 
  • The Decembrist prefers moderate temperatures. The optimum temperature for its growth is about 20-25 ° C during the day and 15-18 ° C at night. Avoid sharp temperature differences and cold drafts. 
  • Regularly fertilize the Decembrist during active growth. Use fertilizers for cacti or universal fertilizer with low nitrogen. Follow the packaging instructions for the correct dosing. 
  • Plant the Decembrist every 2-3 years in the ground for cacti with good drainage ability. When transplanting, pay attention to the condition of the roots and remove the damaged or rotten parts. 

Read on the topic:

In the east, the Decembrist is associated with family happiness and well -being. Think about the Decembrist as a symbol of happiness and success. 

Video: Decembrist blooms, signs

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