What does a big, small, dark, light mole in the palm of your hand mean?

What does a big, small, dark, light mole in the palm of your hand mean?

The meaning of moles in the center of the palm, on the edge, wrist.

Moles- this is The marks that are available on the body of all people. However, not everyone knows what they mean, and try to give them a sacred meaning. One of the unusual and special options are moles on the palms, since in this place they appear extremely rarely. In this article we will tell you what you meannevovs In such unusual places. 

What does a mole in the palm of your hand mean?

It has long been given great attention to nevus, and they believed that they predetermine human karma, having a very strong influence on it.

What does a mole in the palm of your hand mean:

  • On the palms, moles appear extremely rarely, usually they are flat, have both light and dark color. Testify to the variable character, a very unusual nature that is difficult to converge with people.
  • Sometimes it is difficult for such people to find a common language at work, or even among the family. Despite this, they achieve great success in work and career, thanks to their determination. 
  • Moles arise and disappear suddenly,moreover, They can grow or, conversely, decrease in size. It is believed that if a mole suddenly disappeared in the palm of your hand, then you will lose something, perhaps good or bad.

The meaning of moles in the palm of your hand: influence on the character

In most cases, owners of moles on their arm, these are very impulsive, truthful, frank, sometimes very arrogant.

The meaning of moles in the palm of your hand:

  • It is this that prevents normal communication with other people, often they are considered ashands.
  • Therefore, such people have few friends, but only those who can evaluate their abilities and talent.
  • It is worth noting that these are people who in any situation go to the goal, they are not stopped by difficulties.
  • They are able to overcome obstacles, and fight for their own success, wealth and love. 

Mole on the right palm of a woman: meaning

If the mole is on the right hand, this may indicate the following.

A mole on the right palm of a woman, meaning:

  • If a woman has it, then, most likely, life will turn out positively.
  • A woman will marry love, but for a fairly influential, successful person, so she will live absolutely comfortable, soul to soul.
  • Before marriage, life is quite saturated with events that depend on the woman herself.

Mole in a man's right palm

A man with a mole on his right hand is very directed, hardworking, while lucky. In general, people who havenevus On the right palm, they are lucky, favorites of fate.

A mole on the right palm of the man:

  • If a mole is in the center of the palm of a man, he will open his own business, which will become quite successful and will be able to enrich it.
  • This does not mean that the money will arise out of the blue, you will have to work, but they have much less falls than other people.
  • There are practically no failures and disappointments in the financial sector.
  • Almost everything that people with a mole on the right hand take, it turns out quite successfully, with an improvement in the financial and financial situation. 

Mole on the left palm, meaning

Unlike the right hand, a mole on the left palm, does not carry anything good to its owner. This may indicate heavy karma, perhaps one of the ancestors made serious mistakes and did a lot of troubles and troubles, other people.

Mole on the left palm, meaning:

  • In addition, people who have a light speck on the left palm are very scandalous, have a sharp tongue. You can call them lucky, they always find themselves in the right place, but often lose their wealth due to squabbles, scandals, and a showdown.
  • If these people were silent more, they would achieve success in the financial sphere and love. Typically, owners of the mole in the left hand come married or marry in adulthood.
  • At a younger age, people gain experience, which is most often negative with the opposite sex. A lot of scandals, partings, and intrigues around these people at a young age.
  • By the age of 30, experience and mind are gradually gaining, become less conflicting, and tolerant in relation to the opposite sex. Perhaps the last marriage, which is concluded in adulthood, will be happy.
  • Often, a mole on the left palm has sorcerers. Perhaps one of the ancestors was an esoteric, a magician. Therefore, if there is a desire to comprehend occultism, it may make sense of it in realization. 

Mole on the back of the palm: meaning

If the nevus is on the back of the palm or wrist, then this portends a slight fate, a successful life. Such people usually very quickly master new classes, early acquire work skills.

Mole on the back of the palm, meaning:

  • In this regard, they are appreciated in production, as they become indispensable employees. In most cases, moles on the back and on the wrist are often among magicians, illusionists.
  • They very skillfully own their hands, fingers and make many interesting, unusual tricks, which most people do not even know about.
  • Perhaps you have hidden abilities if you have a mole on the wrist or on the back of the palm. Of great importance is the location of the mole, and its color. 

What does dark, bright, small, big mole in the palm of your hand mean?

Bright moles speak of pleasant events that will occur in the near future. Typically, light moles occur on the eve of weddings, pregnancy, obtaining a large amount of money or inheritance. They portend the long -awaited events and success.

What does dark, bright, small, large mole in the palm of your hand mean:

  • Usually after the onset of an important date,nevovs quickly disappear on their own. If the moles are red, this indicates danger, and warns a person, you need to be careful.
  • It is necessary to fear suspicious transport companies, especially if you are going on a trip or long -awaited vacation. In no case do not fly on charters with an unconfirmed reputation, as you risk getting into a plane crash. In addition, devote more time at work to work safety, do not break it.
  • This is fraught with a deterioration in health. If the moles are dark, it promises wealth, success and improvement of the material, financial situation. The darker the mole, the better. A lot can tell about people and formnevus. If they are round, this is a good sign.
  • A person has a positive, even, and friendly character, tries to avoid conflicts, always compromises. If a mole in the form of a crescent, then this indicates an extreme character of the owner.
  • Such people usually do not imagine their lives without entertainment, extreme sports and investments. They are able to earn a lot of money on bets, exchanges, selling shares. But in the same way they are able to quickly lose the amount of money received.
  • If the mole is very dark, in the form of a crescent, then such people are most oftentranslijers, money comes to them very quickly, but spend the same speed. Such people, of course, will not become bankrupt, but they are not able to accumulate great wealth because of their waste. 

The nevus that recently appeared, and suddenly began to grow quickly, very often evaluated as a warning, and the possibility of fate to protect from troubles.

Video: Mole in the palm of your hand

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