How to sew a military cap by May 9 for a child and adults with your own hands: a pattern, a master class

How to sew a military cap by May 9 for a child and adults with your own hands: a pattern, a master class

This article describes a process that allows you to quickly and simply sew a military cap. The pattern is very simple, and even a novice craftswoman can create such a product.

The celebration of May 9 is gaining an increasing scope every year. Adults dress in elegant clothes, and children are in military uniform. In this form, we go to the parade, rejoicing for the victory of our compatriots, grandfathers, great -grandfathers during the Great Patriotic War.

  • If we all have elegant clothes in the wardrobe, then we have to buy a military suit and cap.
  • But you can do without a suit, and put on a baby just any trousers and a white shirt, and a military cap can be sewn with your own hands.
  • Everything is very simple, see for yourself. Patterns and a master class in our article will help you sew a soldier’s headdress in just 1 hour. So, we are starting.

Military pattern of a military cap by May 9 for a child and an adult with your own hands

First prepare a few sheets of A4 format. If possible, it is better to print the pattern on the printer. If this is not possible, then just draw it on the sheets and cut it off.

You will also need the following materials:

  • Surfect of the color of the "khaki"
  • Scissors
  • Needles, pins and threads in the tone of the material

Here is a pattern with real dimensions for the child. If you sew a cap for an adult, then make an allowance of 1-15 cm for seams, otherwise it will be small for you.

Military pilot pattern
Military pilot pattern
Military pilot pattern
Military pilot pattern
Military pilot pattern
Military pilot pattern

Cut each part of paper, and then you need to transfer the pattern to the fabric. To do this, spread the fabric on the table and pin the pattern to the material with pins. Cut the details again, but from the fabric.

Remember: If the cap is intended for an adult, then add another 1-1.5 cm on each side to the seams and to add size, otherwise the headdress will be small. This pattern of caps for a child is 5-15 years old.

Cut each part of fabric
Cut each part of fabric

Important: The number of parts that should be made of fabric is indicated on each individual paper element. As a result, you should get 7 blanks made of fabric.

Place the wrong side in advance on each details so that you do not confuse during work. You can do this with a chalk.

Place the wrong side on the details of the future cap of military
Place the wrong side on the details of the future cap of military

Now proceed to sewing. Below is a detailed instruction for the work.

How to sew a military cap by May 9 for a child and adults with your own hands: Master class

So, you are already ready to be cut out from fabric. Now follow the following:

Attach the parts and skate with a pin
Attach the parts and skate with a pin
  • Close parts No. 2 and No. 3 with a pin exactly in the middle. The front side of one part should be turned to the face of another detail, that is, we will sew in the wrong side.
Scot the details with pins
Scot the details with pins
  • Now tick up with pins around the perimeter of the parts to make it easier to sew.
  • Then stitch the edges on both sides. In the center of the third part, make the seam, stitching from the inside and retreating no more than 1 mm. This is necessary so that the top of the cap is in place and not exhibited. The wrong side of the first sewn parts will look like this:
Stitch the details and make a seam in the middle
Stitch the details and make a seam in the middle
  • Turn the stitched details on the front side and see what happened.
Turn the stitched blanks on the front side
Turn the stitched blanks on the front side
  • Turn the cap again inside out and stitch the side seams. Turn the resulting workpiece on the front side. Also, steal all the upper seams on the front side well. This is what should happen.
Moving the seams
Moving the seams
  • We still have 4 details No. 1, which we cut out the very first. Fold 2 of them with the face to the face, and go on the sides.
  • Sew the other two details, and defeat the seams in the obtained blanks, pushing over in different directions.
Sew four details, straighten and reward the seams
Sew four details, straighten and reward the seams
  • In the next step, insert these two blanks into each other. The front side should be inside.
Insert the blanks into each other
Insert the blanks into each other
  • After that, go on top in a circle. The outer part of the cap should already be obtained. Turn out the stitched details on the front side.
Go on top and turn the workpiece on the front side
Go on top and turn the workpiece on the front side
  • Hard the seams with a hot iron and go the top with a finishing line. Another part of the cap is ready.
Moving the seams
Moving the seams
  • Turn the top of the cap inside out and put it inside the lower part. Fix both parts with pins and go along the lower edge.
Connect all the details and go along the lower edge
Connect all the details and go along the lower edge
  • When you turn it out, the seam should remain inside the lapel. If you did it differently, then you put it wrong. Return to one step and check what the error was made in.
  • Despite the fact that the seam will be inside, it still needs to be set manually or on a typewriter.
Process the seams
Process the seams
  • So that the wrong side does not interfere with wearing, do not create discomfort, did not stick out, fix it with a line.
Cut all the threads that stick out, and rewrite the cap again
Cut all the threads that stick out, and rewrite the cap again
  • It remains to cut off all the extra threads that can stick out, as well as iron the cap, and you can wear it.
The result was a real military cap
The result was a real military cap

It turned out a product that cannot be distinguished from the factory. The cap will look beautiful and neat on the head of a child or an adult. Sew it yourself and go to the Victory Parade - May 9.

Video: with your own hands. Master Class.

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Comments K. article

  1. “Turn the top of the cap inside out and put it inside the lower part. Fix both parts with pins and go along the lower edge. ”
    I don’t understand one: how can I connect the edge 27 (minus 1 cm per seams) and the edge 22 (minus 1 cm per seam). I have 26 C 21 do not match. But she has already cut out and reached this stage. Maybe in the drawing error with size? Or have you sewn up extra centimeters?

  2. Did you do everything right, put one part in another? If the inside is to make the same size the same as the outer, then it will not invest, it will click. When you flash everything will be in its place.

  3. At the last stage, the details did not come together. 😔

  4. How can a 5 -year -old child come in terms of 44 cm in volume ??? I'm not talking about 15 years old ...

  5. Good afternoon. Cardboard boxes with a seal to order, with your design, small circulations/small quantities.

  6. I sewed with my son (2.5g) in such sizes, we have 48 head, I made the pattern one by 50 cm, those lower blanks are 25 cm long (the details are 2 pcs), and I tried the second one (both sitting well) the details of which 4 pcs is also the bottom 25 cm, and the top of the pilot (measured on the workpiece that 2 parts there are 20 cm above, I added 1.5 cm) everything turned out, the size is normal, it does not fall off my head. The cap should not be pulled like a hat,

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