How to sew a baptismal shirt on a boy? How to sew a baptismal shirt for a girl? Examples of finished products for children

How to sew a baptismal shirt on a boy? How to sew a baptismal shirt for a girl? Examples of finished products for children

This article will talk about how you can sew a baptismal shirt for a child (boy, girl) with your own hands. See examples of patterns, master class on sewing products.

In each family, the birth of a baby is the most significant event, and mom and dad decide on their own when to introduce the baby to the sacred secret of spiritual birth (baptism). For this event, you should prepare not only morally, but also find suitable outfits not only for yourself, but also for the child.

But it is better to come up with baptismal clothes that mothers or grandmothers sew with their own hands. The baptismal shirts themselves are comfortable and beautiful products, they have great value, because they are made by their mother’s hands, they put their souls, tenderness in their work, which gracefully affects the baby. Such a thing can be a talisman for a boy or girl.

How to sew a baptismal shirt on a boy?

If you are going to baptize the baby, then you must be prepared for the process in advance. Many young parents do not know what is needed for baptism. To do this, just go to the priest, where you will be given a special memo. It is information that Kryzhma is simply necessary for the rite. It is a pity that they do not always indicate that the baptismal shirt is also needed for the child. After all, this wardrobe item means a lot. And a pretty convenient thing for kids. If you decide to sew an outfit yourself, then follow the further instructions.

It is important to choose a convenient style for the baby, the quality of the fabric should also be good. The color of the product is most often white or dairy - this is a kind of image of the purity of the soul. After the child is dipped in the water, put on a shirt or roof, what to choose from this, decide to parents. Now let's look at how to sew a baptismal shirt to the boy.

For the process it is necessary:

  • Material-preferably white calico is certified to suit children for sewing clothes, without any impurities.
  • White threads, special paper for building a pattern of patterns, scissors.
  • Sewing machine, ruler, pencil, centimeter ribbon.
  • Lace for finishing, slanting.

IMPORTANT: If you sew a thing for a baby from two to six months, then the dimensions will look as follows: og chest girth-52 centimeters, height 62-65 centimeters. See the pattern of the shirt below in the article. There is a scheme with allowances for free fit.

You can measure your baby, and build the simplest scheme for a baptismal shirt to the boy.

baptismal shirt for a child

Building a pattern:

  • Start the drawing from the sleeve, to build it, you will need to measure the half-sewing of your hand, add another 6-8 centimeters to free fit. You also need to measure the length of the sleeve and set aside on the diagram.
  • Build in the middle of the back and shelf pattern. To do this, measure the half -cake of the baby’s chest and add about 10 centimeters to the standards, or more.
  • Sleeves from the inside make a smooth curve.
  • It remains to draw the line of the neck for the shirt. In the middle of the gear, put to the right and left of the middle point of the shirt, equal to 1/4 of the neck of the neck +2 centimeters in the same direction. Make a smooth arc, as in the image above.
  • When the circuit is built, carefully cut it with scissors on paper. For convincing that the pattern is true, you can estimate it to the baby.
  • Now fold the material in half along the upper line. On top, lay out the scheme on paper so that two cut details are obtained and they do not cut off the shoulders and sleeves.
  • Leave the seams on allowances, circle the part of the cut with chalk on the fabric.
  • Make sure that everything has done correctly, and cut the finished scheme with scissors.

IMPORTANT: The neck should be adjusted independently, sometimes instead of adding 2 centimeters on each side, you have to add 0.5. So the neck is not voluminous and does not fall from the shoulders of the crumbs. You can adjust the length of the product yourself, they say that the longer the baptismal shirt, the better.

Lace shirt, how to sew?
Lace shirt, how to sew?

Sewing products:

  1. When the scheme is transferred to the material, you can start sewing a shirt. Start with the side seams, sew them with an ordinary line. For convenience, you can pin the fabric with pins so that it does not lift up and does not move.
  2. Chines, batist - material that tends to break off. Therefore, you will have to pass the seams with an overlock or a zigzag on a regular typewriter.
  3. Process the sleeves of the baptismal shirt, or rather make a double hem, somewhere by 0.5-1 centimeter and reward this place, fix it with pins, and go with a simple line close to the edge of the bend.
  4. Now give the bottom of the shirt. For this, too, turn the fabric twice centimeters by 0.5-1. Moving the bottom with an iron. After stitch the hem.
  5. It remains to process the upper part of the shirt. For this you need a box. It is attached to the edge of the neck with tailor pins, ironed with an iron.
  6. And then they make a line smoothly and beautifully so that there are no flaws.

When the main works are completed, you can start finishing. As a decor, you can use lace, ribbons and embroidery with various techniques.

Examples of ready -made models for a boy

A shirt for a boy
A shirt for a boy
Shirt with lace inserts
Shirt with lace inserts
Shirt for a boy with ribbons
Shirt for a boy with ribbons
Long shirt to the boy with embroidery
Long shirt to the boy with embroidery

How to sew a baptismal shirt for a girl?

For girls, shirts can differ only in a large number of different finishes, ruffles, frills, etc. If you want to sew the right baptismal shirt, then sew it long, for longevity and decorate the hem of the product with lace, guipure, embroidery. So life will be complete. Baptist shirts are allowed to be inherited, they are often family symbols of good luck and a talisman for children.

Baptist shirt for a girl - pattern pattern

Build a diagram, which is not difficult in the figure. This is a pattern for a trapezoid, you can determine the splendor of the product yourself by adjusting the width of the bottom of the part. On top you can make a coquet if you cut off the parts of the gear along the line of the chest. The pattern is presented for a girl of 2-5 months of age. The back and have a similar view, the only difference is a coquette.

How to sew a baptismal shirt for a girl?

  1. Transfer the details of the patterns from paper to the fabric, do not forget about the allowances. Everywhere you should leave about one centimeter so that the seams do not reduce the thing by one size.
  2. Cut all the parts of the patterns on the fabric.
  3. Sew the coquet to the front.
  4. If you can’t do without outline, outline the side parts of the product, if everything turns out evenly, sew the sidebuses.
  5. Up the zigzag, so that the fabric does not break off all the seams.
  6. In the end, start processing the neck, bottom and sleeves. They can be sheathed with ruffles, frills, ribbons, lace or just tired of the bottom and sleeves, and flash the neck with a head.

Also, the finished product is also decorated with different cliffs, ruffles, embroidery, depending on what you have chosen for sewing a shirt. In the photo below, you can see different shirts with beautiful ribbons, lace, embroidery, ruffles of special cotton fabric with embroidery.

Ready -made models of baptismal shirts for girls

Shirt for girls
Shirt for girls
Baptismal outfit for a girl
Baptismal outfit for a girl
Baptismal shirt with a smell
Baptismal shirt with a smell
Baptismal shirt with a tie in the back
Baptismal shirt with a tie in the back
Long baptismal shirt for a girl
Long baptismal shirt for a girl

Video: How to sew a baptismal shirt?

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  1. Hello. Do you have a pattern of a baptismal shirt with a hood and a smell?

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