Coral stone: therapeutic and magical properties, to whom it is suitable for the zodiac sign, photo

Coral stone: therapeutic and magical properties, to whom it is suitable for the zodiac sign, photo

The sea element creates incredible masterpieces - corals that are located in the depths of the seas and oceans, they attract the attention of not only divers, but also jewelers. Decorations with such a stone look gentle and elegant.

The most common corals of pink, red, black, golden and white shades are considered. Read more about the benefits of stone for a person will be described in this article.

Coral stone: properties

  • From the point of view of science, Coral is not quite a stone. The main element of the composition is calcium carbonate with different impurities. The sea breed may contain many different substances of organic origin. The larger their number, the more saturated and darker the shade of coral will be.
  • The Indian breed is a unique variety that consists of 99.98% of organic substances. Therefore, he was introduced to the Red Book. It is forbidden to obtain it on an industrial scale.
  • If the corals are not processed, they have a matte reflection. They have increased sensitivity to high air temperatures, water and the effects of chemical elements. Most often in nature is found red-orange, peach and pale pink stone. One of the most rare and expensive is blue Coral.
The most common color of the stone
The most common color of the stone

If the coral is completely natural, then its cost will not be low. The formation of price is affected by several indicators:

  • how uniform the shade is;
  • lack of damage (cracks and spots).

Coral stone deposit

  • Most often, corals grow in warm seas located in the tropical climate. In them, the temperature of the water is constant and is +20ºС. Therefore, unusual reefs can be seen in the Red and Mediterranean Seas. Often they are found in Japanese and Thai coast.
  • Blue, black and purple crystals Distributed in the south of Asia (Malaysia, Algeria and India). The most famous reef is located near the Australian coast. Its duration is about 2000 km.
In the seas
In the seas
  • The formation of coral bushes occurs at a depth of 3 m. It is inherent in them dense base of increased stiffness, which protects against strong currents and frequent storms. Given that the ozone layer around the planet is constantly destroyed, this leads to the disappearance of shallow corals. This is due to the fact that ultraviolet rays are destructive for "sea masterpieces".

Using coral

  • Now Coral is not only a representative of the fauna of the seas. It is used for manufacturing jewelry. Most often, the red color of the stone is found in the inlapping of jewelry.
  • Processing is carried out in the form of beads. When the grinding of the stone is completed, it will acquire a pleasant uniform shine.
  • Low -quality branches of coral, before processing, process wax. So they become more supple.

The magical properties of Coral

  • In ancient times, there was a belief that jewelry made of sea gem they will help sailors return home.
  • It was believed that the stone will protect its owner from troubles on the road (will prevent storms and storms). He will also reassure a person in difficult times. The mineral, according to many esoterics, has protective properties.
  • With it, you can put protection against damage and evil eye. Coral jewelry is an ideal option for romantic natures. They will help to bring love to life.
  • In ancient times, warriors They decorated their weapons with corals. It was believed that this would protect a person in battle and return home, to the family.
  • Red corals help contact with a strong temperament. If you often experience outbreaks of anger and aggression, wear beads from this mineral.
  • Pink crystals will increase the life expectancy of a person and they will protect him from diseases.
Used to create jewelry
Used to create jewelry

Other magical properties of coral stone include:

  1. The development of logical thinking and intuition.
  2. Attracting the opposite sex.
  3. Protecting pregnant women from miscarriage.
  4. Determination of the presence of the disease.

If you decide to wear coral jewelry, follow his appearance. If deformation (crack, spot) appears, then the stone will lose its strength.

Therapeutic properties of coral

Even in ancient times, folk healers used the precious coral stones For the treatment of bleeding. It is believed that the stone helps heal wounds faster than special pharmacy ointments.

And today the mineral is actively used in folk medicine, providing:

  • normalization of metabolism;
  • restoration of the skin;
  • treatment of head and toothache;
  • stabilization of the work of the heart;
  • normalization of the functioning of the central nervous system;
  • protection against nervous breakdowns and depression;
  • prevention of cancer;
  • getting rid of insomnia;
  • increasing tone and removal of fatigue.
Stones are used to heal the wounds
Stones are used to heal the wounds

Red coral helps in the treatment of throat diseases. White coral is used in surgery for bone implantation. If you make a coral powder, then osteoporosis can be cured.

Stone Coral: Who is suitable for the zodiac sign?

Coral can be described as a romantic stone. He helps his owner reveal the imagination, as well as strengthen sophistication. That is why coral is simply indispensable for women, but it is also important to consider the zodiac sign.

  • Stones should be selected based on an astrological forecast. If you choose the wrong gem, then you can change your energy and life as a whole.
  • Corals are unique stones that are suitable for almost all zodiac signs. But there are exceptions. Coral stone does not fit the zodiac sign Virgo. There is a risk that the stone will strengthen negative character traits.
  • The mineral affects the water elements best, in particular Fish and Aquarius. They can be worn Scorpions and crayfish, not worrying about your mental state. Representatives of the water element should give preference to pink or red varieties of the mineral.
  • If coral jewelry is worn Lions, Sagittarius, Taurus and Aries, then they will be able to balance their quick -tempered temperament. In the character, patience, peace and sympathy will be manifested.
  • Capricorn, Gemini and Libra Brown shades of stone are more suitable. They will strengthen intuition, and will also help attract success.
Not all signs are suitable
Not all signs are suitable

Coral is not only a beautiful representative of the sea fauna. He has healing and magical properties that will help to achieve success and recognition in life. If you wear jewelry from this mineral, you can prevent many dangerous diseases.

We have also prepared interesting information for you about stones such as:

Video: Secrets of Coral

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