Turquoise Stone: meaning, magical and therapeutic properties, to whom is it? Jewelry from turquoise - a stone of love

Turquoise Stone: meaning, magical and therapeutic properties, to whom is it? Jewelry from turquoise - a stone of love

Biryuza is not only a beautiful stone, but also a strong precious amulet. Natural turquoise is inaccessible and rare. Jewelry with turquoise inspire confidence in their master, give him health and tranquility.

Turquoise stone: magical properties to whom it suits is a zodiac sign

Turquoise - A stone familiar to many people. It has long been called the "Stone of luck" or "Stone bringing good luck." It is interesting that its color shades can vary, starting from a gray shade to green. This stone has been attributed for a long time many unique properties. Such properties include both magical and therapeutic abilities of the stone.

In the old days it was read that the contemplation of turquoise during the day relieves a person from depression and bad mood.

Of some of the studied and proven facts, it is worth knowing that frequent monitoring of the stone improves vision. This property is associated with a bright shade of stone. In addition, the direct touch of the human body stone favorably affects the work of his cardiovascular system. That is why wearing turquoise is recommended in earrings and pendants (closer to the heart).

Psychologists say that the bright color of the stone helps a person as much as possible i felt fear less often and did not overstrain emotionally. It is believed that turquoise - remedy for overwork.

busy beads

The magical properties of the turquoise are also a huge amount:

  • Turquoise (but only natural) helps a person has always had a good mood
  • People wearing turquoise are different wealth and financial well -being
  • Turquoise gives its owner good health and longevity, prosperity and joy of being
  • It is believed that turquoise is capable of reconcile even malicious enemies and extinguish any anger

It is interesting to know that the stone with a close connection with its owner is even capable of change your shadeTo warn the "master" about approaching problems. In the Middle Ages, women were especially appreciated by turquoise, because this stone, in their opinion, could help them in the "Cardiac affairs." For this, ladies sewed pebbles into the clothes of a beloved man. A gift for a loved one was considered a symbol of fidelity and family happiness.

From other observations of the stone, it should be noted that turquoise has a positive effect on human intuition.The owner of the turquoise is more brave and happy in lifethan other people. This is because this stone has a relatively strong positive energy. The energy of the stone changes, depending on its color. For example, heavenly blue turquoise-protection against evil, which means it is stronger than all other shades.

Interesting fact: In the process of birth, the stone is in nature, as well as in the process of its ripening - the stone changes its color and its energy. The stone is “born” gray, “grows” with blue and “ripens” green. Green turquoise is considered the weakest in energy and almost “dying” stone. Green turquoise is suitable only for people of mature age who no longer seek to achieve any goals, but simply spend time on rest.

mesh turquoise

Therapeutic properties of stone:

  • It is useful to wear turquoise to those people who often suffer nervous overstrain and insomnia. In such cases, jewelry made of silver will become unusually relevant. Silver - absorbs negative energy, and turquoise gives a positive one.
  • Burrys on the chest heals the heart and diseases of the circulatory system: varicose veins, thrombosis.
  • Also turquoise in pendants and bracelets contributes to getting rid of peptic ulcerand any diseases that affect liver.
  • It is believed that the turquoise framed in gold will be favored increased immunityin humans.

It's important to know: If you wore turquoise and after a while noticed that the stone darkened is a “signal” that you should consult a doctor to examine the state of health.

turquoise - precious stone

What does turquoise look like, what is the color of the stone, its meaning?

In some countries (in Tibet), turquoise is still not considered a stone, but of the real divine essence.Ancient Persian beliefs, for example, argued that turquoise is the result of the decomposition of the bones of those people that died of love.Due to the strong energy of the stone, he was always recommended to wear travelers for good luck on the road, lonely for gaining love and sick for recovery.

Visually, several types of turquoise can be distinguished:

  • Blue blue
  • Blue
  • Greenish-blue
  • Green
  • Pale blue
  • Pale green
  • Mesh turquoise
  • Lace turquoise
  • Yellowish turquoise
  • Sero-green turquoise
  • Olive turquoise
  • Brown turquoise
  • White turquoise (melo -like)
natural stone turquoise

It is interesting to know that mesh pattern,which may be present on the surface of the turquoise, formed due to thin veins. These veins consist of manganese oxide and iron oxide. Their formation is also affected by carbon slate in the breed. If the turquoise has many interspersed, it is customary to call it “matrix” or “lace”. This can only be turquoise of light colors.

Turquoise stone - white, blue, green, red, purple: photo

Stone structure crystalline, with streaks. Sometimes turquoise has growths, sinking masses or layering. Natural turquoise not transparent. The stone is pleasant sometimes wax, sometimes matte shine. The density of natural stone is very high.

The color of the stone most often meets its name - turquoise, but not rarely it has many completely different shades. The color of the turquoise differs depending on the field and the type of stone. For example, arizona turquoise(obtained in the USA, Arizona), is considered the best and most expensive.Such a stone has various color schemes, often has black blotches and even drawings.

blue turquoise
blue turquoise
green turquoise
gray, blue and white turquoise
brown and other types of turquoise

Jewelry with turquoise for women from gold and silver: beads, earrings, rings, bracelets, necklaces, pendants

The fashion for jewelry with turquoise always came and went in separate details, but the popularity of the stone never suffered. He (stone) has always been considered a sign of a bold and confident person. It was for this reason that turquoise was customary to decorate not only the body, but also the weapon for the battle.

Turquoise - stone Talisman. Biryuza jewelry was always valued and respected. Beauty, design and appearance of jewelry varyed, depending on the color of the stone.

Women's jewelry with turquoise:

watch with turquoise
rings with turquoise
Neck with turquoise from Tiffany
Buses with turquoise
Suspension with turquoise
Earrings with turquoise
Golden ring with turquoise
Ethnic -style necklace with turquoise

Jewelry with turquoise for men made of gold and silver: rings, rings, prints

Do not consider turquoise only female stone.Increasingly, modern jewelry companies and manufacturers create men's jewelry supplemented by turquoise. Correctly chosen jewelry not only improve health and cheer up, but also helps that a person is accompanied by luck.

Men's jewelry with turquoise:

Silver ring with turquoise
Fenechka with turquoise
Male ring with turquoise crumbs
Silver ring with turquoise

Turquoise - a stone of love: how to speak turquoise for love?

The turquoise has long been considered a stone of love.For this reason, both women and men wore it. Lonely people believed that turquoise could give them meeting with a loved one. Family people wore turquoise in order to preserve and protect their family happiness.

To date, the stone has not changed its magical properties. It is common to wear it for those people who do not need sharp changes, but want to find their own calm happiness of family strong relationships.It is recommended to choose the turquoise that suits your zodiac sign.

A gift from turquoise is considered a sign of strong love relationships. Husband or wife gives her second half of turquoise as recognition in fidelity and devotion.

Turquoise - a stone of love

You can speak a stone for love and strengthen its energy with a conspiracy:

Conspiracy for love

Who can not wear a turquoise stone?

Turquoise is the stone that suits many. But he also has some “incompatibility”. It is believed to wear turquoise you can’t evil people.They should completely avoid any, even the smallest inserts made of stone. It is believed that people with a “bad character” either will not help or harm.

Also, turquoise should not be worn to those women who are very much like to apply cosmetics on the face and body. We are talking about excessive quantities. It is not worth doing this because the stone, in contact with chemical components, able to deteriorate.It also occurs in contact with oils (creams, lotions) and alcohol (perfumes).

Modern soap is also able to negatively affect the beauty of the stone. Therefore, before taking the shower Il Bath, as well as before washing hands - it is necessary to remove the jewelry.

Why can not be worn by turquoise to lions?

Despite the fact that turquoise is very favorable stone, she can hardly be worn by people with a sign of a lionhoroscope. It is because of its unique properties that turquoise is capable of drive the state of the lion's health.This stone can even weaken the human nervous system of this zodiac sign and the worst is not to improve, but worsen well -being. In some cases, turquoise - the reason for the financial collapse of the lion.

Other negative effects of turquoise on the lion:

  • Significant deterioration in the work of the reproductive system, reduces the activity of lions
  • Turquoise worsens lion's ability to work
  • Contributes to the fact that lions "tolerate" failures in the professional field
Turquoise cannot be worn to lions

- turquoise - precious or semiprecious stone?

Biryuza is considered a precious stone. However, the value of this stone depends on its appearance and deposit. As already mentioned, the most expensive turquoise is considered to be the one that is mined in the USA. The precious must be called natural turquoise.

Often, under the name “turquoise”, manufacturers sell various minerals of blue shades or ordinary plastic.

Why does turquoise change color?

The word “turquoise” in translation sounds like “winning” (from ancient Persian), and not “blue”. This stone is a sedimentary rock, which has many different shades. Turquoise is one of not many stones that tend to change its color, depending on external factors.

Turquoise can change color due to:

  • Heating
  • Exposure to chemical elements

If the stone is subjected to temperature treatment (It stays in the sun for a long time, in the oven, hot water), it becomes a plain and ugly muddy green color. If any effect on the stone chemical substances (from cosmetics, household chemicals or substances produced by the human body in case of illness), it gains yellowish crashes and spots.

The turquoise changes color

Turquoise stone magic properties according to the signs of the zodiac for men and women

The main council of astrologers - choose blue turquoise.Blue turquoise has a strong positive energy. You should also focus on the zodiac sign when choosing a decoration with turquoise:

  • Blue turquoisesuitable for Sagittarius, Capricorn, Libra
  • Green turquoiselike scorpions, as well as Taurus
  • White turquoisevery harmonizing Aries, Virgo and Pisces
  • Gray turquoisecorresponds to scorpions, Aquarius
  • Brown turquoisesuitable cancer, body, scales
Turquoise by zodiac signs

Turquoise Stone: How to distinguish from a fake?

Modern manufacturers of jewelry learned to fake natural turquoise. Natural turquoise is very expensive, rare and valuable. Therefore, making its imitation is much easier and cheaper.

Minerals and other materials that are often similar to stone often act as fakes:

  • Varisci
  • Govlit
  • Chrysocall
  • Turquoise is artificial
  • Plastic
  • Ceramics
  • Porcelain
  • Colored glass
  • Bone

In order not to be a deceived manufacturer, you should know some ways to determine the fake:

  • The fake leaves a colored mark on a wet cloth, natural - no
  • The surface of natural stone is porous
  • On the surface of the original turquoise there can be no cracks or any bubbles, bloating and swelling
  • If you buy beads or a turquoise bracelet, the color of the stone outside and inside in the hole should not vary
  • If you heat the needle and bring the edge to the turquoise - the plastic will immediately melt, the bone will begin to smell bad after such a procedure
  • If you start to scratch the turquoise with a needle, the fake will leave traces of scratches, and the natural will not be able to deteriorate
How to recognize natural turquoise?

Turquoise stone: what to wear with?

Biryuze jewelry is very good for blue -eyed people. Choosing a stone, you should focus on the color of your skin: dark people should be bought turquoise in gold, and people with white skin color - turquoise in silver decoration.

It is best to have two jewelry with turquoise on the body:

  • The necklace is a bracelet
  • The necklace is a ring
  • The ring is earrings
  • The ring is a bracelet
  • The ring is a suspension
  • Bracelet - earrings and so on.

Extremely relevant will be additions from the shawls and scarves of turquoise shades, as well as the pursuit of turquoise makeup in makeup.

How and with what to wear turquoise?

How to care for turquoise?

Natural stone requires careful care in order to delight the owner of the owner as long as possible and carry only positive energy. The turquoise is very hygroscopic. This means that it must be protected from such influences:

  • Heat and overheating
  • Ultrasound
  • Chemical effect
  • Acid
  • Abrasives

Take care of turquoise from chemical elements in soap, shampoo, detergents, perfumes. Grind turquoise with a dry cloth or a piece of suede for shine and radiance.

Video: "To whom does the turquoise bring happiness?"

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