Aquamarine stone - historical mention of stone, therapeutic and magical properties - which zodiac sign is the stone?

Aquamarine stone - historical mention of stone, therapeutic and magical properties - which zodiac sign is the stone?

Aquamarine stone is very beautiful and has huge healing and magical properties. You will learn about them from the article.

Aquamarine is an incredible beauty of a stone that has been known since ancient civilizations. The Sumerians considered it filled with precious beauty of the sea Dali Aquamarin with a symbol of happiness, longevity and eternal youth. The ancient rivers and the Romans considered a stone capable of protecting navigators from adversity associated with their profession.

Historical mention of aquamarine

Aquamarine Also personified devotion and love.

  • The Romans depicted on the stone the master of the seas - Poseidon, and took him with them to swim, believing in his protective properties.
  • The sailors from the mouths of the mouth conveyed legends in which sirens who kept stones in their palaces, during a strong storm handed them to them to protect. The stone is able to predict bad weather - on the eve of the rain or storm, he shows a green hue, and in bright and sunny weather is clean and transparent, sparkles with his blue overflows.
With overflows
With overflows
  • The first written references to the stone belong to the writer who lived in the first century of our era in Rome - Pliny the Elder. It was with his light hand that the stone began to be called aquamarine, which in the literal translation means “sea water”. The author also noted the stunning similarity of the mineral with emeralds and beryls, and also gave the first detailed description that made it possible to distinguish it from other stones.
  • In the medieval chronicles of the thirteenth and fourteenth centuries, a stone is mentioned, which seems to carry the strength of the sea. Despite the dark centuries and the attitude to magical objects in those days, the stone continued to use to revive the fire of feelings between spouses.
  • Aquamarine It also refers to the family of minerals that the emerald is beryls. It has very high hardness indicators, for which it is appreciated among jewelers. Today, the largest stone deposits are located in Brazil, Russia and Madagascar. The largest aquamarine mined was found in a deposit in Brazil and weighed one hundred and ten kilograms.

Therapeutic properties of aquamarine

Since ancient times, crystals of Aquamarine have been considered some barometers of the psychophysical state of the owner. The code of the man who bore him was healthy - the stone retained his purity and transparency. The darkened crystal talked about the unsatisfactory mental or physical condition of the owner. Also, the stone changes color - when a person is happy and experiences joy, he becomes blue, when the owner is anger or simply upset - greens. If you experience sadness, your aquamarine may become clouded.

  • Aquamarine In ancient times, it was considered one of the most valuable minerals used in medicine. In ancient manuscripts, it was described as a panacea from arthritis of various origin, inflammation of the eyeball, problems with the respiratory system and seasickness.
  • In ancient Rome, Aquamarin was recommended to wear people suffering from diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, liver and respiratory apparatus.
  • Transferring the calmness of the sea surface during the sunny Mediterranean morning, the stone is also able to restore the psyche of the owner - it soothes, relieves longing and gives the owner mental balance.
  • Perhaps, due to its marine energy, the stone has a powerful effect on the organs participating in the process of breathing. With acute respiratory viral infections and similar diseases, he saves the owner of the cough and frees the nasal passages, thereby facilitating breathing. It also eliminates the sore throat and helps with an increase in body temperature.
  • In winter aquamarinebe sure to keep in a prominent place in the house (preferably in the Feng Shui health sector)-it will help strengthen immunity and your loved ones will not be susceptible to viral diseases and other health problems.
  • If you showed eczema, redness, urticaria or other skin diseases have appeared - you need to wear aquamarine.
  • The stone positively affects the function of the thyroid gland and is able to put the hormonal background of the owner or owner without any medicinal interventions.
  • If you have vision problems, keep crystals in closed centuries for twenty minutes a day and soon you will notice an improvement.
  • With encircling lichen aquamarineapply as an additional drug.
  • If you feel internal cramps, lie on a bed or sofa, relax and put the stone on the solar plexus for thirty minutes. Repeat the sessions until the problem disappears.
  • People who have elderly parents advise them to give them a groove aquamarine-they positively affect the cardiovascular apparatus and will help support their heart.

Another magical ability aquamarine - The stone brings the water balance to normal.

Aquamarine in magic

The first magical property aquamarine It can be considered that he is cloudy, someone begins to tell you a lie with the code with you. This can provide invaluable assistance in important negotiations or business meetings. Men, if desired, can carry a stone with them in their pocket, and women can wear a jewelry with aquamarine.

Used in magic
Used in magic
  • Aquamarine warns the owner of the misfortunes that are approaching him or even death. In case of danger to its owner, the stone changes its transparency and also becomes muddy.
  • Protective properties aquamarine He is manifested in protection of negative thoughts, damage, evil eye, energy vampirism and even unclean power. The stone creates a powerful barrier, protecting the energy field of its owner from negativity.
  • Acting on the psychological state of the owner aquamarine Increases self -esteem. Therefore, if you are depressed or for some reason have lost your own abilities and cannot find balance-be sure to purchase and wear aquamarine.
  • The mineral makes a man wearing him stronger and more enduring - therefore, he was taken on long trips, military campaigns and simply put on when they felt the decline of physical strength.
  • Aquamarine makes his owner (or owner) an incredibly talented speaker. Thanks to him, you will be calm, wherever the discussion brought your opponents, and you will definitely find arguments that will help you attract even opponents of your idea to your side. Your speech will literally disarm the opponent. Any conflict will be resolved peacefully and there is such a unique idea that will not leave a deprived of any side. Many people in antiquity and now take Aquamarine with them to work meetings, courts and explanations with leadership.
  • The stone helps its owner to improve and get better in everything - in study, work, relations to relatives, physically - not a single side of your I will be deprived of magical protection and support for aquamarine.
  • In the love sphere aquamarineit is also indispensable - he helps women who want to return their beloved to their seven, guys make peace with the desired girl or attract her attention.
  • Scandals in the house where it is aquamarine, especially in the zone of love and family relationships - also do not have time to flare up and bring pain to any of the parties.

Thanks to the sedative and positive influence of stone from the Beryl family, completely different people can live in peace and happiness. At the same time, they will not have quarrels or thoughts of parting. It was because of this properties of the stone in ancient times that there was a tradition to present the stone of the newlyweds in the early days of their joint path. It was believed that it was thanks to the stone that people who were almost not familiar before the wedding, successfully coexisted together and even became happy.

Rings with aquamarine They help to keep feelings even at a distance. Before prolonged separation in ancient times, the couple exchanged such rings believing that they would help to save feelings, not to discredit them with marital infidelity and return a dear person to family blood intact and sound.

  • Aquamarine Develops the owner of a sense of foresight, teaches him to trust his intuition. People who have a stone or interacting with it for a long time can foresee a near future, troubles or events that are hidden capabilities.
  • Aquamarine - Stone of one -lover. If someone else in your family loves aquamarine or needs his help, you can not give your stone. Better get a few pebbles.
Psychics advise
Psychics advise

Psychics recommend periodically looking at aquamarine -Thanks to this, your soul is cleansed of resentment and any negativity. And holding it in your hands - calm and healing of the ailments are guaranteed to you. It is also useful to keep aquamarine in the “Aura reach limits”, you work, learn or even sleep - the stone will save you and help you in your business.

Aquamarine and horoscope: what is the zodiac sign of the stone?

Astrologers are convinced that there is no such sign of the zodiac to which Aquamarine would be contraindicated at all. Of course, he brings the most good to ardent scorpions, but other signs can acquire a lot if they add aquamarine to their collection of stones.

  • Aries thanks to aquamarine They will become softer, learn to be more kind and responsive, thanks to which they will simply acquire incredibly powerful support among families and friends.
  • Gemini The stone will show the path to self -development and self -improvement, will teach to be wiser and restrained and help to establish connections with others. Thanks to this, the forever insecure, rushing from side to side, and the worrying twin will finally gain the integrity of personality and calm.
  • Unreasonable anxiety that is so characteristic Cancer and Lions They will stop tormenting them and complicate their lives if there is aquamarine nearby. Representatives of these signs of the zodiac will gain mental balance and a sense of stability.
For balance
For balance
  • Virgo, whose life strongly spoil their overstated demands for themselves and people around them will become softer and calm. Their life will be in principle happier if Aquamarine is within the reach of their aura, and they will periodically hold it in their hands.
  • ScalesEternally hesitating and not having strength and confidence for the adoption of this or that decision, will gain the land underfoot and will be endowed with balances and determination that they lack, with more than.
  • SagittariusLike Taurus, the energy of gem is not always clear and pleasant. But those who will attract the incredible power of the stone and it will seem attractive, Aquamarine will help to solve many problems, protect and support where necessary.
  • Aquarius, often making unreasonable waste and then regret about them, will acquire a financial mentor in the form of aquamarine. The stone will cool the seething spontaneity of Aquarius, protect it from rash acts, teach you how to spend money correctly, put it off a little for the future and will help to establish finances as a whole.
For finance
For finance
  • Fish aquamarine He will teach how to properly set goals in the priority order, making the owners successful. By directing fish to spiritual self -improvement, the gem turns them into self -confident individuals.
  • The greatest help and support aquamarine will provide ScorpionsWhich, in fact, is simply nowhere without this gem. The emotionality, impulsiveness and powerful sexual energy of Scorpio leads to the fact that representatives of this sign make a huge number of mistakes in life. Aquamarine Helps scorpions to reduce the level of aggression and impulsiveness, tells them the right path and becomes a faithful companion and support along this path.

Aquamarine, both processed and not, is recommended to be worn in the form of an amulet and, under any circumstances, keep nearby. Calm and positive fluids of the stone will direct any of your activity in a positive channel and will simply make you a little happier.

Video: Sacred properties of aquamarine

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